LazyShiba | Announcements

0x1F6D33DadFFB37f1BA4582B2694a67a14AD587e5 Website: Community Chat: Contact us: [email protected]
LazyShiba | Announcements

It's extremely disappointing to work every single day, trying several different marketing strategies, and still tons of people accusing us of being a scam, for not seeing their unrealistic goals accomplished in such a short period of time.

During the first week of December some of the devs started being greedy and wanted to invest more into stuff for personal growth than focusing on the project long term growth. Since every dev had access to the main wallet with all the funds and tokens, the ones that wanted to take the project further changed the contract address to another wallet were the greedy ones wouldn't have access. These greedy devs didn't liked being kicked and immediately started a fud group to try to destroy the project.

Since then, the remaining devs with the help of several moderators and Fiverr workers have been trying to take the project further. During the first week of January we have spent more than $30k, this was not even close to what we had gatherered from the marketing fee.

We have been trying everything. Twitter influencers, news websites articles, display ads, Facebook ads, YouTube promos videos, Instagram influencers and so on.

These didn't brought the expected results and we were always transparent in showing that. Our goal was not to quit. But today fud hitted in such a large scale that we lost not only the support from the community but also from our moderators and Fiverr partners.

This is extremely disappointing since our multi chain dex was pretty much ready to be launched and our marketing attempts would not stop.

For everyone that joined the fud group remember that it was started by the previous kicked devs that also got paid extremely well with pre sale funds. Unfortunately these managed to convince a lot of people and ended up being the last ones to laugh.

We will not rug the token. Once the main wallet unlocks we will burn all the tokens that get unlocked. Change the tax to 5% to holders rewards only and renounce the ownership of the token. The token will still be tradable but there is no longer anyone working on accomplishing roadmap goals or marketing.

We are really sorry to everyone that still believed in us.
The previous greedy devs and their fud army won. We know that some of the people that were spreading fud had invested in the project. If you are one of them remember that the ones that started it are now laughing with their bags and you only worked on towards losing your investment.

LazyShiba | Announcements

LazyShiba | Announcements

LazyShiba | Announcements

LazyShiba | Announcements

Search #LAZYSHIBA on twitter and keep liking, tweeting, re-tweeting it. Just be a community and with steady growth, you will see the investments grow

LazyShiba | Announcements

Show your support in our latest instagram post!
Big things coming..

LazyShiba | Announcements

LazyShiba | Announcements

lets all contribute with #lazyshiba comments and memes. It helps a lot

LazyShiba | Announcements

Lets all use the #lazyshiba in the comments!!

LazyShiba | Announcements

Lets all add the #lazyshiba on this twitter post.

LazyShiba | Announcements

Here are the 3 official Lazyarmy telegram community groups:

Lazyarmy Official:
Lazyamy Brazil:
Lazyarmy Spanish:

LazyShiba | Announcements

With these we will be targetting english, brazilian and spanish languages. If required we will open a dedicated lazyarmy community chat for the spanish community only.

LazyShiba | Announcements

After several hours of being in review facebook ads are now active!

LazyShiba | Announcements

Facebook ads will go live in a couple hours.

LazyShiba | Announcements

Besides the pack we got from the marketing company, in the last few days we paid some other youtube influencers that ended up keeping the money and not making any videos.

Don't think we are not doing anything, because everyday we are working on getting more promo videos and social media influencers partnerships. We will keep working on these till we reach our 10k holders goal to end phase 2!

LazyShiba | Announcements

Let's all comment #lazyshiba

LazyShiba | Announcements

LazyShiba | Announcements

LazyShiba | Announcements

Our logo and official links as been successfully added to bscscan.

LazyShiba | Announcements

Lets all comment #lazyshiba on this twitter post.

Also, currently there is 8 videos being prepared to be launched on youtube in the following days.

LazyShiba | Announcements

We are still replying to any questions in our instagram stories, if you have any, feel free to ask it over there.
