Kwikswap ANN

Decentralized Swap, Liquidity, Market Creation & Staking Protocol Official Chat
Kwikswap ANN

The next 100x project is here! πŸ”₯

GoldeFy is a unique Metaverse game where you can earn while in sleep. 😎

You can breed and enhance in-game characters called Goldys. They, in turn, mine $G-tokens for you. Moreover, you can trade NFTs on the Goldefy Marketplace.

The gruelling pressure of completing daily missions in P2E games goes away. It's a game where you relax, collaborate and grow.

Participate in our listing today:

πŸ“… Date: 17.03.2022
πŸ• Time: 3 PM UTC
Platform: PancakeSwap
πŸ’² Listing Price: 0.14 USD
πŸ’± Liquidity Pair: BUSD
β˜‘οΈ Official contract address: 0x2Aaa5cb023cf458E7dFa765FD48b64Cd95995ab7

Incubated by:
Oddiyana Venture

Strategic Partners:
Fairum Ventures, Whitelist Ventures, Bird, Dutch Crypto Investors, Solrdao, Vulture Peak, Startfi, Alpha Hunt, Kwikstarter, binstarter, DAOstarter, SafeLaunch, CapitalDAO, SuperOracles and many more.

πŸ”— Pitch Deck & Official links:
Pitch Deck | Website | Telegram Group |
Telegram Announcement Channel | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Medium |Discord

Kwikswap ANN don't forget to enter the GoldeFY give away 😎πŸ”₯

Kwikswap ANN

If you have already whitelisted. Don't forget to head over to before time runs out.

Kwikswap ANN

Kwikstarter X GoldeFY IDO is now live! 1hr guaranteed then FCFS until sold out!

Kwikswap ANN

30 mins to go until GoldeFY is live on . Thank you to all that filled in the whitelist. πŸ”₯. 1hr guaranteed then FCFS until sold out

Kwikswap ANN

Kwikstarter <> GoldeFY whitelist is now closed. Thank you to all that have filled in the form. GoldeFY IDO on Kwikstarter will be on the 15th of March 10am UTC. All that have filled in the whitelist have qualified.

Please note :
1) 1hr guaranteed then FCFS until sold out.Allocations will be present on your kwikstarter dashboard closer to IDO start time.

2) Payment currency Matic on

3)GoldeFY will be claimed by GoldeFY's official webpage.

Thank you. Kwikswap Team

Any questions relating to GoldeFY IDO please contact @castintime

Kwikswap ANN

Only 11 minutes until GoldeFY whitelist closes. . To participate please fill in form.

Kwikswap ANN

whitelist will close in 5hrs. ALL who wish to participate MUST fill in whitelist no matter what Tier level. Thank you

Kwikswap ANN

πŸ—£GoldeFY AMA AnnouncementπŸ—£

πŸ“…Date: 13th March 5pm UTC

πŸ’°Prizes: Best top three questions will win a prize

1st prize – 125 GOD
2nd prize – 125 GOD
3rd prize – 125 GOD

To be in the chance to win a prize complete the following step

1) Questions will be taken from whitelist :

2) Winners MUST participate in the live AMA

Kwikswap ANN

2 days to go until whitelist is closed

Kwikswap ANN

1hr Guaranteed then FCFS until sold out!

Kwikswap ANN

The gateway to 100x projects is now OPEN! πŸ”₯

Vulture Peak is a pioneering launchpad where you can find easy investment access without going through the long IDO whitelisting process. 😎

The overall process to participate in IDOs is now made easy and accessible to all. No tier system. No staking. FCFS. Guaranteed allocation. Users simply have to deposit min. amt of $VPK tokens. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Deposit $VPK > Get whitelisted > Buy tokens > Claim Tokens

Participate in this disruptive project on its listing tomorrow:

πŸ“… Date: 16.02.2022
πŸ• Time: 1 PM UTC
🌐 Platform: PancakeSwap
πŸ’² Listing Price: $0.35
πŸ’± Liquidity Pair: VPK/BUSD

Incubated by:
Oddiyana Venture

Strategic Partners:
Fairum Ventures, Ekoios, Whitelist Ventures, BBS Finance, Golden Meteor Capital, Qu Ventures, Gotbit Consulting, Bird, Sheesha Finance & Catena Venture Capital

Pitch Deck & Official links:
Pitch Deck | Website |Telegram Group
Telegram Announcement Channel
Twitter |Facebook | Instagram|Medium |Discord

Kwikswap ANN

Vulture Peak TGE information

TGE is tomorrow 16th Feb at 1pm UTC

to claim please go to

Kwikswap ANN

Share requested by VPK team

Kwikswap ANN

🚨 First Round IDO 🚨

Vulture Peak first IDO is live nowπŸ”₯πŸš€

Round 1 Allocations:

Number of entries: 100
Entry fee : 0🀩
Open Duration: 3 HoursπŸ”₯
Allocation per entry:200 USDTπŸ”₯
(note: If the entries are filled before their assigned duration, the subsequent round will open)
Enter here:πŸ‘‡
