MetalSwap - Official News

Official News about Metal Swap Project
MetalSwap - Official News

🟒 MetalSwap Knowledge: Exploring backed and oracle-based liquidity

The DeFi derivatives sector is rapidly evolving, offering a blend of trustless systems with the speed and efficiency of centralized solutions.

-New Article Spotlight: Dive into our latest article exploring two most known liquidity management methods: Backed Pool and Oracle-Based Pool.

-Backed Pool: Understand how works the "backed" liquidity system, ensuring security and solvency even during high asset volatility.

-Oracle-Based Pool: Learn about the flexibility and simplicity of oracle-based pools, despite potential security concerns.

πŸ‘‰ Read More:

Stay tuned for more insides in the dynamic world of DeFi!

#DeFi #Derivatives #CryptoNews #MetalSwap

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πŸ’₯ Different Derivatives Pricing Models in DeFi!

Discover the latest developments in DeFi derivatives with our quick overview:

- User Growth Explosion: The number of users in the DeFi derivatives sector has grown exponentially in recent months.

- Top Pricing Models: Explore the three main pricing models: Oracle-based, Hybrid, and Virtual AMM (vAMM).

- Model Insights: Understand the benefits and challenges of each model, from scalability and speed to security and costs.

πŸ‘‰ Read More:

Stay tuned for more updates in the dynamic world of DeFi!

#DeFi #Derivatives #CryptoNews

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πŸŽ‰ Recap: April Highlights!

Catch up with MetalSwap’s April progress and exciting future developments in our brief recap:

- Start of the Swap Competition: Compete for over 1000 USDC and 3300 OP in rewards until May 17th.

- 50% Reduction in Premiums: Trading just got cheaper thanks to the latest dApp updates.

- NFT Staking on the Horizon: Ready for release on the Optimism mainnet, following the Mumbai testnet phase.

- Insightful Reads: Delve into strategies and impacts from our latest articles.

πŸ‘‰ Read More:

Stay constantly updated with us in the ever-changing world of DeFi!

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πŸ” Markets Insight: ETH Altseason Journey

Delve into the latest blogpost as we explore Ethereum's performance post-Bitcoin halving.
Discover the trends and shifts in ETH's dominance and market strategy, and how past cycles might inform future movements.


- Analyzing ETH/BTC trends and Ethereum's growing dominance.
- How Ethereum's historical performance might signal its future trajectory.
- Utilize MetalSwap's dApp to manage long-term ETH positions effectively, without the burden of funding rates.

πŸ‘‰ Deepen your understanding:

Stay informed and strategic with MetalSwap as we navigate the dynamic DeFi landscape!

#Ethereum #Trends #Altseason #MetalSwap

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πŸ” ETF Evolution: Gold & Bitcoin

Explore the transformative impact of gold and Bitcoin ETFs in our latest blog post. Understand how these funds have opened up new avenues for investors and altered market dynamics.


- Spot ETFs: Direct asset exposure made simple.
- Comparing gold and Bitcoin ETF influences.
- Future implications for Bitcoin as 'digital gold'.

πŸ‘‰ Learn more:

Navigate the evolving investment landscape with MetalSwap!

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πŸ” Trading without the Funding Rate

Our newest blog post sheds light on a significant advantage of trading with MetalSwap.

In the rapidly evolving DeFi sector, understanding and leveraging instruments that minimize costs is key. This post dives deep into how MetalSwap's unique approach to Hedging Contracts eliminates the need for a funding rate, making it an essential tool for traders during volatile market conditions.

Don't let high funding rates drain your profits!

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to act smarter:

Stay constantly updated with us in the ever-changing world of DeFi!

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πŸŽ‰ Join the Competition: Halving Edition!

Celebrate the Bitcoin halving with us! Participate in MetalSwap's "Halving Edition" Competition on the Optimism blockchain!


- Duration: April 17 to May 17.
- Platform: Compete via MetalSwap's dApp on Optimism mainchain.
- Entry: Open a Hedging Contract position to enter; multiple entries profits/losses are summed on each public address.

πŸ’‘ Check the official blog post for detailed rules and participation guidelines.

πŸ‘‰ Read Here:

Celebrate and compete: lead the Top20 !

#MetalSwap #Competition #BTCHalving #Optimism

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πŸ” Bitcoin Halving's Impact on DeFi

We've reached the final chapter of our Bitcoin Halving Series! Explore how the upcoming halving might transform DeFi, influencing GWEI, user engagement, and market fluctuations. Discover how MetalSwap's hedging tools can assist you in adapting to these shifts.

- GWEI and DeFi Usage
- Market Volatility Analysis
- Strategic Hedging Opportunities

πŸ‘‰ Read now:

Don’t miss our breakdown: Stay informed and ahead of the curve with MetalSwap as we navigate the evolving DeFi landscape together!

#MetalSwap #BitcoinHalving #DeFi #Trends

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🌍Navigating Altcoins During Bitcoin Halving

Check out the new blog post for key strategies in the altcoin market around Bitcoin's halving event! We delve into how BTC's halving influences altcoin prices and offer tactical approaches for MetalSwap's tools.

Discover insights and strategies - learn how to navigate the shifts in altcoin performance during this significant moment.

πŸ‘‰ Dive into the topic:

Stay informed and ahead in DeFi with MetalSwap!

#MetalSwap #BitcoinHalving #DeFi #Trends

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πŸ“£ UniV3 LP NFT Staking Testnet Updates

Dive into our latest article for crucial updates on the UniV3 LP NFT Staking Testnet!

Key Info: Upcoming Mumbai Testnet deprecation - mark those calendars!
Quick Guide: Steps to change your RPCs, made simple.
Snapshot Alert: April 12 - a pivotal moment for your XMTXP points!
Next Steps: Stay tuned for more on testnet's journey.

Essential reading for MetalSwap's testers!
πŸ”— Read Here:

Thank you for being the pulse of MetalSwap's community!

#MetalSwap #DeFiUpdate #TestnetNews

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πŸ” Bitcoin Halving Approach

Navigate the 4th Bitcoin Halving's volatility with MetalSwap's latest article on MetalSwap's dApp. Unique hedging and speculative strategies at your fingertips!

Hedging or Speculation? Your Strategy, Your Choice.
Protect or leverage your BTC investments as the halving approaches.

πŸ‘‰ Check it out:

Navigate the halving with MetalSwap – Your guide in the crypto tide

#BitcoinHalving #MetalSwap #DeFi

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πŸ” MetalSwap Knowledge - Dencun Fees Reporting

Our new blog post covers the Dencun update on Ethereum and its huge effect on Layer-2 solutions like Optimism and Linea.

From the basics of Proto-Danksharding to its profound effects on the DeFi sector, particularly in the realm of decentralized derivatives, we highlight the significant reduction of network fees: a change that has led to a substantial decrease in MetalSwap's operational costs.

A DeFi game-changer!

πŸ‘‰ Discover more in the blog post:

Stay constantly updated with us in the evolving world of DeFi!

#MetalSwap #Knowledge #DeFi #Dencun

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🍊 Bitcoin Halving is near!

Get set for the Bitcoin Halving! Our latest blog post is a must-read.

Volatility & Strategies: Learn how past halvings impacted BTC prices and how MetalSwap's hedging contracts can be your strategic advantage.

Deep Dive: Our detailed analysis is perfect for newcomers and seasoned traders. Get ready for insights into the upcoming halving.

πŸ‘‰ Read Now:

Navigate the halving with MetalSwap – Your guide in the crypto tide

#MetalSwap #BitcoinHalving #BTC #DeFi

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πŸ“Š Market Volatility Overview Vol.10 - March '24 Edition

MetalSwap's latest Market Insight is out, covering the recent crypto and commodity trends, including Bitcoin's historic high and more!

What's Inside:

- Bitcoin Breakthrough
- Commodity Market Trends
- Ether vs. BTC & Gold's New Heights
- OP Token Volatility

Dive deep into these trends and discover how MetalSwap's solutions can empower your strategies.

πŸ”— Read to the full article here:

Let's explore these market movements together!

#Metalswap #DeFi #HedgingContracts #VolatilityOverview #Market

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🌐 πŸ“š February Recap

Our latest blog post is live and it's packed with exciting updates from February 2024.

NFT Staking Testnet: Launched on Mumbai, prepping for the Optimism mainnet. Community feedback is rolling in!

Recall Pool Success: Now live on BNB mainnet, making XMT transfers smoother.

Must-Reads: Dive into our latest articles on Proto-Danksharding, account abstraction, market volatility, and RWA trends in DeFi.

Coming Up: NFT staking on Optimism mainnet and an exciting Swap Competition.

πŸ‘‰ Check our blog for more:

Stay connected with us for more groundbreaking developments and in-depth analysis

#MetalSwap #FebruaryRecap #DeFi #HedgingContracts #Dencun

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🌍 DeFi Derivatives: Dencun Revolution

The Dencun update on Ethereum is almost here, promising a massive 90% reduction in transaction costs for layer 2 solutions like Optimism!

Our latest blog post dives into how this update will revolutionize DeFi derivatives, making trading more cost-effective and accessible for everybody.

πŸ‘‰ Want the full scoop? Get to for an in-depth look at the impact of the Dencun update and what it means for your trading strategies.

Share this with your network and stay ahead in the DeFi space!

#DencunUpdate #Ethereum #Protodunksharding #MetalSwap

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🟒 UniV3 LP NFT Staking Testnet is Live on Polygon's Mumbai!

The UniV3 NFT Staking feature is now ready for public testing! Dive into our new venture on the Mumbai testnet to learn what's coming up on Optimism's mainnet!

Check out the official blogpost for a step-by-step guide on staking your UniSwap LP NFTs and earning rewards. The more you engage, the more you gain with the MetalSwap Points Campaign!

πŸ‘‰ Read the full article here:

πŸ›  Join the test, shape the future!

#MetalSwap #Improvement #UniV3NFTStake #Testnet

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🟒MetalSwap Points Campaign Unveiled!

Dive into the details of our newest initiative in our latest blog post. The MetalSwap Points Campaign is here to reward your engagement with our Testnet Smart Contracts and participation in the Recall Pool mechanism.

πŸ‘‰ Discover the news:

Join the journey of innovation and earn while contributing to MetalSwap's evolution.

#MetalSwap #DeFi #Innovation #CommunityEngagement

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πŸ’‘ MetalSwap in RWA trend

Dive into the new blog post on MetalSwap's role in DeFi's hottest trend: Real Wold Assets.
Gain insights into the integration of significant RWAs in the market.

πŸ‘‰ Read here:

The DeFi sector will evolve by driving the integration of diverse RWAs, leading a new era of asset variety and financial flexibility.

#MetalSwap #HedgingContracts #DeFi #RWAs

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🟒 MetalSwap's Recall Pool is LIVE on Mainnet!

MetalSwap's innovative Recall Pool is starting soon, enhancing XMT's user experience across different blockchains.

The first Recall Pool opens on BNB Chain, allowing users to deposit XMT that are going to be transferred to the Ethereum Mainnet with no additional costs.

The goal is to increase the voting power within the DAO and get the possibility to Stake them in the meantime.

Capacity is 20 slots, each needing 50k XMT.

The Recall Pool operates with an expiration date. If all slots are filled earlier, the transfer occurs sooner.

When the transfer triggers, just check your Ethereum wallet to find your tokens plus a reward

Read the article and join now!

Seize this opportunity to amplify your role in the MetalSwap community and the broader DeFi ecosystem!

#MetalSwap #RecallPool #DeFi

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πŸ” EIP-4844's DeFi Revolution!

Discover the impact of the upcoming EIP-4844 update in our latest blog post.

Highlighting Proto-Danksharding's role in improving scalability and lowering transaction costs, we foresee a surge in DeFi engagement and new user influx.

πŸ‘‰ Read the details:

Embrace the future of DeFi with MetalSwap's insights.

#MetalSwap #EIP4844 #DeFi

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🌐 Market Volatility Overview - Vol.9 Unveiled!

We're excited to release Volume 9 of our Market Volatility Overview, showcasing the latest financial dynamics.

This edition covers the recent uptrends in traditional and crypto markets, with a special focus on commodities like the Invesco Commodity ETF, Bitcoin's bullish run as it breaks the $50K barrier, Ether's comparative performance against Bitcoin, and the historical highs in Gold prices.
Notably, we delve into OP's performance as it nears its all-time high, highlighting its significance in the DeFi space.

πŸ‘‰ Read the full analysis:

Stay informed and navigate market fluctuations with MetalSwap's insights.

#Metalswap #DeFi #HedgingContracts

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🟒 January Recap: Advancements and Innovations!

MetalSwap marked an exceptional start to the year!

We successfully Tested five different Recall Pools on Mumbai and conducted extensive research on topics ranging from Hedging Contracts to Real World Assets.

We also previewed Proto-Danksharding's potential impact and are preparing to launch the Recall Pool on the Mainnet with exclusive incentives.

Discover the progress and the future plans of MetalSwap!

πŸ‘‰ Read the full January Recap:

Join us in this journey of innovation and growth!

#MetalSwap #DeFi #RecallPool #Testnet #RnD #Innovation #Ethereum

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πŸ” Exploring Account Abstraction

Discover how this innovative feature could enhance DeFi interactions and make MetalSwap even more user-friendly.

This is a big step towards easier and more accessible DeFi for everyone.

Ready to see what's next in DeFi? Read our insightful article now!

πŸ‘‰ Read more:

Stay informed about upcoming innovations!

#DeFi #Innovation #AccountAbstraction #MetalSwapRevolution

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πŸ’‘ Improvement Process: Proto-Danksharding

Get ready for a seismic shift in Ethereum's scalability! Proto-Danksharding is set to revolutionize both the main Ethereum layer and Layer 2 platforms, boosting the efficiency of the ecosystem.

Explore our latest blogpost for an in-depth look at how this update will transform the EVM knowledge, enhancing transaction speeds and reducing costs. A game-changer for MetalSwap and the DeFi community!

πŸ‘‰ Read more:

Stay ahead in the DeFi space with MetalSwap!

#EthereumScaling #ProtoDanksharding #MetalSwap #EIP4844 #DeFi

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MetalSwap - Official News

πŸš€ New Testnet Recall Pool: Open Now!

Our last Testnet Recall Pool filled up fast with all its 50 slots!
We're thrilled to introduce a new and larger Recall Pool, now offering 80 slots!

Hurry up, it's only available for one day!

This is your chance to test the brand-new technology powered by Chainlink and help the protocol to improve further.

πŸ‘‰ Join the MetalSwap Testnet Recall Pool Now

#MetalSwap #RecallPool #Testnet #Chainlink #DeFi

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πŸ”₯ New Test Recall Pool: Live Now!

The first MetalSwap Test Recall Pool filled up fast!
We are delighted to introduce a new and larger Test Recall Pool, now offering 50 slots!
Don't miss the chance!

πŸ‘‰ Join Now the MetalSwap Test Recall Pool

#MetalSwap #RecallPool #Testnet #DeFi

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🟒 Testnet Alert: MetalSwap's Recall Pool is Live!

MetalSwap introduces the incentivized Recall Pool Testnet – a pivotal step for XMT token enhancement across blockchains.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Here's what you need to know:

Public Participation: Everyone's invited to test and report!

Testnet Phase: Active until Feb 2nd or 20 slots filled with XMT Test tokens. The team will decide about making some more pools in the near future.

Real Simulation: Transfer XMT Test tokens from Mumbai to Sepolia Testnets, mimicking Polygon to Ethereum mainnet.

Access Test Tokens: Grab MATIC and XMT Test tokens easily.

🦾 Learn more and join the Testnet now: Recall Pool Testnet

Your participation is invaluable for MetalSwap's growth and XMT's future!

#MetalSwap #Improvement #RecallPool #Testnet #DeFi

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🌐 New Blogpost: Discover RWA dApps

Dive into the latest MetalSwap blog post where we unravel the world of Real World Assets (RWA) in DeFi.

Explore the essentials of RWAs, uncover key dApps transforming the sector, gain insights on future prospects, and understand MetalSwap's perspective on RWAs' impact in the ecosystem.

Deepen your Knowledge with our analysis!

πŸ”— Read the Full Blog Here:

Spread the Word: Share this article with fellow DeFi enthusiasts!

#MetalSwap #RWA #DeFi #Knowledge

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