Elastos Info Official

Elastos News (www.elastos.org) Join the Community: https://t.me/elastosgroup
Elastos Info Official

New Elastos announcements are available in topic Announcement in Elastos Community group

Elastos Info Official

📢Elastos Community group on Telegram was migrated to Elastos Discord server and this channel became Read-Only. Please join our new Elastos Discord server to continue discussion in #💬┃main-chat. It was a great journey, but it's time to move on. We hope to see you on our Elastos Discord server soon! 🙏🏼🎉

Elastos Info Official

The Elastos Core Development 2022 Roadmap is a must read Web3 blueprint for the coming year’s infrastructure plans and upgrades. Read it here:


Elastos Info Official

In this edition of the EF Bi-Weekly Technical Update, EF announces an ELA Buyback Program to support the new DPoS 2.0 CR Proposal (pending it passes CR Consensus), plus tons of development progress from the core teams that you don't want to miss.


Elastos Info Official

The Elastos Foundation has announced a plan to support the initial setup process for DPoS 2.0, pending CR Consensus approval.

Read their full statement here:


Elastos Info Official

We are pleased to welcome another innovative project to the Elastos ecosystem!

ODin NFT is an NFT and Metaverse project focusing on Chinese cultural artifacts - and they have plans to use Elastos DIDs too!

Read up: https://elastos.info/odin-metaverse-nft-platform-launches-on-elastos-smart-contract-chain/

Elastos Info Official

🥳 Elastos Community:

The Info Team is hosting a Twitter Spaces AMA with 3 of the ecosystem teams building user-facing products: Tuum Tech, Glide Finance, and ELA City.

To submit a question, click on the official Reddit thread for this event.


Elastos Info Official

The newest piece in our Web3 educational series focuses on data storage and its ever-increasing importance to the Web 3.0 solution.

Best of all, find out how Elastos addresses data storage with Hive, already a key part of Elastos Essentials.


Elastos Info Official

We are excited to announce that Elastos Essentials has partnered with Telos to bring the Telos EVM into the Essentials Web3 Super-Wallet App.

Our two communities can now utilize the fantastic #Web3 use cases by both projects in one app.


Elastos Info Official

“DAO’s create opportunities for egalitarian governance,” says Raoul Pal, and he’s right. That’s why Elastos has its own DAO called Cyber Republic and why this topic is next up in our Web3 educational series. Read it here:


Elastos Info Official

Two big updates for Elastos Essentials, a node upgrade for the Elastos main chain, updates to ID sidechain, and more from the core development teams in the EF Bi-Weekly Technical update.


Elastos Info Official

Coming off yesterday’s Profile Beta Release, we are excited to share the latest in our Web3 educational series. Blockchain-based decentralized IDs are essential to Web3 and Elastos. Learn about them here:


Elastos Info Official

The Feeds team has been growing and growing its Web3 platform with decentralized social media, NFTs, DIDs, an entire collectible marketplace, and more.

Use our Overview to learn & share the real adoption and products being built on Elastos.


Elastos Info Official

Elastos Essentials joined The .Wallet Alliance, released v2.2 for iOS, and updates from the core devs who never stop building including Carrier, Hive, DID, Elastos Smart Contract Chain and more in the EF Bi-Weekly Technical Update.


Elastos Info Official

New to decentralization and wondering what in the world is happening today? The newest piece in our Web3 educational series discusses the case for decentralization and Elastos (on a day the centralized internet is making the case for us). Read it, share it:


Elastos Info Official

The EF Bi-Weekly Technical Update includes new DID SDK releases, updates for Hive and IPFS, and the major releases of Elastos Essentials v.2.2 for Android and iOS. If you have not already, download the Web3 Super-Wallet today.


Elastos Info Official

Next in our educational Web3 series, we discuss data security and how this issue is tackled using Elastos DID + Hive. By understanding the basics of the problems of Web2, we can then learn how to solve them with Web3.


Elastos Info Official

CR Council Member Mark Xing of Capital6 Eagle Fund discusses Web3 his personal plans to grow Elastos in his WeChat AMA.


Elastos Info Official

Co-Founder of Elastos, Feng Han spoke at the recent WeChat AMA saying, “I’m very optimistic about the second half of the year, and I think there are still big opportunities ahead.” Read the full presentation here:

