Playkey ICO Announcements

This channel is for Playkey ICO official announcements only! See also official website - If you want to get in touch with the team, please join our chat -
Playkey ICO Announcements

💥Most modern cloud gaming services run on large data centers hardware. This solution has a fair number of advantages, yet there is also a very noticeable major shortcoming: distance between the server and the user.

It may appear insignificant in a fairly small country, but the situation changes when you scale things up. The servers might be located in Moscow, but there will be users from the entire country including Vladivostok. This is when the distance from the servers impacts the ping and user experience.

✅Told the story of the development of Playkey's decentralized affiliate network in our blog 👉

Playkey ICO Announcements

🔥Playkey DevLog. Issue 48

Hello everyone! In the past few months of the new year we have been busy adapting AMD video cards to our service (we only have NVIDIA support yet). We have also solved the problem of optimizing server usage. And we did that by introducing traditional mining!

✅For details, see our Medium blog👇

Playkey ICO Announcements

🔥Playkey DevLog. Issue 47

2020 has been a rough year, and yet it’s been very productive for Playkey decentralized platform. Out of all our servers 35% are decentralized. The demand for cloud gaming has increased by 1.5 times as Cyberpunk 2077 has been off to a rocky start.

✅For details, see our Medium blog👇

Playkey ICO Announcements

💥Playkey is now officially supporting blockchain platform Free TON, which uses Telegram Open Network (TON) protocol.

You will be eligible to receive a bonus of 20% from your payout sum in TON tokens (the exchange rate is 1 TON = 0,5$). However, you have to opt for the PKT payout option in your personal account to receive the bonus. The payouts are monthly and you will receive your bonus along with the PKT (there are no changes to the payout conditions). In order to receive TON tokens you’ll need to connect your TON wallet in your personal account. Currently there are no TON token bonuses for those who receive the payouts in rubles.

✅Connect your TON-wallet and get bonuses starting with your next payout 👉

Playkey ICO Announcements

💥Playkey DevLog. Issue 46

Hello everyone! It is time to draw conclusions and make new plans! We have expanded our miners network throughout Q2 and Q3 of 2020. There are currently 37 miners from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan!

✅For details, see our Medium blog👇

Playkey ICO Announcements

💥Playkey DevLog. Issue 45

Hey! This is a report on what has been going on in the past few months! And let us tell you, these months were very hot in every possible way. The hottest news is that the platform keeps growing. The number of our miners has doubled within the last two months. It is largely connected with the self-isolation period, as a lot of gaming cafes have lost the ability to host clients and are moving their operation online.

✅For details, see our Medium blog👇

Playkey ICO Announcements

💥Playkey DevLog. Issue 44

Hello everyone! We have been in open beta testing of our decentralized platform for two months with the fixed payment reward system for our miners. And the news from the developers is as follows...

✅For details, see our Medium blog

Playkey ICO Announcements

🔥Hello everyone! It’s been a while since the last issue of the DevLog and we have a plenty of good things to announce!

✅For details, see our Medium blog

Playkey ICO Announcements

🔥Playkey is getting closer to the launch of the decentralized platform!

Now miners can generate profit from renting out their hardware! We are currently in beta testing stage, and the reward for a month (30 day period) of renting out your PC is $50 per virtual machine.

✅Learn more 👉

Playkey ICO Announcements

💥Playkey DevLog. Issue 42

For Q1 of the year 2020 we will be primarily working on partly automated system of connecting miners to make things as comfortable as possible for them.

✅For details about our January achievements, see our Medium blog
