COLONY [Announcement Channel]

Welcome to Colony - the Community-driven Avalanche ecosystem accelerator, powered by Colony’s CLY token. 💬 :
COLONY [Announcement Channel]

⌛️The countdown has begun! Pulsar is preparing to move to the next phase soon, where users will need to commit their USDC. 🙌

Analysis opening: Tuesday, June 11th at 2:00pm UTC

⚠️ Don't miss out! Commit your ANT🐜 tokens before the deadline!

It's crucial to start committing ANT tokens during the Deal-Flow phase to secure your investment opportunity before the project moves to Analysis. Otherwise, you won't be able to participate in the sale.



🔎To learn more about the next steps on how to access the project's score based on community due diligence and how to commit your USDC during the Analysis phase, check out this detailed guide.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]
COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Time to reveal Axon Finance as the third project to fundraise on Colony’s Early-Stage Platform! 🏦↔️🦊

Here’s why Axon stands out:

• Axon is a decentralised clearing house, which is able to clear the risk from transactions, without holding custody over the funds. This allows Axon to offer up to 10x lower fees with zero custody risk for all on and off ramp operations.

• Current solutions are services like Ramp/MoonPay/Transak with really high fees or Centralized Exchanges that may become the next FTX.

• Axon achieved 2nd place at Avalanche’s Codebase and received a $100K grant.🔥

• Axon Finance is backed by and partnered with industry leaders such as Ava Labs,BlizzardFund, Codebase, Uniswap, Aave, Ledger, and RevolutApp. This strong support from prominent crypto and financial ecosystem powerhouses underscores the trust and potential in Axon's innovative platform.

• Positioned to capture a significant share of the $3 trillion market of crypto/fiat transfers, Axon is the first protocol to offer fast, low cost and fully non-custodial transaction settlements.

• The team behind Axon Finance boasts an impressive lineup of professionals with extensive experience at top-tier companies like Google X,, Uber, and PwC. Their combined expertise ensures robust development, strategic execution, and a fresh approach to redefining the financial landscape.

• The $AXON token will be utilized to stake and validate the protocol and as a reward for successful validation operations. Additionally, $AXON will be used for a loyalty program, offering benefits such as higher trading rebates, referral rewards, and liquidity rewards.

• The protocol is programmed to automatically purchase more $AXON tokens via a buyback mechanism to refill its treasury once specific conditions are met.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🎙️Our interview with PULSAR's CEO is now live! 🎮

We discuss their ongoing Private Sale on Colony, delve into the game’s features, the team's extensive industry experience, their strategies for bridging Web2 and Web3 gamers, and their vision for the future of Web3 gaming. Additionally, we cover Pulsar's roadmap, $PLSR tokenomics, the upcoming TGE, & more!

📽️ Watch the full interview here:


Reminder: Registration for Pulsar's Private Sale on Colony's Early-Stage platform is still open! 🙌

Don't forget to commit your ANT tokens🐜. The countdown will be announced at the end of this week. ⏳



COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊A huge congratulations to DeltaPrime on their successful Seed raise on Colony!👏

Over $790,000 USDC committed by $CLY stakers🐜, surpassing the $500,000 raise target.🚀🔥

It's fantastic to see the community come together to fund and support Avalanche projects🔺.

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

⌛️Only ≈ 4 hours left to commit your $USDC and secure your Seed allocation in DeltaPrime🔥! Don't miss out!

Deadline: Today at 14:00pm UTC!


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

The countdown is on! DeltaPrime is gearing up to progress to the next phase soon! Commit your $USDC 💰 NOW to secure your Seed allocation.🔥

Deadline: Tuesday, May 28th at 14:00pm UTC

⚠️ Don't miss out! Commit $USDC before the deadline! 🙌



⚠️ Users are required to commit their entire Max USDC contribution to match their locked ANT tokens used to register their USDC allocation interest. If they comply, they will automatically receive their ANT tokens directly into their wallet, which they can use for other NESTs ( PULSAR🕹). Failure to do so will result in a 5% penalty fee for any ANT tokens not exchanged for USDC.


🔎 To learn more about the Analysis phase, how to access the project's community due diligence score, and how to commit your USDC, check out this detailed guide.


🎙 If you haven't watched our in-depth interview with the co-founders of DeltaPrime, now is the time!

Discover valuable insights into their innovative products, their vision, roadmap, $PRIME + $sPRIME tokenomics, the imminent TGE, & more.

📽️Watch interview here:



COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🎙Exclusive interview released! While we touch on the Seed sale of DeltaPrime via Colony's Early-Stage Platform, the spotlight is on an in-depth discussion with the co-founders of DeltaPrime, a key DeFi protocol in the Avalanche ecosystem.🔺

Gain valuable insights as they discuss their innovative product offerings, solutions for real challenges in the DeFi space, their vision, roadmap, $PRIME + $sPRIME, tokenomics, the imminent TGE and more!

📽️Watch the full interview here:

✅Reminder: $CLY stakers who previously committed ANTs 🐜 can now commit their reserved USDC on DeltaPrime's NEST. Already, over $337K has been committed towards the $500K raise target.


Over 372 Avalanche community members have already shared their scores⭐️ for DeltaPrime! 👀

Evaluate the project based on key criteria, then review its global community due diligence score! Once that's done, you'll be able to commit your USDC. 🙌


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊 Commit your $USDC 💰 NOW to secure your Seed allocation in DeltaPrime!🔥

$CLY stakers who previously committed ANTs 🐜 can now commit their reserved USDC allocation on DeltaPrime's NEST.

ℹ️Users can also continue committing ANT tokens to increase their USDC allocation size (⚠️ only possible if they haven't committed any USDC yet).🔥


Over 100 Avalanche community members have already shared their scores⭐️ for DeltaPrime!
👀 Evaluate the project based on key criteria, then review its global community due diligence score! Once that's done, you'll be able to commit your USDC. 🙌

📽️To learn more about Analysis phase, how to access project's score, and how to commit USDC to secure your Seed allocation, check out the detailed video above!


⚠️It is crucial to familiarize yourself with Colony's Liquid Vesting, ceTokens and their distribution before moving forward with your investment. Click to read more.


🔎 To learn more about the Analysis phase, how to access the project's community due diligence score, and how to commit your USDC, check out this detailed guide.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊 DeltaPrime has advanced to Analysis, after generating massive traction with nearly $1M USDC in investment interest, surpassing its $500K raise target.🚀

$CLY stakers who previously committed ANTs can now secure their Seed allocation by committing their reserved USDC allocation. 💰🔥

Evaluate the project based on key criteria and review its global community due diligence score, then commit your USDC. 🙌

ℹ️Users can also continue committing ANT tokens to increase their USDC allocation size (⚠️ possible only if they haven't committed any USDC yet).


⚠️It is crucial to familiarize yourself with Colony's Liquid Vesting, ceTokens and their distribution before moving forward with your investment. Click to read more.


🔎 To learn more about the Analysis phase, how to access the project's community due diligence score, and how to commit your USDC, check out this detailed guide.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔥The $CLY community loves DeltaPrime and how much it has been contributing to the Avalanche🔺DeFi ecosystem! With over $820,000 in USDC investment interest registered, it has far surpassed the $500,000 raise target. 🔥

⏰ Last chance to commit your ANT🐜 tokens before the deadline: Monday, May 20th at 12:00pm UTC! Secure your opportunity to commit USDC when DeltaPrime moves to Analysis. 🙌

⚠️ Commit your ANT tokens during the Deal-Flow phase to ensure your investment spot before the project advances. Missing this means missing out!


🔎To learn more about the next steps on how to access the project's score based on community due diligence , how to commit your USDC during the Analysis phase, ceTokens distribution, check out this detailed guide.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Exciting news: DeltaPrime Seed sale is generating massive interest and remarkable engagement, with over $600,000 in USDC investment interest registered, surpassing the $500,000 raise target.🚀🔥

⌛️The countdown is on! DeltaPrime is gearing up to progress to the next phase soon, during which users will need to commit their USDC. 🙌

Analysis opening: Monday, May 20th at 12:00pm UTC

⚠️ Don't miss out! Commit your ANT🐜 tokens before the deadline!

It's crucial to start committing ANT tokens during the Deal-Flow phase to secure your investment opportunity before the project moves to Analysis. Otherwise, you won't be able to participate in the sale.



🔎To learn more about the next steps on how to access the project's score based on community due diligence and how to commit your USDC during the Analysis phase, check out this detailed guide.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔥Pulsar, one of the most anticipated game Subnet launches, has achieved a new milestone: surpassing 400 million in-game transactions🔥

Dominating all of Avalanche's Fuji subnets transactions, Pulsar's achievement is noteworthy. For comparison, the entire Avalanche c-chain mainnet has made 482 million transactions since its launch.

This success offers a glimpse into Pulsar’s promising future, poised to significantly enhance transaction volume within the broader Avalanche ecosystem upon its mainnet launch in June. 🙌

Registration for Pulsar's Private Sale on Colony's Early-Stage platform is still open:

✔️ $187,000 in USDC investment interest already registered, out of a $500,000 raise target.

📽️If you want to learn more about Pulsar, watch this great interview by Paul Barron Network.

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊The investment interest in DeltaPrime's Seed and Pulsar’s Private sale is heating up, with just 24 hours since the launch!🔥🔥

Here's the latest:

🟣DeltaPrime: $345,961 in USDC investment interest registered, out of a $500,000 raise target.

🎮Pulsar: $150,000 in USDC investment interest registered, out of a $500,000 raise target.

📽️To learn more about registering for these seed and private sales, check out this video focusing on the Deal-Flow phase of Colony's Early-Stage platform.

✅To join the first inclusive investment DAO on Avalanche🔺, join Colony, join the ANTs 🐜:

COLONY [Announcement Channel]
COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊 Today marks a significant milestone for Colony and its community 🐜 as we launch our long-awaited decentralized fundraising platform, “Early-Stage”. 🔥

For the first time ever, anyone can access Seed and Private sales investments, previously reserved for select groups like VCs and high-net-worth individuals. Alongside this pivotal launch, we’re also excited to introduce our innovative “Liquid Vesting” solution, unlocking unparalleled flexibility in trading locked/vesting tokens, through our DEX.

We couldn't be more thrilled to kickstart the launch of our Early-Stage platform, granting users the opportunity to invest directly in the Seed and Private sales of two innovative #Avalanche projects, that have been in development for over 2 years: DeltaPrime & Pulsar.

Seed Round, reserved allocation for $CLY stakers: $500,000

Private Round, reserved allocation for $CLY stakers: $500,000


✔️How to register for these two sales?


✅The two projects are currently in Deal-Flow phase. $CLY stakers can commit their ANT tokens in NESTs to express investment interest and reserve a USDC allocation in a project’s fundraising.

⚠️ If you want to invest in a project, it's imperative to start committing ANT tokens during the Deal-Flow, before the project moves to Analysis.


📘Be sure to check out our official launch article to learn more about Colony's Early-Stage platform, the DeltaPrime Seed sale, and the Pulsar Private sale.

🔗 Within the article, you'll find valuable links to documentation and guides designed to assist you in navigating Colony's Early-Stage platform seamlessly, from the Deal-Flow phase to the Portfolio phase.



🧵Full tweet 👇

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊As Colony’s Early-Stage platform launch approaches, now is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with everything it has to offer! 🔥

📄Colony’s Gitbook covers everything you need to know about our products, yield opportunities, access to seed/private sales, our innovative Liquid Vesting feature for trading locked/vesting tokens, our upcoming DEX, and much more. In short, it contains everything you need to explore Colony's expansive ecosystem of opportunities.😉


COLONY [Announcement Channel]
COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Thrilled to reveal DeltaPrime as one of the first projects to fundraise via Colony’s Early-Stage Feature for its Seed round!🔥

Here's why DeltaPrime stands out:

• Avalanche’s native undercollateralized borrowing protocol, boasting a $36M TVL and unlocking over $19M in liquidity. It has facilitated over $1.5B in swaps.

• DeltaPrime offers users cross-margin leverage on a wide variety of blue-chip DeFi protocols on Avalanche and Arbitrum, such as GMX, Trader Joe, Yield Yak, and GoGoPool.

• With DeltaPrime, users can borrow up to 5x their collateral, maximizing portfolio potential and capital efficiency. With a Prime Account, users can craft personalized DeFi portfolios using both collateral and borrowed funds, leveraging a diverse array of strategies unlocked by the platform.

• Currently, most loans require overcollateralization, where borrowers must deposit more than the borrowed amount into a protocol. This results in billions of dollars of liquidity trapped as collateral. DeltaPrime's mission is to unlock this trapped liquidity, fostering a more efficient and interconnected DeFi ecosystem.

• DeltaPrime is backed by Ava Labs' Blizzard Fund, and other respected Web3 investors.

• $PRIME is DeltaPrime's utility token, required for crafting $sPRIME, a revenue-generating LP token combining $PRIME and another token (e.g., AVAX-PRIME). sPRIME serves as DeltaPrime's primary payment method, unlocks special features, and more 👀. Additionally, combining sPRIME and DeltaPrime usage accrues voting power over two years.


🎙Learn more about DeltaPrime in this insightful Twitter Space hosted by Ava Labs.

🎥 And watch Gavin from DeltaPrime during the last Avalanche Summit explain how the Prime Account unlocks liquidity and enables undercollateralized loans in DeFi.


Full tweet…. 👇

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊 We're proud to support Avalanche Ambassador DAO and their commitment to fostering growth within the Avalanche ecosystem. Their vision strongly resonates with Colony's mission as the ecosystem accelerator over the past 2.5 years.

Witnessing established Avalanche protocols, builders, and community members unite in such initiatives is truly inspiring as we collectively strive to expand our ecosystem's horizons. 👏

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Excited to announce Pulsar Game as one of the first projects to fundraise on Colony's Early-Stage Feature!🕹🪐

Here's why Pulsar stands out:

• A premier AAA Sci-Fi MMO-RTS masterpiece, immersing players in a universe where they mine, construct, and conquer.

• Drawing inspiration from acclaimed titles like StarCraft, Diablo, and Eve Online, Pulsar blends strategic depth, endless deployability, and player-driven economies, aiming to captivate millions of strategy gamers worldwide. By seamlessly bridging Web2 and Web3, Pulsar fosters an open, user-centric economy where the $PLSR token functions as both in-game currency and Subnet.

• Fueled by a robust Avalanche Subnet, Pulsar currently leads in transactions within the Fuji subnets, surpassing 370M+ transactions. This success offers a glimpse into its promising future, poised to significantly bolster transaction volume within the broader Avalanche ecosystem upon its mainnet launch.

• At the helm are industry veterans Alvaro Martin, CEO, and Fernando Claros, Game Director, with over 40 years of combined experience in the video game industry. Their expertise, honed through crafting iconic titles like Candy Crush, ensures Pulsar's development is in capable hands.

• With a thriving testnet boasting over 6300 active players, Pulsar is scheduled to launch on mainnet in June, marking a highly anticipated milestone in its roadmap.

• Pulsar is backed by renowned Web3 industry leaders, identities soon to be disclosed.👀


📽️If you want to learn more about Pulsar, watch this great interview by
Paul Barron Network.


So, what are you waiting for? Join Colony, and complete your KYC now for a front-row seat to invest in Pulsar and upcoming exciting Avalanche early-stage projects!🚀

Details about Pulsar's Private Sale will be shared when it's live on Early-Stage Feature. Stay tuned!

✔️Complete KYC easily now:


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🚀 ESF ESF ESF! The first Private Sale fundraise on Colony Lab’s Early-Stage feature is on its way.

Colony is unlocking unprecedented early-stage investment opportunities for the Avalanche🔺 community.

Keep an eye out for more details.

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Security has always been our top priority. With 4 comprehensive audits under our belt, including two for our Early-Stage Feature and Liquid Vesting solution/DEX, we're thrilled to share our final audit conducted by Paladin, a renowned expert in Web3 security.✅

Covering Staking V3 and our pioneering Early-Stage Feature with the Liquid Vesting solution, this audit spans over 130 pages. These extensive numbers reflect the immense dedication of Colony Lab's team over the past 2 years, tirelessly innovating in the Web3 space to democratize early-stage investing and pave the way for a more accessible, liquid primary market—a first in the entire crypto industry.🤝

$CLY 🐜stakers prepare to join the Fundraising Revolution.🙌


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Colony Lab <> Avalaunch 🤝

3 years ago, during Colony’s 's nascent stage, the Avalaunch team placed their trust in our project and vision, offering invaluable support and introductions to help establish Colony as the premier accelerator within the Avalanche ecosystem. Early in our journey, they joined our board of advisors, and in recognition of their unwavering and strategic assistance, the Avalaunch team was allocated 1% of $CLY's token supply.

However, instead of keeping these tokens for themselves, the Avalaunch team made the commendable decision to redistribute them back to their $XAVA stakers community through an airdrop. This gesture underscores their commitment to promoting active participation and inclusivity within our shared ecosystem. To participate in the airdrop, users will need to fulfil certain conditions, encouraging engagement with Colony's protocol to maximize their allocation.

Both Colony Lab and Avalaunch share a unified vision: to support projects building on Avalanche at various fundraising stages and facilitate their launch on the Avalanche network. This airdrop serves as a means to strengthen bonds between our communities, bringing them closer together, fostering innovation, and promoting collaboration within the Avalanche ecosystem through community-driven funding initiatives.🤝

To qualify for 100% of the airdrop, $XAVA stakers who received the initial portion must stake the entirety of their $CLY on Colony’s platform before June. For more details on the airdrop requirements and timeline, check out the article by Avalaunch below.👇

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Colony x DeltaPrime Twitter Space on $CAI

With $CAI now listed as a collateral asset on DeltaPrime, it unlocks new and unique investing strategies on Avalanche or DeFi enthusiasts, all while offering advantages such as diversification and improved risk management for borrowers.

Join us tomorrow with DeltaPrime and our partner Phuture Finance to learn more about this integration!

📆 April 16
⏰ 12pm UTC
⬇️ Twitter Space link to set a reminder

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Exciting news! 🎉 We've partnered with DeltaPrime to integrate $CAI (Colony Avalanche Index) into their undercollateralized borrowing platform!🔥

The addition of $CAI enables Avalanche🔺users to borrow against a diversified basket of top blue-chips within the ecosystem. This opens up innovative investment avenues on Avalanche, providing benefits like diversification and enhanced risk management. By mitigating risk compared to single-asset reliance, users gain improved opportunities for growth and investment stability.

With $CAI as collateral in your DeltaPrime's Prime Account, the opportunities are limitless:

1️⃣Unlock Borrowing Capabilities: You can collateralize $CAI to borrow up to 5x the value of your collateral in $USDC, $AVAX, $BTC, $ETH, and/or $USDT.

2️⃣DeFi Activities Galore: Dive into various DeFi strategies, including leveraged positions, liquidity provision, and farming, all while using $CAI as collateral.

3️⃣Unlock 5x Leveraged Exposure on Avalanche’s Top Assets Index: Deposit $CAI, borrow assets like $AVAX or $USDC up to 5 times the collateral value, swap borrowed assets back to $CAI, and here you are effectively leveraging the entire basket, which currently includes $AVAX, $sAVAX, $JOE, $QI, $XAVA. A unique leverage opportunity if you're bullish on the Avalanche ecosystem.


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Did you know that by staking $CLY, you're constantly earning $AVAX rewards? We've just completed another significant $AVAX airdrop, distributing ≈ 3,700 AVAX to $CLY stakers. 🙌

Over the past few months, Colony Lab has airdropped a total of 9,549 $AVAX to our stakers community. How can you become eligible? Simply by staking $CLY! 🔥

Since Colony's Validator Program distributes $AVAX rewards linearly throughout the year, staking $CLY allows you to start earning $AVAX rewards instantly!


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Validator Program: UPCOMING $AVAX AIRDROP

In a couple of days, Colony Lab will be airdropping ≈ $200,000 worth of $AVAX to its $CLY stakers community. Yet, some of you may still be overlooking the opportunity of earning a 10% organic APY by staking on the platform, granting access to diverse passive revenue streams. Surprisingly.. some even claim there are no airdrops on Avalanche.🤔

And no, this isn't an April Fool's joke - the $200,000 $AVAX airdrop is happening this week!🔥


COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Colony Lab proudly announces its strategic partnership with Codebase by Avalanche, unlocking an unprecedented opportunity for Codebase projects to secure substantial funding ranging from $500,000 to well over $1 million per project through Colony Lab's Early-stage Feature and our robust $CLY community. 🔥

With an active community of thousands of Avalanche-focused users boasting a collective net worth of $160 million, Colony Lab offers a unique avenue for projects raising through our platform to access seed funding from thousands of eager investors. This not only accelerates the projects’ financial growth but also facilitates the establishment of a vibrant community and user base for their upcoming products right from the start.

For the first time, the Avalanche community has the chance to actively participate in the upcoming innovative projects right from their inception. They can play a pivotal role in investing, supporting, and growing alongside promising early-stage projects they passionately believe in. 🙌

📄Discover more details about this strategic partnership in this article.

COLONY [Announcement Channel]

🔊Staking Contract Migration to V3 is now 100% complete!🎉

We're thrilled to announce that the upgrade from Staking V2 to Staking V3 has been successfully executed, and the migration is now finalized. All users, along with their staked $CLY tokens, and their corresponding rewards and airdrops, have seamlessly transitioned to the new contract.

This milestone marks a significant step forward in Colony Lab's journey, signaling the onset of our next exciting phase and the imminent launch of our innovative products: the Early-Stage feature and the Liquid Vesting DEX.

Access our app and enjoy a nice 10% organic APY, inclusive of $AVAX rewards, $CLY rewards, airdrops from various #Avalanche projects, and much more!


✅Staking V3 verified contract:
