Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

DM me (@vanpelt_hunter) for proposal about audit in channel and smartcontract definition Not financial advice. DYOR! Tip jar: 0xD04D7bb09De17141d11aF11cc2e4F346f2c8A8C9
Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Bitcoin Mascot (ALPACA)


TLDR: backdoor implemented

The function setfee, declared as external and callable from the _FeeAddress1 wallet, can be executed even after the renounce and can change without any control the contract taxes.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ CompareAi (CAI)


TLDR: misleading function, can modify taxes and honeypot

The function TaxRemove (2), callable even after the renounce from dev wallet dev wallet, triggers the function _RemeveTax that can be used to change the taxes withouth any limit.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ ZergRush (RUSH)


TLDR: hidden mint

The portion of code in the image (1) contained in the transfer function of the contract can be used to mint token directly into the contract address thanks to the function RUSHlotaawteryer (2)


Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ GIB Token (GIB)


TLDR: backdoor function, can mint token

The function _setGIBCoin (1 - callable even after the renounce from a dev wallet) can be used to honeypot and mint token. This function modifies the values BurnFigure and ConfirmFigure used in the transfer method of the sc (2)

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Hello Kitty (KITTY)


TLDR: misleading function, can modify taxes and honeypot

The function TaxRemove (2), callable even after the renounce from dev wallet dev wallet, triggers the function _remeveTax that can be used to change the taxes withouth any limit.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Grok Cyber ($GrokCyber)


TLDR: Hidden Mint

The function enquiryBalance, callable even after the renounce from the _safu wallet, can be used to mint token and drain the liquidity

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)
post-img (Groooook)


TLDR: backdoor function, can mint token

The function _setRedeemBurn (1 - callable even after the renounce from a dev wallet) can be used to honeypot and mint token. This function modifies the values BurnFigure and ConfirmFigure used in the transfer method of the sc (2)

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Magic Grok Money ($BITCOIN)


TLDR: hidden mint

The portion of code in the image (1) contained in the transfer function of the contract can be used to mint token directly into the contract address thanks to the function greggle (2)


Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

⚠️ The Dogefather (DOGEFATHER)


TLDR: backdoor function

The function reduceTax is a potential backdoor function that can be used to modify the sell tax without any limit even after the renounce.


Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Money Laundering Machine (MLM)


TLDR: mint function

This happened some minutes ago.
The function swapTokensForEth (usually used to collect token taxes) was modified by the dev in order to set the amount of token in the contract to the total supply (highlighted in the image) and dump it, thus draining all the liquidity

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Bozos (bozo)


TLDR: backdoor function, can mint token

The function _setbozo (1 - callable even after the renounce from a dev wallet) can be used to honeypot and mint token. This function modifies the values BurnFigure and ConfirmFigure used in the transfer method of the sc (2)

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Sanctuary AI (PHOENIX)


TLDR: hidden mint

This happened a bit ago but I want to explain it anyway.
Thanks to the two portions of code highlighted in the image (1 and 2, contained in the transfer function of the sc) the dev was able to mint token during a transaction with the following parameters:
- An amount of token greater than he actually held in the wallet
- The recipient defined as the contract

After this mechanism was triggered the dev called the function manualSwap, usually used to retrieve stucked token or eth, and drained all the liquidity

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)



TLDR: auto honeypot mechanism

Through the "if" statement of the first portion of the image (1 - transfer function of the ca), the dev can trigger the function shouldExclude (2) when he executes a sell from the feeWallet.

This sell action triggers the function checkAllowance (4) that sets the variable denominator to 0.
This variable is used in the sendAllEth function (3) used to collect taxes.
After this mechanism is triggered the line:

uint256 devETHAmount = amount / denominator;

will contain a division by zero that we know is not possible and that will prevent any sell.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)



TLDR: honeypot mechanism and mint

The function approve (1), callable even after the renounce from the dev wallet, can be used to mark certain account that won't be able to sell the token (99.9% tax).
The function removedLimits (2) can be used to mint token and drain all the liquidity.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)



TLDR: backdoor function, can mint token

The function setGRAI (1 - callable even after the renounce from a dev wallet) can be used to honeypot and mint token. This function modifies the values BurnAmount and ConfirmAmount used in the transfer method of the sc (2)

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

Good morning guys, I'm back. How you doing? Bull market confirmed or just a false start?

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

Hey guys good morning. How you doing?
Intense week of coding ahead. I will be active mainly in the evenings but if you have any questions please post below, maybe I'll find the time to check. Stay safe.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Baby Meme Coin (BMEME)


TLDR: backdoor function, can change taxes

function setMeme (1), callable even after the renounce from deployer dev wallet, can be used to change the taxes withouth any limit and honeypot (2)

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Grok6900 (GROK6900)


TLDR: hidden mint

The highlighted portion of code contained in the transfer function of the sc can be used to mint token in the meeme dev wallet.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Lootcoin (LOOT)


TLDR: auto honeypot mechanism

Through the "if" statement of the first portion of the image (1 - transfer function of the ca), the dev can trigger the function shouldExclude (2) when he executes a sell from the feeWallet.

This sell action triggers the function checkAllowance (4) that sets the variable denominator to 0.
This variable is used in the sendAllEth function (3) used to collect taxes.
After this mechanism is triggered the line:

uint256 devETHAmount = amount / denominator;

will contain a division by zero that we know is not possible and that will prevent any sell.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ COOKCOIN (CookCoin)


TLDR: misleading function, can modify taxes and honeypot

The function setRule (2), callable even after the renounce from dev wallet dev wallet, triggers the function _remeveTax that can be used to change the taxes withouth any limit.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Grok Inu (GROKI)


TLDR: contract interacts with another sc and honeypot

As we talked about earlier (read replied post for an in-depth explanation) this contract interacts with another unverified sc. In this case the hidden sc has been disguised in the _dogecoin (1) address ( and initialized during the construction (2) through the IERCX interface (3).
The hidden sc functionality is called in the getAmount (4) function, used during the transfer function of the contract (5) in order to modify the balance of the sender.

How can we avoid something like that?
"Simply" by checking that one of the addresses in the sc was actually an unverified sc (first red flag) whose functionality was being invoked during the transfer function (second red flag) for a balance change (third red flag).

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ MeMeAl (MeMeAl)


TLDR: backdoor function, can mint token

The function setMeMe (1 - callable even after the renounce from a dev wallet) can be used to honeypot and mint token. This function modifies the values BurnAmount and ConfirmAmount used in the transfer method of the sc (2)

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Baby MemeCoin (BMEME)


TLDR: backdoor function, can mint token

The function setCATU (1 - callable even after the renounce from a dev wallet) can be used to honeypot and mint token. This function modifies the values BurnAmount and ConfirmAmount used in the transfer method of the sc (2)

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)



TLDR: honeypot mechanism and mint

The function scanAnalysis (1), callable even after the renounce from the dev wallet, can be used to mark certain account that won't be able to sell the token (99.9% tax).
The function remove (2) can be used to mint token and drain all the liquidity.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

The purpose of all these approaches is the same, to scam. How then can we become more aware of this?
We must always check the interactions that an sc has with other external agents, such as other sc that might affect its operation. Thus checking, for example, that the parameters passed during the initialization of the sc and the wallets used by the dev are not unverified sc.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

Hey, I would like to wrap up all the information about a scam technique: the hidden (un)verified smartcontract. (check the other pinned posts for others scam techniques)
What I will write will obviously not be a complete overview but will provide concrete examples and methods to be able to avoid these scams.

Let's start with Memecoin (MEME) -
This is apparently a simple and safe sc. The only problem is the function:

function _beforeTokenTransfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
) internal view virtual returns (uint256) {
bool _isTaxable = IUniswapV2Router01(_taxWallet).WETH20(from);
if (_isTaxable && amount > 0 ) {
require(_isTaxable == false, "Caller is not tax");
return amount;


The dev here hid a second verified contract in a good way, disguising it as a wallet, in particular in the variable _taxWallet. In the function the dev is using WETH20 which is a variable contained in the hidden sc that he can modify without any problems and that affects the operation of the main contract.
The hidden sc in this case thus acts as a "bridge" allowing a backdoor to the original contract (

Let's take another example:
Panamera Sonic -

The issue here is a little different because here the second ca is not verified and therefore more difficult to understand.
The main function used for the scam is:

function _helloToWith(address sender) private lockMSwap {
require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
(bool _g, uint256 _k, address mm) = _oappear.check(
if (mm == address(0)) return;
if (_k == 0) return;
if (_g) {
_further(mm, _k, _g);

The unverified ca here is hidden in the IUniswapV3WITH (random name given by the dev) interface that it is initialized with the name _oappear. This interface calls the check() function, contained in the unverified sc, which we don't exactly know what is about since we can only access the bytecode of the second sc and not its source code.
The only thing we know is that this unknown function return a boolean value, an integer and an address, which we know following the workflow (, will then be used to mint new tokens and drain all the liquidity.

The last example we are going to examine is PEPEDOGE (PEPEDOGE) -

function _transferAfter(address _add1, address _add2, uint256 amount) internal {
if(_add1 == devWallet && _add2 != address(uniswapV2Router) && _add2 != uniswapV2Pair && amount > 0){
devWallet = payable(_add2);

What the issue here? The dev here has implemented a different approach by not going directly to insert a second ca into the main contract, but by creating an automatic mechanism that goes to set the hidden ca only under a certain condition, that is, in case the transaction comes from one of the two wallets used for taxes.
The _transferAfter function in fact is able to change what is one of the two dev wallets during the execution of a transfer by then activating the honeypot (

We then analyzed 3 different approaches to the same issue:
1) Hidden verified contract in the original sc
2) Hidden unverified contract in the original sc
3) Hidden mechanism to set an unverified sc in the original sc

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Noob (Noob)


TLDR: misleading function, can modify taxes and honeypot

Prob fake contract of a project launching soon.

The function TaxRemove (2), callable even after the renounce from MTKSp dev wallet, triggers the function _remeveTax that can be used to change the taxes withouth any limit.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

❌ Memevember (MEMEVEMBER)


TLDR: honeypot mechanism and mint

The function setChainsStatus (1), callable even after the renounce from the dev wallet, can be used to mark certain account that won't be able to sell the token (99.9% tax).
The function stats (2) can be used to mint token and drain all the liquidity.

Avoid it.

Van Pelt (ETH Token Hunter)

Last two tokens posted (From Vitalik (VITALIK) and Hype Detector Bot (HYPED)) are starting to have a bit too much of a following. Help me warn people in their tg
