We are a community-driven token with one mission, to make it out Moms Basement. Inspired by the now iconic meme, we are a movement towards connection and empowerment. Standing out as a beacon of positivity and the next big meme coin sensation on SOLANA. Join the $MOMSBASE community today and embark on a heroic adventure as we break out the basement.

How to buy

Create a wallet

Download a Phantom Wallet from your browser.

Get some SOL

Deposit Solana into this wallet. If you don’t have any SOL you can purchase from an exchange.

Go to Raydium

Here you will be converting SOL to $MOMSBASE. Paste the $MOMSBASE contract address (see below) and select $MOMSBASE.


That’s it! Swap SOL for $MOMSBASE, it’s that simple.


Total supply = 1 Billion

Launch Strategy:

LP tokens burnt

Revoked freeze authority

Revoked mint authority

Contract Address



🚀 Phase 1: Building Our Foundation

Social Media Presence

Top-tier content production across all social media platforms

Full-time Telegram devs for daily chats, laughs and ideas

Community Engagement

Meme contests, giveaways, chess and poker nights

Learning & Interaction

X spaces and AMAs: participate in discussions with crypto leaders to gain new insights

Market Presence

Listing $MOMSBASE on key exchanges to bring further liquidity

🌟 Phase 2: Spreading Our Influence

Podcast Launch

Join Mom’s Basement podcast for the latest in crypto, compelling guest stories, and a touch of basement humour.

Meteoric Marketing Campaigns

Global campaigns with world renowned marketing agencies.

Partnerships with influential crypto voices.

Selective brand collaborations.

Charitable Donations

Active engagement in mental health initiatives and donations to established charities

🎉 Phase 3: Beyond the Basement

Real-Life Products

Mom’s Basement energy drink! Perfect for those long nights of gaming or crypto trading.

Angel investing in promising crypto start-ups.

Real-Life Connections

Mom’s Basement IRL London space to host events, workshops, and meet-ups.

Global expansion with more community spaces.

Community retreats that mix relaxation with crypto conversations.

So much more!

Join the MOMS BASEMENT movement

Follow us on

Disclaimer: Investing in MOMSBASE (or any cryptocurrency) involves high risk and potential loss. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, only invest what you can afford to lose. Do your research and seek professional advice before investing. By participating, you accept these risks and waive any liability against the project team.

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