
NEW: Industry 4.0 powered by OriginTrail ✈️🚄

💾 McKinsey & Company: Manufacturing is the most data-prolific sector, yielding on average 1.9 petabytes of data yearly.

Effective data exchange is vital for sustainable production and trusted #AI. Challenges such as supply chain disruptions, cybersecurity threats, and data silos hinder progress.

More about OriginTrail's #DePIN for Industry 4.0



SNPad aims to revolutionize the TV advertising industry.

✨ first global app capable of replacing the boring ads we see on TV while watching a program. It works for cable, satellite, and antenna (DVB).



🟢 CMC:


🔸Decentralized Ad Platform: Advertisers can publish their ads without a centralized entity's involvement if they choose.
🔸Decentralized Delivery Network: Miners on SNPad receive a 5% share of SNPad's cut for delivering video ads to their neighbors.
🔸Published Apps: iOS and Android mobile apps, as well as LG and Samsung TV apps, are already available in stores.


#DePIN #SNPad #adsreplacing


Staking went live on the NeuroWebAI
blockchain on Polkadot.

$TRAC delegated staking is now available both on Gnosis chain and NeuroWebAI via staking dashboard. $50,000,000 + worth of $TRAC is shielding the network resiliency, making sure a growing number of world-class companies, builders & researchers can use the #OriginTrail's #DePIN for:

🚢Global trade
📰IP protection
🌎and more

More about delegated #staking👇

💡A brilliant short explainer of how companies like Google, Netflix, & Amazon use knowledge graphs to capture enourmous value, and how OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) #DePIN democratizes data ownership and drives fidelity of #AI forging strong partnerships🎬



Сети DePIN возвращают контроль над инфраструктурой Интернета пользователям

◻️Сети #DePIN освобождают Интернет от власти больших компаний. В авангарде этого движения находятся #Akash, #Helium и #Filecoin.
◻️В настоящее время контроль над Интернетом в значительной степени сосредоточен в руках нескольких компаний, которые пользуются огромными преимуществами в плане масштабирования и защиты со стороны регулирующих органов. ◻️Эти компании управляют наиболее важной инфраструктурой Интернета, от оказания услуг, таких как телекоммуникации, до предоставления цифровых товаров, таких как вычислительные мощности. Их доминирующее положение привело к снижению конкуренции в соответствующих отраслях, что неизбежно привело к росту цен и сужению выбора, и в конечном итоге это нанесло ущерб потребителям.
◻️Новый набор платформ, называемых децентрализованными сетями физической инфраструктуры (#DePIN), возвращает контроль над инфраструктурой Интернета тем, кому это должно принести наибольшую пользу: пользователям. Эти сети, построенные на общедоступных блокчейнах, способны продвинуть прорывные инновации некоторых компаний, таких как #AirBNB, на шаг вперед, предоставляя гражданам возможность владеть инфраструктурой вокруг себя, монетизировать и улучшать ее.

💾 McKinsey & Company: Manufacturing is the most data-prolific sector, yielding on average 1.9 petabytes of data yearly.

Sitting in disconnected sources, it ends up being siloed and meaningless.

🇪🇺#DMaaST uses #OriginTrail's #DePIN to drive trusted #AI in✈️aerospace and🔋electronics👇


A growing number of world-class companies, builders & researchers use the OriginTrail #DePIN for:

🚢Global trade
📰IP protection

$50,000,000 + worth of $TRAC is shielding the network resiliency.

Learn more about delegated #staking👇


С начала 2024 года венчурные капиталисты все больше внимания уделяют сектору #DePIN

- Число проектов DePIN, успешно привлекающих средства, неуклонно растет каждый месяц.
- С начала года инвестиции получили 35 проектов DePIN.

The largest Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) provides a powerful substrate to tackle #AI hallucinations, bias & model collapse.

The NEW ChatDKG allows you to supercharge your AI solution with data always on $trac(k)🔎

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

It's time you join the world-class companies & builders who drive a Truly Open #AI with OriginTrail #DePIN infra for:

🚢Global trade
📰IP protection
🖼Metaverse & #web3‌‌


GOATs, it's points time 🐐🪂

The biggest #DePIN airdrop campaign in history has begun powered by

Start earning:

Season 1 features airdrops from 5 top DePINs on IoTeX

✅ Wayru
✅ Network 3
✅ Powerpod
✅ Dephy
✅ Inferix

🏰How do we preserve our most cherished cultural heritage sites with #AI?

Leveraging real-time monitoring systems &🤖AI agents built on OriginTrail, Trace Labs collaborates with University of Granada & BUILDCHAIN partners to improve resilience of European historic sites🇪🇺.

🤓Learn from top researchers & builders how verifiable Internet for #AI paired with other cutting-edge #DePIN technologies is the new ally in preserving our most cherished🏰historic sites.

📅Join us for a LIVE webinar on June 6👇


#PowerAgent v2 is a #dePIN network offering “Transaction Signing as a Service” to any user and protocol that wishes to streamline their daily #onchain transactions and #smartcontract interactions.

What does this mean? Here's a breakdown 🧵👇


#PowerAgentv2 is a permissionless and fully #decentralized network of physical infrastructure – nodes running the special Keeper software developed by #PowerPool.

Users, known as Job-owners, can specify the #onchain tasks that they wish to execute and the conditions under which they should be executed.

These conditions can be either:
- Time-based (Interval Job)
- Based on custom logic defined by the user (Resolver Job)

If you want to set up a #DCA strategy, that’s a time-based Job.

For example, swap a predefined number of tokens every 15 mins/hour/day.

Easily done with #PowerAgent!

If you need to protect your #CDP from #liquidations, that requires some calculations.

Then the workflow will be the following:
- Check the health factor every block
- If it’s below a certain value, repay part of the debt
- If it’s too high, you can safely borrow more

Why do it yourself, when you can reliably outsource all the tedious tasks with #PowerAgent?

These 2 examples are just the tip of the iceberg.


The IoTeX governance is on 🔥🔥🔥 this week, as a new proposal gets passed, another goes LIVE.
Let's explore below ⤵️

✅ IIP-30: Deploy circle's USDC.e standard on IoTeX just got passed. The team will now start work on this implementation that will greatly improve the experience of our DeFi and #DePIN ecosystems.

✅ IIP-31: Bridge solana to iotex_io via iotube_org is open to conversation in our community forum.

🤝 IIP-31 will open many interesting use cases for our #DePIN ecosystem! Please join the conversation 👇


🚨 Partnership Alert

We're onboarding NodleNetwork's 780k+ mobile devices into the IoTeX DePIN ecosystem.

Nodle uses smartphones as edge nodes to create a real world trust network for social good apps. 📲

It's now the largest and fastest growing project integrated in DePIN Scan, increasing interoperability for DePIN as a whole.

Nodle's integration into the IoTeX Liquidity Hub will unlock significant DePIN liquidity growth, building on the $800k+ already created.

But this is only the beginning.

Nodle shares our vision for building #DePIN to benefit everyone, everywhere – our continued collaboration will help realize that vision.


🚨 Starting in 20 minutes

IoTex Spaces 🔥

Hear how the people behind #DePIN's most prominent startups are bringing DePIN to the mainstream.


The #PowerAgentV2 “Transaction Signing as a Service” tool was designed to ensure maximum #security and #reliability, offering users a seamless experience for executing their #onchain workflows.

Here's a breakdown of how the #PowerAgent #dePIN network guarantees security:

- Jobs are executed by #decentralized sets of Keepers, incentivized to execute tasks accurately and without any malicious intent, ensuring a trustworthy environment for all #transactions.

- The system employs built-in random Keeper selection coupled with #automated slashing mechanics that #safeguard Job owners and make it virtually impossible for bad actors to collude or target specific Jobs.

- Extensive code #audits have been conducted, uncovering no #security vulnerabilities or risks of #smartcontract abuse.

- Through ongoing testing, #PowerPool and its partners proactively address potential abuse scenarios and #security loopholes, instilling confidence in the integrity and safety of #PowerAgent.

- #Audit firms like #MixBytes and #Pessimistic are consistently engaged in auditing #PowerPool #contracts, ensuring that the platform adheres to the highest #security standards.

- For an understanding of the #security protocols in place, you can review their detailed security #audit reports:

🚨 Heads-up!
Don't miss out on the CARV Node Sale.


🗓 Whitelisting End Date: 21st May at 6 am UTC
⚠️ CARV Node Sale goes live on Wed 22nd May at 9 am UTC.
🗓 Presale End Date: 23rd May at 4 pm UTC

CARV sits at the intersection between #Data and #DePin as the largest modular data layer powering Gaming and AI businesses.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to drop them here, and we'll do our best to answer them. 👇

Watch and be part of something big ⤵️

We are LIVE NOW at DePIN Hub! 🚀🚀🚀

DePIN Hub is your go-to destination for all the information related to the projects in the DePIN space.

It is also the comprehensive DePIN compedium, providing you with up-to-date information and the latest DePIN news. 🔥

Check out our page there:

#C4E #DePIN #Crypto


🚨 Partnership Alert

IoTeX x Moonchain x Drop Wireless

🤝 Multi-Protocol (L1 + L2 Rollup + L3 zkEVM) = Future of #DePIN mining

⚡️ Beginning this summer, Drop Wireless devices will operate on both IoTeX and Moonchain, enabling thousands of users to mine $DWIN across both ecosystems!

Read more here:


peaq 🤝 Mastercard

peaq has been selected for Mastercard's award-winning Start Path program to explore synergies and opportunities between the #DePIN sector and the world of traditional finance and fintech 🏦


Our L1 #Blockchain platform supports a variety of innovative energy and e-mobility applications by creating a decentralized and democratized community-powered ecosystem. 🚀

But how? Through the tailored products & tools which are:

ChargEra - designed to streamline and decentralize the EV charging experience for both #charger hosts and EV drivers. It will ensure that they can easily access the charging of their EVs while completing the settlements for it in C4E/FIAT #DePIN payments and also granting them passive income 💰 opportunities.

DeEC - Decentralized Energy Communities which play a crucial role in fostering energy communities through the use of the blockchain technology. This product enables these communities to manage and settle the energy payments among all of their members and further creating a more interconnected and supportive network.

DeGEP - Decentralized Green Energy Proofs that utilize blockchain technology to provide reliable proof of the origin and authenticity of green #energy.

DeTrack - Decentralized Energy Tracking tool that enables the tracking of the entire green energy production and consumption data cycle.

Learn more about our products here:


What makes #PowerAgent a game-changer in the world of #DeFi automation?

✅ Decentralized & Permissionless:

#PowerAgentv2 operates as a #dePIN network offering “#Transaction Signing as a Service,” allowing anyone to run a Keeper node.

By staking $CVP tokens, participants can earn fees from transaction signing and verifying successful executions by other Keepers.

✅ Basic Interval Tasks:

Job Owners can set up Jobs to call #contracts at regular intervals. These Jobs can have predefined calldata or be simple contract calls.

✅ Advanced Resolver Jobs:

Job Owners can define #onchain conditions for each Job, specifying when and under what conditions the code should be executed.

The contract’s #calldata can be generated through the estimation of this execution.

✅ Dynamic and Flexible:

PowerAgent supports a variety of user flows, enhancing the capabilities and efficiency of #DecentralizedFinance protocols.

✅ Secure and Trustworthy:

With a #decentralized and #permissionless framework, PowerAgent ensures robust #security and reliability for all #automation tasks.

Vasily Sumanov


Get ready for an out-of-this-world episode of #AdLunam's #DiViC!

We're joined by Yog Shrusti, Founder & CEO of Farmsent, discussing the revolutionary #DePIN that's changing the game for farmers!

Mark your calendars for:
📅 16th May
⏰ 1pm UTC / 3pm CET

Spread the word!


AdLunam: Website

🔗 Our Social Media Links

Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram Ann | Telegram Chat | LinkedIn | Medium | Facebook


🥷The market's experiencing a significant dip, prompting me to rebalance my mid and long-term positions, particularly focusing on mid-cap stocks. I've increased my holdings in $CGPT at around $0.22, $XETA at $0.009, $FJO at $1.37, added more $POKT $RNDR $BTC $ARB $OP $HMX #LFG 🚀

🔭Expecting Green Market After 15th May #LFG 🚀



Mark your calendar and join the upcoming AMA panel!

🎤 Guests: KIP Protocol, Synesis One,

📅 Date: 10th May, time 1PM UTC

Some topics:
● Importance of decentralized #AI
● AI-driven solutions in crypto
● AI narrative in crypto
● Synergy of AI and #DePIN technologies


Info 😎 Website 📣 Announcements Global chat 🚀 Twitter


❗️Voting on IIP-25: Delegate Endorsement is LIVE 👇

✅ IIP25 promotes participation and accessibility in the #IoTeX and #DePIN ecosystems! 🌍🤝
✅ Delegate Endorsement lowers the barrier of entry for any #DePIN enthusiast by allowing them to participate in the IoTeX network without the self-staking requirement.
✅ IIP25 also promotes more collaboration and a better support system, by allowing stakeholders with more substantial funds to endorse and help newcomers in the ecosystem!


R3AL TALK with atorprotocol

Big Brother who? Own your privacy.

Discover how & why #ATOR is building a #DePIN of community-owned relay devices to break free from online surveillance.

Your commute just got a LOT more interesting.

Streamr DATA, the next coin to make 100x ??

This one you’ve heard us making a lot of noise about in the past few days. Streamr hyperscales live data for #AI, video, and #DePIN via secure P2P distribution.

Capable of streaming any live media or real‑time data at scale with the ability to deliver data to, from & between AI models and AI agents. Become a Node Operator and earn by securing the network with your latent bandwidth.

Partnership with BOSH and many big companies.

Buy on Binance DATA / BTC
Join the Streamr TG group

Lepasa Update : May 2024

We're excited to announce a monumental leap in our journey - a result of countless days and nights spent in rigorous research and development by our excellent team of Blockchain Professionals, Cloud Architects & Domain experts.

Our enhanced Website, Concept Paper and revitalised social media presence are ready to redefine the boundaries of the virtual environments. 🌐

This significant transition to Decentralised GPU Infrastructure represents our commitment to constant innovation and community empowerment.

Join us as we step into this DePin era together!

Explore the future with us and join the conversation on Telegram and Twitter! 🚀

#Lepasa #DePin #Web3 #Revolution 🚀


#PowerPool's vision is crystal clear: the Future of #DeFi and #Web3 will be Fully Automated with #PowerAgent!

Get ready to say goodbye to manual actions and embrace seamless #automated #onchain flows!

Let’s dive deeper into the basis of this #vision! 🧵👇

1/ In just three years, #dePIN networks like #PowerAgent will revolutionize how transactions are handled.

Users will witness a shift from manual actions to seamless #automated #onchain flows!

2/ As we enter the next phase of #Web3, users, #AI agents, and protocols will generate an increasing number of flows and intent-based #strategies.

The growing user base demands convenience, and #automation is the name of the game!

3/ As a result, we envision “#Transaction Signing as a Service” #dePIN #networks will be the primary consumers of #block space and the driving force behind #transactions in the near future.

4/ #PowerPool’s #PowerAgentV2 network is designed to empower this #automated future, offering a #decentralized, #reliable, and #permissionless service for user flows and intents, #AI-#agents, protocols, and #dApps.

5/ Get ready for a paradigm shift towards #automation in #DeFi and #Web3 with #PowerPool #DAO leading the way!

Join us on this journey towards a more #automated, collaborative, and user-centric experience!

6/ Learn more about #PowerPool’s vision for #automation with its #PowerAgent:

Check the thread:

💡How decentralized is DePIN, really?

Many DePINs are still heavily reliant on centralized cloud-based systems.

We need a standardized DePIN-specific architecture, built modular and adaptable to promote decentralization, layer by layer.🎯

This is the #DePIN blueprint.✍️



#PowerPool's #dePIN #PowerAgentV2 network provides “Transaction Signing as a Service”!

It’s an innovative solution for #DeFi users and blockchain node runners/validators to streamline their operations and maximize earnings!

What does PowerAgent offer? Read more to find out 🧵👇

1/ For users:
By abstracting the complexities of scheduled/automatically executed transactions, users no longer have to run their own bots to enjoy the superior #UX of #automated #onchain flows.

2/ Powered by a #decentralized network of Keeper bots, “#Transaction Signing As a Service” allows you to automatically execute your own (and #AI-generated) flows, intents, and #yield strategies without the hassle of managing #infrastructure.

3/ Want to explore the possibilities? For inspiration on how you can #leverage the power of #automation, check out our Use Cases:

4/ From simple tasks to complex #fund management strategies, #PowerPool has you covered!

Dive into #automation with our easy-to-follow guide on creating your first automation Job:

5/ For #blockchain #validators and node runners:

#PowerPool can add a new #revenue stream to your setup!

By running a #PowerAgent Keeper node, you can automatically earn #execution fees and #gas #compensations in the native #blockchain asset.

6/ To run a node, Keepers stake $CVP, and qualify for the execution of various tasks.

Your $CVP #stake acts as a #security deposit, ensuring honest behavior and earning you higher execution #fees.

7/ Get started today!

Check out our Keeper node documentation to kickstart your #PowerAgent #automation journey:


PowerPool’s #PowerAgent is a #dePIN network that offers “#Transaction Signing as a Service”.

Users, protocols, and developers can now effortlessly automate their #onchain flows!

How? Let’s dive! 🧵👇

With #PowerAgent, users can set up interval-based tasks like claiming rewards or complex resolver tasks with arbitrary logic.

From harvesting #rewards to #limitorders, #liquidation protection, and #Uniswap v3 position management, the possibilities are endless!

The network is powered by #independent Keepers that execute Jobs created by users.

Full node owners and #validators are ideal candidates to run Keepers, as it provides them with a new revenue stream while ensuring network #decentralization!

To use the network to automate your #onchain flows, simply submit a Job to the #PowerAgent #contract.

A Job is defined by the target contract, conditions for its #execution, and can be flexibly configured in multiple ways to tailor it exactly to your needs 👇

The time interval for execution


Arbitrary execution logic for resolver-based Jobs

Define the stake range for eligible Keepers

Raising its lower bound will result in fewer available Keepers but with higher responsibility.

Note that execution fees are #stake-dependent, so set the upper bound to limit the cost of #automating your flow!

Set the max #block base fee to prevent #execution of non-critical tasks during #gas spikes!

The #payment source for your flows can also be configured.

The Job’s #balance can be easily topped up on the UI.

Using the Owner’s balance may be more convenient if you have multiple Jobs!

Check out the Job Registration Guide to learn more about Jobs, their structure, and how to submit them:

Start your journey with #PowerAgent today and unlock the potential of #automated workflows with #PowerPool!


🔥 Теперь на #KuCoin доступна торговля $MSN!


Узнайте больше о Meson.Network на визитной карточке #KuCoinCryptoGem.

#DEPIN #Infrastructure

🔹Explore the Beldex decentralized physical infrastructure: Discover how the innovative Beldex DePIN ecosystem, including BelNet, is reshaping blockchain interaction.

🔹Learn how the combination of Masternodes and incentivization of services provided by the community contributes to the sustainability of dApps built over the Beldex network.

#Beldex #DePIN

post-img X Port3 Network 🪙 is a #DEPIN that deploys and manages on-demand, decentralized #GPU clusters from geo-distributed sources.

💻 Using 's advanced #GPU capabilities, Port3 Network can improve its #AI servicing layers' performance and scale to manage larger datasets and models.

We are here to craft the technology of tomorrow!

ℹ️ Info 😎 Website 📣 Announcements ✈️ Global chat 🚀 Twitter

👏🔥We're so incredibly proud to officially launch PreGPT 1, the World‘s first AI chatbot powered by a decentralized compute network from our partner

✨We’ll be live at

💡Instructions and FAQ:

🤓Blog post:

#AI #DePIN #PreGPT #Tech #Bullrun #DecentralizedAI @salad_chefs


🎠 Ready to trade like a boss? Dive into our #AI & #DePIN Trading Carnival!

🎁 New API user? Snag your Welcome Bonus Now!
💸 Trade #BASE Ecosystem Tokens and watch your rewards multiply!

Learn more and join the $10,000 rewards pool party now 👉

#BitMart #giveaway #crypto #cryptotrading


💡 Using w3bstream to prove the correct execution of an AI model in your DePIN application (in a truly decentralized way) 👇

✅ This example leverages RiscZero to create the prover, and the SmartCore Lib v0.3.2 for!

👉 This quick start will help you:

1) Generate the AI model, then build and test the Risc0 prover;
2) Create a W3bstream project and use it in your #DePIN #dApp.

🎥 For the visual learners out there, check out this demo explaining all the steps and architecture of the project:

What is PolkaBridge AI Chain? (#Layer2 #AI #DePIN #RWA)

It's Layer-2 Ethereum blockchain base on AI Node Validators, and will use $PBR as gas fees.

1) $PBR will exist on the Ethereum main chain and be connected to the PolkaBridge AI Chain in the future to be used as gas fees.

2) As PolkaBridge AI Chain grows, more $PBR will be burned and supply will decrease over time. This is the biggest use cases for $PBR token

3) We will develop many applications related to #AI #RWA and #DEPIN on this AI Chain. It will be a burning HUB and reduce the supply of $PBR

4) The testnet version of PolkaBridge AI Chain is expected to launch in Q3/2024 and mainnet in Q1/2025

5) No migration, no new token. Just develop new DApp to extend $PBR use case (BURN $PBR 👀 )


#DeFi or #RWA? The most popular narratives are all here! 🔥

Which one are you interested in? Comment below ⬇️

#BitMartBites #AI #DePIN #Layer2 #Gaming #Memecoins #Meme #PlayToEarn


New IDO: EarnM

Deflationary #MobileFi & #DePIN Rewards, Transforming Smartphones into EarnPhones

💡 +1,000,000 $EARNM Mystery Boxes distributed
💡 +$250 Million in earnings and savings facilitated to millions of users by Earn’M Team
💡 +1,000,000 aggregate social followers
💡 Deflationary MobileFi & DePIN: New Trends
💡 Revenue-Backed Unit Economics
💡 Mobile Rewards, Made Easy

Whether you’re streaming music or trading crypto — $EARNM makes it easy to earn while using your phone.

Registration Link:

Like & Repost:

Take a sneak peek into the conversation between SingularityNET's Janet Adams & OriginTrail's Tomaz Levak about the convergence of #AI and #Crypto.

The video of entire panel talk from #DePIN day hosted by Aethir during Token2049 will be available next week.

Credits: DGRS Maxi


$5,000 in $ATOR rewards up for grabs at 260%+ APR.🤯

is joining the IoTeX #DePIN Liquidity Mining initiative. ⛏

✨Start earning:

The earlier you join, the bigger your rewards.💰


Visiting Token2049?

Hear Tomaz Levak of OriginTrail at the #DePIN Day hosted by Aethir as he will join the #AI panel with:

​Nick Emmons - Allora

Humayun Sheikh - FetchAI

​Jesse Eisses - Nosana

​Julian Peh - KIP Protocol


© 2022 GlavCrypto. Matvienko has been winging us.