ErgoDEX is a non-custodial decentralized exchange on top of Ergo and Cardano blockchains. Join community chat: Contact Developers: @yashablack

We are happy to welcome a new participant of our accelerator ErgoPos 🤝

ErgoPOS combines blockchain and the real business world by offering a hardware POS terminal as a payment solution.

We will tell you more about them soon!

👉🏻 Join:


We are pleased to announce an UPD to the tokens list. Now it consists only of those we have verified.

To add a token outside the list, make a search by name or ID.
If you want the token to be included in the list of verified ones — fill in the blank:


📌 We are glad to share the first Q3 sprint (July 7 - 17) development updates:

-We are working on bringing back ErgoDEX on the Vasil testnet before going to mainnet. This took a little longer than we expected since some of our dependencies still don't support Vasil. Now the team is focused on eliminating these.
-Added transactions history to the Cardano side.
-Prepared infrastructure for further asset statistics development.
-Finalised new design for app and website after rebranding.
-Fixed one bug with duplicating dates in pool statistics.
-Moved SDK to a separate repo.


As you know, we are participating in Catalyst F9 with our L2 solution for DeFi ( and we need your support. The assessment period is about to end. The next stage is voting.

Check the full voting guide:

We also prepared a cheat sheet with voting phases ⬆️


💬 Just released some changes:
- Pools overview page: redesign, new filter system & indicative charts
- Redesign the max button on inputs
- Added Cardano transaction history, network name to url & redirection rules from pool/:id pages to pools


📌ErgoDEX key development priorities for Q3:

⛓️Cardano mainnet launch. Perhaps it’s the key point. You are all looking forward to this. We, too.
✨L2 solution research: cross-chain liquidity, quicker and cheaper transactions and interoperability out of the box.
📱Adaptive web-user interface to create opportunity for mobile-web UI usage.
🔎Assets analytics system.
📄Default token list upgrade.
🔧Pool creators will be able to launch farms and set conditions from ErgoDEX UI thanks to custom liquidity mining/yield farming feature.

❕ It is important to note that we can change priorities over time so we will let you know.


We consider it important to adhere to key principles in everyday life. ErgoDEX also follows them.

1) Decentralization first
2) Openness and transparency in organizational and tech aspects
3) Orientation to user’s success.


As you all know, the IOG team recently implemented the Vasil hard fork on the Cardano Testnet. We will need to restart our Cardano nodes to update, so ErgoDEX won’t work for a bit while we do essential updates.

We will promptly inform you about all updates. Thanks for understanding!


We’re breaking into Catalyst again!

Our team wants to bring our L2 solution to life, so we need your support.

Vote for ErgoDEX now, this will greatly help our project:



Cardano testnet update:

We are pleased to announce that ErgoDEX testing is nearing completion. Many thanks to everyone who took part in this and followed our work.

We are now waiting for the release of the Vasil hard fork before we move to mainnet.


Important reminder!
ErgoDEX community members are the best.


We have begun accepting applications for participation in acceleration program with ErgoPad!

Complete the form and apply:


What will happen next? 🤫


On June 8th at 16:00 UTC ErgoDEX will be hosting an AMA session on Reddit! Our founders Yasha Black and Ilya Oskin will answer all your questions. Be sure to prepare some good ones!


🎉We are happy to finally release the most requested feature for our UI. Meet ErgoDEX price charts!
Currently only available on the Ergo side.


We have been running our Cardano testnet for around 2 weeks at this point. We are now getting stable results with swaps, adding and removing liquidity on a number of wallets.
From here on out, our goal is to optimise the performance of ErgoDEX and fix any issues that may occur!


❕Today is the 12th day of the testnet.
Latest updates:

🔸All services and infrastructure are fixed.
🔸Now our team is optimizing orders execution.


🎉Today is exactly 1 year since our first tweet!

During this time:
We united almost 42,000 readers;
Our news was shared more than 8000 times;
Our posts got about 3000 comments;

🚀 Thank you for being with us! It’s only the beginning.


What do you think about the current situation in the cryptocurrency market?


❕Today is the 4th day of the testnet.
Latest updates:

🔸The issue with order matching will be solved when we transfer the infrastructure to another server. It's in the process.

🔸 The work on the faucet is almost finished

We are mindful of all your comments and are trying to complete the work ASAP.


❕Today is the 3rd day of the LIVE testnet.
Right now we are solving 2 main issues:
🔸Malfunction with testnet tokens faucet;
🔸Orders matching needs optimization to handle overload.

We’ll stay in touch and share updates every day during the testnet!


Thanks everyone for participating in the ErgoDEX Cardano testnet! We asked you to help us break the app and you have succeeded! That is what it was made for.

We are now producing fixes for the discovered issues and pushing them to the testnet.

Our team is also compiling a list of participants to send an award on a day of the airdrop.


Cardano public testnet is now LIVE!🔥

Congrats to the whole community.
There will be a reward so save your test wallet seed phrases and stay tuned for details.

🎉Enjoy testing ErgoDEX:


💥Save the date!💥
We are happy to announce the launch of the Cardano public testnet on the 6th of May at 3 p.m. UTC.

Are you ready?💭


As promised, we are now ready to show one more direction for the project development. We are glad to announce a high-level overview of our scaling solution.
⚡Find out how our platform reveals the true potential of cross-chain DeFI:


We are looking forward to open our Cardano testnet for the public, ErgoDEX is in the final stage of preparation!

We are also finally ready to reveal our future direction for the project development. You will find out all the details at 6 pm UTC, 4th of May so stay tuned!  ​🔥


Official Ergo Explorer is overloaded. We are going to set up a dedicated instance for ErgoDEX.


We are excited to show you our testnet token pack which we created to make the testnet as realistic as possible! Hope you will enjoy testing with these awesome project tokens.

On testnet launch day you can get the pack in just two steps. Connect your wallet and tap the "get testnet tokens" button on the main page of the DEX!


Meet wallets, which we've already integrated on the Cardano side of the DEX. They all will be available from the public testnet launch date.


New in? Explore the highlights about the ErgoDEX project: from Catalyst proposal to one of the trendiest projects within Ergo and Cardano.
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