

Why is #PowerAgent essential for the future of #DeFi?

✅ Many #DecentralizedFinance protocols already use some form of #automation, often centralized, to operate seamlessly.

#PowerAgentv2 ensures that everyone can participate in and benefit from #decentralized automation in DeFi.

✅ PowerAgent is designed to take the existing account abstraction into account, paving the way for widespread, decentralized automation.

✅ By decentralizing automation, PowerAgent allows users to be an integral part of the #automated DeFi ecosystem.

Become a PowerAgent:


What sets the PowerAgent Automation Network apart from other solutions?

✅ Unlike other projects that require running multiple complex validation nodes, #PowerAgent is a small, lightweight #node client.

#PowerAgentv2 can be run on top of any #Ethereum #validator and, in the future, on any #EVM chains.

✅ PowerAgent’s streamlined design ensures it's accessible and easy to manage, making it ideal for various #DeFi needs.

✅ PowerAgent provides powerful #automation capabilities without the need for massive and complex node setups.

Learn more:


Why join PowerAgent and PowerPool DAO?

✅ Fair Launch DAO:

#PowerPool is a fair launch #DAO.

✅ Standalone Global Service:

#PowerAgent network by PowerPool is a global service network not tied to any single #Layer1 ledger or #Layer2 scaling layer, capable of running on most major #EVM chains.

✅ Low Hardware Requirements:

The #PowerAgentv2 is a network of independent, fee-earning nodes with minimal hardware requirements, suitable for all EVM #chains needing #automation services.

✅ Broad Service Network:

The PowerAgent v2 network will be broad, running across many chains, providing a safe environment for participation.

✅ Earning Fees:

#Node runners/Keepers can earn native token fees, with #gas costs refunded, ensuring fair participation.

Join us:


Configurability of PowerAgent:

✅ Highly Configurable:

#PowerAgent allows for detailed customization of event triggers, job specifications, and minimum signing requirements, all managed job-by-job.

✅ Versatile #Automation:

You can run both simple, low-value tasks and mission-critical, high-value jobs on the same network. Different Keeper sets can be configured through an online interface, offering flexibility and ease of use.

Trustworthiness of #PowerAgentv2:

✅ Randomized Execution: Tasks are executed by randomly selected Keepers within a specified signer set, ensuring impartiality and security.

✅ Keeper Accountability:

Keepers have significant $CVP stakes, ensuring they have 'skin in the game'. If they fail to execute a task, they can be slashed by other Keepers who are always monitoring and keeping them honest.

Get started:


#PowerPool Finance has officially joined Orb Club, a vibrant platform designed for artists, creators, degens, and YOU!

Powered by Lens Protocol, Orb Club is where fun meets Web3, and now let’s call it #Automated #Web3!

Discover the best of #DeFi #automation solutions by #PowerAgent with us and be part of our growing community.

Follow us on Orb Club to stay updated on all things PowerPool!

Check out our profile and follow us on Orb Club:

PowerAgent Automation Network in basics:

✅ Comprehensive Automation: The #PowerAgentv2 #Automation Network is a network of Keepers that execute transactions or Jobs, encompassing on-chain strategies, algorithms, and more.

✅ Versatile Functionality: From #LimitOrders and #DCA strategies to #liquidation protection and Uniswap V3 position management, PowerAgent can handle it all autonomously.

✅ Trustworthy Execution: PowerAgent ensures that all your #onchain tasks are performed reliably and efficiently by a decentralized network of Keepers.

Vasily Sumanov


PowerAgent: A Comprehensive Automation Toolkit!

✅ Fully Generalized Toolkit: #PowerAgentv2 packages all event-driven functionalities into one flexible solution.

✅ Versatile Capabilities: From low-value simple tasks to high-value mission-critical operations, #PowerAgentv2 handles it all with its generalized task #automation and off-chain computing capabilities.

Why Join the #PowerAgent Network?

✅ Open Participation: Anyone can spin up a PowerAgent Keeper node and join the network.

✅ Stake Requirement: Participants need to stake the $CVP token, ensuring ‘skin in the game’.

✅ Scalable Network: This approach facilitates the growth of large Keeper sets across numerous #EVM chains.


What makes automation essential in the evolving Decentralized Finance and Web3 landscapes?

✅ Advanced Protection: Modern #DeFi primitives are evolving to better protect investors, necessitating increased #automation for seamless operation.

✅ Open-Source Strength: #PowerAgent’s #opensource nature ensures rigorous scrutiny, making it a highly reliable and #secure automation solution compared to #private keeper bots.

✅ Community #Audits: Being open-source, #PowerAgentv2’s code is continually examined and refined by a wide array of protocols and auditors.

✅ Shared Resilience: The collaborative effort results in a robust and hardened code base, enhancing the security and reliability of automated processes in #DecentralizedFinance.

✅ Ecosystem Trust: Open-source #transparency builds trust as multiple stakeholders can verify and contribute to the code’s integrity.

✅ Enhanced Efficiency: Automation not only secures but also streamlines DeFi and #Web3 operations, ensuring smooth and efficient execution of complex strategies.

Gordon Gekko


#PowerAgentV2 abstracts complexities of efficiently using #DeFi to the max!

With “#Transaction Signing as a Service," users can now easily harness the full potential of DeFi, all while enjoying the seamless UX of #autonomous flows!

Users no longer need to manually monitor on-chain conditions or run centralized bots to benefit from perfectly timed transactions.

Here’s how it works:

You simply set up a Job in the #PowerAgent network:
- Define specific conditions for execution
- Tailor the Job exactly to your needs
- Watch the #automation magic happen

The network’s #decentralized set of Keepers handle the rest!

A Keeper is automatically assigned by #PowerAgent to vigilantly monitor the task and execute it precisely at the right moment.

Should a Keeper fail, another Keeper will swiftly slash him, simultaneously executing the task instead.

Carefully designed #crypto-economic incentives ensure reliability of Job execution for all users!

By streamlining #DeFi, #PowerAgent frees up valuable time for users to concentrate on strategic decision-making, rather than getting bogged down in routine tasks.

Experience the future of DeFi optimization through #autonomous flows by PowerAgent v2!


PowerPool is now on Farcaster xyz !

We're excited to deepen our presence within the #Warpcast. Connect with us on #Farcaster to stay updated on all things #PowerPool and #DeFi #automation.

🔗 Follow us:


PowerPool is now on Heydotxyz !

We're excited to expand our reach within the Lens Protocol with Hey! Join us on #Hey to stay informed about all things #PowerPool and #DeFi #automation.

🔗 Follow us on Hey and be part of the #Web3 revolution:


Exciting News! PowerPool is now on Phaver!

We're thrilled to expand our presence within the #Lens ecosystem. Connect with us on #Phaver to stay updated on all things #PowerPool and #DeFi #automation.

🔗 Follow us on Phaver and be part of the revolution in decentralized finance:

A reminder, you should be on mobile.


The Future of #DeFi is powerful with Automated Strategies by #PowerAgent!

Why Automation Matters in #DeFi?

- Efficiency: #Automated strategies reduce manual intervention, ensuring faster and more precise execution of complex #transactions.

- Security: Robust #automation minimizes human errors and enhances the #security of your assets and transactions.

- Scalability: As #DeFi and #Web3 #dApps grow, automation supports seamless scaling without compromising performance.

- Innovation: Unlock new possibilities with automated, AI-driven strategies that adapt to market conditions in real-time with #PowerAgentv2!

#PowerPool's PowerAgent v2 is at the forefront, providing #decentralized, reliable, and permissionless automation for all your DeFi needs.

Let's automate the future of #DecentralizedFinance and #Blockchain with PowerPool!

Learn more:

Get started:


Why Choose #PowerPool’s #PowerAgentv2 for Decentralized Automation?

🔓 Permissionless Participation:

Unlike other networks that restrict Keepers to permissioned roles, we embrace an open and unrestricted environment.

🔗 Breaking Free from Web2 Paradigms:

Moving beyond traditional practices to embrace true #decentralization, ensuring no boundaries or whitelisting.

🛡️ Trustworthy by Design:

✅ Crypto-Economic Security:

Designed to protect Job Owners through robust #crypto-economic mechanics.

✅ Reliable Automation:

Ensures all #automation is trustworthy, operating seamlessly in an open environment.

🌐 Full Decentralization:

Our goal is to create a network that is genuinely #decentralized, fostering #trust and reliability in every #transaction.

Vasily Sumanov


Why are Automation Networks Crucial for the Future of #DeFi?

✅ Manual to Automated:

Transitioning from manual manipulations to automated #transactions, utilizing #onchain data and #oracles.

✅ Data-Driven Decisions:

Leveraging the wealth of available #data onchain and from oracles to make informed decisions.

✅ Reliable Execution:

Providing a dependable method to trigger #automated execution from outside the #chain.

✅ Enhanced Efficiency:

#Automation networks enhance #efficiency by automating processes that were previously manual.

✅ Trust and Reliability:

Ensuring reliable and #secure automated #execution, essential for the evolution of #DecentralizedFinance.

✅ Future-Ready Infrastructure:

Paving the way for a more efficient and automated #Decentralized #Finance and #Web3 ecosystem.

Gordon Gekko


GM and Happy Friday, #Web3 People!

Get ready for the weekend knowing #PowerPool's #PowerAgentV2 has your automated strategies covered.

Enjoy seamless #DeFi #automation and peace of mind while you chill and enjoy your weekend activities!

Have a fantastic Friday!


Why did PowerPool decided to focus on generalized, #multichain #decentralized network automation?

✅ Longstanding Expertise:

#PowerPool is an established protocol in the #DeFi space, active since 2020.

Over the years, we’ve launched several vaults and baskets with earlier versions of #automation and the first version of #PowerAgent Automation Network (v1).

🔗 Addressing EVM Limitations:

✅ The Need for External Agents:

The #Ethereum Virtual Machine -#EVM- cannot initiate execution on its own; it requires an external Agent or Keeper to start processes.

🛡️ Building Trustworthy Automation:

✅ Focusing on #Decentralization:

We are committed to creating the best, most decentralized, and trustworthy automation network.

Unlike other automation solutions that may not be considered trustworthy, #PowerAgentv2 is designed to operate with integrity and reliability.

✅ Expanding Keeper Network:

Our goal is to recruit an increasing number of Keepers to ensure the #robustness and trustworthiness of the PowerAgent v2 #network.

This approach allows us to solve the unsolved problem of generalized, multichain #decentralized network automation.

Gordon Gekko


What makes #PowerAgent a game-changer in the world of #DeFi automation?

✅ Decentralized & Permissionless:

#PowerAgentv2 operates as a #dePIN network offering “#Transaction Signing as a Service,” allowing anyone to run a Keeper node.

By staking $CVP tokens, participants can earn fees from transaction signing and verifying successful executions by other Keepers.

✅ Basic Interval Tasks:

Job Owners can set up Jobs to call #contracts at regular intervals. These Jobs can have predefined calldata or be simple contract calls.

✅ Advanced Resolver Jobs:

Job Owners can define #onchain conditions for each Job, specifying when and under what conditions the code should be executed.

The contract’s #calldata can be generated through the estimation of this execution.

✅ Dynamic and Flexible:

PowerAgent supports a variety of user flows, enhancing the capabilities and efficiency of #DecentralizedFinance protocols.

✅ Secure and Trustworthy:

With a #decentralized and #permissionless framework, PowerAgent ensures robust #security and reliability for all #automation tasks.

Vasily Sumanov


#PowerAgentV2 has been developed to address the need for trustworthy, reliable, and cost-effective #automation of a wide range of user-submitted #onchain flows.

How exactly? Let’s discover together! 🧵👇

1/ With a focus on optimizing user experience and minimizing costs, #PowerAgent offers a unique "#Transaction Signing as a Service" solution that empowers users to streamline their operations in an #efficient way!

2/ Here's why #PowerAgent stands out as the go-to choice for automating your #DeFi workflows 👇

3/ Low gas consumption:

Thanks to meticulous code optimizations, #PowerAgent has lower #gas consumption compared to other automation solutions, saving users valuable resources.

4/ Customizable execution costs:

Job-owners have the flexibility to fine-tune the balance between the cost of execution to their specific requirements by selecting the Keepers' stake range.

5/ Protection from gas spikes:

Users can create Jobs with maximum acceptable #gas prices, ensuring that low-value tasks are not executed during gas spikes. This level of flexibility guarantees efficient utilization of resources at all times.

6/ Join the #automation movement with #PowerPool and experience the future of #DeFi workflows firsthand!

7/ Learn how to create your first Job in #PowerAgent today:


GM #DeFi Community!

Why is #PowerAgent V2 a game-changer in the #DeFi automation landscape?

✅ Tailored Keeper Selection:

#PowerAgentV2 allows the application of different Keeper selection mechanics tailored to specific Job types.

✅ Risk Management:

Different #automation tasks come with unique risk profiles. For instance, a routine vault harvesting Job differs significantly from a position migration Job in terms of the risks associated with non-execution.

🔗 Optimized Efficiency:

✅ Customized Algorithms:

By applying distinct selection #algorithms, PowerAgent V2 ensures optimal efficiency for each type of Job.

🛡️ Enhanced Reliability:

✅ Minimized Risks:

This approach enhances the #efficiency of automation with minimizing risks, making PowerAgent V2 a robust solution for diverse #DeFi automation needs.

Vasily Sumanov

Let’s get ready for a great #DeFi digest pill!

Dive into our latest article by the #PowerPool Research Team the "EIP-3074 Explained" article!

You will learn how this pivotal upgrade will transform #Ethereum, bridging the gap between #EOAs and #SCAs, and enhancing the user experience with the features like sponsored transactions and batch actions over the #Defi within #ETH space!

Get the greatest knowledge about the possibilities and benefits of #EIP-3074, #gas efficiency increase and the #security aspect, and get the idea of it is setting the new standas for the more #automated, user-friendly #Web3 for all.

Don't miss the chance to be a part of the future of #automation on #DeFi revolution by #PowerAgent with us!


Why trust PowerPool automation?

One of the key reasons - its codebase is completely open source!

The PowerPool #Github Repo is fully open to the community, including all #contracts, node #software, #automation templates, and #infrastructure products!

What does that mean?

1/ #Transparency at its core!

Users, Client protocols, and their auditors can inspect the #code and conduct testing at any time.

#PowerPool takes pride in its c#odebase and stands by its resilience!

2/ No closed curtains here.

Anyone can peek inside to see the #architecture design, what #smartcontracts are involved, step-by-step task sequences, and #algorithms.

Everything is open for scrutiny!

3/ Community-driven upgrades.

#PowerPool welcomes contributions from the #community to the #node #software, indexing, and #automation templates.

The Repository is open to all #contributions!

4/ This means that the #protocols utilizing #PowerAgent have delved into its inner workings, backed by thorough #audits. It's a robust #codebase you can rely on!

5/ Curious to check it out for yourself?

Find the #PowerPool #codebase on our #GitHub:


Why is #decentralized automation essential alongside #Layer1 and #Layer2 solutions in the blockchain ecosystem?

✅ Beyond Transaction Tracking:

While Layer1s and Layer2s efficiently record #transactions, they don't execute them, that is highlighting a crucial gap in #blockchain functionality.

✅ Automation Necessity:

Most protocols depend on #automation services to operationalize transactions, a role traditionally filled by #centralized #bots.

🔗 The Role of Decentralized Networks:

✅ From Centralized to Decentralized:

Shifting from 'home-rolled' keeper bots to decentralized networks like #PowerAgent ensures more #robust, unbiased automation.

✅ PowerAgent’s Advantage:

Offers sophisticated, decentralized #autonomous solutions for both automation and offline #computations, enhancing protocol #efficiency and reliability across the #DeFi within Blockchain.

Gordon Gekko


🧵👇 Designed as a "#zerolayer" auxiliary network, #PowerAgentV2 is a one-in-all solution to #automate the execution of any user-submitted and #AI-generated flows and intents.

All Jobs support Job-by-Job configurability and support complex triggers and execution logic.

Here’s how you can customize #PowerAgent exactly to your needs:

1/ Define event triggers for Job execution:

Triggers can be based on chronological events (Interval Jobs) or Arbitrary #onchain conditions (Resolver Jobs).

2/ Configure your Job specifications:

Set the maximum #gas fees to prevent execution of non-essential task during gas spikes.

Balance the cost of #automation with your task’s priority!

3/ Configure execution requirements for Keepers:

Define minimum #signing requirements and penalty triggers to define Keepers’ responsibilities.

Ensure reliable execution of your high-value tasks!

4/ In the future, #PowerPool plans to add additional layers of Keeper selection algorithms and bonus #crypto-economic incentives for Keepers!

5/ Join the #automated #web3 revolution with #PowerPool!

Learn how to set up your first Job in #PowerAgent today:


How does #PowerAgent v2 stand out in terms of #gas efficiency on Ethereum?

✅ Optimized Performance:

#PowerAgentv2 is finely tuned to reduce gas consumption, which is crucial on #Ethereum where every bit of efficiency counts.

✅ Keeper Network Operations:

Meticulously designed to minimize gas costs associated with key functions like #Keeper selection, #transaction execution, Keeper gas #compensation, and #automated slashing.

🔗 Comparative Advantage:

✅ Leading in Efficiency:

PowerAgent achieves at least double the gas efficiency compared to competitors, thanks to advanced code #optimization.

🛡️ Cost-Effective #Automation:

✅ Reduced Operation Costs:

Ensures that Job Owners spend less on #network usage, making it economically viable and #attractive for widespread adoption.

Vasily Sumanov


Why is autonomous automation essential for the future of #DeFi and PowerPool's #PowerAgent V2?

✅ Generalized & Composable Automation: Emphasizes the need for a versatile and adaptable solution to meet the evolving demands of #DecentralizedFinance.

✅ Challenges with Current Solutions: Highlights the limitations of existing #automation solutions, particularly in terms of #decentralization, guaranteed #transaction execution, and the effective use of #cryptographic incentives.

🔗 Transition from Centralized to Decentralized:

✅ The Shift Away from #Centralized Bots: Describes the ongoing reliance on specialized, centralized bots by many teams due to the lack of a robust decentralized alternative.

✅ The Need for a Dominant Network: Points out the absence of a leading automation network that meets all criteria for #optimal operation.

🛡️ PowerAgent v2 as the Solution:

✅ Comprehensive Coverage: Envisions #PowerAgentv2 as the leading solution in the automation space, capable of operating across most, if not all, #EVM chains.

✅ Building #Trust and #Reliability: Focuses on establishing PowerAgent V2 as a trusted and reliable platform that overcomes the deficiencies of previous automation solutions.

Vasily Sumanov


The core of PowerPool’s vision for #PowerAgent V2 is its full #decentralization!

We believe that “whitelisting” Keeper or Jobs is an unsatisfactory option for building a truly #decentralized and widely adopted #automation network.

This is why #PowerAgentv2 is built as a fully #permissionless network from day one!

How can you be a part of #PowerPool? 🧵👇

1/ Anyone can run a lightweight Keeper node and receive a #bonus income stream from #automation fees.

A $CVP token stake is the only requirement!

2/ Any user can create Jobs in #PowerAgent and benefit from reliable #automation of their flows.

Just register your task, fund it with the network #gas token -such as #ETH-, and let the network do the rest!

3/ Anyone can develop #automation templates and share them with the community.

After technical #validation by the community, your flow scenario will be available for everyone to use!

#PowerPool potentially plans to introduce a Template program and allow #developers to receive a portion of the fees from each of their template’s execution.

4/ Join #PowerPool as a Keeper or a Job-owner today and be part of the #decentralized #automation revolution!

Find all guides in PowerPool docs:


How is #DeFi evolving towards fully-#automated solutions for a seamless user experience?

✅ User-Centric #Automation:

Aims to minimize user time, attention, and manual effort in interacting with complex #DecentralizedFinance protocols.

✅ Trend Toward Simplification:

Indicates a significant shift towards easier and more efficient #Decentralized #Finance interactions.

✅ Mainnet Transaction Automation:

Predicts that around 40% of all #mainnet #transactions will be managed by #automation Keeper networks within the next three years.

✅ Enhancing User Experience:

Emphasizes the transition as a natural step to streamline and improve the way users engage with DeFi.

#PowerAgent is at the core of the next era of Automated-DeFi!

Vasily Sumanov


Through its #PowerAgentV2 Keepers network, #PowerPool is dedicated to providing the #web3 community with essential infrastructure for automating a wide range of user-submitted and #AI-generated flows.

How? 🧵👇

1/ Why manually monitor #onchain conditions and sign #transactions when a reliable “Transaction Signing as a Service” tool is available?

#PowerAgent v2 is a game-changer, designed as a generalized #decentralized network capable of #automating an expanding range of on-chain activities!

2/ Why use and why do protocols choose #PowerPool automation?

- It supports a wide variety of #automation use cases built on top of Interval and Resolver types of Jobs
- An expanding number of built-in event-driven functionalities are available
- It offers configurable execution conditions suitable for Job-by-Job customization of both routine and high-value tasks
- Job owners can define slashing requirements and Keepers' responsibility, allowing execution of the specific Job only to Keepers within the desired stakes range.

3/ The potential use cases for #PowerAgent are seemingly endless!

Whether it’s an interval task that need to be executed periodically or a task with arbitrary execution conditions, it covers it all!

4/ #PowerAgent empowers client applications with seamless automation, making it a must-have tool across multiple #EVM chains!

5/ Want to learn more?

Find out how you can create your own #automated flow:


What makes a #decentralized #automation network a crucial third pillar for DeFi, alongside #Layer1 & #Layer2 and #oracle networks?

✅ Integrated Data Use:

Leverages comprehensive #onchain and oracle data to make precise, programmatic decisions.

✅ Automated Logic Execution:

Simplifies complex operations with #automated triggers for events, be they conditional or chronological.

✅ Conditional Logic Management:

Harnesses both on-chain and oracle #data to perform straightforward yet essential computations and decisions.

✅ Chronological and Event-Driven Triggers:

Facilitates dynamic and responsive #DecentralizedFinance #dApps by acting on specified conditions and timed events.

✅ Empowering DeFi Operations:

Enhances the efficiency and reach of #DeFi by #automating key processes across diverse #blockchain environments.

✅ Foundational Support for Advanced Operations:

Provides the necessary infrastructure to implement and #automate #complex strategies that require high reliability and precision.

Gordon Gekko


At #PowerPool, #decentralization isn't just a word, it's our DNA specification!

The #PowerAgent “Transaction Signing as a Service” network exemplifies this ethos!


1/ Preserving #Blockchain Values:

#Decentralization is the cornerstone of the blockchain networks!

To uphold this value and offer users a truly #secure and reliable #automation infrastructure, we prioritize maintaining the decentralization levels inherent to #Layer1 and #Layer2 #rollup networks.

2/ #Decentralization Matters:

Standalone bots and small #networks fall short in achieving true decentralization!

#PowerPool understands that real decentralization necessitates a #robust network comprising hundreds to thousands of #nodes working in unison.

3/ Built for Decentralization:

#PowerAgent was conceptualized with #decentralization at its core.

Through its #permissionless architecture, Random Keeper Selection, and #automated slashing mechanics, it's designed to support a vast number of nodes running in parallel.

4/ Independent Keepers:

With hundreds of independent Keepers forming #PowerAgent's backbone, users benefit from seamless, #secure, and reliable flow execution.

Trust in the strength of a #network built on #decentralization!

5/ Submit your flows to #PowerAgent and unlock the full potential of #automated #web3!

Step into the future with us today!


GM #Web3 lovers! 🌞

Kickstart your day knowing that #PowerAgent is revolutionizing #DeFi with seamless #automation.

Say goodbye to manual setups and hello to smarter, efficient #automated #blockchain transactions.

Dive into a day where your strategies work smarter, not harder!


What are the advantages & benefits of #PowerAgent when compared with other #Automation Networks in terms of #decentralization?

✅ Permissionless Participation:

Unlike typical networks that restrict access to permissioned Keepers, we champion open and unrestricted access.

✅ Break Free from Web2 Paradigms:

We're moving beyond traditional practices to embrace a truly decentralized environment.

✅ Building Without Borders:

Our network operates globally without the need for whitelisting, pushing the boundaries of #Web3 capabilities.

#Crypto-Economic Security:

We've meticulously designed economic mechanisms to robustly protect Job Owners and maintain #network integrity.

✅ Architecting Trust:

Our platform is inherently built to foster #trust and reliability, ensuring a #secure experience for all users.

✅ Sustained Decentralization:

We ensure the network remains genuinely decentralized by integrating advanced security measures right from the ground up.

by: Vasily Sumanov

Why choose #PowerAgent for your #DeFi #automation needs?

✅ Open Source: Full transparency since you can review everything in the code.
✅ Generalized & Flexible: Adapts to a wide range of applications.
✅ Permissionless: Accessible to anyone, anywhere.
✅ Autonomous & Configurable: Set it and forget it, customize as you need.
✅ Secure & Trustworthy: Built with top-notch security features for peace of mind.

Start to your #decentralized #Web3 automation journey with PowerPool!

cc: Gordon Gekko


The #decentralized #PowerAgent Keepers network by #PowerPool is a generalized tool for automating the execution of all types of user and #AI-generated flows and intent-based strategies! 🧵👇

#PowerAgent’s use cases span the whole #web3 landscape! You can truly #automate any sequence of #transactions based on any desired conditions.

The possibilities are endless!

Here are some compelling examples of what you can achieve with the #PowerPool "Transaction Signing as a Service" tool:

1/ #Automated #trading strategies such as #LimitOrders or #DCA (Dollar Cost Average) strategies.

2/ Automatically executed complex #transaction sequences based on #AI-generated intents and flows.

3/ #Automated #multichain strategies, such as automated buying of assets - a popular use case is #memecoins - on other #chains and rollups, abstracting bridging complexity by leveraging existing bridge #infrastructure such as #DeBridge.

4/ #Automated #liquidation protection for #CDPs and #lending markets. For example, the losses in the case of a $stETH de-peg could be decreased for looped $stETH / $ETH #AAVE positions.

5/ Smart #liquidity provision such as #Uniswap v3 position management #strategies.

6/ #Automated #fund-management #strategies such as #Vaults & #yield #aggregation, which account for the major share of the #DeFi market.

7/ #Balancer v2 #asset managers -such as #PowerPool's #LUSD smart pool- maintaining asset reserves in the pool and transfer #yield to pool #LPs.

8/ Scheduled #payment streams to #securely streamline repetitive tasks.

9/ #Automatic updating of #protocol parameters and #DAO-related #fund management services.

10/ Unlock the power of #automation in #Web3 with #PowerPool Keepers!

Learn more about #PowerAgent’s value proposition and come up with your own, game-changing #automated solution for any #dApp:



5/ Step 3 – Activate your #Keeper

When you have launched #PowerAgent, all that’s left is to activate:
- Once again, go to the PowerAgent UI
- Press “Complete” next to your Keeper’s entry
- Confirm the #transaction
- Congratulations, your Keeper is now active

6/ Step 4 – Enjoy the #bonus source of #revenue

When activated, your Keeper will begin working:

- User flows will be automatically assigned
- Your #node will monitor their execution conditions
- When conditions are met, your node will initiate #transactions
- The #Keeper will receive full #gas #compensations and #automation fees

7/ At any time, you can check your Keeper’s #performance stats, withdraw #rewards, and manage your $CVP #stake in the #PowerAgent #dApp!

8/ Supercharge your #validator with #PowerPool!

Run a #PowerAgent #node alongside your existing setup for an extra income stream from #automation #fees on top of validator #revenue.

Join the action today!

9/ For a detailed step-by-step guide on running #PowerAgent, go to the #PowerPool documentation:

It is increasingly clear that the complexities of managing #DeFi are such that #automation is increasingly required.

Most #Decentralized #Finance protocols are moving in the direction of architectures and designs that are very, very difficult to manage manually on your own.

As a result, there’s a lot of innovation right now amongst primary protocols supplying primitives, developers of services on primitives, and the automation #networks Like #PowerAgent increasingly required to support them.

Gordon Gekko


#PowerPool's vision is crystal clear: the Future of #DeFi and #Web3 will be Fully Automated with #PowerAgent!

Get ready to say goodbye to manual actions and embrace seamless #automated #onchain flows!

Let’s dive deeper into the basis of this #vision! 🧵👇

1/ In just three years, #dePIN networks like #PowerAgent will revolutionize how transactions are handled.

Users will witness a shift from manual actions to seamless #automated #onchain flows!

2/ As we enter the next phase of #Web3, users, #AI agents, and protocols will generate an increasing number of flows and intent-based #strategies.

The growing user base demands convenience, and #automation is the name of the game!

3/ As a result, we envision “#Transaction Signing as a Service” #dePIN #networks will be the primary consumers of #block space and the driving force behind #transactions in the near future.

4/ #PowerPool’s #PowerAgentV2 network is designed to empower this #automated future, offering a #decentralized, #reliable, and #permissionless service for user flows and intents, #AI-#agents, protocols, and #dApps.

5/ Get ready for a paradigm shift towards #automation in #DeFi and #Web3 with #PowerPool #DAO leading the way!

Join us on this journey towards a more #automated, collaborative, and user-centric experience!

6/ Learn more about #PowerPool’s vision for #automation with its #PowerAgent:

Check the thread:


#PowerPool's #dePIN #PowerAgentV2 network provides “Transaction Signing as a Service”!

It’s an innovative solution for #DeFi users and blockchain node runners/validators to streamline their operations and maximize earnings!

What does PowerAgent offer? Read more to find out 🧵👇

1/ For users:
By abstracting the complexities of scheduled/automatically executed transactions, users no longer have to run their own bots to enjoy the superior #UX of #automated #onchain flows.

2/ Powered by a #decentralized network of Keeper bots, “#Transaction Signing As a Service” allows you to automatically execute your own (and #AI-generated) flows, intents, and #yield strategies without the hassle of managing #infrastructure.

3/ Want to explore the possibilities? For inspiration on how you can #leverage the power of #automation, check out our Use Cases:

4/ From simple tasks to complex #fund management strategies, #PowerPool has you covered!

Dive into #automation with our easy-to-follow guide on creating your first automation Job:

5/ For #blockchain #validators and node runners:

#PowerPool can add a new #revenue stream to your setup!

By running a #PowerAgent Keeper node, you can automatically earn #execution fees and #gas #compensations in the native #blockchain asset.

6/ To run a node, Keepers stake $CVP, and qualify for the execution of various tasks.

Your $CVP #stake acts as a #security deposit, ensuring honest behavior and earning you higher execution #fees.

7/ Get started today!

Check out our Keeper node documentation to kickstart your #PowerAgent #automation journey:


An update from the #PowerAgentv2 incentivized #Testnet, Check out the April, 2024 stats!

Fresh monthly stats from the PowerPool “Transaction Signing as a Service” network are here for #GnosisChain , #ETH #Sepolia Testnet, and #Arbitrum!

As of April 30th, 2024, here are some key highlights:

🔹 Nearly 150 total Keepers ensuring the network is running smoothly!
🔹 Fresh Jobs registered for #automation!
🔹 Successful Job #executions increasing!
🔹 Keepers receiving fair #compensation for their hard work!

Join us at #PowerPool and be a part of the #web3 #automation revolution!

Curious about our work? Dive into our latest report:

Lots of exciting developments are on the horizon, stay tuned with #PowerPool for more updates!


Calling all developers and #DeFi visionaries in #web3!

The #PowerPool Builder Grants Program, in collaboration with #Gitcoin #grantsstack, continues to power up your projects!

Got a project that could leverage #decentralized #automation?

Got a spark of an idea for a next-gen automated protocol? We're here to fuel your fire with grants of up to $20,000!

This is your chance to bring those innovative concepts to life and join the ranks of builders shaping the automated future of #DeFi and #dApps on top of #PowerAgentv2.

Apply now to give your automated vision the kickstart it deserves with PowerPool’s support!

Ready to make a splash? Find all the details and submission guidelines here:

Together, let's forge the path to a more automated, efficient, and #decentralized world!


Attention #Crypto Enthusiasts & #DeFi Strategists!

Mark Your Calendars for a Great #AMA Session: #PowerPool & SupremeDAO by Daoism Systems

📅 26th April, 12:30 PM UTC

We’ll dive into #SupremeDAO’s Genesis Strategy, engineered to revolutionize yield optimization on #Ethereum!

We'll talk about the master plan behind seamlessly merging Curve Finance, Aura Finance, and Paladin prowess into a unified powerhouse, all orchestrated by #PowerAgentv2's smart #automation.

🔗 Dive into the Details:

Drop your questions below, let's Ignite the conversation and join us!


Get funded by #PowerPool!

In collaboration with #Gitcoin #grantsstack, PowerPool Builder #Grants are fueling the future of automated protocols and #dApps.

If your project can benefit from #decentralized #automation or if you have an innovative idea for a brand-new automated protocol, we're here to support you with #grants up to $20,000!

Don't miss out on this opportunity. Apply now and kickstart your automated vision with PowerPool!

Learn more and submit your project here:

Let's shape the future of #web3 together!



Now, in 2024, #PowerPool’s roadmap is charged with ambition. With each milestone, we're fine-tuning the mechanisms of automated #DeFi asset management.

Our sights are set on the future! With a focus on further multi-chain expansion. Template #Jobs, Modularity, ZK-powered off-chain computations, and other improvements to the platform, we're advancing full steam ahead!

For a deep dive into our saga and to be part of our #PowerAgent’s bright future, explore our history in full color.

Witness the evolution of #PowerPool and join us as we forge the path ahead while we are setting the standard for the #SmartContract #Automation!

🔗 Discover PowerPool's History:

© 2022 GlavCrypto. Matvienko has been winging us.