FGW Token Announcement

FGW Token Announcement

Additions of those who have assigned a wallet address for adding a whitelist have been realized.

Note: You can send me your bnb wallet addresses to be added to the whitelist.

FGW Token Announcement

The new version of our Funny Game World application has been published on the Google Play Store. You can update it from this link.


FGW Token Announcement

Important: We are updating our application for the Google Play Store to provide you with a better gaming experience. We will be under maintenance for a short time. You will soon be able to download the application from the appstore.

FGW Token Announcement

Looking for 316 lucky people for Unicrypt presale whitelist 😊 Contact me if you are interested

Whitelisted users can participate any time in round 0 of the presale, and bypass all UNCX and UNCL holding requirements.

FGW Token Announcement
# 4

FGW Token Announcement pinned «https://twitter.com/funnygameworld/status/1507021305169657869?s=20&t=mkUf9FFbyAa2xc-6dEjUxQ»

FGW Token Announcement
# 1

Channel created
