IDO Participation Competition

🚀 Matic Launchpad IDO Participation Contest 🚀

Welcome to the Matic Launchpad's exciting IDO Participation Competition! 🎉 Get ready to contribute to the upcoming IDO and stand a chance to win fantastic rewards!

This competition focuses on three key criteria:

  1. KYC Approval: Ensure you're KYC approved to maximize your chances.

  2. Participation Value: Your contribution matters! The more you contribute, the higher your chances of winning.

  3. Active Community Support: Engage and support the IDO within the community. Your active involvement could be the key to big rewards!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please choose the IDO in which you participated.  *
Please provide the transaction Hash of your contribution to the project IDO.  *
What is your ERC-20/BEP-20 wallet address? *
Please provide your Twitter Handle
Please provide your Telegram Handle *
Do you agree with the Terms of Conditions? Please review them here: 
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