Sentinel Protocol Announcement

An official radio broadcasting for public announcement
Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement pinned Β«πŸ”Š Sentinel Protocol Telegram update time! πŸ‘‰ We would like to inform our community that from now on, this Sentinel Protocol Telegram Announcement Channel will become a legacy channel. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We are redirecting all communications to the Uppsala Security Forum.…»

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ”Š Sentinel Protocol Telegram update time!

πŸ‘‰ We would like to inform our community that from now on, this Sentinel Protocol Telegram Announcement Channel will become a legacy channel.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» We are redirecting all communications to the Uppsala Security Forum. Our team is and will continue to be active there, ready to kick off any cybersecurity-related discussions and answer your questions:

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Hop over to our official social accounts where we will continue to be active and ready to share upcoming exciting news:

πŸ“Œ Official Telegram Announcement Channel:
πŸ“Œ Twitter:

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

The Sentinel Protocol team attended the HoshoCon Blockchain Security Conference in Las Vegas, USA on October 9–11.

πŸ‘‰ John Kirch, Chief Evangelist, was interviewed during the conference by John Furrier from theCube. In their interview, they discussed cyber attacks targeting exchanges over the years. Kirch highlighted these cybersecurity issues by detailing one of the most recent incidents, the Japanese Zaif Exchange hack, which led to the loss of approximately $60 million USD.

πŸ”œ In anticipation of the ICF (Interactive Cooperation Framework) API launch, Kirch explained Sentinel Protocol’s mission to provide cybersecurity solutions to the crypto space. He explained the benefits of having access to crowdsourced information in the TRDB (Threat Reputation Database), which is particularly important for exchanges since they are the end point of crypto hacks.

🎬 Watch the interview here:

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ“’πŸ”°πŸ€ We are thrilled to announce that we have teamed-up with Regulus / Midas Protocol!

πŸ‘‰ Midas Protocol is a decentralized portfolio and asset management platform for all essential crypto needs such as cryptocurrency trading, safekeeping, spending, portfolio management and easy conversion to fiat.
We will work together to integrate the Midas Wallet and the Vinex Exchange with Sentinel Protocol’s Threat Reputation Database (TRDB) via the Interactive Cooperation Framework (ICF) API. The TRDB contains Security Intelligence Whitelists and Blacklists detailing confirmed activities related to phishing, malware, hacks, and scams.

πŸ™Œ With the addition of yet another valuable partner, we are taking important steps towards the implementation of Sentinel Protocol’s decentralized security solutions, preventing crypto users from inadvertently transacting with malicious parties.

Read the full announcement here:

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» To stay up to date with the latest news and announcements, make sure you follow us on Twitter:

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ”°β—οΈπŸ”Ž The Crypto Exchange Zaif hacking incident resulting in a loss of almost 60$ million USD was investigated by the Sentinels!

πŸ‘‰ The Japan-based platform was reportedly victimized by a hack where cryptocurrency funds including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and MonaCoin disappeared within minutes. While the exchange representatives began investigating the cause that led to this unfortunate event, Sentinel Protocol proactively initiated a report through the Sentinel Portal to track the stolen funds and minimize further damage.

πŸ“ƒ Read more about the investigation led by the Sentinels and the solutions that will keep you safe against these hacks:



πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Stay vigilant! Get the latest crypto security news by following us on Twitter:

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ”°πŸ‘‰ β€œReal technology makes people happy.”

βœοΈπŸ“¬ Patrick Kim, CEO and Founder of Sentinel Protocol, shares some thoughts about the potential of cryptocurrencies, and highlights the crucial role of collective intelligence in creating a secure decentralized ecosystem. He also addresses the latest partnerships and listing announcements as well as plans for the future.

β€œIt is essential to build a strong security ecosystem around each key stakeholder, including crypto exchanges, wallets, payment providers, regulators, etc. By doing so, it would be far more difficult for bad actors to monetize any stolen cryptocurrencies. We are working closely with security leaders looking to expand their capabilities in protecting the crypto community.”

πŸ” Read the full letter on our new Medium page:

Letter in Korean:
Letter in Japanese:

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» For more updates, follow us on Twitter:

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ₯πŸ”°πŸ™Œ Ready for some exciting news on a Monday?

Sentinel Protocol is happy to announce a new listing & partnership with the GDAC exchange!

β€œTechnology is advancing at a rapid speed and threats are getting increasingly complex. The success of our strategic partnerships means a positive experience for customers who will benefit from the security features while trading on the platform.” - James Oh, CEO and co-founder of GDAC.

πŸ‘‰ Partnership: By having access to the Sentinel Protocol security suits and most importantly to the malicious activity recorded in the decentralized Threat Reputation Database (TRDB), the GDAC exchange can now detect and block fraudulent transactions while preventing the use of stolen cryptocurrencies;

πŸ‘‰ Listing: the UPP token will be listed and ready for trading on the GDAC exchange on September 17, 2:30 PM KST.

Sustained by the crypto community and together with our existing and new partners, such as GDAC exchange, we can discourage malicious behavior and lead the way to a more secure crypto space.

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement pinned Β«πŸ”°πŸ”πŸ‘‰ The Sentinels found something interesting! We received an anonymous report by an Uppward user through the Sentinel Portal, and it has just been confirmed. This case is not covered by any other security solution until now. The report concerns the following…»

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ”°πŸ”πŸ‘‰ The Sentinels found something interesting!

We received an anonymous report by an Uppward user through the Sentinel Portal, and it has just been confirmed. This case is not covered by any other security solution until now.

The report concerns the following developer on the Chrome Web Store:

That developer has released these three different Chrome extensions:

The aforementioned extensions have been tested in our Sandbox. The Sentinels found that these extensions act in a malicious way by changing the deposit address on exchanges such as Binance, Bitmex, Poloniex, Bittrex, Remitano, and Bitfinex. After reviewing the code, the Sentinels discovered 15 wallet addresses being used to replace deposit addresses whenever users attempt to deposit funds on the exchanges. All three of these extensions are now blacklisted in the Sentinel Protocol TRDB along with these 15 wallet addresses found in the code. The donation address published on the Chrome Web Store has also been blacklisted.

To date, these addresses have received the following amounts of cryptocurrencies with some transactions going as far back as Dec 21, 2017:

ETH - 25.307686624534
ETC - 5.43199613
BTC - 5.18527599 (including donation address)
DASH - 0.0763047
LTC - 8.63924826
BCH - 0.42500000

We would like to remind our community to stay vigilant and not use any software from untrusted sources. Do continue to report any suspicious activity on the Sentinel Portal. Through community effort, we can make the crypto world a safer place!

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ‘‰πŸ₯πŸ’₯The good news just keeps coming! Sentinel Protocol is listed on Upbit Exchange!

UPP/BTC pair is now available:

Happy trading!

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ’₯πŸ“’πŸ“ŒSentinel Protocol got listed on Bittrex Exchange!

UPP/BTC pair is now live. Trading is available on

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

Sentinel Protocol's Uppward Chrome Extension, launched today, has been featured on Forbes!
There’s a few misleading bits of info, such as the number of Pre-Sentinels, but we were excited to share the news with you first 😎
"Our aim is to collect and provide these malicious addresses as well as scams, frauds, impersonation and other threat data in an accessible database so that funds won’t disappear. Instead, individuals from the comfort of their browser can double check if the destination address is the intended address and if all is exactly what it seems."

Sentinel Protocol Announcement

πŸ”°How are you enjoying the Uppward Chrome Extension?
πŸ‘‰Give a 5 star rating and invest safely!

Sentinel Protocol Announcement
