BH Network - Announcements

BH Network - Hub 🎩 ✨Main project and token: https://BH.Network ✨Launchpad on Elrond: 🔥 Social Media & Telegram Groups:
BH Network - Announcements

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BH Network - Announcements

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BH Network - Announcements
BH Network - Announcements

🎮 The Cursed Land - $TCL Token - Public Sale 🎮

We're happy to share the latest update about the winner of the latest DAO voting: The Cursed Land!

Here are the important dates you need to know:

🟢KYC Starts: June 4th 08:00 UTC
🔴KYC End: June 10th 19:00 UTC

🗓Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:

🧷Buy Tickets: June 12th 06:00 UTC - 13th 15:00 UTC
🧷Claim Tickets: June 13th 16:00 UTC
Participants claim TCL/EGLD tokens for winning/losing tickets

📝Supported Currency: EGLD only
📝Refund policy: if the sale is not sold out, the participants will receive full refund in max 3 working days

📌 For BHeroes who already have their KYC, please double-check its validity. If it shows "PASSED," you are ready to participate.
📌 If you have any questions, feel free to ask in our Discord or Telegram groups.

Get ready for an amazing adventure in The Cursed Land!

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BH Network - Announcements
BH Network - Announcements

🫡 BH Agents - Retirement 🫡

Burn and Win - 100% Guaranteed!🎖

We've got some amazing news for all BH Agents holders! We haven't forgotten about you on FLIPiX, and we're here to offer you an extra special benefit.

If you're ready to retire your BH Agents, we've got some great rewards waiting for you.

Read more:

BH Network - Announcements

BH Network - Announcements pinned «We're starting the Space in 27 minutes discussing about reputation, Ludo & FLIPiX. The best 5 questions during the Space will get each 2000 $BHAT tokens 🫡 X Space:»

BH Network - Announcements

We're starting the Space in 27 minutes discussing about reputation, Ludo & FLIPiX.

The best 5 questions during the Space will get each 2000 $BHAT tokens 🫡

X Space:

BH Network - Announcements
BH Network - Announcements

🟢 The Cursed Land - Proposal - Success 🟢

The Cursed Land - DAO Proposal was a success!

The BHeroes have decided that The Cursed Land will have a public sale round on

🕒 Stay tuned, because very soon we'll share the public sale timeline with all the details.

🎮 The Cursed Land is a Web2, Web3, and AI cross-platform Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) developed by PopuGames for mobile devices and PC.

Proposal details:


Big thanks to all the BHeroes for their support! 🙌

BH Network - Announcements

BH Network - Announcements pinned «We just integrated the $DNA tokens coupled with the ProjectX_DAO NFTs, these are visible now directly from our dApp. Enjoy 🫡»

BH Network - Announcements

We just integrated the $DNA tokens coupled with the ProjectX_DAO NFTs, these are visible now directly from our dApp.

Enjoy 🫡

BH Network - Announcements

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BH Network - Announcements

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BH Network - Announcements
BH Network - Announcements

🎮 The Cursed Land - DAO Proposal 🎮

"The Cursed Land" is a cross-platform Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) designed for both mobile devices and PC. It incorporates elements of Web2, Web3, and AI technology.

🫡 BHeroes, it's time to vote! 🫡

Your opinion is needed to determine whether BHero Launchpad will host the public sale of the $TCL token from the Multiversx blockchain!

All BHeroes with Points and BH Agents can vote and analyze the project:

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BH Network - Announcements

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BH Network - Announcements

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BH Network - Announcements