PowerPool Announcements

Farm the influence, accumulate the governance power in Ethereum-based protocols! $CVP | http://powerpool.finance
PowerPool Announcements

What sets the PowerAgent Automation Network apart from other solutions?


✅ Unlike other projects that require running multiple complex validation nodes, #PowerAgent is a small, lightweight #node client.

#PowerAgentv2 can be run on top of any #Ethereum #validator and, in the future, on any #EVM chains.

✅ PowerAgent’s streamlined design ensures it's accessible and easy to manage, making it ideal for various #DeFi needs.

✅ PowerAgent provides powerful #automation capabilities without the need for massive and complex node setups.

Learn more: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network/power-agent/architecture

PowerPool Announcements

Why is automation essential in modern DeFi, especially for AMMs?


✅ AMM design has surpassed the point where average users can or should passively LP responsibly.

✅ To effectively LP in AMMs now, automation services like PowerAgent are crucial.

✅ Similar stories can be told across various DeFi primitives, highlighting the need for automation.

✅ PowerAgent facilitates DeFi operations, ensuring they are not only useful but also protect your capital.

Get started with PowerAgent: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network/power-agent/marketing-content

PowerPool Announcements

What is the main philosophy behind PowerAgent?

🟦 The design philosophy of #PowerAgent is entirely consistent with the ethos of #Ethereum!

🟦 #PowerAgentv2 emphasizes fully decentralized, permissionless home staking on modest hardware.

🟦 #PowerPool shares the same ethos of small-scale, low-cost home #staking.

🟦 Thanks to our partnership with Dappnode , most crypto enthusiasts can run a Keeper and join the PowerPool-PowerAgent Community.

Get Started Today: https://powerpool.finance/


PowerPool Announcements

Attention #PowerAgentv2 #Keepers!

The latest round of $CVP rewards is here for your unwavering commitment and active engagement in driving the growth of #PowerPool!

Once again, we are distributing 3000 $CVP to 30 outstanding testers on the Gnosis Chain and Sepolia networks.

Check out the proof of distribution here: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x05505b6ffd2fd937f8c2d1a213e1c870666b04d70aee53d8e4adf31a878eb1de

A massive shoutout to each and every one of our incredible testers, your contributions are the bedrock of our success!


PowerPool Announcements

Why the PowerAgent is an important Keeper Network for future of Web3?


⚙️ Automation services industry is a very fast-growing market.

⚙️ PowerPool R&D team has forecasts where up to almost 40% percent of on-chain transactions in the future will be run by "Transaction Signing as a Service" networks.

⚙️ We believe that there is potentially a very large home-staker/validator/Keeper fee market that with PowerAgent nodes, almost anyone can access with low-cost hardware.

Start your automation journey today:


Learn more:


PowerPool Announcements

Why is PowerAgent an accessible and efficient solution for DeFi automation for everyone?

🔷 Thanks to DAppNode, setting up and running a PowerAgent node is straightforward, super easy, and user-friendly.

🔷 The partnership of PowerPool and DeBridge ensures that the $CVP staking token is available on every EVM chain we deploy on, making the PowerAgent v2 network highly accessible.

🔷 PowerAgent operates across numerous EVM chains, providing a wide-reaching, decentralized automation network.

🔷 Accessible with low-cost nodes and hardware, making it an efficient solution for various DeFi needs for anyone.

🔷 Keeper nodes running on many EVM chains ensure robust and reliable network operations.

🔷 Low-cost hardware requirements make it an economical choice for decentralized automation and available for anyone.

Join PowerPool and become a PowerAgent Keeper today!


PowerPool Announcements


Have you checked our May stats yet?

Don't miss out on the exciting developments in #Automated #DeFi! Use #PowerAgent for your #DeFi needs and strategies.

Dive into our latest monthly report for all the details 👇


PowerPool Announcements

Good morning, #DeFi believers!

Let's welcome summer together, and rest assured that your #automated strategies on #decentralized protocols are working for you with #PowerAgent while you enjoy the summer time!

Get started here: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network


PowerPool Announcements

Attention PowerPool Community!

Fresh monthly stat dynamics from the #PowerAgentv2 incentivized #Testnet have arrived from #GnosisChain, #Sepolia and #Arbitrum One!

Here are the key highlights from the month of May:

🔹 An influx of new Keepers joining PowerAgent across all networks,
🔹 Mainnet Jobs are beginning to arrive,
🔹 These Jobs are boosting the throughput of #PowerAgent,
🔹 Keepers are enjoying an additional revenue stream through gas compensations and automation fees!

Curious about what's brewing behind these stats?

Dive into our latest monthly report for all the details: https://medium.com/powerpool/powerpool-monthly-update-25-may-2024-baac18decd3e

Stay connected with #PowerPool for more updates on the horizon.

Exciting developments await for #Automated #DeFi!


PowerPool Announcements

#PowerAgent Testers!

We’re delighted to announce the latest round of $CVP airdrops for Week 22, 2024, based on #PowerAgentv2 Keeper activity.

This week, we’re awarding 100 #CVP each to the top 30 most active and high-performing #PowerAgentv2 testers on #GnosisChain and #Sepolia!

Check out the transaction details here: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb01b38944e66211372138d28bcb63aa1ba05b99f1fe5fa6e3a7cb28e881224de

A huge thank you to our incredible contributors for your unwavering dedication to #PowerPool!


PowerPool Announcements

Why join PowerAgent and PowerPool DAO?


✅ Fair Launch DAO:

#PowerPool is a fair launch #DAO.

✅ Standalone Global Service:

#PowerAgent network by PowerPool is a global service network not tied to any single #Layer1 ledger or #Layer2 scaling layer, capable of running on most major #EVM chains.

✅ Low Hardware Requirements:

The #PowerAgentv2 is a network of independent, fee-earning nodes with minimal hardware requirements, suitable for all EVM #chains needing #automation services.

✅ Broad Service Network:

The PowerAgent v2 network will be broad, running across many chains, providing a safe environment for participation.

✅ Earning Fees:

#Node runners/Keepers can earn native token fees, with #gas costs refunded, ensuring fair participation.

Join us: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network

PowerPool Announcements

Configurability of PowerAgent:


✅ Highly Configurable:

#PowerAgent allows for detailed customization of event triggers, job specifications, and minimum signing requirements, all managed job-by-job.

✅ Versatile #Automation:

You can run both simple, low-value tasks and mission-critical, high-value jobs on the same network. Different Keeper sets can be configured through an online interface, offering flexibility and ease of use.

Trustworthiness of #PowerAgentv2:

✅ Randomized Execution: Tasks are executed by randomly selected Keepers within a specified signer set, ensuring impartiality and security.

✅ Keeper Accountability:

Keepers have significant $CVP stakes, ensuring they have 'skin in the game'. If they fail to execute a task, they can be slashed by other Keepers who are always monitoring and keeping them honest.

Get started: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network

PowerPool Announcements

#Decentralized "Transaction Signing as a Service" networks, like #PowerAgent enrich #blockchain ecosystems!

How Exactly? 🧵👇


They offer a range of benefits:

- Enable the creation of cutting-edge automated #DeFi strategies,
- Allow to abstract complexities from end-users,
- Lower the entry barrier for new #validators!

At #PowerPool, we have developed an optimized solution for reliably and cost-effectively #automating any user-submitted or #AI-generated #onchain flows.

Our approach integrates the outcomes of extensive academic research, incorporating key mechanisms such as:

- Random Keeper Selection,
- Algorithmic Slashing,
- #Gas optimization!

Find all the details about #PowerAgentv2’s working principles:


PowerPool Announcements

PowerAgent's Autonomous Execution:

✅ Independent Execution: #PowerAgent v2 ensures that job execution is entirely autonomous and independent of the client protocol. Even if you’re launching a brand new protocol, you earn trust points by using #PowerAgentv2 for job execution.

The Importance of Decentralization:

✅ Avoid Regulatory Red Flags: Running your own local Keeper bot can raise red flags for regulation and #decentralization activists. It's crucial to use a #decentralized solution like PowerAgent.

✅ Decentralization and Trust: Decentralization advocates like Chris Blec will scrutinize centralized keeper bots. Specifying an eligible signer set and ensuring that your Keeper set has sufficient ‘skin in the game’ is vital for high-value, mission-critical tasks.


PowerPool Announcements


#PowerAgent is built as a generalized tool for #automating any user-submitted of #AI-generated flows!

Learn more about the automated #strategies you can build using #PowerPool automation: https://medium.com/powerpool/poweragent-automation-network-value-proposition-functions-f40fd71d817e

Why use #PowerAgent?

First of all, it’s fully #decentralized. You don’t have to put your trust in a #centralized entity.

No single point of failure here, Keepers are connected to their own #private #RPCs ensuring true #decentralization and superior reliability to Job-owners!

#PowerAgent is a generalized and flexible tool for all your needs.

With an ever-expanding range of built-in features, Job-owners can #automate any desired workflow and tailor it exactly to their needs.

The #network is fully #autonomous.

No manual input is required neither from the Job-owner, neither from Keepers, nor from the #DAO.

Users simply register their Job and network executes it automatically when conditions are right.

Built for ultimate cost-effectiveness.

With rigorous #code optimizations and the option to prevent Job executions during #gas spikes, #PowerAgent is built for maximizing the #blockchain #UX while minimizing costs.

The future of #Web3 is #automated!

Experience the benefits of seamless "Transaction Signing as a Service” firsthand and set up your #PowerAgent v2 Job today: https://medium.com/powerpool/introduction-to-job-creation-and-automation-with-powerpool-0a22d9989d39


PowerPool Announcements

#PowerAgent v2 is a #dePIN network offering “Transaction Signing as a Service” to any user and protocol that wishes to streamline their daily #onchain transactions and #smartcontract interactions.

What does this mean? Here's a breakdown 🧵👇


#PowerAgentv2 is a permissionless and fully #decentralized network of physical infrastructure – nodes running the special Keeper software developed by #PowerPool.

Users, known as Job-owners, can specify the #onchain tasks that they wish to execute and the conditions under which they should be executed.

These conditions can be either:
- Time-based (Interval Job)
- Based on custom logic defined by the user (Resolver Job)

If you want to set up a #DCA strategy, that’s a time-based Job.

For example, swap a predefined number of tokens every 15 mins/hour/day.

Easily done with #PowerAgent!

If you need to protect your #CDP from #liquidations, that requires some calculations.

Then the workflow will be the following:
- Check the health factor every block
- If it’s below a certain value, repay part of the debt
- If it’s too high, you can safely borrow more

Why do it yourself, when you can reliably outsource all the tedious tasks with #PowerAgent?

These 2 examples are just the tip of the iceberg.


PowerPool Announcements

#PowerPool Finance has officially joined Orb Club, a vibrant platform designed for artists, creators, degens, and YOU!

Powered by Lens Protocol, Orb Club is where fun meets Web3, and now let’s call it #Automated #Web3!

Discover the best of #DeFi #automation solutions by #PowerAgent with us and be part of our growing community.

Follow us on Orb Club to stay updated on all things PowerPool!

Check out our profile and follow us on Orb Club: https://orb.club/@powerpool


PowerPool Announcements

GM to all #DeFi army!

Let’s automate the #DecentralizedFinance and #Web3 with #PowerAgent all together!

Check our latest report 👇


PowerPool Announcements

PowerPool Community!

We're excited to share the latest developments and achievements from May.

Read more and get detailed insights in the full update: https://medium.com/powerpool/powerpool-monthly-update-25-may-2024-baac18decd3e

PowerAgent V2 Network Stats:

- New deployment on Base L2, soon open for all Base users!
- Contract updates: lastVrfRequestAtBlock, getRequestData, and slashing epoch changes.
- Node updates: job blacklisting fixes, off-chain resolver scripts, and Docker containerization.

PowerAgent Code & UI Updates:

- Significant improvements in contract and node functionalities.
- dApp updates: streamlined components, fixed deprecated products, and enhanced liquidity operations.
- UI/UX overhaul: revised menu structure, quick improvements, and style changes.
- Subgraph updates: new models and deployments on Gnosis, Arbitrum, Ethereum, and Polygon.

R&D Highlights:

- Partitura: Alpha version of its UI for PowerAgent Jobs launched, preparing for a full launch.
- Breadchain: Mainnet deployment on Gnosis Chain and upcoming launch party.
- SupremeDAO: Launch of Genesis Strategy and groundwork for new strategies like SupremePool & L2 Yield Harvester.
- Ongoing support for PowerAgent V2 testnets, including testing, bug fixing, and incentivization CVP airdrops.
- Preparation for PowerPool Points integration in collaboration with Samudai’s “Points as a Service” protocol.

Content Updates:

- Published “EIP-3074 Explained” article.
- Reshaped PowerAgent’s narrative and updated the PowerPool Gitbook.
- Prepared content for Binance Learn2Earn campaign.
- Created numerous tweets showcasing PowerAgent’s features and use cases!

Community News:

- Special AMAs with SupremeDAO, Paladin, and Gotbit Hedge Fund.
- New "Old Friend of PowerPool" badge on DeBank.
-Expanded presence on Phaver, Hey, and Warpcast!

Join the PowerPool Socials to stay tuned for more updates and join us as we continue to innovate in the world of #DeFi and #Web3 automation!


PowerPool Announcements

PowerAgent Automation Network in basics:

✅ Comprehensive Automation: The #PowerAgentv2 #Automation Network is a network of Keepers that execute transactions or Jobs, encompassing on-chain strategies, algorithms, and more.

✅ Versatile Functionality: From #LimitOrders and #DCA strategies to #liquidation protection and Uniswap V3 position management, PowerAgent can handle it all autonomously.

✅ Trustworthy Execution: PowerAgent ensures that all your #onchain tasks are performed reliably and efficiently by a decentralized network of Keepers.

Vasily Sumanov


PowerPool Announcements

PowerAgent: A Comprehensive Automation Toolkit!

✅ Fully Generalized Toolkit: #PowerAgentv2 packages all event-driven functionalities into one flexible solution.

✅ Versatile Capabilities: From low-value simple tasks to high-value mission-critical operations, #PowerAgentv2 handles it all with its generalized task #automation and off-chain computing capabilities.

Why Join the #PowerAgent Network?

✅ Open Participation: Anyone can spin up a PowerAgent Keeper node and join the network.

✅ Stake Requirement: Participants need to stake the $CVP token, ensuring ‘skin in the game’.

✅ Scalable Network: This approach facilitates the growth of large Keeper sets across numerous #EVM chains.


PowerPool Announcements

Introducing the "Old Friend of PowerPool" badge on DeBank! 🎖️

Are you a loyal follower of the #PowerPool journey? If you've been following our Official Account on #Debank for over 30 days, you can now mint this exclusive badge!

🔗 Mint Your Badge Here: https://debank.com/official-badge/128

Stay connected and showcase your commitment to the Automated #DeFi with #PowerPool.

🔗 Follow PowerPool on Debank: https://debank.com/official/PowerPool

Let's continue to innovate and grow together!


PowerPool Announcements

How to Contribute within the PowerPool Ecosystem?

✅ Run a Keeper Node: You can become a Keeper to deploy across numerous #EVM chains.

Get Started: https://docs.powerpool.finance/powerpool-and-poweragent-network

✅ Recruit Job Owners: You can connect with developers who need automation. PowerPool offers #grants for those looking to swap out internal automation for #PowerAgent's #decentralized, trustworthy solution.

Here are the grant details powered by #Gitcoin #GrantsStack: https://medium.com/powerpool/powerpool-grants-and-submission-guidelines-for-contributors-f1cc079752

🔗 Engage with the PowerPool DAO:

✅ Become a Part of the #DAO: As we expand across EVM chains, each #chain and category will have an #Ambassador who knows its protocols and core developers. Soon!

📱 Join us on Social Media:

✅ Participate in Community Channels: Ask insightful questions and engage in threads to make it easier for others to join and participate in the DAO.

✅ Follow & Engage with PowerPool: Follow and interact with PowerPool on your favorite social media platforms:



PowerPool Announcements

Exciting news for #PowerAgentv2 Testers in Week 21, 2024!

This week, we're thrilled to award 30 top-performing testers from the #GnosisChain and #Sepolia testnets with a 100 $CVP #airdrop bonus!

View the distribution transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xc4661189951eb03eb686dbf9fa28b16467b04119e70ac9b1351df8ea95bf94a1

A big shoutout to all our dedicated testers for their exceptional contributions and continuous engagement. Your efforts are truly appreciated!

Thank you for being part of the #PowerPool community!


PowerPool Announcements

There is an amazing development happening!

#PowerPool #SubGraphs are now live!


The PowerPool dApp and #PowerAgent #Keepers now use #decentralized indexing which is provided by The Graph network.

With this development, PowerPool is thrilled to announce that it has completed The Graph Grant!

Explore all Powerpool-#PowerAgent endpoints here: https://github.com/powerpool-finance/powerpool-agent-v2-subgraph

PowerPool Announcements

Join the PowerPool Community!

🔗 Join Us on your favorite platforms and never miss an update: https://link3.to/powerpoolcvp

Stay connected and updated with all things #PowerPool across our diverse social media channels. Engage with us on your favorite platforms and be a part of the revolution in #DeFi & #Web3 automation!

Follow & Join PowerPool Socials on:

- X
- Telegram
- Discord
- CMC Community
- DeBank
- Medium
- YouTube
- Binance
- Phaver
- Hey
- Farcaster
- link3

Let's build the future of decentralized finance together! 💪


PowerPool Announcements

What makes automation essential in the evolving Decentralized Finance and Web3 landscapes?

✅ Advanced Protection: Modern #DeFi primitives are evolving to better protect investors, necessitating increased #automation for seamless operation.

✅ Open-Source Strength: #PowerAgent’s #opensource nature ensures rigorous scrutiny, making it a highly reliable and #secure automation solution compared to #private keeper bots.

✅ Community #Audits: Being open-source, #PowerAgentv2’s code is continually examined and refined by a wide array of protocols and auditors.

✅ Shared Resilience: The collaborative effort results in a robust and hardened code base, enhancing the security and reliability of automated processes in #DecentralizedFinance.

✅ Ecosystem Trust: Open-source #transparency builds trust as multiple stakeholders can verify and contribute to the code’s integrity.

✅ Enhanced Efficiency: Automation not only secures but also streamlines DeFi and #Web3 operations, ensuring smooth and efficient execution of complex strategies.

Gordon Gekko


PowerPool Announcements

#PowerAgentV2 abstracts complexities of efficiently using #DeFi to the max!

With “#Transaction Signing as a Service," users can now easily harness the full potential of DeFi, all while enjoying the seamless UX of #autonomous flows!

Users no longer need to manually monitor on-chain conditions or run centralized bots to benefit from perfectly timed transactions.

Here’s how it works:

You simply set up a Job in the #PowerAgent network:
- Define specific conditions for execution
- Tailor the Job exactly to your needs
- Watch the #automation magic happen

The network’s #decentralized set of Keepers handle the rest!

A Keeper is automatically assigned by #PowerAgent to vigilantly monitor the task and execute it precisely at the right moment.

Should a Keeper fail, another Keeper will swiftly slash him, simultaneously executing the task instead.

Carefully designed #crypto-economic incentives ensure reliability of Job execution for all users!

By streamlining #DeFi, #PowerAgent frees up valuable time for users to concentrate on strategic decision-making, rather than getting bogged down in routine tasks.

Experience the future of DeFi optimization through #autonomous flows by PowerAgent v2!


PowerPool Announcements

Types of Job-Owner Client Projects in PowerPool!

Vasily Sumanov - ‘We categorize Job-owner client projects into two main types with PowerAgent’:

✅ Projects with Built-in Automation Needs:
Projects designed from the outset with automation integrated into their core operations. These projects require automated actions to meet their product requirements.

✅ Projects Building on Top of Others:
These are more widespread and require automated actions on top of existing projects. They leverage automation to enhance or support their functionalities.

🔗 PowerPool Compatibility:
Any project that needs automated services is a perfect match for PowerPool, ensuring efficient and seamless operations.


PowerPool Announcements

PowerPool is now on Farcaster xyz !

We're excited to deepen our presence within the #Warpcast. Connect with us on #Farcaster to stay updated on all things #PowerPool and #DeFi #automation.

🔗 Follow us: https://warpcast.com/powerpool

