[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

we know we had several days without posting anything, but here we bring you this little video of our main screen menu in R.A.V.E., our team is working hard to bring you an experience where you can appreciate the best of our game.

There’s no god, in R.A.V.E is only you and your weapons

soon we will announce the invitations to our alpha project for the founding engineers.

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «A week ago we had an AMA with our CEO @Jean in which he answered all the questions you sent on the #ama-channel in Discord. We know that not everyone had the opportunity to see it, so we have made the recording of the segment available to you. Spanish speakers…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

A week ago we had an AMA with our CEO @Jean in which he answered all the questions you sent on the #ama-channel in Discord.

We know that not everyone had the opportunity to see it, so we have made the recording of the segment available to you.

Spanish speakers, remember to turn on the subtitles


[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «We have grown up with TV as a means of entertainment and communication, the same can be said about radio. Changing what is good and reliable for unknown and possibly dangerous technologies, is the plan of large corporations that only think about money and…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

We have grown up with TV as a means of entertainment and communication, the same can be said about radio. Changing what is good and reliable for unknown and possibly dangerous technologies, is the plan of large corporations that only think about money and nothing else. 😄

Manufactory, Inc., in favor of everyone’s well-being (as always), has chosen to continue using more traditional technologies. Ill-wishers will say that we seek to cut costs and establish control over various aspects of the planet, but don’t be fooled by those who have a hidden agenda against workers and citizens, you are smarter than that! 😉

Adjust your antenna and stay tuned for our latest news. 😁

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Greetings engineers! 😁 There is no doubt that the conditions of the planet where ManuFactory is located are optimal for mining precious resources and of course, the workers. Not everything is faultless, but it is very close to being perfect thanks to our efforts…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Greetings engineers! 😁
There is no doubt that the conditions of the planet where ManuFactory is located are optimal for mining precious resources and of course, the workers. Not everything is faultless, but it is very close to being perfect thanks to our efforts to ensure that everyone has a decent job for the years to come.

But haven’t you asked yourself... How was ManuFactory established? When was the planet where ManuFactory is currently mining discovered?, etc.

Here we tell you a little more about it 👇

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Hello everyone! We already have a confirmed time for tomorrow’s AMA! Remember that tomorrow our CEO, @Jean (CEO) will be answering the questions posted by you in the #ama-channel. ❓ You still have time to leave your questions in the 「🎙ama-questions. in discord…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Hello everyone!
We already have a confirmed time for tomorrow’s AMA! Remember that tomorrow our CEO,
@Jean (CEO)
will be answering the questions posted by you in the #ama-channel.
❓ You still have time to leave your questions in the 「🎙ama-questions. in discord
📅Friday, September 30 at 12:00 EST / 16:00 UTC
📍 ManuFactory Stage in discord
See you there!

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Greetings Engineers! 😄 Lately we have been sharing more information regarding the lore of the game, but today we want to share a good old leak of the day! Here is the final look of how you will see the weapons in-game. We want to focus attention on two of…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Greetings Engineers! 😄

Lately we have been sharing more information regarding the lore of the game, but today we want to share a good old leak of the day!

Here is the final look of how you will see the weapons in-game. We want to focus attention on two of them that we had not mentioned before, the mine planter and the mines. 🤯

The mine planter is a unique weapon where you can lay traps for the enemy to fall into and explode in the air! How exciting, isn’t it? 🥺

We also want to take this chance to remind you that on Friday we will be holding an AMA! Check out the #announcements channel in discord for more information. 📅

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Greetings Engineers!
After the last two announcements about the status of the project, we want to open space to answer any additional questions that may have arisen.
❓❓*Leave your questions in the #ama-questions channel in discord!
📅*Friday, September 30 on Discord (time to be confirmed)
🎙 ManuFactory Stage in Discord
Have a great weekend!

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Engineers!! Of course you want to work in ManuFactory, but there’s still much more to know before your first day at the company! 😁 Take for instance the planet’s atmosphere, the safety measures, and the conditions you’ll be working on. We strive to give…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements


Of course you want to work in ManuFactory, but there’s still much more to know before your first day at the company! 😁

Take for instance the planet’s atmosphere, the safety measures, and the conditions you’ll be working on. We strive to give the best (within the budget of course), so every worker can do their job and achieve the desired deliverables that will benefit the company... and the worker. 😊

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Fellow Engineers, Adding to the previous update regarding the status of other components of the project, I’m sharing today a more detailed message with information about the land staking feature. As you all know, we first announced this feature months ago…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Fellow Engineers,

Adding to the previous update regarding the status of other components of the project, I’m sharing today a more detailed message with information about the land staking feature. As you all know, we first announced this feature months ago to reward landowners with passive income while they wait to receive additional utilities for their lands. It is of course inexcusable that this feature has taken so long, especially after our last update detailing the challenges we were facing to release it and how soon we were to finish it. Everyone in the community is owed an explanation regarding what has happened that has taken this long for the feature to be released. Here is a short summary of events regarding this feature.

1) Feature was conceived. A design specification was written around the economic functionality of staking, how the experience would work for stakers, the maths formula behind the reward algorithm, and what metrics and objects the UI/UX should include and prioritize. The next steps (a - c) occurred in parallel:

a) Work began on the smart contract. Smart contract development for the staking contract began with research on how to implement the rewards algorithm. The original design document drew inspiration from the staking contract for another NFT game, which we considered to be quite flexible for users. However, the source code from their smart contracts is hidden (all our smart contracts are public and can be verified in bscscan or aurorascan). This meant we had to dedicate extra efforts to replicate and test the functionality, to then spend time in gas optimization.

b) Work began in UI/UX and front end development: Design mockups began development, trying to develop a responsive interface with which users would have a smooth time selecting lands from their inventory views and choosing their preferred options for staking. Initial designs looked good.

c) Work began in backend development: The original backend was developed in February, in Python (using the FastAPI framework), and connected to a PostgreSQL database hosted in AWS RDS. As mentioned some time ago in our previous status update, the backend team had begun working on migrating this backend to JavaScript (using NestJS and a more scalable database architecture design), one prepared not only to handle Web features, such as staking, but also the infrastructure to connect player wallets with their inventories inside the game. Completing this migration would be necessary, as the land staking feature was being built natively inside the new backend.

2) Aurora issues. The feature became complete from a BNB Smart Chain smart contract perspective, and thus work began on replicating the functionalities in Aurora. It turned out that Aurora’s public node (which most developers connect to from a service called TheGraph) had been having issues causing any features that required real-time reading of blockchain events to become unusable (e.g. waiting to receive confirmation that a user had signed a smart contract…). This issue was made public by Aurora, and TheGraph announced ithat the issue was being actively being worked on, with no date of completion in sight. Until this issue was fixed, it would be impossible to deploy this new feature in Aurora.

3) Thinking outside the box. After weeks with no update on the issues, we began to brainstorm a different approach to staking that would allow us to deploy the feature to all our users with no discrimination, as we did not want to repeat a situation like the one with Loot Staking, where Aurora users had to wait much longer to receive the feature. No, the new method would be chain agnostic. We decided to implement staking using using the proper UI/UX components and backend to propel an offchain implementation of the Land Staking mechanism, functioning as close as we could to the original design document.

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

This ended up working out, but changes had to be made to facilitate this, minute iterations on the UI/UX to reflect those changes, backend code to read the staking status from the internal database rather than connecting to theGraph’s Aurora node, and finally requiring the setup of a secure, automated pipeline of functions that carry out the intended behavior for staking users.

4) Testing. We are here now, minute details are being changed to make the UI/UX easier to understand for users, the backend has been migrated and going through the final testing stages for the other non-Land Staking features it has to empower, and the reward pipelines are being tested for security risk. Once this phase is completed, the feature will be released and future features will be able to be deployed much faster than before, thanks to a much improved Dev Ops, a future-proof database design and the setup of automated testing in the pipeline.

The development of this project has been possible because of you and your constant support. All the team is fully motivated and will keep working to ensure we deliver.

Remember that the chats are always open for all your comments and concerns, and we will try to respond to all of them as soon as possible.

Please stay tuned for further news!

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Greetings Engineers! As we told you in our last post we want to deep dive into the lore of ManuFactory. For this issue let's learn about the inhabitants of the planet where everything started for ManuFactory.»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Greetings Engineers!

As we told you in our last post we want to deep dive into the lore of ManuFactory. For this issue let's learn about the inhabitants of the planet where everything started for ManuFactory.

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Fellow Engineers, We've been working hard on launching updates through the 「💨」𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐤-𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧 channel, do make sure to check it out and scroll up to see some gameplay footage if you still haven't. As it stands, the market is not in its best conditions, and…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Fellow Engineers,

We've been working hard on launching updates through the 「💨」𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐤-𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧 channel, do make sure to check it out and scroll up to see some gameplay footage if you still haven't. As it stands, the market is not in its best conditions, and we've been experimenting on different ways of how to grow ManuFactory and increase it's exposure to new users upon release. We're currently holding internal talks with different chains and advisors to determine crucial decisions going forward.

We would also like to announce that the Alpha of our PVP game, R.A.V.E, is almost ready, and we expect to have a playable version out by mid October. The first iteration will be made specifically for those who have trusted us since the very beginning, in order to collect feedback for game balance, potential bugs and testing out network and security layers. (A.k.a @Founding Engineer ) We apologize for being silent the past weeks, but there's lots going on behind doors that we are eager to show you all. I would like to share some bullet points here to update you on key topics:

- MNFT is still under development, R.A.V.E.'s Alpha is at 85% completion.
- We're holding conversations with VCs, Angel Investors and Blockchains in order to grow even more.
- The team is currently looking for additional funds to finish building MNFT with the quality that we've promised our users. During the past months, as far back as in May, it became more and more evident that the worldwide economy was not going to bounce back in the short term. We've been making adjustments to the project's burn-rate since then, being stringent on hiring and adjusting wages to match market conditions.
- We're analyzing the possibility of delaying all blockchain-related integrations until the market has hit better conditions for NFT GameFi - or until market sentiment in general has a more positive outlook. NOTE: This is not a confirmation that we are going to choose to pursue this direction. If you would like to add your opinion regarding that, we would appreciate them especially if shared through the 「💡」𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 channel.
- Our token's value has plummeted through the development phase of the game as it is paired with pools including BUSD, BNB and PAD. This sadly means that the value locked inside the pools has crashed together with the prices of BNB and PAD, and we recognize that it was definitely a mistake to list the pools in anything but stablecoins (even with stablecoins, we would advise any fellow project developer to choose a secure stablecoin for their LPs, as we are all aware of that not all stablecoins are secure).
- We have a plan to restore the value of the token, which is quite an innovative idea, but we cannot reveal it yet until the talks with VCs and partners are concluded. We are really eager to be able to share this with you guys ASAP, but sadly, due to the nature of the strategy, it sadly must stay hidden for a little while longer, or else it would cease to be a feasible avenue anymore.

Out of everything we wish to share, perhaps the last bullet point is the one most frustrating for us to be forced to keep hidden for now... We know how patient you guys have been and it is of extreme importance that we handle this well if the project is to have a resurgence upon the full, crypto-integrated release of the game.

We'd like to invite you to give feedback on your own thoughts regarding this update and the current situation. If you think you have a good idea that could benefit ManuFactory as a project going forwards, please use the 「💡」𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 channel to express them. We've never stopped reading what you post there, and always consider the plausibility of your ideas.

Crypto is going through turbulent waters, but we're navigating as safe as we can to reach the destination: giving all our holders their due value.

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

Lore Leak-Day

Greetings Engineers!

During the last months, we have been sharing with you sneak peeks of all sorts, but the reality is that we haven’t dived deep enough into the lore of ManuFactory 📝 . For that reason, we have decided to start a new segment where we will share with you previews solely about the lore. You’ll be able to learn everything about this majestic world, its inhabitants, government, religion, economy, fauna, and much more! 🚀

To start this Lore Leak series, let’s read this letter from one of the stakeholders of ManuFactory and his perspective of the company. 🏭

[Official] Manufactory Announcements

[Official] Manufactory Announcements pinned «Hello Engineers! ☺️ A few days ago we showed you some concept arts where we ask you to guess what they were and a few of you did guess, good job on that! 😋 So for today’s leak, we want to confirm that they are indeed the combatants’ abilities. Each of them…»

[Official] Manufactory Announcements
