Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Official Announcement Channel (Please be aware, the team will never DM you)
Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

March update is out now!
Arcade Updates, Pricing, Ecosystem updates and a BURRRN!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Arcade Week 3 begins now and games are up and running! Top 3 placements get a prize in each game and last week we saw our largest numbers yet! SO log on and lock in your earnings today!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

@everyone Arcade Week 2 begins now with over $500 in prizes and $ATK up for grabs!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel
Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel
Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel
Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

@everyone 🔥 The new is now Live! Currently a great resource for sharing and getting to understand the game but soon it will be the home of the Scrap Guilds Marketplace, NFT Staking, Leaderboards and more.

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Merry X-mas @everyone! @theAttackWagon is giving away some PRESENTS🎁!
Head over to Twitter to find out how to enter!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel
Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

30 Million $ATK Staked over the weekend!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel
Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Staking V3 will officially launch this friday! All audits, tests and best practice implementation is complete. Thank you for your patience as we wanted to make sure this was as strong as possible.

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Staking V3 Coming this friday! Get your $ATK ready.

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Scrap Guilds In-Engine Trailer Now Live!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

A103 Productions has posted his latest Audio Dev Log on the creation of some of the Scrap Guilds music.

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel


Staking refunds have been sent. A quick update on the new staking contract, it is completed and undergoing audits but should be ready early next week. Thank you so much for all being understanding and patient with us while we get this fixed and secured.

The refunds were associated per deposit so if you have multiple refund transactions it is because you deposited multiple times and on different days. APY was given according to how many days the deposit was staked.

If you have any questions as far as the refund goes don't hesitate to DM me personally.

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Dear Scrappers,

As many of you already know we had an unknown vulnerability in our staking contract that was exploited earlier this morning. The issue has now been resolved and a new contract will be released later in the week following some additional security audits. The exploit itself took place at 5am CST where 19 million ATK tokens - equal to 12.7575 ETH - were “claimed” via our contract and later swapped using the Quickswap DEX.

As a company we're doing everything in our power to retrieve these funds, but as per the nature of the blockchain, we understand that this is a very limited possibility.

The exploit itself does not in any way affect the future of Attack Wagon Games, but is rather a learning experience we intend to grow from.

So what does this mean for your tokens and staking in general?

Everyone who staked will be refunded the entire amount of tokens staked to include the percentage of interest earned over the time staked. This will of course take a little bit of time, but will be completed over duration of this week.

Once everything in the new staking contract is double checked and supremely audited we'll relaunch so you can get back to passively earning on your $ATK.

Lastly, we appreciate everyone who quickly reached out this morning and for allowing us ample time to investigate, discover, track and eventually fix the underlying issue. We absolutely appreciate everyone in our community and your unwavering faith in AWG.

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Take a tour with us! The latest update for Scrap Guilds and more can be found on our Medium --->

Or just skip ahead and check out the tour of Arena 1

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

To commemorate yesterdays massively successful staking event, we've decided 🔥 burn 10m ATK as an expression of thanks toward our amazing community! Ya'll are the real MVPs and we appreciate each and every one of you!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

🥩 Staking Update 🥩
and WE'RE BACK with a now 25% APY and no initial staking fee! What are you waiting for? 🚀 Launch on over to and get your stake on!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

🥩 Staking Update 🥩
Based on the feedback received from our core community, we've decided to adjust the rates and fees on our most recent staking contract. If you have any $ATK currently staked, please go ahead withdraw as we'll be reimbursing all associated fees shortly. 👉

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Calling all Scrappers 📢‼️
Native Staking is NOW LIVE! Head on over to and enjoy that sweet 20% APY 🤤🥩

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Native ATK staking is coming to a browser near you!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

🗣️ Did somebody order an arena packed full of intense combat and cut-throat challenges ⁉️

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

🕹️🏆 Open Beta Arcade Winners 🏆🕹️
It's officially official! After a week long of button smashing, leaderboard filling fun - it's finally time to announce the hard fought victories of our competition!

Thanks again for all the participation and especially all the bug reporting. With nearly 200 daily active users we're certainly marking this as a great success! We couldn't have done this without the community's help, and we're endlessly grateful for all the support!

Official Attack Wagon Announcement Channel

Discord Bot Arrival 🤖💨
Bragging rights have now been automated in our newest [arcade-high-scores] channel! Get the shoutout you deserve by snagging a top 3 spot today! ▶️
