Metaedu News

The Metaverse for Education Website:
Metaedu News


🤩 We are proud to announce a partnership with SEAMOLEC (SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre) is one of the 26 Centres under the auspices of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO).

#Metaedu #MEU #Metaverse
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Metaedu News

📌 Metaedu's progress in character creation and development, features and implementation is still ongoing. Considering the current potential of metaverse technology is very large for progress in various fields.
The education factor is one of the most important factors for all future generations. Metaedu continues to strive to create a virtual world where we can study, practice labs, and more without being hindered by space.

#Metaedu #Meu #Metaverse
💡 Metaedu Official Group
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Telegram global | Telegram Announcement |

Metaedu News

🚀 MetaEdu 1st Airdrop Campaign For All Participants 🚀

What Is MetaEdu ❓
METAEDU is a Metaverse virtual universe researched and developed for Education by Metafora Teknologi Nusantara Studio

MetaEdu is excited to bring you to join our first airdrop event !

🎁 Grand Total Rewards 20000 USD Worth of MEU tokens
Sharing Rewards $15000 in MEU tokens For All Participants
Sharing Rewards $5000 in MEU tokens For 500 Top Ranking

➡️ Required Tasks :
Visit MetaEdu Official Website
Follow MetaEdu Twitter
Like and Retweet Pinned Post
Join MetaEdu Telegram Chat
Join MetaEdu Telegram Announcement
Follow MetaEdu Facebook Fanspage
Visit MetaEdu Youtube Channel
Enter BSC/BEP-20 Wallet Address ( Metamask / Trust Wallet )

📌 Important Notes :
All of the above airdrop tasks are mandatory.
if you do not complete one of them, we will not distribute the rewards for you.

✅ Join Airdrop Now :

Metaedu News


🌟 The metaedu portal and metaedu wallet work parallelly to server the realms in the metaedu universe. The MeTaNus studio builds immersive experiences stage by stage and realm by realm base on ideas from the communities of each realm. The Realms of metaedu universe provide users with the most extensive and authentic experiences by creating unlimitedly different realms employing Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mix Reality (MR) and Extended Reality (XR) Technology in the metaedu xr Ecosystem.

💡 Metaedu Official Group
MetaEdu | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram |
Telegram global | Telegram Announcement |

Metaedu News


⭐️ METAEDU is an integration of 4 different entities, namely Infrastructure, Cyberspace, Community and Finance. The first is the Entity Infrastructure which contains Edge Computing, Cloud Computing, and 5G. The second is Cyberspace which contains Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Extended Reality (XR), Mix Reality (MR) devices. The third is Finance, which contains blockchain, cryptocurrency and NFT. The last is the community, which includes students from high school, vocational school, and college students.

💡 Metaedu Official Group
MetaEdu | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram |
Telegram global | Telegram Announcement |

Metaedu News
# 9


Congratulations on selling out of MEU tokens in the first private sale. Don't miss out on the second $MEU private sale.
Wait for further information in our official group and news group.

💰 Total SALE : $600000 (SOLD OUT)

Congratulations to all of you who got $MEU in your bags 😉

💡Metaedu Official Group
MetaEdu | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram |
Telegram global | Telegram Announcement |

Metaedu News
# 7


Pada tanggal 13 Januari 2022 lalu, SEAMEO bekerja sama dengan instansi-instansi terkemuka membuat webminar dengan judul “METAVERSE UNTUK PENDIDIKAN”. Webminar ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan agar dunia pendidikan Indonesia dapat mengantisipasi dan siap menghadapi perkembangan teknologi yang semakin hari semakin masif penggunaannya baik oleh guru maupun siswa/i di Indonesia

Video lengkapnya dapat teman-teman lihat di link berikut ini :

💡Metaedu Official Group
MetaEdu | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram | Telegram global | Telegram Announcement |

Metaedu News
# 5

Metaedu News pinned «Selamat Datang di MetaEdu Official Group Di dalam group ini, anda dapat menanyakan, berbagi ilmu mengenai Metaedu. Selalu bersikap sopan didalam group, admin kami akan membantu menjawab pertanyaan anda. Berikut adalah hal-hal yang tidak diperbolehkan dalam…»

Metaedu News
# 4

Selamat Datang di MetaEdu Official Group

Di dalam group ini, anda dapat menanyakan, berbagi ilmu mengenai Metaedu. Selalu bersikap sopan didalam group, admin kami akan membantu menjawab pertanyaan anda.

Berikut adalah hal-hal yang tidak diperbolehkan dalam grup ini:
🚫Dilarang mendiskusikan proyek lain selain Metaedu
🚫Dilarang membagikan tautan, gambar, video, atau konten serupa yang tidak terkait dengan Metaedu
🚫Dilarang mengucapkan kata-kata kasar, bahasa tidak beradab antar sesama anggota.
🚫Dilarang menyinggung ras, politik, agama di grup ini.

⚠️ Perlu dicatat bahwa semua Admin Metaedu tidak akan pernah mengirim pesan (PM/DM) Anda terlebih dahulu, pastikan untuk melakukan pemblokiran pada akun tersebut, serta adukan kepada kami agar kami dapat memblokirnya di grup ini.

Metaedu adalah langkah awal membangun anak bangsa untuk berkembang didunia metaverse yang tanpa batas untuk maju. Merupakan projek asli dari anak bangsa dan dikerjakan langsung oleh pihak-pihak yang sudah profesional dalam bidangnya.

Welcome to MetaEdu Official Group

In this group, you can ask questions, share knowledge about Metaedu. Always be polite in the group, our admin will help answer your questions.

Here are the things that are not allowed in this group:
🚫Forbidden to discuss other projects besides Metaedu
🚫Do not share links, images, videos or similar content not related to Metaedu
🚫Forbidden to say harsh words, uncivilized language between members.
🚫Forbidden to offend race, politics, religion in this group.

⚠️ It should be noted that all Metaedu Admins will never message (PM/DM) you first, make sure to block the account, and tell us so we can block it in this group.
Metaedu is the first step in building the nation's children to develop in a metaverse world that is without limits to progress. It is an original project from the nation's children and is carried out directly by parties who are already professionals in their fields.

💡Informasi MEU Token
Platform : Binance Smart Chain ( BSC )
Tipe : BEP-20
Simbol : MEU
Total Suplai : MEU
Smart Contract : 0x35304d57ee5e06733ba9b894a0acbbb0ba4c7c3e
Total Hardcap : 9.900.000 USD

💡Metaedu Official Group
MetaEdu | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram |Telegram global | Telegram Announcement |

Metaedu News
# 1

Channel created
