TON Status

The Open Network Status. Up-to-date requests for action for validators, information about scheduled maintenance, and other technical notifications.
TON Status

Validator tool mytonctrl was transferred from repository to repository

GitHub redirects from the old path to the new one.

TON Status

Developers using and tonweb must obtain an API key (as described on for mainnet and on for testnet).

Starting tomorrow, the use of toncenter without API key will be rate limited.

TON Status

Developers, the Content-Type: application/json HTTP request header becomes mandatory when working with the

This has already gone into effect on testnet and will soon go into effect on mainnet.

TON Status
# 9

If you are a developer and use tonweb, please update to version 0.0.26+.

Previous versions of the tonweb will soon become incompatible with the public endpoints.

TON Status
# 6

Web wallet is now available at the new domain!

If you have any problems, please contact support @toncoin_help.

TON Status
# 5

Web wallet will be moved to a new domain in the near future.

Please make sure that you have recorded recovery phrases of your wallet.

Click menu in the upper right corner → Backup Wallet → Write down your 24 recovery words in correct order and store them in secret place.

TON Status
# 4

We urge validators to vote for config 71!
It will decrease bridge swap delays and enhance user experience.

To vote for config please use

vo 2213811010730965138587720063197889446473744456893624591807402473808988383537

if you are using MyTonCtrl.
For validators which do not use MTC, please follow doc

TON Status
# 3

TON-ETH bridge update to increase the bandwidth.

Validators please vote for config 71 update.

To vote via mytonctrl you need to use the command:
vo 2213811010730965138587720063197889446473744456893624591807402473808988383537

The source code can be found on the GitHub.

This update follows previous one related to TON-BSC bridge.

TON Status
# 1

Channel created
