ULAND Announcements (Official)

The First Virtual Land, Revenue-generating NFT Metaverse Platform built on the Real World! A one of a kind DeFi project where NFT virtual land is mapped to real countries, states and cities COMBINED with it’s own $ULAND
ULAND Announcements (Official)

What happens to my mining before closure?
We will be increasing the amount you can mine per collection, this allows you to collect your entire mines capacity over the next 3 weeks. This will take effect in 24-48hrs. If you have an existing collection outstanding, this will be at the same mining amount.

What happens to my NFTs after the closure?
Your NFTs will remain as collectibles. Although the game will not be operational, your NFTs will persist as collectibles, commemorating the shared journey in ULAND.

Can I still withdraw my $ULAND tokens?
Yes, you can withdraw your $ULAND tokens until the 12th of December. We recommend doing so before the liquidity is reduced on this date.

Will there be any support after the game is paused?
Our team will be available to address support requests until the 29th of November.

Is there any chance ULAND will come back in the future?
While the future of ULAND is uncertain, we do not have any current plans to resume operations. We suggest staying tuned to our official channels for any announcements.

What will happen to the uland.io website?
After the 12th of December, the uland.io website will be scaled down to a basic landing page.

The ULAND journey has been remarkable, filled with memorable moments and the joy of shared creativity. We are immensely proud of what we've accomplished together and the community that has flourished around our vision.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a part of the ULAND journey. Your support and engagement have been the lifeblood of this project, and while the future of ULAND is uncertain, the memories we've created are with us forever.

The ULAND Team

ULAND Announcements (Official)

Dear ULAND Community,

We hope this letter finds you well. Today, we must share some news about the future of ULAND with mixed emotions and immense gratitude. Over the past few years, we have poured our hearts and souls into creating ULAND, a virtual world where users like you can connect, create, and explore. Your support and enthusiasm have helped us build something truly special, and for that, we cannot thank you enough.

However, despite the passion and creativity that have been the hallmark of our community, we have faced significant challenges. It is with a heavy heart that we announce the pause of ULAND operations after the conclusion of Season 1.
This has been a difficult decision, one made after careful consideration and a realistic assessment of our current status and challenges, particularly in marketing the game and achieving the necessary traction for success. Our dedicated team has worked tirelessly over the last 2 years to provide a fun and engaging experience, but the results have not met our expectations or financial sustainability requirements.

Here's the timeline for the upcoming changes:
5th December: Season 1 concludes. All in-game token withdrawals will remain available, while further mining will be disabled. (3 weeks away)
12th December: The liquidity of the $ULAND token will be reduced. We urge you to withdraw your funds before this date. Additionally, in-game token withdrawals, mining, and the ULAND Exchange (buying/selling) will be disabled, and the uland.io website will transition to a basic landing page. (4 weeks away)
Until 12th December: Our Discord will remain active. We encourage you to reach out for any questions or to share your thoughts. For account-specific inquiries, please send a support request.

ULAND Announcements (Official)

ULAND Announcements (Official)

🎉 Big News, ULANDERS—T2s & More Factions! 🎉

We're thrilled to announce the arrival of TWO NEW FACTIONS in ULAND! The emblems you've been spotting everywhere weren't just for show—they represent alliances you can now join or pledge allegiance to. The landscape of power has officially shifted. Where will you stand?

To get started in these new Factions, someone will have to make the first move on the T2 👀

🔓 But Wait, There's more... T2's unlocked! 🔓

To celebrate this monumental occasion, something we have never done before—all T2 Lands are currently UNLOCKED! That's right, any T2 Land across the world is up for grabs. Don't miss your chance to expand your empire! 🌆

👑 T1 Rulers - Check your prices and reflect your market strategy accordingly!

🎊 Enjoy, ULANDERS, and may your alliances be strong and your empires ever-expanding!

ULAND Announcements (Official)

📰 Quantum Quill: New Factions Observed! 📰

New emblems have been spotted on digital papers across ULAND, on the streets and in the desert, sparking rampant speculation.

From the graffiti on city walls to mysterious carvings in remote forests, these symbols are everywhere.

Even the deserts aren't untouched, with the new logos etched into the very sands.

Brace yourselves, ULANDERS. Before tomorrow's end, its said they will make themselves known; you'll have the chance to forge new alliances and join their cause. The landscape of power is shifting—where will you stand?

ULAND Announcements (Official)

📉 Start of Week Alert: ULAND Exchange Rates

In-game rates for natural resources take a dip! Experiencing a decrease of approximately -12% compared to last week.

This could represent a prime buying opportunity—Be sure to adjust your market strategies accordingly!

ULAND Announcements (Official)

📰 Quantum Quill: Whispers of Hidden Factions! 📰

ULAND Announcements (Official)

3 DAYS LEFT (10% OFF ULAND Tokens)


in 3 days the PinkSale pool will close! This is your last chance to secure ULAND Tokens at a 10% discount.

We have to reach 25 BNB for everyone to receive their tokens at a discount, for those that are concerned if the goal is not reached, then a refund will occur. We have some participants but we need a lot more for this Launchpad to be successful.

For more details around this marketing initiative see our Launchpad Pool on Pinksale 👉 https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0xF2261Ea47e9eeB9eBBC4ad9dAE0A69e968B24D2D?chain=BSC

For details around the pool see our previous announcement.

ULAND Announcements (Official)


We're trying an experiment.

We have launched a Launchpad pool over at https://www.pinksale.finance/ a prominent and highly popular BNB Chain launchpad, fundraising and innovations site.

We have supplied PinkSale with a total of 19,984,400 ULAND Tokens for a 100-cap ULAND Launchpad pool:
Presale Rate: 1 BNB = 199,844 ULAND
Soft/Hard Cap: 25 BNB / 100 BNB
Min/Max: 1 BNB / 4 BNB
Start time 2023-09-19 23:00 (UTC)
End time 2023-09-26 23:00 (UTC)

It will launch on September 20, 2023 9:00 AM and run until September 27, 2023 9:00 AM.

By participating in the pool, you will receive a 10% discount on ULAND Tokens (includes regular 7.5% Distribution Tax which distributes to all Land Holders, as per any ULAND transaction in/out)

You may participate in the pool for a minimum buy-in of 1 BNB and maximum of 4 BNB and receive 199,844 ULAND Tokens per BNB you spend.

Once we reach the goal of 100 BNB, the pool will be locked taking no further participants. If we do not reach the goal of 25 BNB, all BNB will be automatically refunded to our users.

PinkSale has a very active and engaged network of users, and will also perform some marketing around this, as well as a listing in the Launchpad list, increasing exposure of ULAND and the project as a whole.

If you wish to take advantage of this limited time deal, it is available PUBLICLY to all users, including you, the ULAND Community, even if you are an existing land or token holder.

View it now 👉 https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0xF2261Ea47e9eeB9eBBC4ad9dAE0A69e968B24D2D?chain=BSC

ULAND Announcements (Official)

📣 Marketing: PinkSale (10% OFF ULAND Tokens)

ULAND Announcements (Official)


Now live:
⬢ You can now view your In-game Earnings via the Wallet button! (Geo. location where fee was earnt is coming in next update)

ULAND Announcements (Official)

📢We have been approved for X Ads!

I have been in touch directly with the team at X (formerly Twitter) discussing our advertising options.

I can proudly announce we have now being approved to run ads on their platform, as we are a 'blockchain' game with large aspects of skill.

This allows us to reach an unprecedented audience on X, who are particularly interested in finding the next best Web3 and blockchain games.

Very few crypto/Web3 projects are approved for X Ads, and for those that do it's a lengthy and scrutinous process, due to their nature with most typically heavily focused on finance and pure investment.

This is a fantastic achievement for ULAND and an important marketing channel we can now take advantage of, and will be ramping up in the coming days!

ULAND Announcements (Official)

📣 Substantial Reduction of GAS fees on T3 Purchases

GM ULANDERS! We're pumped to announce we believe we have managed to bring GAS transaction fees substantially down and prevent any tx failures when performing T3 purchases. 🎉

You shouldn't (...touch 🪵) receive any exorbitant GAS fees now.

Single Hex purchases should sit around the circa ~$0.25-30c range now and escalate 15-20c per additional Hex you are buying, depending on the time of day you are performing your transaction and BNB CHAIN network load.

As for these baseline fees, this is about as small as we can optimise given the complexity of our game and contracts involved and popularity/network load of BNB chain over the years.

❗Please Note: Re-approve ULAND to Spend ULAND Tokens:
This will require a new ✅ "Approval to Spend Your ULAND" request, so set your budget accordingly to how much ULAND you wish the game to have access to in your crypto wallet. This of course can be bumped up at any time if you exceed allowance.

Let's go exploring!

ULAND Announcements (Official)

Start of Week - ULAND Exchange Rates

Buy and sell prices of natural resources in ULAND are on the rise this week, with a top of +31% increase observed.

ULAND Announcements (Official)

PS: We understand some users are having intermittent trouble acquiring hexes due to GAS problems. We are investigating this, thank you for your patience!

ULAND Announcements (Official)

🏪 Instant Sell to ULAND is now officially OPEN!

To sell Resources immediately back to ULAND in exchange for $ULAND Token (direct to your wallet) use the "Instant Sell" option in ULAND Exchange. This is a great option for those wanting an instant sale.

🔹 When attempting Instant Sell you will receive an Instant Transport Quote, if you are happy with this you can proceed.
🔹 Transport Fees will be distributed to wallets along the entire Trade Route for every Hex Plot associated with the trade, just like Buying from ULAND/P2P.

🔥 Hot tips:
Whilst "Instant Sell" will reimburse you instantly with tokens, if you are seeking a more lucrative sales value for your resources, you may also consider "List For Sale" option, and list at a competitive rate.
Simply observe what the Factions and other players are selling for, price accordingly and wait for buyers who may potentially choose to buy your resources. Don't forget about customising your Warehouse name to alter how your listing is displayed.

ULAND Announcements (Official)

Resource Extractors Cheat Sheet

Curious to know more about the Resource Extractors (Mines and Quarries) in ULAND, what it takes to build them in ULAND, their particular requirements and overall lifetime production?

Check this out 👇

* Lifetime resource returns can be calculated from these values. This is not investment advice, but a game for entertainment value. See our standard game T&C for more details.

ULAND Announcements (Official)


What a roaring start 🔥

We've seen some brilliant activity in the ULAND World :globe: with first Warehouses and mines construction underway.

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

Spending Cap Allowance and Token Allowances 101 Guide:
There has been some reports that you are required to approve a new "Spending Cap with ULAND"—This is by design, and a safe operation; as we've updated the "dApp" (Decentralised App) for ULAND (essentially a different contract that runs for the game), so it has never interacted with your wallet before, that's why it's asking you this question.

You can safely approve a sensible amount to cover assets you may wish to purchase and press "Approve" ✅.

This safety measure is in place for instances where you aren't sure if you trust a contract and just wish to approve it for a limited amount, so it can't drain all your tokens—It's a safety guard measure implemented by ETH/BNB-based Blockchains. 👮 

This popup will ask again if you reach your spending cap once again.
For more info 👉 https://www.bnbchain.org/en/blog/binance-smart-chain-token-allowance-checker/

ULAND Announcements (Official)


There are many exciting features in this major update instalment for ULAND, including Construction of Resource Extractors, Mining for Resources, Harvesting and Collection, Warehouse and Inventory Management, Asset Manager, ULAND Exchange and much more!

👉 https://game.uland.io/

For a full run down:
Medium 👉 https://ulanders.medium.com/season-1-gameplay-features-816a27234268
YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D5QXRe-sXY

Launch Notes:
💻 ULAND Season 1 is designed primarily for Desktop and Laptop devices. Most functionality will work on mobile, but due to the complexity of the game we do not recommend this.
🔶 We're having some technical difficulties with Instant Sell, keep an eye on Discord announcements, we will alert you when this is fixed.

If you have any questions or queries drop us a line in ⁠╭✋support and we will attend as soon as we can!

ULAND Announcements (Official)

S01 Game Launch is very close now! 🔥
Make sure you watch the HOW TO PLAY Video if you haven't seen it 👉 https://t.me/ulandio/398

ULAND Announcements (Official)


Today we are excited to present a How to Play and Gameplay Feature demonstration for ULAND Game (Season 1)!

There are many exciting features in this major update instalment for ULAND, including Construction of Resource Extractors, Mining for Resources, Harvesting and Collection, Warehouse and Inventory Management, Asset Manager, ULAND Exchange and much more.

If you missed our previous bulletin, we go live in less than 8 hours for Season 1 of ULAND Game!

This is a monumental and exciting time for ULAND, it's been a long time coming and we can't wait for you to check it out.

👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D5QXRe-sXY

ULAND Announcements (Official)


GM ULANDERS! The time has come to go live with the next phase of ULAND.

We launch a major update today. We anticipate the update window will be August 30, 2023 9:00 AM - August 30, 2023 12:00 PM UTC.

We thought the next teaser should just be the game, am I right? 😜

We have a secondary video update on gameplay features breakdown dropping over the next few hours, keep an eye out for it! It will be your jump start guide to get in and start playing.

You can also see all new gameplay updates on the Medium article 👉

Time to BUILD.
Time to MINE.
Time to TRADE.
Time for even more ways to earn ULAND Token!

We're excited to finally bring these features to you, see you on the other side!

ULAND Announcements (Official)



I'm excited to finally announce this flyer depicting the Buy/Sell Rates for ULAND Exchange for Season 1 Game Launch.

Buy Rate - How many ULAND Tokens it will cost to purchase a particular resource from ULAND via a Faction.
Sell Rate - How many ULAND Tokens you will receive from selling your resources to ULAND via a Faction.

These are single unit prices and prices can fluctuate up and down based on market movements, and taxes flow to Marketplace Reward Pool due to MP item sales, hex plot sales and resource sales. More on this to come.

Remember we do not aim to be the cheapest, there is an opportunity here for all players to be resource resellers.

As you know, Gold, Stone and Wood deposits range from Small, Medium and Large.

The Total Capacity your mines have, and the units you receive per collection (harvest) will be revealed on launch. The capacity however so you have a bit of an idea ranges from 600 - 1,200 units as an indicative figure.

You own 1 Gold Mine and 2 Wood Yard's
You will receive 400 ULAND Tokens for every (1) Gold, and 50 ULAND Tokens for every (1) Wood you sell back to ULAND. 500 ULAND Tokens in this example.

As covered, you may find it more strategic to rather sell to other players in your area of the map at more competitive prices.

📣 REMEMBER: Transport Fees are incurred when users trade between locations. This means every hex plot owner along the trade route receives an in-game dividend of the transport cost. There are many in-game reward opportunities in ULAND, we will cover them all before launch; Think smart, think strategic. 🧠

We look forward to giving you our next update

ULAND Announcements (Official)

ULAND Announcements (Official)

🚨 Very exciting times ULANDERS - SEASON 1 Game is READY 🚨 

The ULAND team are doing final play-testing as we speak. 🕹️

The stone is primed, and the gold is shiny.


1) ULAND Exchange GO LIVE Buy/Sell Prices - We will soon be publishing flyer indicating the buy/sell table which represents how much, for eg. Gold can be sold back to ULAND in exchange for ULAND Token, or bought from ULAND for your asset building requirements.

Of course when we launch there will also be an entire P2P Marketplace, where you can undercut ULAND and sell resources to other players as you like 😉

2) Revealing Launch Date - soon.

More updates to follow

Keep it locked fam 🌠 🌏

ULAND Announcements (Official)

Gm gm ULANDERS! There will be an announcement this week.

Hope everyone is well and pumped for Season 1!

There will be a lot of new game actions to do once Season 1 commences: Including construction, mining, collecting resources, earning from trade routes, trading with ULAND and other players for ULAND tokens and much more! 😎😃


ULAND Announcements (Official)

Hi everyone! Just a quick update from ULAND. We're quiet... but we're busy 🕵️

We're working on final features and tests. 🎉

We're ramping up efforts and working as much as we can solidly over the next two weeks to be prepared for launch.

We aren't dropping launch dates yet, but keep those announcements locked. Nearing ever closer to breaking ground with that first mining operation and selling your resources! ⛏️

(screenshot is not final and rates are a sample, but we thought you'd appreciate the pic!)

ULAND Announcements (Official)



Today we are excited to present some gameplay footage demonstrating Season 1's upcoming features and gameplay mechanics.

This includes the Resource Extractor & Mining flow, Collecting Resources, Warehouse & Inventory Management, Asset Manager and new Player Wallet experience.

I've put this together in video form for you all. 🎬

We look forward as we get nearing closer to release on this so you can begin mining⛏️—Enjoy!

👉 https://youtu.be/JXOEVB30wWs

ULAND Announcements (Official)

ULAND Announcements (Official)


We hope this message finds you well amidst all the buzz and turbulence in the crypto space right now. 🌀

We're aware that BNB and the wider crypto market are going through some choppy waters. It's a wild ride, isn't it? Not always a ride we wish to be on, but sometimes you have to push through to get out the other side! 🎢

Now, we want to reassure you about something that's very important to us, and we know it's important to you too - the continued development of ULAND's Season 1. 🚀

Let's be clear: our mission, our passion, and our goal is to create an exciting, interesting and rewarding game for you, our community. You’re the reason we’re here. We're just as committed to that mission today, in this unpredictable market, as we were on the day we created ULAND.

The ups and downs of BNB, Bitcoin, or other crypto markets don't change that. The ULAND team is here, sleeves rolled up, pushing forward, building, refining and eager to get to the finish line. Because we believe in what we're doing, and we're excited about where we're going. And we want you right there with us. 🙌

Remember, ULAND is more than a game - it's a community, a vision, and a journey we're on together. We're incredibly grateful to have you with us. Your support, understanding, and engagement mean the world to us. 🌏💖

Stay tuned for more updates, more excitement, and more adventures in ULAND! Let's reshape the world together, one hex plot at a time. ⛏️🏞️

Thank you for your ongoing support and for being part of our ULAND family. We appreciate it, and we're all in it together.

Game on, ULANDERS! 🕹️💫

Much love
