Celestia Announcements

Celestia Announcements

The first Celestia community call is now live on YouTube. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed. We had an unexpected number of viewers that were above the call capacity which we hope to fix for the next one. Watch the full call here 👇


Celestia Announcements

REMINDER - Celestia Community Call #1 - 2 HOURS TO GO!

Hello everyone, our first community call will be starting today, May 4th at 12 PM EDT / 9 AM PST

Join us and get your 🍿 ready for:

✅ Updates on Incentivized Testnet Timeline
✅ Recap and Feedback since Modular Summit in Amsterdam
✅ Meet the community and team members


Note: There is a cap of 100 participants for the first community call. See you soon!

Celestia Announcements

We’re excited to announce two new additions to the website… Learn modular and the glossary 🎉 Learn modular will be your go-to resource for understanding the world of modular blockchains. You can check it out here 👇

If there’s new terms you’re struggling to understand, the glossary will be the place to quickly find answers. Many of the terms relate to Celestia and its core concepts, including modular blockchains, data availability, and rollups.

You can find the glossary here 👇

Celestia Announcements

The modular summit has officially begun in Amsterdam! 🧱 A full day of presentations on topics such as modular blockchains, rollups, and MEV awaits.

If you can’t make it in-person, you can watch the livestream that covers the full day of events 👇

To view the full list of speakers and talks check here 👉 https://modularsummit.dev/

Celestia Announcements

L1s. Many myths. Few truths.

Celestia's entire leadership team will be on our second Twitter Space.

Can Celestia address the fee problem?
Tune in and find out!

👉🏼 https://twitter.com/CelestiaOrg/status/1498351774402445313

Celestia Announcements

The Ethereum data availability landscape

With the rapid growth of L2s, a spectrum of data availability solutions have emerged ranging from off-chain to on-chain DA layers.

How do the cost and security tradeoffs of different DA solutions compare?

Learn more in our latest blog post 👉 https://twitter.com/CelestiaOrg/status/1493297602594414592?s=20&t=sc98mCTqIvQsOeM4_qkIaQ

Celestia Announcements

⚠️ Please note that the Celestia project does not currently have a token, and any message or website claiming that there is a token sale or airdrop ongoing is a scam.

Celestia Announcements

Shared security is a hot and important topic right now.

What are the tradeoffs?
Where is it's future going?

Be part of and join Celestia's 1st Twitter space with Mustafa Al-Bassam (founder), John Adler (founder), Zaki Manian, Ekram Ahmed to discuss all things shared security.

Tune in 35 minutes!

Celestia Announcements

Devnet launch successful 🎉

Two weeks ago, we created a working version of Celestia with block production, full nodes, and light nodes with data availability sampling.

Plus, the network is still live! Check out the block explorer while it lasts: http://celestia.observer:3080/


Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/CelestiaOrg/status/1470837943090749446

Celestia Announcements
# 7

We are livestreaming from our event in Kiev!

Celestia Announcements
# 1

Channel created
