Autonio Updates

This channel will relay updates and information about Autonio. Website -
Autonio Updates

We're excited to announce in partnership with Hummingbot, a 🆕 12-week liquidity mining campaign on AscendEX starting on October 11, 2022!

There is a ~US$3,000 total reward pool up for grabs! 💸

So fire up that market maker and start earning now!

Check out the following for more information:

Autonio Updates

🗳 Vote for Adding NIOX incentives for NIOX/ADA pool on #SundaeSwap.
🤝It will take you only 1 minute to be part of this proposal!
👇Vote here

Autonio Updates

Hello Autonio Community,

The pre-earndrop campaign has ended and we have distributed all rewards to those who participated.

In addition, we have doubled the rewards so everyone who participated earned 2x rewards!

$11 million USD was the total generated volume by those involved and we thank you very much for the help.

For those of you who have joined our last Swarm campaign, rewards have been distributed for it as well.

Thanks again to our great community and all those who joined in.

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

We are offering a fee rebate for 1st time stakers on ETH (Suite Dashboard) as a way to help out those who staked on ETH before our switch Polygon.

Please follow the following guide:

1. Go to etherscan and paste your address (address you staked NIOX with)
2. Click on erc20 token txns and click "view all" button on the right side
3. Search for NIOX transaction to a staking contract: 0x2a16bBD6f197BF245EbB23EC4664c8A354Ff5f1F
4. Click on that transaction and copy tx ID
5. Insert that transaction ID in the form provided
6. Use this form:
7. Fee rebate will go out mid May

Autonio Updates

Hello Autonio Community!

We have had quite a bit of questions on how exactly the IQ Protocol Staking APY works so we have published an article going through it all as well.

Please check it out here:

Autonio Updates

Hi community!

🗳 We made a proposal to provide a higher incentive to bootstrap liquidity to Cardano pools on Sundae Swap and its ecosystem by providing a NIOX/ADA pool with rewards given to participants! 🚀

Can you help us achieve this goal by voting for it?

Vote here!👇


Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

While laying on your couch with a VR/AR headset on you could be exploring a tropical wilderness even while you’re freezing away in your apartment.

Anything you could imagine with your mind could become possible within the metaverse as open source code makes the creation of any number of universe available.

The building blocks of DeFi and the metaverse are the same and they look poised to play a complementary role towards each other.

You can find out more about the connection between DeFi and the Metaverse itself in our latest blog post:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Liquidity aggregation has been mentioned a lot around here but hasn’t been properly explained in detail and today is the day for some details on what exactly it means.

In fact, Smartdex 2.1 utilizes liquidity aggregation in order to get traders or investors the best possible prices on each of its supported chains.

First it’s necessary to explain, in an easy to understand way, what liquidity is, and then what it means to be aggregated.

Check it out here:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Great news!
New and improved staking model for $NIOX is available on Polygon!

NIOX staking on IQ Spaces by @IQLabs_official will provide NIOX holders lower fees, option to rent tokens and much more!

Learn all about the new staking model here:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

As it’s been a couple of months since the last Cardano/Autonio update, the team wanted to give a quick but very substantial update on the progress that has been made.

The testnet version of the Cardano bridge is available today for your testing!

Please check out the blog post for more information and how to connect to and use it.

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

No matter the experience level, traders all have one thing in common:

Strategies are essential!

That is why we are dedicated to provide useful, beginner friendly guides that can help you utilize the NIOX Maker to give you the edge you need.

Learn more:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

The Need For Alghoritmic and Automated Trading in Crypto

What is Algorithmic trading?

Why is it needed?

What are the advantages over manual trading?

Learn more:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

It goes without saying that banks have been viewed as the trusted intermediaries for millennia.

Since they’re the ones that interact with the higher financial institutions, we think it’s safe to give them our money and receive a blank slip proving to us it’s true.

The reality is though, most people have no idea what really goes on in the fiat world.

Fortunately for us, #DeFi operates on two powerful alternative pillars of being permissionless and trustless.

This means there is no need to impress our banks anymore, and beg them to give us access to a tiny piece of the fiat financial system.

To find out more about the essentials of #DeFi, you can read our latest blog post:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Great news for all NIOX stakers and future stakers alike!

We've been hard at work with @IQLabs_official with a new staking platform and it's coming soon!

Learn more:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

How to prepare yourself to minimize losses in the next bear market.

Here are 3 solid steel strategies to help you bear out any drops you may encounter.

Learn more:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Check out our thread about #Autonio & #NIOX:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Picture this scenario...It’s a few years down the road and cash has been removed from society in favor of central bank digital currencies.

It might not sound too bad but what would happen if you purchased a good from a local merchant or someone online whose account had been blacklisted, now your assets are frozen as well.

Fortunately, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are doing to banks and governments control over finances what the car did to the horse and carriage, making them obsolete.

You can find out more about it in our latest blog post:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Swarm campaign with @_PIVX on #Binance is live!

With a total reward of 2.5k USD for the pair, spread into 1250 for liquidity provision and 1250 for volume creation.  

Available pairs:


learn more:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

The results are in for the Catalyst Fund!

Learn more:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Though they have not been around for long DAOs are redefining the norms of how an organization is structured, operates, and governed.

As they are so different from what we have been used to, the transition from traditional organizations to DAOs is an interesting development to keep an eye on.

At their core, DAOs are really just member-owned communities that are built from open-source code on a smart contract.

This makes it easy for stakeholders to contribute and means that the organization’s practices are public and transparent.

You can find out more about it in our latest blog post:

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Having an interoperable DeFi token across multiple chains is becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity these days.

This is one of the main reasons we’re focusing a good deal of energy in 2022 in deploying among the top blockchains in the industry.

One of the platforms that will assist us in these efforts will be the market leading decentralized cross-chain swap protocol Multichain (formerly AnySwap).

With NIOX listed on its platform users will now be able to move Autonio’s native token between several chains.

You can find out more about it in our latest blog post:

Autonio Updates

With another Swarm campaign started on the Maker interview series continues and concludes...for now.

Discussing Maker and how to use it for trading on major exchanges.

This third interview in a series with our top Makers from the NIOX trading channel is David.

Maker allows users with any amount of capital to provide liquidity and make automated trades on the most popular Centralized exchanges around the world, such as Binance,, Kucoin, Ascendex, and more.

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Smartdex 2.1 beta releases today!

It is the best resource to start your journey into DeFi, with aggregated liquidity across all the top DeFi exchanges, cross-chain swaps and bridging, and sections to invest or earn on your money.

Learn more:

Autonio Updates

Ivan the Maker - #Swarm campaign on

Is live on Twitch:

Autonio Updates

#Swarm campaign on is live!

Available pairs:


Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

Live session #swarm campaign on with Ivan the Maker!

Join us today - 16:30 UTC on our Twitch channel:

The Learn & Earn video series on our Youtube provides well rounded support and tips for both beginner and experienced traders alike.

Make the most out of the market!

As a DeFi institution, @AI_Autonio cares about the information, knowledge, and support available to all.

Check out our blog for this information and knowledge.

Maker interview series:

Take things into your own hands, build your future with #Autonio & #NIOX

Autonio Updates

It is our great pleasure to inform you that we will have a Live Session with Ivan the Maker on our YouTube channel:

#Swarm on
31st Jan. 16:30 UTC

Subscribe to our Youtube channel, save the date, and check out our videos with Ivan the Maker

Autonio Updates

Autonio Community,

We are three days away from Smartdex Beta v2.1 release!

Release date February 1st.

Check out our latest thread

Beta v2.1 overview:

Autonio Updates

With another Swarm campaign about to start on the Maker interview series continues.
Discussing Maker and how to use it for trading on major exchanges.

This third interview in a series with our top Makers from the NIOX trading channel is Shawn1337.

Maker allows users with any amount of capital to provide liquidity and make automated trades on the most popular Centralized exchanges around the world, such as Binance,, Kucoin, Ascendex, and more.
