YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC

YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC
# 8

YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC pinned «🎉 We want to thank our community from the bottom of our hearts for getting this project to where it is today. We are having an extremely successful public launch and continue to see incredible development on the Yokai Swap. Now, we will keep our promise as…»

YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC
# 7

🎉 We want to thank our community from the bottom of our hearts for getting this project to where it is today. We are having an extremely successful public launch and continue to see incredible development on the Yokai Swap. Now, we will keep our promise as mentioned on our roadmap and release our governance token. Our token (YOK) will have a supply of 500,000,000 and will publicly launch on the 30th. However, to give back to early supporters of this project we have decided to launch a short presale.

YOK will be available at a rate of 50,000 YOK/1 ETH, limit 1 ETH per Person.



YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC
# 5

The first DEX on $CKB, YokaiSwap, IDO opens on 30th November, 12:00 (Noon) UTC!

You will need to prepare your $CKB and move to layer 2 thanks to @nervosnetwork
to get $YOK

🔴Check out this #IDO step by step guide to prepare ahead: https://t.co/pKdg7SKgp1?amp=1

#YokaiSwap #DEX

YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC
# 3

Are you ready ?

YokaiSwap IDO 11/30 12:00 UTC
# 1

Channel created
