Peter Brandt Roasts Bitcoin Critic Peter Schiff For “Betting on Dead Horses”

Legendary trader Peter Brandt has taken a jab at Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff over a recent statement regarding BTC
By Godfrey Benjamin
May 19, 2024
Peter Brandt on Bitcoin


  • Peter Brandt just took a direct jab at Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff
  • Peter Brandt provoked the response from Brandt based on latest banter on Bitcoin
  • The duo are known to support differing views about Bitcoin

Legendary financial trader Peter Brandt believes that frequent hate statements about Bitcoin (BTC) from Peter Schiff are likely a strategy for the critic to gain clout on X.

The Jab on Bitcoin Hater Peter Schiff

Brandt advised Crypto X to stop listening to Schiff’s rants about the flagship cryptocurrency. In his opinion, the Bitcoin critic is just out to gain attention and followers at the expense of the number one digital asset.


The trader’s statement was in response to an earlier post by Schiff where he compared Silver’s growth to that of BTC. He precisely stated that since April 2, Silver has surged by more than 21% while Bitcoin is only up by 2%.

“That’s more than 10x the bang for your buck with silver. Bitcoin is dead. Long live silver,” Schiff added.

Brandt says Schiff has been betting on dead horses and by “horses”, he refers to all of the assets that the critic has exalted above Bitcoin. Furthermore, he mockingly highlighted that

“Just because one horse (Silver) $SLV $SILV decided to take a jog, Schiff is having a social media orgasm.”

There are several market observers and crypto enthusiasts who share the same sentiments as Brandt on the subject of Schiff’s constant bickering about Bitcoin. Despite all of these backslashes, never has Schiff tried to be positive about Bitcoin.

Peter Schiff Predicts Price Dip For BTC

Spot Bitcoin ETF outflows recently climbed to a disappointing level with BlackRock’s IBIT and Fidelity’s FBTC registering their first negative flows. The United States Bitcoin ETF ecosystem  saw more than $230 million outflows in a matter of ten days.

Considering the market outlook, Peter Schiff warned against a potential downtrend in Bitcoin price.

There is an ongoing discuss of how Bitcoin could serve as hedge in the face of inflation especially with the U.S. gradually slipping into economic crisis. Schiff does not want to hear any of it as he seem not to consider the crypto asset a functional currency. During a live debate on YouTube sponsored by ZeroHedge, he claimed that Bitcoin’s slow speed and high transaction costs are obstacles to its daily use.

It is obvious that Schiff has consistently made bearish predictions about BTC that never becomes the reality. Right now, Peter Brandt does not think the latest banter from the critic is any different.

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Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture. Follow him on Twitter, Linkedin
The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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