


Dear BNX community, we have now decided to pay 100% of BNX to our partners globally. Please submit the following information:
+How much is the savings investment package?
+How much is the lending investment package?
+How much is Bnxoption balance?
+Gmail registration at bnxfinex and bnxoption
All sent to gmail ([email protected]) support us and you will receive your full BNX back.
The period to receive BNX is from September 25 to September 30, 2021.
Best regards !



   X1000 exchange has received many feedback emails partners about investment packages from BNXFINEX and BNXOPTION exchange. First of all, we apologize to all our partners in Vietnam. We're regret about the unexpected.
   We have reviewed the responses from our partners' emails and come up with the final solution as follows:
   1. Method of cooperation with the exchanges 40% usdt and 60% BNX, interest rate 7%/month and received in 24 Months.
   2. Partners receive 100% of the investment package with BNX Coin and hold on Tronlink wallet, waiting for the roadmap of BNX to sell IDO according to the trading margin of each Block in February 2022.
   Our desire is to have a long-term connection and cooperation with our partners. In the face of unexpected happenings, we rely on the total value of the exchange to offer the best solution. We hope that partners in Vietnam will help us overcome this difficult period. Currently, BNX plans to put on top 10 international major exchanges in the world. Orientation to develop NFT Games on the latest technology Blockchain platform.
   We believe that the waiting of a Partner today will be well rewarded in the nearest future. The return of investment packages to partners starts from September 25, 2021 and ends on September 30, 2021. We confirm the return of the investment package based on the Partner's email sent to us, in addition to all unclear information we will not deal with in any way.

    Best regards BNXFINEX!


Dear BNX Investors,
We are very proud of the growth of your traders and trading systems during the past time, in order to continue to provide maximum support for the strong development of the market in the future, we will launch the next roadmap is the X1000 PROGRESSIONAL EXCHANGE to develop and expand the market.
The exchange will be launched and traded from September 8, 2021, looking forward to your support.
Best regards !


Dear BNX Investors,
We are very proud of the growth of your traders and trading systems during the past time, in order to continue to provide maximum support for the strong development of the market in the future, we will launch the next roadmap is the X1000 PROGRESSIONAL EXCHANGE to develop and expand the market.
The exchange will be launched and traded from September 8, 2021, looking forward to your support.
Best regards !



Dear investors and customers of BNXFINEX

First of all, let us apologize first, currently, the payment wallet system of BNXFINEX and BNXOPTION exchanges is being attacked by hackers, so we need maintenance and upgrades to work well in the future.

We need 72 hours to start operating again. The upgrade time is from 12:00 on August 12, 2021. Thank you for your understanding and waiting for good news from us.


Crypto Trading is All about The Long Game

Cryptocurrency is not a “get rich quick scheme”. You shouldn’t get into crypto trading thinking about short-term gains, especially if you do not have the necessary trading or technical skills.

Every investment decision has to base on thorough due diligence and patience.

Do not be the guy who had 1700 BTC when it valued at $0.06. He sold it for $0.30.
Guess what? The price reached $8.00 later and the man was upset. And that was back in 2011.

Imagine if he had hodled today, it would worth tens of millions of dollars!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


Congratulations! BNX has been listed on!

JustSwap is a TRON-based automated liquidity protocol that allows users to exchange TRC20 tokens instantly in a decentralized way.

You can check out BNX's listing on JustSwap here:


Why You Should Diversify Your Crypto Portfolio

There’s a popular saying in the world of finance: “Never put all your eggs in one basket.”

Your cryptocurrency investments should be spread across the market proportionally. There are over 1,600 different coins and tokens in the crypto space, after all.

To create a truly flexible portfolio, invest across valuable altcoins with potentials of disrupting their space.
Learn how to identify shitcoins and coins with good fundamentals. We’ll cover this next week!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


How much Should You Invest in Crypto Trading?

The crypto market has the incredible potential to help you make loads of money. But remember, there’s a simple rule in modern finance:
Risk = Reward. The more rewarding something is, the riskier it is to invest in.
The market is exceptionally volatile. It is fueled by hype and market sentiments rather than fundamental elements.
Therefore, only invest what you’re willing to part ways with. Don’t mortgage your house or sell your car for it! Always, ALWAYS, trade with caution!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


An Important Tip for Crypto Beginners

The crypto market can sound like something scary for people who just got started.

Is it legit? ⚖️
Is it a bubble? 🎈
Is it…gambling? 🎲

Newbies surely have many questions. But here’s an important tip that you all should know.

Always study thoroughly before investing, really thoroughly, as if you are preparing for an exam. You don’t need anyone else to convince you of how revolutionary blockchain technology is. Do it yourself!

Start by reading articles, looking into online forums and watching vlogs about crypto.

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


Blockchain will Change how We Run Businesses Forever

There are currently more than 100 million crypto owners around the globe. That’s barely 1.4% of the world population. Not much, right?

But don’t let the tiny number deceive you. Blockchain has created more impact to how businesses are run around the world than you think.

Using cryptocurrencies will help companies pay employees more conveniently. Making cross-border payments with minimal fees? Everyone loves that!

Crowdfunding and raising capital will also be more transparent thanks to Blockchain’s distributed ledger.

Seeing all these benefits from crypto, big names, such as Tesla, PayPal, and MasterCard, adopting cryptocurrencies is only the first step.

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


What will Cryptocurrencies look like in 50 years?

Have you ever wondered what cryptocurrencies would be like in the far future?

According to Ivory Johnson, founder of Delancey Wealth Management:
Bitcoin could either become the world reserve currency instead of the green back, or the next AOL.

A lot of people will profit from it until some new and improved tech comes around and take its place.

Some people think cryptocurrencies will forever change the finance world. Others think they create a dangerous bubble. Whatever the predictions are, it’s hard to imagine a future without them.

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


A Smart Trading Tip that Will Wow You Today

The fastest and smartest way to trade Bitcoin and altcoins right now is definitely using a trusty smartphone trading app. Thanks to them, you can get information about all the assets you are interested just by swiping your finger.

Using your smartphone to day-trade allows you to buy and sell quickly. However, if you see the market swinging to your favor, take a step back. Don’t trade impulsively. Tax implication or trading fees are things that you might forget during all the excitements.

Keep your head cool and trade away. Wish you luck!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi



Now that BNXFINEX has been fully upgraded, all BNX deposits and withdrawals will be processed faster. All BNX withdrawals will be processed within 24 hours at the latest.
We hope you will trust and accompany us on our journey to bring great values to BNX.

Best regards!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


Cryptocurrency - Can They Replace the US Dollar?

There’s no more doubt at this point anymore. Cryptocurrencies have been a game-changer for the past few years in the financial world. But, does that mean they could replace the US Dollar?

The invention Bitcoin and Blockchain changed what it means to have true ownership. Moreover, with a crypto wallet and a private key, you have absolute security over your fund.

We can minimize the risk that any Bitcoin holder could spend the same coin twice. No physical currency can do that!

Political impact is still slowing down adoption of crypto right now. But as the benefits are being realized by more and more people, BNX believes that crypto can soon be an equal to the USD.

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


Bored day traders are embracing Options trading more than ever

Options trading is the new hot trend lately among day traders. It’s an unintended consequence of the stay-at-home orders all around the world due to Covid-19. The options sub-industry is showing no signs of cooling down.

Why is this the case? It’s simple. Options trading is more exciting. It’s a new kind of sports betting. And you know everyone loves sports. People are trading options because they’re cheaper than buying a lot of stocks.

Interested in buying options? BNX may be a one-stop platform for all your needs.

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi


Crypto has the Potential to drive the post-Covid recovery around the world

Cryptocurrencies have the potential to bring a lot of benefits to emerging economies. These digital assets are being sought after as driving forces for recoveries after the economic fallout. Bitcoin's value has been steadily increasing by more than 300% since the end of 2020.

All over the world, demand for Bitcoin has been rising since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. And BNX is nothing but always looking ahead to changing the way the world is run. The financial sector will change forever and BNX is going to be on the top of that fever pitch!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #bnx #bnxfinex #fintech #defi
