Optimus Announcements

Official Announcements Channel For Optimus
Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

We would like to give the community some updates about our project:

1. Team - We hired another senior developer, which brings our DEV team to 3 full time devs and a few other part time. While the first 2 are working on the smart contracts and front end implementation, our new dev will be working mainly on the next step in the Optimus ecosystem!

We also hired a full time launchpad agent with the sole task of bringing projects and strategic investors to Optimus. The strategy moving forward is to get allocations in as many projects as possible while making sure they are of good quality.

2. Development - Our new smart contract is complete and is being tested before we send it back to Certik for audit.

Some of the main changes in the contract include the ability to have different vesting schedules for different rounds as opposed to having the same vesting to all rounds. In addition projects will be able to choose to run a sale without DEX listing.

We also took this time to make a few tweaks in the site and automate the entire project onboarding process, including validation. Currently validators are assigned manually, but once the process is complete, validators will be randomly assigned to projects.

Regarding the ecosystem, we can't share specific details yet, but Optimus will not only be a launchpad.. We are creating tools and automated mechanisms that are an industry first and will help both projects and investors communicate more efficiently.

3. OPTCM - While our main focus at the moment is on development and bringing projects to launch a sale on our launchpad, we are aware of the token price, and are working on creating more demand for it. Real and sustainable price increase only comes from REAL demand and not pure speculation. Once we start having live sales, the exposure and demand is expected to grow.

OPTCM will also be an integral part of the entire broad ecosystem we are building. Projects will be able to reach out to members and get valuable insights on their community, and Optimus members will have a few ways to monetize their activity.

Every OPTCM you hold will give you more power in that ecosystem to influence AND to earn!

An integral part of the ecosystem will be a built-in burning mechanism.

This stage of Optimus is very exciting and is what is going to set us apart from the rest. We truly believe that those who stick around will be very happy they did.

Does anyone spot a familiar token here?https://www.coingecko.com/en/discover/trending-cryptocurrencies-united-states

Optimus Announcements

Happy to announce Optimus is now listed in DigiFinex.com
one of the top 20 CEXs in the world, with daily volume of $2B+ and CG trust score of 9!

We are running a special promotion with Digifinex with a total reward pool of 3M OPTCM!

All the details are here:



Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

We would like to share a few updates with our valued community.

Since the delay in the Blockchain-Ads sale we have been working on a few things to improve both our platform and our outreach.

Some updates coming to the platform:

- We have a unique referral system for both referring new users and projects. This system will now be automated! What this means is that members will be able to see their unique referral link along with their referring data in the profile page. Every member that refers new members to Optimus will also be able to automatically claim their commission tokens.
The system is currently in testing and we will announce once it is live.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to introduce a new project to Optimus, and be a part of the ref program, please DM @acryptotrader with details.

- We are upgrading our sale smart contract, implementing a few
enhancements that will make it even more attractive for projects:

1. The ability to have different vesting schedules for different rounds.
2. The ability to do a sale Without automatically listing in a DEX. This will be helpful in cases where we want to get allocations from projects who do not wish to do the entire sale via Optimus.
3. Once all these updates are tested we will start rolling out the contract for other blockchains as well: Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom..

General Updates:

- We are in discussions with a few new projects to give us allocations.
- We are checking out different options for community / social management.
- A few CEXs (with Billions $ in daily volume) have expressed interest in listing Optimus and working together. We will try to finalize at least one in the near future to give $OPTCM more exposure and liquidity. If anyone has connections and / or suggestions for a good CEX, please DM @acryptotrader with details.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

The second batch of OPTCM tokens are unfrozen.

We wanted to make it as easy as possible for everyone to claim them, so instead of making a tutorial showing how to interact with the contract directly, we decided to simply make a claim button in the profile section!

So, in order to claim the frozen tokens all you need to do is:

1. Go to your profile section and click the claim button.

2. Approve the tx in metamask... And that's it!

One more thing you will see in the profile page next to your badge is your HODL score!

We are working on a few more exciting features that will be announced once they are ready. We are also working on securing allocations for more projects!

Blockchain Ads update:

In our original post about the sale delay the sale was supposed to start today, however the Blockchain Ads team feel it would be best to wait a bit more. We will announce a new date once we have one.

Wishing everyone a safe and productive week!

Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

Here is a short video tutorial for anyone who participated in the Seed round of BlockchainAds and need to claim the funds back:


Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

The Blockchain-Ads private and public sales were scheduled to start today.

However, as you probably know a war erupted that is dramatically affecting financial markets all over the world, including the crypto market. Today is a time of uncertainty, and as such we understand that things need to be done carefully.

The smart contract deployed by Blockchain-Ads had a set end date of March 1st. This can't be changed. However, Blockchain-Ads is raising funds from other VCs and launchpads as well, and this process will continue after March 1st.

The meaning of this is, that if we start the sales now and hit our caps by March 1st, the funds will be locked until Blockchain-Ads is ready to launch, which could take a few more weeks.

Out of responsibility to our community of investors, we decided along with the Blockchain-Ads team to extend the interest stage and re-launch the contract that will allows us to extend the interest stage.

What this means is:

1. You will not need to whitelist again. all members who joined the interest stage of all rounds are in the database and will be automatically added to the next contract.

2. The interest stage will continue until the 20th of March.

3. As the contract is relaunched the funds invested in the seed round will be refunded. So the investors will be still whitelisted and offered the new seed allocations.
Instructions on how to get the funds back will be given in a separate announcement.

Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

Over 600 members are already interested in investing in the Blockchain-Ads sale!

The interest stage for both private and public rounds will end tomorrow Feb 24th.

If you are interested in joining make sure you to join the whitelist before it closes.

To celebrate our first sale on our launchpad, we launched a giveaway campaign with a total reward prizes of 400K OPTCM!

If you are part of the Blockchain-Ads sale, please make sure you join the giveaway: https://gleam.io/AW6cZ/optimus-x-blockchainads-giveaway

Also, share it and spread the word!


Optimus Announcements

We are pleased to announce our next AMA on February 23rd 2022 at 2:00 PM UTC Time: Satoshi Club x Blockchain-Ads

⚠️Total Reward pool: 500$

πŸ‘‰ Follow Satoshi Club
πŸ‘‰ Join Blockchain-Ads Telegram
πŸ‘‰ Follow Blockchain-Ads Twitter

We will have the following structure:

Part 1️⃣: $100/6 users – We’ll select 6 questions from the community. A user can post maximum 3 questions. 6 Questions will be selected from our website – please submit your questions in the comments section of this post.

Part 2️⃣: $100/10 users – Open chat for 120 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. Blockchain-Ads Team will select 10 questions and answer them.

Part 3️⃣: $300 – A quiz about Blockchain-Ads

For more details:
Blockchain-Ads – @the_blockchain_ads
Satoshi Club – @satoshi_club
Russian – @satoshi_club_ru
Spanish – @satoshi_club_spanish

Optimus Announcements
Optimus Announcements

We are pleased to announce our next AMA on February 21st 2022 at 3:00 PM UTC Time CryptoNite Club x Blockchain-Ads

πŸŽ™ Voice AMA πŸŽ™ β€”

⚠️Total Reward pool: $200 worth of BUSD


πŸ‘‰ Follow in twitter - Blockchain-Ads , Cryptonite Club

πŸ‘‰ Join group - @the_blockchain_ads

πŸ“† - February 21st 2022

⏰- 03:00 PM UTC

πŸ“- @Cryptonite_club

We will have the following structure:

1️⃣: Introduction

2️⃣: $50/5 users – We’ll select 5 questions from the community. A user can post maximum 3 questions. 5 Questions will be selected from our twitter page – please submit your questions in the comments section ,

Post link - Click Here

3️⃣: $50/5 users – Open chat for ~180 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. Blockchain-Ads will select 5 questions and answer them.

4️⃣: $50/5 users – Open chat for ~180 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. Blockchain-Ads will select 5 questions from YouTube live chat and answer them.

5️⃣: $50/5 users –
Spin the Wheel

Website | Twitter | Telegram Chat

Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

Last week we had a great AMA with Blockchain-Ads where many topics were discussed including the project, tokenomics, roadmap and more.

One of the conclusions from the AMA was that it is in the best interest of the project to include as many investment entities as possible. This includes other groups, VCs, and launchpads.

We are listening to the community, and are always looking for the best interest of both the investors and the projects we invest in.

So in order to allow others to participate and also optimize the sale on our launchpad we are making the following adjustments:

1. The hard caps in Optimus will be lowered. Seed will be reduced to $250K, Private to $630K and public to $120K

2. Seed round will not end tomorrow, but will run until the end of the sale on March 1st.

3. Private round interest stage will not end tomorrow but next Sunday, FEB 20th, to allow anyone who wants to join to do so. Private sale will then start and run until March 1st.

4. Public sale interest stage starts tommorow (as planned) and will end next Tuseday, Feb 22nd. Then the Public round will start and run until March 1st.

5. While all sales in Optimus will end on March 1st, TGE will be depending on how quickly the remaining of the funds will be collected. Seperate announcements will be made on that.

We belive this solution is best for us and for Blockchain-Ads future and will dramatically increase the chances of a successful raise!

If you are interested in investing in Blockchain-Ads and havn't expressed interest yet, please do it asap.


Optimus Announcements

#Blockchain-Ads.com Update:

AMA with Founder and CEO of Blockchain-Ads Vlad Chejkovski:


Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

The live video AMA will start in about 10 minutes!

Time: Feb 10, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Meeting ID: 860 6692 6839
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Optimus Announcements

Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!


The Blockchain-Ads seed interest round will close today in about 90 minutes.

If you are a Galactic Traveller (Holding 1M+ OPTCM) and you are interested in investing in the seed round please go to: https://optimus.ventures/project/Blockchain-Ads-kCL

Make sure you go over the sale details and research the project first. DYOR.

Under the project name you will see 3 tabs. The first is for the general details of the token sale and project. The second is the reviews submitted by validators. In the third tab you will see a button named 'Interested". Click on it if you wish to participate in the sale.

Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus community!

We are happy to announce we now have an official Russian Telegram group!



Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!


The Blockchain-Ads seed interest round will close tomorrow.

If you are a Galactic Traveller (Holding 1M+ OPTCM) and you are interested in investing in the seed round please go to: https://optimus.ventures/project/Blockchain-Ads-kCL

Make sure you go over the sale details and research the project first. DYOR.

Under the project name you will see 3 tabs. The first is for the general details of the token sale and project. The second is the reviews submitted by validators. In the third tab you will see a button named 'Interested". Click on it if you wish to participate in the sale.

Optimus Announcements

Dear Optimus Community!

We are happy to announce that the first project on our platform has launched!

The project is - Blockchain-Ads.com

Some key points about the project:

1. Completely Decentralized Advertising Ecosystem

- Available to Everyone.
- No Censorship.
- 100% User Privacy.

There are no restrictions on who can advertise and who can submit their website as a publisher. No KYC policy.


Advertisers <-> Publishers Intermediaries Elimination

No DSP | No DMP | No SSP Direct Interaction Lowest feesThere is no middleman.

To put in perspective a centralized network is 100% dependent on the middleman and their fees can go as high as 70,80,90% of the cost. Massive reduction.The blockchain-ads platform charges 1% of all transactions as operating costs.


- The platform has wallet targeting capabilities (this is active)
- blockchain-ads platform is capable of serving ads in the metaverse.

Token sale details:

The sale is made of 3 rounds:

1. Seed Round - Open for Galactic Travellers (1M+ OPTCM).

Interest stage: Feb 1st - Feb 8th
Seed sale round: Feb 8th - Feb 15th

2. Private Round - Open also for Astronauts (100K+ OPTCM) and Space Cadets (10K+ OPTCM)

Interest stage: Feb 8th - Feb 15th
Private sale round: Feb 15th - Feb 22nd

3. Public Round - Open also for Moon Dreamers (1000+ OPTCM)

Interest stage: Feb 15th - Feb 22nd
Public sale round: Feb 22nd - Mar 1st

How to participate?

Once the interest stage for your level is open you can express your interest to join the sale. After each round interest stage is over, our dynamic allocation algorithm will automatically calculate your personal allocation for the sale.

Go to: https://optimus.ventures/project/Blockchain-Ads-kCL

Make sure you go over the sale details and research the project first. DYOR.

Under the project name you will see 3 tabs. The first is for the general details of the token sale and project. The second is the reviews submitted by validators. In the third tab you will see a button named 'Interested". Click on it if you wish to participate in the sale.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in our TG group.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

