Zoom Protocol Announcement

Zoom Protocol Announcement

The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 28 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel will no longer have an owner.

Zoom Protocol Announcement
Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌Dear supporters and community.

We listened to the community and are announcing that the mining rewards will be less.

- The mining rewards will be half On 30-Oct-2020 at 2 PM UTC.
- Zom-Eth pool rewards will be 50 instead of 100.
- Staking pool rewards will be 10 instead of 20.

Thank you for your support.

Official Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoomProtocol
Chat: @ZoomProtocolOfficial
Ann Channel: @ZoomProtocolAnn
Website: https://zoomprotocol.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/@ZoomProtocol
Uniswap : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

Zoom Protocol Announcement

Dear supporters and community.

It has been a while since the last time sharing the updates. Medium: https://medium.com/@ZoomProtocol/oct-updates-13c4ff6a9822

On the tech dev side
We are expanding the dev team especially the frontend part to further expedite the development process.

We are still finalizing the updated roadmap with many features added/redefined. We will share it publicly once we have our dev team signed off. Also, we are discussing changing mining rewards and reduce the total token supply. All feedback and suggestions are welcome, please bring it to our telegram group.

Official Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoomProtocol
Chat: @ZoomProtocolOfficial
Ann Channel: @ZoomProtocolAnn
Website: https://zoomprotocol.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/@ZoomProtocol
Uniswap : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌We will host an AMA in the @ZoomProtocolOfficial chat on the 9th of October this will be around 16:00 UTC.
If there are any circumstances you can't make it you can fill in the google form to ask your questions beforehand
Google form

Zoom Protocol Announcement
Zoom Protocol Announcement

Zoom Protocol Announcement pinned «📌Welcome to ZoomProtocol! 👨‍🌾All set for liquidity mining 🧑‍🌾 ✅Uniswap : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e ✅Uniswap info: https://uniswap.info/token/0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e ✅Etherscan:…»

Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌Welcome to ZoomProtocol! Public sales have been closed successfully and we are thankful for everyone's support! A lot more news coming up in the next period. Stay tuned!

✅Uniswap : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

✅Uniswap info: https://uniswap.info/token/0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

✅Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

Short faq:
- Circulating supply 0,7% 7000 tokens
- Team tokens vested
- Liquidity mining coming soon
- Other news coming up

⚠️We will never DM you first!
⚠️If you need support DM the official admins with admin tag @zoomprotocol @walker_pr

What is Zoomprotocol:
- How to create a pool
How to join a floating pool
- Tokenmetrics
- Product Updates, Improved UI and upcoming Token Sales
- Mining, Governance, and Reward
- A few Zoom Protocol features
- Introduction of Zoom

Official Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoomProtocol
Chat: @ZoomProtocolOfficial
Ann Channel: @ZoomProtocolAnn
Website: https://zoomprotocol.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/@ZoomProtocol

Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌Public sales are done!
Floating round totally collected was 695 eth for 2000 ZOM.

✅ To claim your tokens go to JOINED POOL and withdraw/claim your tokens

✅ We will soon release more news about the listing and other information.

✅ In order to involve more people in our ZOOM community from the early stage, we do not want the token price to go up so rapidly. The team decides to only do one pool of 2,000 ZOM for the floating sale today. The initial circulating supply will be limited to 0.7% instead of 1%

Zoom Protocol Announcement
Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌Zoom protocol public sales round 2: Floating Pool (Less then 10 minutest! )

👉🏼2 pools will be created on Sep 11th UTC 1 pm- 2:30 pm Click for countdown Here
✅ The 1st pool: Floating Pool starting at UTC 1 pm with 2,000 ZOM (Duration 30 mins)
✅ The 2nd Pool: Floating Pool starting at UTC 2 pm with 3,000 ZOM (Duration 30 mins)

👉🏼There is no rush to join the pool as soon as possible, there is a 30 min timeframe for everyone.

✅See our Medium for a guide to join the floating pool: -Guide to participate in a floating pool sale

What is floating pool tldr:
Example: 500 Eth comes in the pool within 30 minutes for 2,000 ZOM . This means 1 eth = 4 ZOM

$ZOM Token Contract - 0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

✅ We will be publishing the Pool link of $ZOM Public Sale Just before the sales start.
✅ We will also mute the chat 5-15 minutes before the public sales start to avoid miscommunication.

⚠️We will never DM you first!
⚠️If you need support DM the official admins with admin tag @zoomprotocol @walker_pr

What is Zoomprotocol:
- Public sale details
- How to create a pool
- Tokenmetrics
- Product Updates, Improved UI and upcoming Token Sales
- Mining, Governance, and Reward
- A few Zoom Protocol features
- Introduction of Zoom

Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌ZoomProtocol Public Sales round 1 is less then 20 minutes away!

✅ Date: Sep 10th 1pm- 2pm (UTC) for countdown click: HERE
✅ Official $ZOM Token Contract - 0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

✅ We will be publishing the Pool link of $ZOM Public Sale Just before the sales start.
✅ We will also mute the chat 5-15 minutes before the public sales start to avoid miscommunication.

⚠️We will never DM you first!
⚠️If you need support DM the official admins with admin tag @zoomprotocol @walker_pr

What is Zoomprotocol:
- Public sale details
- Tokenmetrics
- Product Updates, Improved UI and upcoming Token Sales
- Mining, Governance, and Reward
- A few Zoom Protocol features
- Introduction of Zoom

Official Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoomProtocol
Chat: ZoomProtocolOfficial
Ann Channel: @ZoomProtocolAnn
Website: https://zoomprotocol.com/

Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌The long-awaited @ZoomProtocol Public Sales is here !


🔹Round 1 — Fixed Ratio
3 pools will be created on Sep 10th UTC 1 pm- 2 pm

🔹2 — Floating Ratio
2 pools will be created on Sep 11th UTC 1 pm- 2:30 pm

$ZOM Token Contract - 0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

We will be publishing the Pool link of $ZOM Public Sale Just before the sales start.

Zoom Protocol Announcement

📌The long-awaited @ZoomProtocol Public Sales is here !

🔹Round 1 — Fixed Ratio
3 pools will be created on Sep 10th UTC 1 pm- 2 pm

🔹2 — Floating Ratio
2 pools will be created on Sep 11th UTC 1 pm- 2:30 pm

$ZOM Token Contract - 0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

We will be publishing the Pool link of $ZOM Public Sale Just before the sales start.

Official announcement chat: @ZoomProtocolAnn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoomProtocol

Zoom Protocol Announcement


Due to the massive price movements in the market, The public sale which was planned to held today will be postponed to a later date.

We don't want our users to suffer losses due to the current market conditions. We will be publishing the new dates once the market settles with new price metrics which will be announced in our channels.

We expect our public Sales to go live in a few days once the market stabilizes. We will be reworking on our price metrics so that our community gets the maximum benefit of the recent price movements.

Meanwhile, we will continue building our Platform as per our set roadmap and will be pushing for more upgrades

We again apologize for any inconvenience, and we hope to see you at the upcoming public sale.

Best Regards,
Zoom Protocol Team

Zoom Protocol Announcement
# 8

📌The long-awaited @ZoomProtocol Public Sales is here !

🔹Round 1 — Fixed Ratio
3 pools will be created on Sep 4th UTC 1 pm- 2 pm

🔹2 — Floating Ratio
2 pools will be created on Sep 5th UTC 1 pm- 2:30 pm

$ZOM Token Contract - 0x1a231e75538a931c395785ef5d1a5581ec622b0e

We will be publishing the Pool link of $ZOM Public Sale Just before the sales start.

🔹Countdown timer: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/2161259/public-sales-zoom

Official announcement chat: @ZoomProtocolAnn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoomProtocol

Zoom Protocol Announcement
# 2

Channel photo updated
