World of Defish - Announcements

World of Defish - Announcements

Dear Captains, today we have an extremely important announcement that we want everyone to see.

More details about the game's shutdown are written on the note and more information will follow after this post.

World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Recognizing the moods in the community we want to clarify what's going on within the team and our plans for moving forward.

The dev team is currently going through tough times mainly due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, which affected many of us more than we would have wanted and adds up to business-related problems, common for young companies like ours.

With that said, the project has survived the longest bear market Crypto has seen and is still online at the start of a new dawn, and we are doing everything in our power to ensure its future growth and success.

Speaking of our current focus, we are aware of the issues with the Harbor and are working on making a permanent fix, allowing everyone to claim their tokens and NFTs without complications.

We recognize how annoying and frustrating it is for you to not be able to withdraw your tokens and we expect to deliver a solution on next week.

In conclusion, we want to thank you for your patience and understanding. Every journey has its highs and lows and with Defish standing tall for 2.5 years, we're confident that this low point will soon be over.

World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The scattered equipment has been collected and the lost shipment was fully reclaimed. Tier 5 zones have returned back to normal drop rates.

However, stay sharp and don't drop your guard, you never know what you can find along your journeys through the Seas.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

A big shipment of antique equipment has been lost in the storms earlier this year, and now the missing loot has started to flow off to shores.

You will be able to find it in all Tier 5 zones across the Seas starting from Thursday 12:00 UTC.

Our forecasters believe that the shipment was so rich, it will take quite some time to reclaim, so take the necessary preparations for a lengthy treasure hunt, Captains, as the loot will soon start hitting the shores.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The weather anomaly has ended and the EXP gain has returned to normal.

However, the strange events happening in the Seas are only just beginning and our forecasters predict a new anomaly coming in a few days.

Stay ready, Captains, as the new special events are on their way.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The weather anomaly has covered all of the Seas and the EXP earn is doubled for the time being.

Our forecasters predict that this weather will hold for 2 days, ending on Monday 12:00 UTC.

Be careful in your sailing, Captains, and enjoy the experience.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Our forecasters have detected a spike in weather anomalies in all corners of the Seas, potentially complicating the fishing operations, but not posing any threat to the Captains. Fishing in these conditions is going to be a great training for inexperienced Captains, or a great testing ground for a new equipment.

Tomorrow at 12:00 the EXP rates for all fishing zones will be doubled. We predict that these weather anomalies will take place for exactly 2 days, after which the waters will calm down and the rates will go back to normal.

Prepare all of your brand new fishing sets, Captains, it's time to give them a boost!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The missing shipment has been reclaimed and the drop chances have returned to normal. However, our forecasters estimate, that the new portion of missing loot will start to emerge from the depths in a few days.

We can't predict what kind of loot it will be as of now, so stay tuned and follow the news.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The missing loot has started to emerge from the waters and it's time to get it caught!

The Crafting tab has been updated with the recipes of 3rd Equipment Collection and the Fish and Material drop chance has been increased.

We estimate that the drop chance increase will go on for 2 days, after which a new portion of the missing loot will be coming up from the depths of the Seas.

Enjoy your fishing, Captains!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The lost shipment has began rising from the depths and a few brave sailors have caught a bottle containing a long forgotten knowledge.

We've researched these schematics of what appears to be craft recipes for an old Collection. This equipment proves quite costly to forge, but old papers aren't the only this that has been lost in the Seas.

Our forecasters predict that tomorrow starting from 12:00 UTC all Captains around the Seas will be able to catch materials and fish that was previously lost in the storms.

We will be able to decipher the recipes and upload them to your Crafting tab at the same time as the loot starts rising from the ocean.

Prepare your fishing gear and stock up on materials, Captains, we have a bountiful fishing ahead of us!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

With the long preparation stage finally coming to an end, we are happy to announce the new Wave of Events coming to the game!

Just as we planned, the 2024 Event Calendar will make its way into the game in stages, eventually building up to something big in the end.

Now, about the first stage. Weather in the Seven Seas hasn't always been a treat, but this year's storms have claimed a record number of cargo ships to the ocean.

Our forecast predicts that starting from next week the storms will calm down and those who brave the seas will be able to reclaim the missing loot.

We can't say for sure how much of lost goods is scattered across the ocean, but according to our forecast, the types of goods coming up from the depths will change every couple of days.

Prepare your treasure hunting sets, Captains, and be ready to venture out and claim the missing loot!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Craft recipes have been updated and are already available in the game.

Time to put your materials to good use, Captains!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

We hope you've enjoyed our recap and recalled all of the great moments we've had together. We definitely did have a long journey to making the game more enjoyable and fun to play.

As we recalled all of our major events in the past, it's time to share our goals for the game's future.

On top of our unending support for the game with balance updates and fixes if something goes wrong, our main focus for 2024 remains on building a strong community and creating flavourful events in both of our games.

We have always wanted our games to be exciting and engaging, and at some point we've reached a technical barrier that didn't allow us to point our attention on creating more content within the game. Now, as we've dealt with it through a complex Off-Chain transition, we can finally focus on the content part of our games.

What does it mean for you? New tournaments, competitions, special events happening in different zones and (theoretically πŸ˜‰) new and unique equipment items. Our goal here is to make every month in the game feel slightly different with something new to do and explore.

Right now we are working on a first event we've planned and you will be able to see how it works in a close future. We are looking forward to bringing it closer to you and hope you'll enjoy it.

The new wave of events is rising, Captains, be ready to ride it!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Today we come to you with an unusual post. Instead of teasing the news and events, we are going deep into our past to explore our history and plan for the future.

We've made an article that brings back the most important moments from the game's history and shows how much your support and trust helped us create a growing Defish ecosystem we're working to expand.

Follow the link to read the full recap in the article:

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

We've had many reports of lost equipment accidentally fallen into the seas throughout the year.

Looks like the fish festivities have pulled some of it from the deep seas and with enough luck and skill you might be able to claim it for yourself.

Set your sails on course to treasure hunting, Captains, and keep an eye out for more treasure the seas can bring!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Celebrations are not over yet and even the rarest of fishes join the party.

We've noticed a spike in rare fish population throughout the ocean and it's time for you to storm the deep waters and catch them all!

Happy fishing, Captains, and look out for more festive events coming up on the Holidays!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Festive mood has made its way to us as well and it's time to look back at all we have achieved this year and wish for Fish Santa's grace.

First of all, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all Defish team. It's been a tough year for many of us and it's finally time to recall all good things that happened this year and enjoy the work we have done.

This year was BIG on major events:

First, we have completed a full Off-Chain transition of the game to rid yourselves of gas fees and rapidly inflating coins. Although some times we thought we were trying to do the impossible, we managed to transfer all the main mechanics, including crafting and marketplace, to Off-Chain.

Second, we have released Tower Defish, a new mobile game we've been tirelessly working on for the past 1.5 years. The game received a lot of new attention and support and we continue to work on making it better every day.

Third, countless updates of a smaller scale for both games, targeted on improving your experince and convenience while playing. From newly released guides for new players to UI redesigns and graphics improvements for all players to enjoy.

Past few years have been tough on the crypto community, as you probably know all too well, but now, at this point, we can say that we've made it.

The next year will bring even more exciting features and improvements to the games and we can already feel the ground shake, anticipating one specific running bull.

All of this couldn't have happened if not for you, Captains, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unyielding faith and your support that got us here through toughest times.

More news will come later, Captains, and for now, enjoy your Holidays and prepare yourselves for what is coming next year.

Merry Christmas πŸŽ„

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Craft recipes have been finally updated! Prepare your materials and check the new recipes πŸ‘‰ HERE

But that's not all. In the name of the holidays, a lot of magic will happen these nights in the Defish waters.

We can't express how much we are grateful to our captains for trust and patience. Keep an eye out and stay sharp.

World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The Off-Chain Marketplace update has been released to Mainnet and all the players can now enjoy the benefits that come with it.

A few important notices before you start exploring the update:

We have taken all orders off sale to transfer the marketplace to Off-Chain. If you had anything put on sale before the maintenance, it has returned to your inventory and has to be set on sale again. With the update up and running it's now totally free and doesn't need any extra gas fees.

While we took some time to check the update for bugs and eliminate them, the update is too huge to be fully inspected in a small time period, that's why we don't exclude the possibility of small bugs popping up in different parts of the update.

If you encounter a bug or a problem you don't know how to fix, please let our tech support team know and we will concentrate on fixing it as soon as possible.

Apart from the technical side, the Off-Chain Marketplace update is a huge improvement we've been working for several months and we hope you will enjoy it as much as we have.

Take your time to get used to not having any gas fees and being able to buy multiple items and stacks in just one click, Captains.

Rumours about, there is a huge fish migration that's going to happen in the following days, don't miss out on the opportunity to catch them all!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

The Off-Chain Marketplace update's final version is uploaded to Testnet and you can try it out right now.

We have eliminated all the critical bugs and the update now works just as smoothly as expected.

That's why tomorrow, on Tuesday 21/11, the update is coming to Mainnet.

Tomorrow at 10:00 UTC the servers will close for maintenance for approximately 3 hours, for us to upload the update and connect it with the game.

Once again, we thank all Testnet players for helping us find and eliminate the problems with this huge update in the quickest pace.

Stay sharp, Captains, as even more news will soon be seen on the horizon.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Apart from usual minor improvements and fixes, today's update for Tower Defish brings a reimagined gameplay balance for tower progression.

#TDDevblog 27

The starring feature of this update is a new Tower upgrade system.

Previously, you could choose only 2 out of 3 upgrade branches. With this update, the branches system will work differently.

Instead of having 2 out of 3 upgrade branches you now have 1 main and 2 secondary ones. If you can upgrade the main branch to LVL 4, then you have 4 levels to invest in 2 other ones.

For example, let's say you have a LVL 4 tower. You can upgrade the damage branch to LVL 4 and then have 4 levels to spread between the other 2 branches, enabling you to upgrade your tower's range and attack speed evenly (both to LVL 2) or put extra focus on one of these branches, having, for instance, LVL 3 Range and LVL 1 Attack Speed.

This balance recalibration allows for a more flexible build without limiting you to only 2 branches.

The update also addresses graphic and interface issues, providing minor fixes and changes like these:
- Fixed global map level UI cards being not centered for some map chunks.
- Fixed time scale change button showing incorrect time scale in some cases.
- Updated unavailable towers preview.
- Unavailable towers are now hidden in inventory.
- Towers build panel is now shown at level start by default.

We thank all the players for your detailed feedback and the propositions that you make to improve the game and we are happy to make the game more enjoyable for all of you.

That's all we have for you today, but don't get your guard down yet, Captains, as more upgrades and improvements to the game are coming soon.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

New craft recipes have been uploaded and are already available in the game.

Time has come for using those materials you've been saving!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

There are times when we're short on news but have a lot of background work being done. In times like these we feel the need to let you know what we're working on, even if it's a lot of minor details being added to our games.

#TDDevblog 26

For the past few weeks we've been working on minor fixes for the game on Android and iOS, improving graphics and gameplay stability and eliminating small yet annoying problems that are not even worth the mention.

Our sole goal remains unchanged β€” to polish all sides of the game from top to bottom and make your player experience uninterrupted by even the most minor inconveniences.

With that said, our main focus stays on these 3 topics:

1️⃣ Improving the user interface, adding animations and making it more pleasant to interact with.

2️⃣ Tutorial rework to set up an even easier access to the game for any player

3️⃣ Improving your user experience by adding minor "quality of life" features, like improved sound effects and graphics.

At the same time we are working on the iOS version of the game to bring back the shop and paid features, that are currently turned off. You can expect it to open its doors after the next update.

Additionally, we are preparing a foundation for a future TD and WoD connectivity and its public testing, that we announced earlier.

While the past few weeks may feel poor on events, work never stops in our camp and the dedication to make our games bring you joy and excitement is higher than ever.

Stay sharp and keep an eye out, Captains, for the biggest news come when you least expect them.

Website | Twitter | TG | TG Ann | Discord

World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

We've been working on the Off-Chain Marketplace update for the past several months and did our best to bring the update to your gaming sessions as soon as possible.

And now we are happy to announce that the Off-Chain Marketplace update is uploaded to Testnet and you can finally try it out yourselves, though not without complications.

The large scale of the update makes it extremely hard to tie all the loose ends on time, so we're currently working on eliminating all the critical bugs that you can encounter.

The update will stay on the test server for some time until we polish all the roughness, but if you want to try it out in the current state and give us additional help in finding problems with the update β€” join the testing party.

We are planning to upload a final version with all fixes to Testnet in 2 weeks, and after that you will see the update on the Mainnet in a few days.

We know that many of you have expected the update sooner, but with the update of this scale we think that quality is much more important than speed.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope that you will be able to enjoy a stable and polished version of the update on the Mainnet in the closest future.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

This day has finally arrived! Tower Defish is released on iOS and is available HERE

#TDDevblog 25

It was extremely important for us to release the game in App Store as soon as possible, so we had to cut a few corners and upload a limited version of the game.

We are currently working on polishing the game, removing all the known bugs and bringing back features that we had to cut out.

Just as we said in the previous devblog, there are currently no in-game payments and chests in the game, they will come to the game in a future update.

Biggest thanks to our iOS community for watching people play the game on Android and still waiting to play it yourselves. Now is your time.

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World of Defish - Announcements

One more thing, Captains!

Craft recipes have been updated and are already available in the game.

Time to put these materials you hoarded to good use!

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Tower Defish continues to grow and develop and we are glad to have some news we want to share with you!

#TDDevblog 24

First thing, Apple. The game is sent for App Store moderation and we’re just waiting for Apple’s greenlight.

We’ve had a hard time battling with App Store moderation and it is the main reason why the first version of the game on App Store will not have any in-game payments and several other features that we will add in future updates as soon as possible.

Secondly, we pushed the game to Play Market in πŸ‡§πŸ‡· Brazil and πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ Japan, two countries with a more complicated developer registration rules, and it will be available for players in those countries within 24 hours.

Thirdly, we are planning to start an open testing for a new Tower Defish update, that will allow you to have a first look at WoD and TD connectivity and be the first ones to try them out.

Stay sharp, Captains, and keep an eye out for the news.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Servers will close for maintenance again today at 10:00 UTC for approximately 4 hours.

Have to clean everything up before the upcoming Off-Chain Marketplace update and to fix database sync issues.

Apologies for the inconvenience and, as always, doing our best to speed up the process.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Our website is currently under maintenance due to domain issues.

We're doing our best to fix it as soon as possible, but it can take up to 5 hours for us to make the necessary adjustments.

We apologize for the inconvenience and promise to make everything in our power to speed up the process.

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World of Defish - Announcements

Ahoy, Captains 🐳

Following up on our path of exploring Web3 advantages and possibilities, we are happy to invite you on a new discussion in X Spaces with our dear partners from Clarnium.

Join the discussion, where we will dive deep into the development of Web3 games in the first half of 2023, featuring our COO Vlad and other experienced and interesting guests.

This topic is extremely important to uncover, so we will be glad to see everyone who is interested in our studio's journey and answer your questions.

X Spaces will start in just an hour, at 13:00 CEST, and will be available here:

See you there, Captains!

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