Supra Finance - Announcements

Supra is an innovative project within DeFi ecosystem on the BSC that implements innovative low-risk saving systems, medium-risk yield farming strategies and also contemplates a space for those who want to venture into a high investment risk
Supra Finance - Announcements

We will stop providing support for this group in order to move efforts to the next project. If you have any doubt, consult the pinned messages or reach @pikachu690.

Supra Finance - Announcements

🚨An innovative investment system just started🚨

Quantum Protocol is the solution for veterans and new investors, that want to benefit from DeFi without risks or time wasting.

QTM is a new type of token always increasing in price, a store of value like no other, not tied to a State currency and growing over time thanks to the real work of the development team.

Join Quantum, and just forget about the rest
Telegram Announcements:

Supra Finance - Announcements

To all the Supra holders and vault users that want to redeem their QTM.

We have created a Medium article with all that you need to know, to participate in the Quantum Protocol.

Supra Finance - Announcements

We are very excited to share what Supra Finance has been building the last few months.

Our team is decided to provide our users with the best investment opportunities we can offer. As we hinted before, we are now focusing efforts on a new token, this will be the cornerstone of a new investment space, a completely new way to earn and grow.

We are pleased to introduce our rebranding to Quantum Protocol.

Supra Finance - Announcements


Supra Finance - Announcements

Our new token remains stable within a predefined and growing range. Over time its volatility is reduced and the market price becomes very close to the target value, this target, is not pegged to a currency issued by a State (such as USD or EUR), instead, it is a growing one, reaching a new value month to month.

The price range in which the currency's market price can be located is determined from a periodically defined value, from which the upper and lower limits are projected. Example: target price for June 2023 = 1 USD, lower limit: 0.95 USD, upper limit: 1.05 USD. This range will start wide (min 0.5 USD, max 200 USD) and will be restricted over time.

The new token is being delivered to the vault users of Fantom Network from March 6th, make sure to use any of the vaults to participate in this new stage of Supra Finance, or unstake if you want to keep earning in a traditional sense.

Supra Finance is reaching the next step of Decentralized Finance, join now and be part of something great.

Supra Finance - Announcements

As we announced before, we will make big changes in Supra and we will focus on our token.

We will create the new Supra V2 token, it will be a stabilized coin with price targets inside an anti pump & dump range. Our new vision is to stop being a yield aggregator.

The vaults will stop compounding LPs and strategies will be modified to turn all the current stake into Supra V2.

IMPORTANT: If you don't want your deposit to transform into Supra V2 you must withdraw your stake from our vaults, this action needs to be done by the user.
You have 10 days to withdraw before we turn the deposits into Supra V2. After these 10 days, we will create a snapshot of deposits and all of them will be turn into Supra V2, no exception.

We will post more updates regarding these changes in the next days. Remember, if you don't want to participate in Supra V2, withdraw your funds.

Supra Finance - Announcements

Supra created the first degen DeFi vault. In an early time when vaults had boring low APYs, we had yields counted by billions, numbers going off the screen🚀, we marked an era that Autofarm copied with turbo vaults and forced Beefy to change his obduracy from "serious" vaults to adding any shitcoin by charging thousands of dollars to list your project🤨. We love to innovate and go against the tide😎.

Currently, we have what appears to be a bear market, everything falls and the investors no longer know what is going to happen😵‍💫. We think that to celebrate our token birthday it is a good idea to go against the bear, 🚨our token will rise in price month after month even if everything falls in this market🚨.

SUPRA token went on sale at 0.5 USD and now is 100x of that🔥. We are planning to see it grow even more🌛. Let's assume the current price is 5 USD on February 15th. We will set a price goal of 10 USD by the mid of March, 15 USD by April, and 20 USD by May. Later we can review the progress and define more objectives. 🤓

To achieve these objectives, we will make changes in our vaults, focusing on Fantom Network where the liquidity of SUPRA will be.

More details to come in the next few days, follow us:🚀🚀🚀

Supra Vaults💰
TG Ann🔊

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #Fantom #Crypto #Investment #Yield

Supra Finance - Announcements

Supra Finance - Announcements

One year ago, our token went on sale at its initial price of 0.5 USD!🥳 It was a huge event with many people having fun and BSC collapsing. 😂

Now, it is 100x above that value, and our pretty token have a lot more to grow. 🥰

Stay in touch, as in the next few days we will be announcing how Supra is going to 🚀!

Supra Finance - Announcements

Happy New year to all of our beloved Supratastic users!🥳

We had a great year with days full of joy and others a little bitter, but you guys were there all the time!🥰

We love you, and Supra team will be back for more in 2022🤙

Supra Finance - Announcements

Supra Finance - Announcements

How are you Supra lovers?🥰

The previous WETH-mcUSD farm ended so we created the vault for the new farm, keep earning the greatest yields in the best yield aggregator 💰🚀

Supra wishes you all a Happy New Year, many new and shiny stuff is coming for us in the next year, keep in touch to be the firsts to earn more using SUPRA 🥂🍾

Supra Finance - Announcements

🚨 Although Supra Finance funds were lost during the theft of polygon WBUSD liquidity, we made an effort to support the users affected with a compensation🚨

We are very sorry for the situation and kindly remind people not to use features they are unaware of the risks🤓

First compensation tx:

Second compensation tx:

Supra Finance - Announcements

Hello to our GOL Squad!! We have grown our team by partnering with Supra Finance! Supra will be offering some initial auto-compounding vaults on our GOL pools.

Read up on the new partnership here and go visit there website to start auto-compounding! We will be working with the Supra team closely on how to best structure our V2 vaults in the upcoming future! Lets get excited and get a taste for what is to come!


Supra Finance - Announcements

Lurking around BSC looking for some great projects? ⚽️

Supra have what you need!

Gol Finance have some superb yields that perfectly match with the vaults that we created just for them, so score a goal now using Supra Finance and Gol Finance🏆

Supra Vaults

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #BSC #GolFinance #BNB #BUSD #Crypto #Investment #Yield #Stablecoin

Supra Finance - Announcements

🚨A friendly reminder to all of our Supra users, that no admin will message you first, all support is provided directly on our channel.🚨

Supra Finance - Announcements

For those who like to earn without worrying, Supra also has a solution😉

Daily returns with stablecoins, all your friends will like to know, Supra is making crypto investing simple!!! 🚀

Check out our guides for easy access to new networks! Do you still have doubts? Ask us anything 🤓

Supra Vaults

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #BSC #CELO #Fantom #Polygon #Fantom #Crypto #Investment #Yield #Stablecoin

Supra Finance - Announcements

Spooktober never ends!🎃

Stake your BOO in our single token vault as Supra Finance calculate the best strategy daily 🤓 it convert your BOO to xBOO and then stake in the pool with the greatest reward, in order to give you the best APY in the network! 🚀

Make the smart choice, use Supra vaults!

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #Fantom #Crypto #Investment #Spookyswap

Supra Finance - Announcements

🚨The ORI-FTM farm ended, causing our vault to stop generating rewards, we encourage our users to withdraw their funds and use another of our vault options in Fantom Network🚨

Find all our incredible Vaults here:

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #FTM #Fantom #Crypto #Investment #Yield

Supra Finance - Announcements

Supra is helping you to make the most of the best that Celo Network has to offer.💰💰💰

Our new POOF-UBE vault balances the double reward to minimize the selling pressure on the tokens that you love.😁❤️

Earn more tokens, without a negative impact on them, we call this Balanced compound🚀


#DeFi #Supra #Vault #CELO #Ubeswap #HOLD #POOF #UBE #Crypto #Investment #Balanced

Supra Finance - Announcements

Are you looking for low risks and great profits?🧐

Look no further, Supra has everything you need!

We are glad to present you our new LOVE UBE vault using mcUSD-mcEUR pair

Just like the rest of the LOVE UBE vaults, it creates more LP selling other tokens, while stakes all the UBE to farm more and more UBE❤️

Supra LOVE UBE Vaults

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #CELO #Ubeswap #HOLD #LOVE #Crypto #Investment

Supra Finance - Announcements

More Love coming this way❤️

Another Love Ube vault is here, now is the turn to earn a lot of UBE using CELO-mcUSD pair.

Supra is working non stop to give you tons of love🥰 so share our project with your friends and let's make a great community!

Supra LOVE UBE Vaults

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #CELO #Ubeswap #HOLD #LOVE #Crypto #Investment

Supra Finance - Announcements

Enhancing your yields even more?🤯


🚨Now all the UBE is being staked in the single UBE farm, granting more APY and... that's right! MORE UBE!🚨

Not sure what a Love UBE vault does? well here is a reminder:
1.- Increase your LP amount, generating compound interest
2.- Do not sell the UBE
3.- Stake the UBE in the single asset farm to get even more compound interest

Earn more LP and much more UBE❤️

Supra LOVE UBE Vaults

Direct links
- mcUSD-wETH:

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #CELO #Ubeswap #HOLD #LOVE #Crypto #Investment

Supra Finance - Announcements

Don't let the love go away!

We just created an article explaining all about our Love UBE Vaults, learn how they work and start earning MORE❤️

Supra Finance - Announcements

Supra Finance - Announcements

It's the time you have been waiting for...

UBE single asset vault is here!😱

Bring all your UBE to Supra Finance and start hoarding lots of UBE while enjoying your favorite latte.🥤

Supra Vaults

#DeFi #Supra #Vault #CELO #Ubeswap #Hold #Hoard #Crypto #Investment

Supra Finance - Announcements

After a conscientious investigation into what happened to our wBUSD liquidity in Polygon, we found a vulnerability that allowed the attacker to steal the wBUSD/USDC LP.

For this reason, we suspended the use of bridges from BSC to other Networks.

We strongly suggest that if there are still wBUSD holders, they use the enabled bridges from Polygon, Fantom and Celo, in order to receive BUSD in BSC.

Finally we want to comment that the stolen liquidity was mainly provided by Supra Team (more than 90% of it), since we never incentivize our users to do that or to hold wBUSD, this one, being simply a token used as an intermediary to be exchanged for a native stablecoin of the network.

However, if someone suffered losses related to this vulnerability, we are willing to analyze case by case to offer some type of compensation.
