SatoshiSwap Announcements

SatoshiSwap is the official cryptocurrency of SatoshiStreetBets 🚀 SatoshiStreetBets was originally founded on Reddit in Feb 2020: Our only groups: @SatoshiStreetBetsOriginal @SatoshiStreetBetsSerious @SSBdirectory
SatoshiSwap Announcements

Our token $SWAP has now been deactivated and is in a permanently frozen state. Liquidity has also been withdrawn from the liquidity pool, so do not try to buy or sell $SWAP as it has been disabled.

We are now deploying the claims portal for $SWAP token holders to register their claim for the new token we are launching! This portal will become available within the next few hours, and the full details will be provided in our next post

SatoshiSwap Announcements

SatoshiSwap BUY!
Price $0.0000250758 (0.0000000469 BNB)
Spent $19,410.82
Received 815,738,745.19 SWAP
MarketCap $10,772,515

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Important announcement

Satoshi Swap ($SWAP) and Satoshi Street Bets ($SSB) are merging into a single token to be deployed on BNB and Solana networks

Read more about this and our other news on Reddit!

SatoshiSwap Announcements

🔥 Burn announcement! 🔥

In accordance with the DAO vote earlier this month we have now burned 1% of the total supply of SatoshiSwap, permanently removing it from the supply forever 👏

Explorer transaction:

This transaction shows 10,000,000,000 SWAP were burned using the burnAccount method, which you can see sends the tokens to the null address i.e. the canonical burn address. 10,000,000,000 SWAP represents 1% of the total supply (current tokens + future tokens; see the tokenomics section of the Swap website for more info)


Stay tuned for some interesting Swap updates this February 🤙️️️️️️

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Voting on our first DAO proposal has completed with the winning outcome being to burn the 1% of the token supply!

SatoshiSwap Announcements

The SatoshiSwap voting platform for $SWAP has been launched!
For our first poll the community can decide whether we burn 1% of the token supply or put it into a staking pool later in January. Vote now on the voting website:

Guide and full announcement


SatoshiSwap Announcements

Our latest update can be read over at SatoshiStreetBets subreddit, check it out below and don't forget to like, comment and retweet! The beta went live earlier this month and it's gotten off to a fantastic start!

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Important Update: Launch Rescheduled - Your Patience is Greatly Appreciated

Hello everyone.

I hope this message finds you well and you're enjoying the warmer crypto weather this week after the crypto winter we've been through. We understand the excitement and anticipation surrounding the upcoming beta launch of, and we have been working tirelessly to provide you with an exceptional experience. I regret that I have to tell you that we will be delaying the launch of by 7 days to Sunday 26 March.

I recognize that this is yet another delay, and it is with great reluctance that I share this news with you all. All I can say is that once, along with the dex afterwards, is successfully launched and fully functional, these delays will fade into the past as mere stepping stones and we can towards a prosperous future. We mentioned last week the previous delay was caused by a re-indexing issue. While we thought we had solved this issue and allocated enough time to do the re-index, it quite honestly proved to be more complex than we initially anticipated and it emerged there was still some problems. Now we fully understand and have no doubts about next week.

In the end, we faced a crucial decision: whether to launch the beta with lingering issues related to price data. After careful consideration, we concluded that it would be unwise to proceed when, with just a few more days, we can ensure rock-solid data integrity. Though the beta may have elements rough around the edges or incomplete, the overwhelmingly positive feedback we've received about the quality of our user interface adds to our opinion that we should ensure the data quality matches it.

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience this delay and I can assure you everyone is working overtime right now. Please note - chat moderators aren't aware of these things until the news goes public and have the same information as everyone else.

David Gilbert

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Our latest update has been posted, head over to the Satoshi Street Bets subreddit and read all about it now!

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Dear community members,

With the situation surrounding today's depegging of USDC I understand there is some concern amongst you. It's my duty from an ethical standpoint to ensure community members are fully informed and equipped with the relevant knowledge in terms of how this may impact Satoshi Swap and Derpy Toshi.

We hold approximately 2.6 million USDC from the combined raise of our SWAP and DERPY presale on Copper Launch last year. At the time of writing this message USDC has depegged from $1 to approximately $0.9, giving our USDC a USD value of approximately $2.34 million. The SWAP and DERPY liquidity pools, which were funded from proceeds of the presale and have a combined value of approximately $880k, are not included in the above calculation as they are against ETH and BNB and are not directly linked to USDC. All of this is public information and we have spoken about our presale funds being held in USDC many times.

We chose to keep the funds in USDC so they are visible on the blockchain in order to inspire confidence and transparency to investors, who may otherwise be alarmed if the funds suddenly disappeared from view whilst the project is still in the building phase. We opted against USDT due to it's reputation and constant negative rumours, and we opted against BUSD due to it's fragile regulatory position.

I would encourage people to remain calm and patient whilst the team assesses the situation. Oftentimes these things are more complex than they first appear. We are exploring various possible solutions to mitigate the impact of any further USDC depegging. To list ones that come to mind:

1. Convert USDC into other stable coins (USDT and BUSD). The risk here is USDT and BUSD could also depeg.
2. Convert USDC into other crypto (ETH and BTC). The risk here is that the assets could devalue due to volatitlity.
3. Send the USDC to an exchange(s), convert to FIAT and store it there. The risk here is if USDC has a catastrophic fall, then exchanges may start falling like dominoes and we could end up trapped. A large part of the DeFi ecosystem is heavily built upon USDC.
4. Follow Step 3, but then send the FIAT to a bank. Diamond Hands Consulting Ltd is our company, which ran the presale and is situated in the BVI. However, for banking and legal reasons, it will be challenging to do this quickly. Transferring into one of my own bank accounts would be quicker - however, I am unsure of the tax implications for this, and with it being the weekend it wouldn't get sent out until Monday at the earliest and maybe a lot later if there are a sudden influx of withdrawals.
5. Wait and see. The risk here, obviously, is USDC could depeg further.

Options 1 to 4 incur fees and possible slippage or change in value. It is very possible that USDC repegs when things calm down and we will have lost $250k. In short, this is a tricky situation to navigate.

We will be closely monitoring the performance of USDC and other stable coins and will continue to analyze the situation. In the meantime, please feel free to respond to this message with your own opinions on the best path forwards.


David Gilbert

SatoshiSwap Announcements
SatoshiSwap Announcements

Our latest update can be read over on the SatoshiStreetBets subreddit! Check it out and don't forget to like, upvote and comment gang!

SatoshiSwap Announcements

HODL bar staking rewards explained

Staking ends soon (end block countdown) and we wanted to give a brief primer on how the staking rewards will be distributed.

1. As announced previously, this staking pool has a dual reward system and rewards will be distributed in SWAP and BUSD

2. The pool has approximately $10k worth of rewards in it, of equal amounts SWAP and BUSD

3. The pending rewards section on the website shows the BUSD you have earned. When you withdraw, you will also be sent an approximately equal amount of SWAP. So for example, if your pending rewards shows as $20, then you will receive both $20 worth of BUSD and approximately $20 worth of SWAP (based on the price of Swap around the time the staking finishes). The next version of the user interface will show this information but for speed we re-used our usual staking interface designed for single token rewards.

4. When you withdraw you will be sent the BUSD instantly. Your SWAP will be sent exactly 10 blocks later.

For your quick reference, the latest staking pool is located at

As usual, please leave any questions you may have about the process in the @SatoshiSwapOfficial group and a moderator will be able to assist you!

Note - moderators will never DM you first, be careful of any DM's from stangers offering to help

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Show SatoshiSwap some love in this tweet gang!

SatoshiSwap Announcements
SatoshiSwap Announcements
SatoshiSwap Announcements

We're doing a giveaway to celebrate the beginning of 2023 🥳

$500 in SatoshiSwap and $500 in Safemoon is being given out to 1 person in the next 24 hours who retweets and follows our Twitter:

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Happy Christmas to our community of diamond hands! 2023 is going to be huge for us, especially Q1 2023!

Staking is live

A video of progress: (note - this is a demo interface to show the back-end tech)

Like, comment and upvote:

SatoshiSwap Announcements

Next staking pool details

🔸 The next staking pool goes live on December 25th at this website link:
🔸 Start block: 24217563
🔸 Rewards: $5k SWAP, $5k BUSD
🔸 Duration: 4 weeks
🔸 Countdown link: (approximately Sun Dec 25 2022 19:46 UTC)

Note - the contents of the staking website link is a placeholder for now and will be updated shortly before the start block!

SatoshiSwap Announcements

We have a live poll for the community to decide when our next staking pool and news update should be! Please vote here:

SatoshiSwap Announcements

We're back with another one of our regular updates! Check it out and don't forget to like, comment and upvote gang!
