OmniWhirl's Growls

OmniWhirl's Growls

Various Sushiswap pools are now listed on CoinGecko!
We're actively working with them to add the rest!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Step 1 of the PolyWhirl token's sunset is now completed!

All liquidity of PolyWhirl has been successfully migrated to the new OmniWhirl token across 5 different chains!!!

The OmniWhirl team is proud to announce we're now trading live on Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, BSC and Fantom!

The CoinGecko team has been notified of the changes and hopefully our listing should be updated soon!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Reminder Acolytes!

The PolyWhirl token to be sunset from the DEXes tomorrow!
Please migrate your tokens to OmniWhirl using !

OmniWhirl's Growls

Over 50% of the total token supply has been migrated over to the new OmniWhirl token! πŸš€πŸ’ͺ
This marks an important milestone, which means more than most of the tokens have been successfully migrated, allowing us to successfully move completely to the new token and slowly sunset the PolyWhirl token.
If you haven't already, migrate your PolyWhirl (old token) to OmniWhirl (new, better and multi-chain enabled token) in a 1:1 ratio from !

OmniWhirl's Growls

Inspection of the recent price drop:

This morning, the price of the OmniWhirl token suddenly saw a sharp drop.
We can pinpoint the exact reason as follows:

We had been blocking Polystarter's vesting since they went AWOL as they had been continuously dumping their one and only IDO's allocation, and in our master release yesterday, all their vested token supply was issued to them, which as you may guess it, they sold. Luckily they migrated before selling it, which means they sold it on lower liquidity, so it's a recoverable matter.
Gust and I will update the community on this as we have a concrete plan of action.

-- Whirl

OmniWhirl's Growls

Compensatory Airdrop for all token holders and Unifarm stakers as of block 23568000 have been rewarded using 7% of all team funds!

Over $15,000 USD worth of tokens have been airdropped to eligible users!
TXN Hash

We hope this show of our dedication allows us to fetch your apology for the launch mishap, and strengthens your belief in us to take OmniWhirl to greater heights!

OmniWhirl's Growls

15th January marks an important day in the history of OmniWhirl.

This is the day we effectively break free from the shackles of our PolyStarter IDO, and with that, soon from the old PolyWhirl token.

The team has invoked release of everyone's complete claimable amounts for the PolyWhirl token, which means when you visit the vesting page, you will notice that your vesting has now been revoked, but fret not - all your tokens have been safely transferred to your respective addresses from the vesting contract. In case you have any queries, please feel free to reach out to the Admins or the mods.

We immediately suggest you to migrate them over to the OmniWhirl token ( in order to enjoy the magic of this new token - from being multichain bridging enabled, to enjoying upto 250% APY to being able to soon stake this on the protocol itself, OmniWhirl token represents the absolute future of the OmniWhirl protocol.

This additionally means that with this final vesting out, the team has migrated all their team controlled tokens except the team vesting that are still locked in the vesting contract. We urge you to do the same, as we will soon be sunsetting the PolyWhirl token.

OmniWhirl's Growls

With less than 6 hours to go, don't miss your last chance to move up on our sweepwidget competition!

OmniWhirl's Growls

A new way to mine $WHIRL:

Anonymity Mining, a simple, easy process to earn rewards in $WHIRL when you use the platform.

Everytime one "Whirls" funds through the protocol, they will be rewarded $WHIRL proportionate to the volume they bring to the platform!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Simple, Private transactions for everyone.

Now live for your use at πŸŒͺ

OmniWhirl's Growls

Final testing is underway!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Polygon Testnet Contracts are now deployed!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Polygon Mainnet Contracts have been successfully deployed!
The team is now working on deploying contracts on Mumbai testnet!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Snapshot has been successful as of Block 23568000 !

OmniWhirl's Growls

Compensation Airdrop Snapshot to be taken in less 10 minutes!

Ensure you have migrated your old tokens to the OmniWhirl tokens to be eligible for the snapshot!

The snapshot will be autotaken at 20:00 UTC !

Details of the airdrop to follow in the incoming days!

OmniWhirl's Growls

πŸŒͺ The Launch Sequence has begun! πŸŒͺ

The team has now started to deploy contracts for the final deployment sequence!

Each chain deployment is expected to take upto 30 minutes!
We will be releasing details after each chain deployment!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Hello everyone!
We're less than 2 hours away from our launch!

Due to the extremely exorbitant gas price on Ethereum (400 Gwei at the time of this message), we may try to launch on Ethereum later.

The launch will proceed as planned on the following chains -

1. Polygon Mainnet
2. Polygon Mumbai Testnet
3. Ethereum Rinkeby Testnet

We are evaluating the gas prices on Ethereum, and will keep the community updated!

OmniWhirl's Growls

Launch Day is here πŸŒͺ

OmniWhirl's Growls

Last weekend to migrate your tokens to be eligible for the compensatory airdrop!
Please ensure you have migrated your tokens before the snapshot on Monday!

OmniWhirl's Growls

With our platform launch inches away, we’ll be kicking things off with a giveaway!

πŸ’Έ $5000 Prize Pool πŸ’Έ
πŸŒͺ250 WinnersπŸŒͺ
πŸš€ $500 grand prize πŸš€

Check out the link below to enter

Do check your email for more ways to win!


OmniWhirl's Growls

In case anyone's wondering what's going on behind the scenes apart from dev work, we got something cooking for you all πŸ‘€

β€” Whirl

OmniWhirl's Growls

Hello everyone!

Guess what, we got good news for y'all.
We'll be going ahead with VeToken Staking mechanism as a part of the OmniWhirl protocol! We've fixed all current issues, and will be relaunching coming Monday (the 10th of January, 2022) at 20:00 UTC with a couple of changes as described below - Read on!

On the relaunch, we will be launching our core WHIRLing functionality - where you can deposit and withdraw your funds privately! However, as many of you have expressed concerns on DMs that the staking contract be audited before it's made live, we will be make it live only post Audit, which we will be sending it out in the next couple of days. (The protocol fee collected in the meantime will be stored in a separate account and later added on to the staking contract's funds to ensure no token holder loses out on value!)

We will additionally be deploying the complete protocol (inclusive of the new staking mechanism on test-nets (both Polygon Mumbai and Ethereum Rinkeby) so that you can safely take out the complete platform for a spin on the chain of your choice before it is live on mainnets so your tokens and funds are safe as they can be!)

We apologise sincerely for all the inconvenience caused and as promised we will be compensating all our token holders as follows:

1. As committed, the team will be using the team tokens to compensate every token holder (of OmniWhirl token only) at the time of launch, even if your assets are staked in the Unifarm pool.
For each day delayed, we will be disbursing 1% of the team's supply to all the holders proportionately to their OMNIWHIRL balance at the time of snapshot.
2. The team was due to receive their first vesting on January 15th, and since it is not possible to make changes to the vesting contract without drastically effecting everyone else's vesting, we will be using the first vesting to compensate all users as above, and the team will only start receiving their funds from the month of February 2022. If the community feels this is not adequate, we will make the required changes to the contract after everyone claims their rewards or force airdrop everyone's remaining tokens and then make the required changes. Please do feel free to express your views on this!

My deepest apologies again our beloved supporters, and thank you for giving us a chance to always improve and uphold your trust.

β€” Whirl
