Some members of the team trying to revive the brand.

FAIR presale has been cancelled by Withdraw your BNB at and move forward.

Good luck.


FAIR will be listed on PancakeSwap! Congratulations, FAIR holders, we have reached the softcap, it's more than enough to start all the work we need! 😎


107 BNB raised. 50% of tokens are already at 0x00000dead burned forever. Softcap is near, 43 BNB left to softcap. Let's bring IDO launchpad to life.

Your choice matters, friend.

Presale link:


💵💵💵 94 BNB raised already! Presale ends in 2 days:


Get in and feel free to see the new horizons with us:


🔥🔥🔥 Presale is live, 30 BNB raised in 60 seconds:


Presale will be live in 24 min.

Link to presale:

DYOR and be FAIR.


Dear Fairmoon members,

We still believe (36% of us according to the vote above) we deserve a launchpad that was promised a long time ago! Without Shappy, any old devs and non-believers.

Today is the day we take those who believe in us to bring a FAIR launchpad and grow together.

FAIR will have same tokenomics as fairmoon v2, without economical issues, with locked liquidity and trusted developers team.

Our TG and website will launch later this week.

We will launch presale and provide the link soon.

Those who don't want to come with us, it's your choice, we don't blame, fud or disrespect you. Good luck, be strong, be FAIR.


Dear Fairmoon community,

We have heard you. Some of us want to try build the future with airdrops and collaborations. Some want to create an IDO as it was planned since the beginning.

However, we are in a bad-crypto-news mood right now all over the world. If we start the contract and sales today, it will dump hard.

We will launch the project when the market goes up: these conditions will suit better for all of us.

For those who think that 'FAIR announcements is a scam', ask yourself: who let Shappy to rug the project? Who left almost all the keys and funds in a single person hand?

Thank you for your support, fairmooners, see you soon.


Dear Fairmoon community,

👉 To clarify what we are doing here:

1. We contacted your current devs. They decided somehow that 'airdrop partnership' is the one that our community deserves.
2. We have upcoming partnerships with projects that have different mission in crypto: NFT marketplace, web wallets, gaming platform and IDO platform to fulfill the ecosystem.
3. New FAIR will be included into the ecosystem as a token to participate in upcoming IDO listings.
4. New FAIR will have massive support from old developer together with new ones that won't have any security keys or liquidity ownership.
5. New FAIR will have graphics, marketing and funding support to develop and evolve the project.

👉 Why we are going this way:

1. The rug happened cause of irresponsible nature of the old Fairmoon leadership.
2. Original dev let original Fairmoon contract with bug in economics.
3. FAIR contract was owned by other party and devs let it get rugged.
4. Making use of other project airdrops will misguide the community and the project mission.

We believe that irresposibility and poor knowledge is not what FAIRMOON community deserves. We believe that IDO should come live as was planned first. Without economics bugs, contract or liquidity ownerships but with auditors, developers and professional marketing and branding members.


Dear Fairmoon community,

We have been also affected by Shappy behaviour and liquidity losses as well as our contract being used for fraudery.

However we, as an initiative part of the community, believe that FAIR deserves to launch an IDO platform. Not an airdrop or mental help to fix people who still don't know how this rug had happen.

🟢 We, speaking from the community, want to launch the new contract. Same as FAIR: same tokenomics, same brand, DIFFERENT team.
🟢 We, speaking from the community, want to bring the IDO platform to the defi-space.
🟢 We, speaking from the community, don't want to work with untrusted devs who let Shappy own the contract, liquidity and partnerships.

✅ We have enough developers from, Safemoon and other projects.
✅ We have enough funds to start making FAIR IDO.
✅ We have F.A.R. partnership with pre-auditing launches.
✅ We have more power than ever to make things happen.

However this is your choice to go with us and praise the glory of our initiative or to take losses with airdrops and procrastination. We do not want to make any pressure on you to choose the right option.

🚀 NEW FAIR will come through the with locked liquidity and contract ownership renounced. 🚀

Choose wisely, stay strong.



Shappy/Miley resurfaced today in WOR chat claiming that he was hacked. While we don't believe this after our liquidity was taken, this doesn't change the fact that our liquidity is gone or that the WOR partnership and IDO launchpad are off.

We were however able to get him to return ownership of the FAIR contract back to the FAIRMOON team before he deleted his account. The new contract owner is our community multisig treasury.

We are currently looking into ideas and options for the most fair outcome in our next steps. Please be patient, as we don't want to rush this.



From Andeh:

Hi Everyone,

Between opportunity cost, sunken cost, losses, and what it would take to overcome our full loss of trust, I think our teams are fully demoralized. I don't think we can rebuild after being stabbed in the back even worse this second time.

I don't want to abandon the community or give up, but I also don't want to string people along with false hope either. As much as I am a fighter and idealist, I am also a realist.

I am one of the key people responsible for maintaining our community's faith and trust in the project and partnership. The project would have died after the first bug and FUD event crashing our price, and we kept it alive and re-forged a bridge of trust with our ex-partners. We had no idea Shappy was the snake who was responsible for the first event. He took advantage of our state of restructuring after Miley's betrayal and sorting through the chaos as the leader of WOR who wanted to restore his own reputation after partnering with us. We needed to know the information that Miley was Shappy's planted alt before swaps. Miley and Shappy were the main point of contact between both communities. We gave the wrong person the benefit of the doubt, and paid dearly.

The other leaders and myself always put the community's interests above our own, and were in dire straits after the Miley event. Shappy used the chaos he created to his full advantage as we were piecing together the chain of events with logic, reasoning, and evidence... and accused us of his own actions while leveraging his reputation. We never expected him to throw his own community and team away and ours so heartlessly... especially after delivering most of the swap migration, burning half the supply, particularly after he had full access to 9-10M in the LP migration.

I know I cant beat myself up about trying to do what was best for the community at the time with the knowledge I had, but we are all suffering greater losses because of it, and it feels more personal and devastating for all of us after being torn down yet again after rebuilding.

Every bit of good will and trust we built up was used and thrown away. I gave this project everything I had along with our teams, and it wasn't enough because it fell out of our control and into a manipulative psychotic criminal's hands.

Our teams and leadership are legit, and we thought Shappy was as well. We judged by actions and behavior, and by the time he became unresponsive to us and WOR for a week, it was too late as we were 80-90% through with swaps, with Shappy still retaining the new contract ownership. We did all of the rest of his work so all he had to do was execute and deliver the burn before contract renouncement. Instead, he launched a hate token, got pissed about it failing, and rugged both projects.

I take responsibility for my role as one of our leaders in misplacing trust on behalf of the community, even though we made the best decisions we could at the time to keep our project and partnership alive.

There are good people in here, and that means something. It's extremely unfortunate that he had this level of impact on this project, but we are still alive at the end of the day, and all is not lost as we learn from this experience

I wont be leaving or deleting my accounts and we wont delete the groups. We can use the information we have gathered and share them with the proper authorities or other capable people to hopefully track & stop this criminal along any other accomplices.


I know there is a lot of natural suspicion and blame going around. I want to make it very clear that from my perspective and first hand knowledge being part of admin chats, I see this as a unilateral act by Shappy abusing his power over both FAIR and RETH contracts to steal liquidity and screw over both communities. I can't speak for WOR members involvement, but as a FAIRMOON member with full access and knowledge to the chain of events, everyone in our team and community got burned from top to bottom. I lost the equivalent of a year's salary because I truly believed in this project and where we were going.

Perhaps we can find or make new opportunities together. The connections made here in this community mean something. I am still processing the grief from this psychopath's actions. I care more about the community's suffering and broken trust than I do my own monetary losses.
Feel free to reach out and ask questions, or provide any information about Shappy

I wish everyone well with whatever next steps they take in their crypto investing.


From Tommy:
Hi folks,

This article is pretty well balanced in its approach.

The key thing it misses is the human aspect. From the moment that Shappy did his wildcat announcement of the swap and sent the token into a nose dive he was in the driving seat, and not because i wanted him there.
More because any attempt to seize control of the situation would of lead to the complete destruction of the tokens value.
The hope I clung to was that we weathered the storm of the Miley situation, and if we could get to the stage of the new contract being locked and tokens burnt, was that we could put more daylight between us and WoR.
We were all getting increasingly frustrated with how shappy was acting.
I rage at him in a few private convos, and in public once right after his announcement, all I succeeded in doing was encouraging sales sinking the price even further. In the interest of my fellow bag holders, and people who I had grown to consider friends in the week or so previous, I STFU. The concept of an audited launchpad held some promise. I wanted to get that swap contract closed off. We had reached a point where our price was roughly level, we had a strong community and once ownership renounced, We would be unshackled. However all it would of took was a tweet from WoR and the token would of plummeted. So we had to thread lightly.
A renounced contract would of hopefully boosted price and meant most holders could cash out with some gains if they wanted to.
As time went on I would of being happy not to go wit the whole launchpad play with them. After missing the swap and liquidify bug I didn't have faith in how they audit. Also it was just unclear what exactly was launching and why we hadn't had more info on the launchpad. Other launchpad teams are roughly 3-8 people. We had no clear understanding of how they were structured. I personally did not think it could be a one man band.
The bitter irony would of been that bad news and a drop in the price means that people are running for the door and draining liquidity. However Shappy's final actions were literally the only way that the price could of being destroyed and actual valid holders not getting paid out something.
I did not believe, even though shappy was a complete erratic asshole that he would rug his own token.
I was wrong, fuck you shappy.



I want to stay in contact with our members here, hopefully we can make something of this horrible catastrophe together elsewhere. I am still processing what has happened.

I feel shitty for trusting Shappy after all he has done to help. He screwed us and the WOR community over

This community is too special to give up. The FAIRMOON team has done so much hard work rebuilding and restoring our community, and I dont want to see it die because treachery

I dont know what our next steps are or can be

Everyone in FAIRMOON and WOR team are in shock right now at how we were all used

If you are a blockchain analyst or expert, we welcome your help in tracking our funds:


Everyone, it looks like Shappy has rugged Fairmoon and RETH tokens.

The Fairmoon team is all in shock right now. Most of us were heavily invested both financially and with our time. I can assure you that no one from the Fairmoon team was involved in this. We're victims as well.

It was no secret that Shappy held ownership of the Fairmoon contract following the token swap. Most of us relied on the thought that Shappy wouldn't burn his reputation to steal from everyone, but apparently that's exactly what happened. I'm truly sorry for everyone affected by this.

It looks like before he stole everything he set transaction fees to 100% and excluded his own wallet from fees. So no one will be able to trade.

This is the wallet right now where all the money was sent to. Perhaps we can track it:





Deployer/dev wallet is active right now

Shappy will update us when he is done

Dont panic, and dont trade $FAIR Right now

Liquidity is currently here:


Who is ready for our burn of over 10% of our supply tomorrow?!?

Get ready for our IDO Launchpad audited by
@WARONRUGS while it's still early!

Community Website & Project Information

Official FAIRMOON ($FAIR) Swap App:

FAIRMOON ($FAIR) tokens on Pancakeswap v1:

$FAIR Contract:


We are on BSC gems weekly competition throughout this week!

Let's show the strength of our FAIRMOON community and vote for $FAIR!

Just connect your wallet to prove you are a FAIR holder and vote for $FAIR with a few clicks!


We're happy to announce that we've finished all manual swap processing! All of the manual calculations and verifications are complete!

We have sent the finalized lists over to Shappy to wrap up FAIRMOON's swap chapter!

The final steps are to simply send the remaining $FAIR tokens with multisender, reserve a small portion for the community treasury, and burn the remaining tokens soon after!

As soon as Shappy executes these quick remaining steps, we'll finally have the swap process behind us and the FAIRMOON community can move forward together!

We thank everyone for their patience! Special thanks to Shappy and WOR for helping us with the swap migration process!


#FAIRMOON will be introducing our community self-governance soon!

We want decentralized decision-making power in the hands of our community members!

Holding $FAIR gives you voting rights as well as access to our upcoming vetted IDO launchpad!


Hey Everyone!

Let's get $FAIR added to Ape Board Portfolio Tracker!

Ape Board:

Vote for $FAIR:


FAIRMOON would like to introduce one of our new community partners, RISKMOON!

RISKMOON offers passive income & NFT loaning/staking integrated into their upcoming open world MMORPG DeepSpace video game!

FAIRMOON and RISKMOON gamers & investors unite!

Look out for #FAIRMOON's anti-rug IDO launchpad with WarOnRugs and RISKMOON's next multiplayer trial, coming soon!


Hey everyone, we're aware of the alert regarding the V1 and V2 PancakeSwap prompt! Our liquidity is locked with Unicrypt for a year so it won't contribute to a loss of funds or slippage issues, because our liquidity is still held on V1.

If you continue to use PancakeSwap, you can wait the 10 seconds and accept the prompt to continue through V1. But, we suggest you buy and sell through our swap Fairmoon Swap app you won't have any prompts.

We will be migrating our locked LP from V1 to V2 as soon as Unicrypt their technical process details! Let us know if you have any questions!

FAIRMOON's $FAIR Swap App is the easiest way to seamlessly buy and trade $FAIR anytime and anywhere!:

Get ready for our $FAIR opportunity IDO Launchpad while earning passive income!

Learn how to buy:


How many rugs/scam #crypto projects have you experienced since you've been in DeFi?

We want to provide a safe haven for any #cryptoinvestor to invest in promising new projects with confidence! No more rugs!

Let us know!:
