

🔘#Astra Nova Private sale на #Arbipad 9 мая

Подробней здесь🔎
💲Надо стейкать
Лотерея > 100.000 ARBI
Гарант > 200.000 ARBI
🔓8% TGE, 3 месяца Cliff, 11 месяцев вестинг
💰Цена токена: $0.0014
🕊Astra Nova
📨Arbipad 🌐Arbipad

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🎧 Главное за выходные:

🇭🇰 #HT #HTX Заявка на получение лицензии в Гонконге для Huobi HK была отозвана

🇺🇸 #макро Goldman Sachs перенесли прогнозы снижения процентных ставок ФРС с мая на июнь

🇨🇳 #FLOKI и #TOKEN были показаны на национальных спортивных телеканалах Китая CCTV5 и CCTV5+ с аудиторией >340 млн человек

🍿 #BNB Прокуратура США требует, чтобы CZ оставался в США до слушания по приговору

🌪 #TORN Во внешней части IPFS-версии Tornado Cash имеется бэкдор-код

#FTT FTX достигла компенсации в размере 33 млн $ в связи с неудачной европейской экспансией

🗽 ARK/21Shares держит 30,000 #BTC

👀 #GBTC CEO Grayscale: мы открыты для сделок, связанных со слияниями и поглощениями

🏴‍☠ RiskOnBlast - Rugpull

🥳 Инвесторы Flare продлевают разлоки #FLR и согласились ограничить продажи своих токенов

👀 #ZEC Grayscale хочет направить 10% своего портфеля в Grayscale Zcash Trust 

✅ Сообщество dYdX проголосовало ЗА запуск программы развития экосистемы на 3,858,500 #DYDX

💰 Крипто-портфель Трампа превысил 5 млн $, в основном благодаря мем-коину #TRUMP

🍿 #STRAX Stratis анонсит "интересные объявления" на следующей неделе🚀

🤷‍♂ Aleo по ошибке сливают данные KYC

#ENS Предложение об урегулировании спора о домене eth .link одобрено

💰 #GMT #GTC HackQuest привлекли 1,1 млн $ от STEPN, Gitcoin и др

🗣 Роберт Кийосаки "будет счастлив" закупить #BTC, если он "рухнет"

🥳 #CRV Curve Finance развернули контракт кредитования

🙋‍♂ #BLUR Blast объявили победителей Big Bang

🙅‍♂ Foresight Ventures опровергли новости об инвестициях в OXFUN

🙋‍♂ #BLZ Bluzelle представили приложение Miner Pool - Curium

🔝 Лидеры недели

🔓 Предстоящие разлоки на неделе

🤝 Партнёрства:
- LightLink запустили домены .ll при поддержке SPACE ID #ID
- #QTUM Qtum сотрудничают с Janus #JNS
- #IX #CELR IllumineX интегрировались с Celer IM
- #SKL FusionwaveAI сотрудничают со SKALE
- #DIA запартнёрились с #BEVM

🕵‍♂ Активность китов и SmartMoney:
- #UNI Uniswap:
  - SmartMoney продают UNI
  - Wintermute внесли на Binance >1,2 млн UNI
  - команда/инвестор Uniswap продали 90 000 UNI
- DWF снова перевели 500,000,000 #SPELL на Binance🚀
- второй по величине адрес с внебиржевой покупкой #CRV у основателя Curve перевел 5 млн CRV на Binance
- кит продал 421,6 млрд #SHIB с убытком ~6,32 млн $ (-61,4%)🐶
- #DOGE на ~6,6 млн $ перевели на Binance🐶
- Purpose Bitcoin #ETF продают свои #BTC🇨🇦
- #GRT на ~2,9 млн $ перевели на Coinbase

📊 Графики:
- Состояние системы оценки рисков #BTC от Glassnode
- #UNI приток средств и объем торгов на Uniswap резко выросли после предложения распределить сборы📈
- общая рыночная капитализация токенов DEX превысила 24 млрд $📈
- #STRK TVL Starknet увеличился на >640% за неделю и достиг 1,33 млрд $, став четвёртым Ethereum L2📈
- TVL EigenLayer превышает 8,2 млрд $📈
- рыночная капитализация #USDe превысила 400 млн $📈
- вырос объем транзакций #NFT в сети #BTC, #BNB Chain и Arbitrum #ARB📈
- #COIN баланс Coinbase уменьшился на 20167,5 монет за 7 дней📉
- 23 из 50 токенов крупнейших airdrop (46%) имели пиковые цены в течение первых двух недель с момента их раздачи

☕️ События на завтра:

🔓 Разлоки:
- Gate (#GT) - 6,91% of M.Cap ($32,45m)
- Dogechain (#DC) - 12,6% of M.Cap ($2,54m)
- holoride (#RIDE) - ($1,1m)
- #SEI - 0,13% of M.Cap ($1,94m)
🔄 Ronin (#RON) - Хард-форк
🙋‍♂️ Aether Games (#AEG) - Public sale на Ignition, ChainGPT Pad и Polkastarter
🆕 Dechat (#CHAT) - Листинг на Bybit
🔁 Astrafer (#ASTRA) - Миграция токенов
- PlayDapp (#PLA) - Миграция на новый токен #PDA
🔛 Запуск платформы Friendzone
💃 Стартует Web3 AGI Summit
📝Окончание голосования:
- Radicle (#RAD) - Создание Radicle Seed Network (RSN)
- Aave (#AAVE) - Использование #METIS в качестве залога на Aave V3 в сети Metis

✅ Ecosystem security is crucial for continued innovation.

🛡#Astra, as the ultimate #Compliance, ensures innovation continues without obstacles of security breaches or unauthorized entries.

Learn more about Astra:

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram Announcements |Twitter | Telegram Chat | Website | Medium | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok


🔥Preventing illicit finance. Enabling healthy expansion.

⚡️#Astra's security revolution in Web3 aims to bring regulation in the space without compromising echoes of decentralization to make #Crypto unstoppable.


Read here:

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram Announcements |Twitter | Telegram Chat | Website | Medium | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok


✅ Smart contract audits
🤝 Regulatory compliance
🌐Decentralized oversight

#Astra is building a stable & safer future for Real World Assets #RWA and all in Web3.

👀🛡Stay tuned to witness the revolution!

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram Announcements |Twitter | Telegram Chat | Website | Medium | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok


📜Defined #CryptoLaw & #Regulation has become a priority globally.

🛡Amidst this, #Astra leads the charge, merging regulation & decentralization, committed to making the Web3 space safer.

👀Stay tuned. More updates to come!

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram Announcements |Twitter | Telegram Chat | Website | Medium | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok


Astra October 2023 Monthly Recap!

🎯 October has been a momentous month for #Astra, as we've strived to solidify our position in the Web3 landscape with greater accomplishments including:

🎃 Astra Halloween & Quiz Challenge

⚡️Data security & reliability

🛡Astra's solution against cryptojacking attacks

✅ Our mission & commitment

💪 Tackling the Dark Shadows of Crypto: Read the blog

🏘Real-World Assets with Astra: Read the blog

Read more:

Stay tuned for what's coming next at Astra!

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram Announcements |Twitter | Telegram Chat | Website | Medium | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok

🔴🚫 No more scams. No more exploits!

🛡💪#Astra: One solution for robust #ConsumerProtection across Web3 & beyond!

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram Announcements |Twitter | Telegram Chat | Website | Medium | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok

🎧 Главное за сегодня:

🇺🇸 #макро США. #FOMC:
- ФРС оставила ставку без изменений
- протоколы #FOMC
- вероятность повышения ставки в декабре снизилась с 30% до менее 20%

🗽 #BTC-#ETF Invesco Galaxy (BTCO) залистен на DTCC

🇷🇺 Binance прекратит партнерство с Advcash

🔥 MicroStrategy приобрела еще 155 #BTC

🇺🇸 CFTC выплатила информаторам 16 млн $ преимущественно за советы по криптовалютам

🇩🇪 BitGo получили немецкую лицензию

🇬🇧 #PYUSD Paypal получили британскую крипто-лицензию

🇭🇰 #CBDC Visa завершает пилотную программу цифрового гонконгского доллара

🗽 #COIN Coinbase открыли торговлю фьючерсами в США

🕹 #SFM SEC подала иск против SafeMoon

🏴‍☠ #XCN Onyx Protocol взломан

🥳 DWF Labs запустят внебиржевую торговую платформу институционального уровня DWF Liquid Markets 

🍿 #ANT Ассоциация Aragon не передаёт свою казну в 160 млн $ под контроль DAO больше года

🏴‍☠ #UNIBOT устранили уязвимость

🥳 #GEAR Gearbox Protocol выпустили бета-версию V3

🤝 #NEAR #NYM NEAR интегрируют Nym Technologies

🏴‍☠️ Сорок стран в альянсе под руководством США планируют подписать обязательство никогда не платить выкуп киберпреступникам

🆕 #TIA Hex Trust поддерживают сеть Celestia

🙋‍♂ #HSK HashKey запустили приложение для розничных пользователей 

🥳 HSBC запустила блокчейн-платформу для токенизации владения золотом

🔛 #MKR MakerDAO перевели 250 млн $ с Coinbase для поддержания привязки курса #DAI 

🤝 #STPT STP Network запартнёрились с Tokenbound V3

🤝 #WEMIX Wemade запартнёрились с Fingerlabs

🥳 #MULTI Multichain возобновили обработку мостовых транзакций

🐶 #FLOKI предлагает снизить текущий налог на транзакции #TOKEN с 5% до 0,3%

🎮 #GMT STEPN тестирует новую игру - Gas Hero

🙋‍♂ #HFT Hashflow начнет взимать комиссию за торговлю

🎁 #PYTH Pyth Network проведёт ретродроп

👀 #STRK Starknet предлагает интегрировать zk-SNARKs

🔁 #TOMO Tomo Chain представили ребрендинг - Viction #VIC.
Coin98 также решили провести ребрендинг на Ninety Eight #C98

🧯Mobox опубликовали подробности нового плана выкупа и сжигания #MBOX

🤝 #MPL Maple Finance запускается на Base

📈 #WLD Worldcoin Wallet WorldAPP достиг 4 млн загрузок

🙋‍♂ #DERI Deri Protocol представили Deri V4

🖼 #RARI Rarible представили RaribleX

🔓 Крупные разлоки в ноябре

🕵‍♂ Активность китов и SmartMoney:
- DWF получили 60 млн #TOKEN от Floki
- переводы #BTC на сотни млн $ перед #FOMC
- 380k #LINK завели на Binance
- SmartMoney продал 5 млн #RLB и добавил 4 млн RLB ликвидности на Uniswap
- Виталик перевёл 100 #ETH на Coinbase
- Uniswap Foundation продолжают переводить #UNI на CEX

📊 Графики и отчёты:
- у Deribit и Crypto .com самый крупный приток капитала в этом году
- объем венчурного финансирования в октябре достиг новых минимумов📉
- менеджеры фондов рассматривают #ETH как цифровой актив с наиболее убедительными перспективами роста
- ТОП по ROI за год
- ТОП token sales октября по ROI
- отчёт Glassnode

💰Сборы средств:
- Kana Labs - 2 млн $ и грант от Aptos  #APT
- Waterfall Network - 2 млн $
- Modulus Labs - 6 млн $

✏️ События на завтра:

🔓 Разлок: Orbler (#ORBR) - ($10,25m)
- Biconomy (#BICO) - 1,12% of M.Cap ($1,76m)
🎮 Ultra (#UOS); Astrafer (#ASTRA) - Выпуск игры Phantom Galaxies
💃 Cardano (#ADA) - Стартует Cardano Summit 2023
🔛 Outer Ring (#GQ) - Запуск системы крафта
- Saitama (#SAITAMA) - Выпуск карты SaitaCard 2
- Prisma (#PRISMA) - Запуск токена управления
🔄 Harmony (#ONE) - Хард-форк (v2023.3.0); Вступят в силу изменения по выпуску токенов
📝 Окончание голосования: Yearn (#YFI) - Epoch 2 dYFI Emission
- Lido (#LDO) - Цели Lido DAO на 2024-2026гг
- Terra Luna Classic (#LUNC) - Изменение параметра налога на сжигание до 0%
- ApeCoin (#APE) - Финансирование создания «платформы обеспечивающей необходимую инфраструктуру для платежей и вознаграждений за игры на базе ApeCoin»
- Lido (#LDO) - Заменить Jump Crypto на Chainlayer в контрактах Accounting Oracle и Validator Exit Bus или удалить Jump Crypto из набора Oracle
🇩🇪 Manufacturing (PMI) (окт) - 11:55мск
🇪🇺 Manufacturing (PMI) (окт) - 12:00мск
🇬🇧 Ставка ЦБ - 15:00мск
🇺🇸 Initial Jobless Claims - 15:30мск
- Factory Orders (сент) - 17:00мск

🎃🦇Wishing you All a Happy Halloween!

May you have a spooky evening, enjoying tricks & treats! 🕷

💀🍬Or Join the #Astra #HalloweenChallenge & secure your chance to win exciting rewards from a pool of $300 in #ASTRA.

Ends: Nov 3

⏳Be quick. Time’s ticking.

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🪦The Tombstone's Riddle🪦

🕸In the depths of the crypto abyss, #Astra collaborates with the renowned sentinel, ____, for audits.

$300 in $ASTRA

🎃Like & Retweet this post
🎃Drop answers in the comments of this post
🎃Tag @AstraProtocol & use #AstraHalloween

Answer quick & be ready for Quiz #4

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

With Astra's advanced AI screening & Astra ID for identity protection, exploits in navigating Web3 are things of the past.

Your assets are safer and your digital presence is protected with #Astra.💡

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

💪#Astra is the defender we need in the Web3 era.

🎯With real-time fraud detection, audit, and robust #KYC & #AML screening, we're setting the standard for trust and security in the decentralized space.

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🚨Flash loan attacks, ransomware threats, and identity theft are formidable foes in the #Web3 space.

🛡 #Astra's patented compliance layer and KYC screening provide the shield we need to fight these obstacles and pave the way for a safer digital future.

📕#ICYMI our latest blog shares more insights into this. Read now to learn more!


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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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Astra's #AML solutions are the key to a safer NFT marketplace:

🪬 AI-powered investigations
🚫 Real-time fraud detection
✅ Verification of legitimacy

🌐Join the #NFT revolution with #Astra by your side.

Learn more:

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🛡⚡️DeFi platforms empower users, but they need protection too.

💪 #Astra ensures legal #Compliance and enhanced security, safeguarding your DeFi journey.

📌Learn how Astra empowers Web3:

🌐Join Astra for shaping the future of Web3!

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Astra: KYC for Web3

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🛡Unlocking the full potential of emerging tech. Eliminating associated risks.

#Astra's comprehensive AML #Compliance ensures the NFT marketplaces remain safe and compliant for artists, collectors, and fans.

🌐Join Astra for shaping the future of NFTs!

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Astra: KYC for Web3

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🔑Transparency matters in the NFT space!

#Astra's solutions provide an extra layer of visibility, allowing regulators and stakeholders to verify the legitimacy of NFT transactions.

🔐Together, we're building trust in the booming #NFT community.

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🏦🎯#RWA or Real World Assets are the future of #DeFi, and #Astra is at the forefront of this exciting convergence!

Discover how Astra is revolutionizing compliance and security in the RWA sector.

👉Read more:

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🚫⛓ Web3 brings a promise of decentralization & data security, yet it isn’t devoid of challenges.

The elaborate network topology exposes data to various security risks.

Astra’s solution emerges as a crucial resort to tackle these issues.

🧵Learn more in this Thread:

🔐The decentralized nature makes verifying data authenticity on the #blockchain a tough nut to crack. Sectors like healthcare, banking, & legal services face dire consequences when data integrity is compromised. #DataSecurity

⚡️#Astra provides a globally patented compliance layer, ensuring data integrity by automating key compliance processes for digital assets & transactions.

🛡By warding off malicious actors and ensuring stringent compliance, Astra is shaping a resilient, trustworthy Web3 ecosystem.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🚫No more hiding in the shadows!

#Astra's advanced AML measure is eliminating money laundering in the #NFTs space.

🌐Read more about how Astra secures NFT projects &

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🌐 Cost-effective
⚡️ Convenient

These are just some advantages of #Astra's #CBDC solutions.

See how our initiatives are transforming economies and making digital payments accessible to all, especially in the emerging markets in North Africa.

📌Read now:

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🌍Imagine a future where financial inclusion knows no borders.

#Astra's #CBDC initiatives are propelling this vision forward, offering a platform for financial innovation that benefits everyone.

Join us in reshaping the global economy for a bright & fair future.💪

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🛡 Looking for a secure #NFT experience?

💪 Look no further than #Astra

Our AI-powered #AML system is setting new standards for safety and accountability in the NFT space.

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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

▶️ It’s LIVE.

Join Astra x Reef Labs YouTube Live:

🎙Learn more about #Astra from our CIO & CTO, Sakheeb Waseem at this exciting Founders' Roundtable, unraveling the Secret Sauce for Supercharging Web3 Communities.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

How can economies worldwide embrace digital currencies as simple, resilient & globally accepted?

🌐#Astra's approach sets a blueprint for a future where digital currencies are accessible & trusted adding a layer of protection with robust KYC & AML procedures


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Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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#Web3 is not just an ecosystem of emerging technologies, it's a movement towards freedom & empowerment.

#Astra stands at the forefront of this movement, to bring Security & Trust in the space.

❤️ and 🔁 if you agree!

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🛡️Trust is everything in #Web3.

Astra’s advanced AI screening & identity verification solutions ensure your data stays completely Private while staying compliant.

🔒🌐Explore the world of secure, decentralized possibilities with #Astra:

Spread the word

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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🪪Your identity, your control!

💪Astra's innovative blockchain-based solution empowers you to safeguard sensitive data from identity theft risks.

🛡It's time to embrace the future of secure digital identity management with #Astra.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

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Say goodbye to the tug-of-war between DeFi innovation and regulatory compliance.

💪Astra's #AML and #KYC screening harmonize these worlds, offering a seamless path towards a responsible and prosperous crypto ecosystem.

🌐 Trust in #Astra, trust in the future.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


Cross-chain bridges are a vital link in the #Crypto ecosystem, but vulnerabilities persist.

#Astra can shield all such vulnerabilities.

Our comprehensive security measures & real-time monitoring prevent safety breaches, ensuring robust #ConsumerProtection.

Choose Astra! 🌐🔑

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


💪In the world of #Web3, Astra stands as the fortress of trust.

As we navigate through the decentralized space, Astra's innovative technology ensures:

✅Data privacy

Join the movement toward a secure and empowered digital future with #Astra! 🔐

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🪙DeFi is crucial for the world, but security in DeFi is paramount.

#Astra's advanced monitoring could have averted the vulnerability affecting multiple pools.

Don't wait for threats to strike – fortify your #DeFi experience with Astra's proactive defence 🔒🌐

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🚫 Hackers beware!

🛡Astra is here to combat crypto exploits & add a security layer to the space for the protection of assets and consumers.

Take charge of your crypto's safety – choose #Astra and stay steps ahead of cyber threats.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🌍#DeFi is reshaping the financial landscape with lending platforms, liquidity pools & automated market makers.

#Astra's decentralized compliance tech offers safety within complexity, ensuring secure & responsible growth for all DeFi aspects!

Learn more about Astra:

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

🚨 The #CFTC's recent actions against deceptive investment schemes emphasize the importance of transparency and trust.

Astra believes in honest communication with consumers, offering solutions that prioritize integrity and compliance.

🛡💪Stay informed. Stay safe with #Astra.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

🔍 With the rise of DeFi & digital finance, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) efforts have become pivotal in preventing the flow of illicit funds.

Let's explore the challenges and how #Astra is reshaping the landscape.

🌍 Illicit finance doesn't recognize borders. Scammers and hackers exploit gaps in global AML structures, moving funds seamlessly across jurisdictions.

This challenges law enforcement and puts honest businesses at risk.

📍 Enter Astra ~ KYC for #Web3

Astra recognizes these challenges and has developed a globally potented AI-powered system to tackle them head-on.

Astra's approach is proactive, global, and adapted to the digital age.

Read more about it here:

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🚨Security Alert 🚨

🛡Vigilance and proper key management are essential in protecting digital assets.

#Astra reminds users to stay informed and prioritize security allowing crypto applications/protocols and users to leverage its robust decentralized #compliance layer.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

🛡Security in the #crypto world must never be underestimated.

#Astra continues to champion security and innovation, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to protect users' assets.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

🎯France's alignment with the #MiCA regulation signifies a major step towards harmonizing #Crypto regulations in Europe.

#Astra’s legal assurance is strengthening these positive strides toward transparency, consumer protection & industry growth.

🛡Safety is assured with Astra.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🌎In the dynamic world of #Crypto, compliance is paramount.

#Astra's role in providing regulatory tools ensures they stay on the right side of regulations without compromising on security.

🎯🛡 Let's pave the way for a compliant and secure crypto landscape!

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🌎In the dynamic world of #Crypto, compliance is paramount.

#Astra's role in providing regulatory tools ensures we stay on the right side of regulations without compromising on security.

🎯🛡 Let's pave the way for a compliant and secure crypto landscape!

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


A $2.1M attack on a DAO’s stablecoin pool highlights the urgent need for robust security measures in #DeFi.

🛡Astra's commitment to forging a resilient & secure #Web3 future remains unchanged.

✅Stay safe. Stay vigilant with #Astra.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🔑 Security is non-negotiable in #DEXs, and Astra ensures that!

#Astra's decentralized #compliance solution shields against potential hacks and exploits, enabling seamless and secure trading experiences.

💪Embrace Astra for a protected #DeFi journey.

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium


🌐 As the global regulatory framework for #Crypto evolves, Astra takes centre stage, offering decentralized KYC solutions to ensure compliance and security.

💪 With #Astra, we can navigate the complexities and thrive with #ConsumerProtection in this new era!

Spread the word:

Astra’s mission is to provide a range of regulatory compliance tools for crypto applications, ensuring that financial compliance standards can be met across the Web3 industry.

Astra: KYC for Web3

Join Astra on: Telegram group | Announcements | Twitter | Website | Medium

© 2022 GlavCrypto. Matvienko has been winging us.