Portal Finance Announcements

Swap Bitcoin to any crypto and back in seconds! Without giving up custody, privacy or security. Fast, liquid, atomic swaps right from your wallet. Discussion chat: @portalgroupchat
Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 BVM, the first modular Bitcoin Layer 2 metaprotocol, announces its integration with Portal, the world’s first Bitcoin Layer 2 AMM.

🤝 Portal will integrate BVM’s native tokens, $BVM and $Shard, into the Portal DEX, enabling users to seamlessly trade these assets against native BTC and BTC-based assets such as BRC20s, Ordinals and Runes.

“Both our teams believe that developing the Bitcoin blockchain hinges on providing high-efficiency infrastructure to support projects and users accessing the broader Bitcoin ecosystem. Teaming up with Portal highlights our dedication to making Bitcoin more accessible, enabling seamless and secure integration for all projects” - BVM core team

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/bvm-announce-strategic-integration-with-portal-to-enhance-bitcoin-l2-infrastructure-58be37b8c4e8

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 StakeStone, an omnichain liquidity infrastructure announces its integration with Portal DEX, marking a significant milestone in expanding its omni-chain liquid staking offering.

🤝 This strategic collaboration will integrate StakeStone ETH into the Portal DEX, enabling users to effortlessly swap it for native BTC and other BTC-based tokens, including Ordinals and Runes, utilizing Portal’s atomic swaps.

"This integration marks a significant milestone in expanding our omnichain liquidity infrastructure offering. It not only enhances liquidity but also reinforces our commitment to providing our users with diverse and efficient trading options in the DeFi space,” said Ivan K, CMO of StakeStone.

Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/stakestone-enhances-omnichain-liquid-staking-with-integration-on-portal-dex-887a63870719

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Oyl, building the most sophisticated wallet on Bitcoin, announces an integration with Portal DeFi.

🤝 The partnership will integrate the Portal Swaps SDK into Oyl Wallet, allowing users to buy and sell native BTC, BRC20s, Ordinals, Runes and other cross-chain, cross-layer assets directly from their browser or app.

“Portal atomic swaps align seamlessly with Oyl's mission: making the hardest assets easy to trade. We're excited about a deeper integration, bringing everything together within the wallet.” - said Alec Taggart, CEO & Co-Founder of Oyl

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/oyl-integrates-portal-defi-enabling-trustless-swapping-of-cross-chain-assets-7f3e859926f5

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Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Quai, a revolutionary EVM compatible Proof of Work blockchain using a unique blend of merged mining and sharding announces its integration with Portal DeFi, marking a significant milestone in cross-chain trading. 

🤝 The strategic partnership will expand trading capabilities and liquidity exchange between the Bitcoin and EVM ecosystems.

"We are excited to partner with Portal to enhance our ecosystem with world class cross-chain infrastructure. This integration will significantly improve the multi-chain experience and swap pairs available for Quai Network users. Our team is thrilled to collaborate with the Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem and push the compute economy forward." — Alan, Co-founder of Quai Network

Learn more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/quai-forges-strategic-integration-with-portal-to-expand-its-evm-infrastructure-to-bitcoin-7c6c3b400a6c

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Portal Finance Announcements

🔥 RAFA.AI is making a buzz in the investment world with a feature in Tech Times.

Explore how RAFA is reshaping investing through the power of AI-driven intelligence!

Dive into the article here: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/304996/20240525/rafa-ai-revolutionizing-investing-through-ai-powered-intelligence.htm

Portal Finance Announcements

👀 Is Bitcoin's potential limited by current technology?

🎙️ Dr. Chandra Duggirala, CEO & Co-Founder of Portal, recently appeared on "The Crypto Conversation" by Bravecoin and discussed bridgeless interoperability on Bitcoin aiming to accelerate the arrival of Hyperbitcoinization.

🧡 Intrigued by a more powerful Bitcoin future? This episode is a must-listen! 

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Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Merlin, a pioneering asset adaptation protocol bringing Bitcoin assets to EVM chains announces its integration with Portal. 

🤝 This strategic partnership will integrate Merlin’s $mBTC token into the Portal DEX, enabling users to trade it atomically, 

Jeff, Founder of Merlin stated “By combining Merlin's secure, scalable, and asset adaptation capabilities with Portal's robust, bridgeless trading infrastructure, we are setting new standards for security and ease of use in DeFi transactions.”

👀 Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/portal-partners-with-merlin-to-unlock-native-asset-trading-between-btc-and-the-evm-7087ed916f9b

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Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Portal DEX announces its integration of Ontology, a high speed, low cost public blockchain, focused on decentralized identity (DID) and data solutions. 

🤝 This strategic collaboration will see the integration of the $ONT and $ONG tokens, based on the Ontology EVM blockchain, into the Portal DEX.

“Ontology is excited about the collaboration with Portal DeFi and the opportunities it presents. Our focus is on bringing our communities together to explore new possibilities. We look forward to seeing the innovative solutions this partnership will generate.”  Raindy Lu, Head of Marketing

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/portal-finance-augments-the-defi-infrastructure-of-ontology-21a315710161

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Portal Finance Announcements

🎙️ Join us for an exclusive #Portal and Ontology Network X Spaces session as we explore ONT DID Fund and Portal DEX.

📍Set a reminder now: https://x.com/i/spaces/1BRJjPQQpaWKw
🗓️ 24th May, 2024
⏰ 02:00 PM UTC

Drop your questions in the comments below for a chance to have them addressed during the session: https://x.com/portal_finance/status/1793337174081114366

See you in the spaces!

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

Happy #BitcoinPizzaDay! 🍕

14 years ago, 10,000 $BTC bought two pizzas, and a revolution was born! 

At #Portal, we're carrying that spirit forward with native BTC, BRC20s, Runes & Ordinals atomic swaps to any chain. 

Celebrate with us as we bring back the Bitcoin Renaissance, one slice at a time! 🙌

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Elastos, the pioneering merge-mined Bitcoin ecosystem announces its integration with Portal DEX, marking a significant milestone in driving interoperability and innovation within the Web3 landscape. 

🤝 This strategic collaboration will see the integration of the $ELA token into the Portal DEX, enabling users to effortlessly trade it against native BTC and BTC-based assets with just one click, powered by atomic swaps.

“Portal DeFi’s commitment to building tools that provide citizens with financial self-sovereignty corresponds directly to Elastos’ vision for a SmartWeb, where a user retains absolute control of his/her identity.” says Jonathan Hargreaves, Elastos’ Global Head of Business Development and ESG.

👀 Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/elastos-augments-its-smart-web-suite-of-technologies-with-integration-of-portal-dex-network-635f5ded0de1

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 BITliquidity, the first aggregator for the bitcoin ecosystem announces its integration with Portal DEX, marking a significant leap forward in trading efficiency and asset diversification for users. 

🎯 This strategic partnership will see the integration of the $BITL token into the Portal DEX, enabling users to seamlessly trade it against native BTC and BTC-based assets with just one click, leveraging the power of atomic swaps.

“We are excited to partner with Portal as they are one of the first pioneers in the BTC ecosystem and we believe that their core values of providing seamless and secure transactions for users is in keeping with our vision here at BITLiquidity, and by partnering this will open more opportunities for our future users as the ecosystem grows,” said Simo Vukmirica, CEO of BITliquidity

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/bitliquidity-revolutionizes-cross-chain-trading-with-integration-on-portal-dex-e8ec8350ce30

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 TeleportDAO, the pioneering trustless bridge between Bitcoin and EVMs, announces its integration with Portal DEX today, marking a significant leap forward in seamless cross-chain trading and asset accessibility.

🤝 This strategic collaboration will empower users with opportunities for trading native BTC, BRC20s, ERC20s, and other EVM assets in a trustless manner, leveraging the power of atomic swaps.

“We are excited to announce our partnership with Portal! By combining forces, users will be able to experience DeFi on Bitcoin like never before. This partnership aligns completely with the mission we are trying to achieve at TeleportDAO,” said Ali Saheli, Co-Founder of TeleportDAO.

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/teleportdao-announces-integration-with-portal-dex-for-seamless-cross-chain-trading-a88b9b1959fe

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Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Demex, a decentralized exchange (DEX) and cross-chain platform built on Cosmos announces its integration with Portal DeFi to Enable Cross-Chain Swaps All In-App. 

🤝 The partnership will simplify cross-chain trading of BTC native assets and enhance liquidity across Bitcoin and Cosmos decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. 

🎯 This integration marks a significant milestone in bridging assets and communities between the two platforms.

“We are thrilled to partner with Portal to enable users to atomic swap their native BTC into Demex to trade perps easily without any centralized third parties." - CJ, CSO of Demex 

👀 Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/demex-forges-integration-with-portal-dex-for-seamless-cross-chain-trading-d46538368273

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Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Telos, a growing network of networks (Layer 0) enabling Zero Knowledge technology, announces its integration with Portal DeFi to integrate Telos' native token, $TLOS, into Portal DEX. 

🤝 The integration will allow users to trade $TLOS against native BTC and BTC-native assets with just one click. Leveraging atomic swaps, this integration ensures trustless transactions that involve no bridges, custody or wrapping.

“We are thrilled to announce our strategic collaboration with Portal DeFi, a trustless liquidity router. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our journey towards seamless chain connectivity. Together, we're bridging the gaps between diverse networks, enabling a more unified and accessible blockchain ecosystem. Our combined efforts will empower users with greater flexibility, enhanced security, and expanded opportunities across platforms." - Justin Giudici, Chief Strategy Officer of Telos

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/telos-integrates-portal-defi-to-expand-cross-chain-trading-opportunities-1fd464339527

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🎙️Our team including Dr. Chandra Duggirala, George Burke & Daniel Edlebeck had an incredible time discussing the fusion of AI and Crypto on Charlie Shrem's show! 

👀🧡 Don't miss out on our insights into how Portal OS is shaping the future of smart contracts on Bitcoin and beyond.

Special thanks to Humayun Sheikh of Fetch.ai for adding depth to the conversation! 🤝

ICYMI, read/listen now: https://www.charlieshrem.com/ai-meets-crypto-bitcoin-l2-with-humayun-sheikh-of-fetchai-and-chandra-duggirala-george-burke-d/

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 DLC.Link, creator of a novel self-custodied wrapped BTC announces its integration with Portal DeFi. 

🤝 The dlcBTC token is a safer wrapped Bitcoin alternative, utilizing Discrete Log Contracts (DLC), where users retain full custody of their funds. The partnership will integrate the newly launched dlcBTC into Portal DEX, making Portal the first AMM to offer one-click trading of dlcBTC against native BTC, along with  BRC20s, Ordinals and Runes.

“Using its unique atomic swap technology, Portal DeFi will enable users to swap dlcBTC (self-wrapped Bitcoin on other chains) with L1 BTC. This is not possible on DEXes such as Curve, as they do not support the Bitcoin chain.” - Aki Balogh, Co-Founder and CEO of DLC.Link,

👀 Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/dlc-link-integrates-portal-defi-to-increase-mainstream-adoption-of-self-custodied-wrapped-btc-c832b4ed0d1e

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Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 AILayer, an innovative Bitcoin Layer 2 with a focus on AI-driven modular construction, today announces its integration with Portal DeFi. 

🤝 This partnership will integrate AILayer’s native token into Portal DEX, making it one-click, cross-chain tradable against native Bitcoin Layer 1 and Layer 2 assets. 

"We are excited to partner with Portal, an omnichain liquidity layer for the Bitcoin network. Our role as a Bitcoin Layer2 serving AI Dapps is greatly enhanced by collaborations with pioneering technologies like Portal, supporting our mission to offer a seamless and secure ecosystem for AI." - said Paul Xu, CBO of AILayer.

🎯 The integration will also provide access to a broader variety of tokens, deeper markets and better execution for AILayer users, all without the risks of custody or wrapping.

Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/ailayer-integrates-portal-defi-enabling-trustless-swapping-and-facilitating-highly-secure-trading-f14893ab4b0a

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🎙️ Join Portal and SatoshiSync for an insightful X Spaces session where we will explore the future of #Bitcoin, Runes and Interoperability. 

📍Set a reminder now: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaJbgORZYVxX

🗓️ 1st May, Wednesday 
⏰ 06:30 PM UTC

Drop your questions in the comments below for a chance to have them addressed during the session: https://twitter.com/portal_finance/status/1785311441706537302

See you in the Spaces 👋

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Areon Network, a Layer 1 blockchain using a novel Proof of Area consensus mechanism, announces its integration with Portal DeFi.  

🎯 The partnership will integrate Areon’s native $AREA token into the Portal DEX, making it one-click tradable against native Bitcoin fungible and non-fungible assets.  

Umur Ince, CEO Areon Network stated “We are thrilled to be partnering with Portal which is an essential infrastructure to the rapidly growing Bitcoin dApp ecosystem. Our vision of providing a fast and transparent blockchain is highly supported through collaborations with other cutting-edge, trustless technologies like Portal. Such integrations open our community up to new convenient experiences in financial services.” 

👀 Learn more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/areon-network-integrates-portal-defi-to-facilitate-seamless-trading-of-native-bitcoin-assets-45ebd6920d22

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Gelios, the first community-owned dApp layer on Bitcoin, announces its integration with Portal DeFi. 

🤝 The partnership will integrate the $gOS token into the Portal DEX to make it one-click cross-chain tradable with native BTC, BRC20s, ERC20s, and other major L1 & L2 assets.

"Gelios is committed to fostering a thriving and interoperable Bitcoin ecosystem. We see Portal DeFi's innovative trust-minimized swaps as the perfect complement to this mission. This integration unlocks new possibilities for our users and expands the utility of the $gOS token." — said Zachary, CEO of Gelios.

Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/gelios-integrates-portal-defi-to-enable-trustless-swapping-of-native-btc-with-native-cross-chain-7ef285e445ca

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🎙️Announcing the Portal and Glyph X Spaces where we will explore the future of Bitcoin, L2, Ordinals and Inscriptions. 

📍Set a reminder now: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OdKrjpMgyvKX 

🗓️ Wednesday, April 24
⏰ 03:00 PM UTC 

🎙Speakers: Kookaburra Y., Co-Founder, Glyph | Portal Co-Founders, Dr. Chandra Duggirala (CEO) & George Burke 

Drop your questions in the comments below for a chance to have them addressed during the session: https://twitter.com/portal_finance/status/1782860169988252014

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Umoja, the world's first DeFi protocol to structure low-risk, high-yield digital assets announces its integration with Portal DeFi to integrate Bitcoin’s first high yield synthetic dollar, USDb, and the native $UMJA token into the Portal DEX Network.  

🤝 The integration of the Portal Swaps SDK into the Umoja protocol will allow users to buy and sell native BTC, Eth and other cross-chain cross-layer assets safely and seamlessly, with one-click. 

“Integrating Umoja’s smart assets, like Bitcoin’s first synthetic dollar - USDb - onto Portal DEX opens up our ecosystem to the rest of the BitVM landscape. Enabling value to transfer across BitVMs growing DeFi landscape is not only essential for adoption, but will also create a deeper market for Bitcoin native assets.” said Robby Greenfield, Founder of Umoja.

👀 Learn more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/umoja-integrates-portal-defi-enabling-trustless-swapping-of-lower-risk-higher-yield-assets-on-588a5ee7f878

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 East Blue, a universal application layer for Bitcoin, announces its integration with Portal DeFi to integrate $EAST tokens into the Portal DEX network, making it one-click, cross-chain tradable. 

🤝 The integration of Portal DeFi Swaps SDK into East Blue’s chain infrastructure will allow users to buy and sell native BTC, ETH, and other cross-chain cross-layer assets without leaving the East Blue ecosystem.

🎯 This integration moves towards both parties’ mission of increasing accessibility for users. 

👀 Learn more about this partnership: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/east-blue-integrates-portal-defi-to-enable-in-app-cross-chain-trading-4b9763420481

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Tuna Chain, the first modular Layer 2 solution on Bitcoin announces its integration with Portal DeFi to Enable Cross-Chain Swaps All In-App

🤝 The partnership will integrate $Tuna token in the Portal DEX network, making it one-click cross-chain tradable with native BTC, BRCs and native assets on top Layer 1 and Layer 2 chains. 

Ax, COO of Tuna Chain stated, "By aligning with Portal's innovative cross-chain technology, we are setting a new standard for seamless and trust-minimised trading within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, furthering our mission to bridge the gap between decentralised and centralized financial services.”

👀 Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/tuna-chain-integrates-portal-defi-to-enable-cross-chain-swaps-all-in-app-bc15e55d7afb

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🔥 Photon, a decentralized, builder-friendly Bitcoin L2 solution to hyperscale the next generation of Bitcoin’s onchain ecosystem, integrates Portal Swap SDK to promote Cross-Chain Trading while staying in ecosystem.

🧡 The integration will provide Photon users access to Portal Network’s liquidity via its Swaps SDK, allowing users to buy and sell native BTC, ETH, and other cross-chain cross-layer assets without leaving the Photon ecosystem.

Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/photon-integrates-portal-swap-sdk-to-promote-cross-chain-trading-while-staying-in-ecosystem-064e7180d791

Spread the word: https://twitter.com/portal_finance/status/1780962259658736041

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

📢 We're thrilled to announce the Portal and B² Network X Spaces! 

🗓️ 17th April, Wednesday 
⏰ 6 PM UTC

Don't forget to set a reminder: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1kvJpvkMoYPKE/peek 

Topic: The future of Bitcoin, L2, and Blockchain Interoperability. 

🎙 Speakers: Phoenix, Head of Growth, B² Network | Portal Co-Founders, Dr. Chandra Duggirala (CEO) & George Burke 

Drop your questions in the comments below for a chance to have them addressed during the session: https://twitter.com/portal_finance/status/1780097035242254720

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Portal ~ Cross-Chain AMM & Bitcoin L2 Liquidity Hub

Portal Finance Announcements

🧡 Decentralized Bitcoin ZK Rollup L2 solution, SatoshiVM, announces its integration with Portal DeFi, enabling trustless and bridgeless swaps of Native BTC with native cross-chain assets in one click.

🔥 This partnership will integrate the $SAVM token into the Portal DEX Network, allowing for one-click, cross-chain trading with native BTC, BRC20s, and native assets on Ethereum and other chains.

Mark Williams, CEO of SatoshiVM, stated, 'It’s groundbreaking stuff, not just for BTC L2s but for the cross-chain space as well. Can't wait for Portal DEX to go live, and we're definitely open to exploring more collaborations with Portal in the future.'

👀 Read more: https://medium.com/@Portal_team/satoshivm-integrates-portal-defi-enabling-trustless-swapping-of-native-btc-with-native-cross-chain-be3dbd094555

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Portal Finance Announcements

We are live with the X Spaces session with the Movement Labs community.

Join us here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1dRKZEbwooXxB

Portal Finance Announcements

Wishing a joyful Eid to the entire #Portal community worldwide!

🌙🫂May this Eid be a celebration of harmony and innovation for our collective journey in the decentralized world. Here's to a future filled with success and shared achievements for us all. #EidMubarak
