Maiar Exchange Announcements

The official announcement channel for the Maiar Exchange.
Maiar Exchange Announcements

Sense4FIT joins Metabonding

Metabonding is the ultimate fast track to community building, the most valuable asset for Web3 startups.

Sense4Fit are the latest to supercharge their presence in the MultiversX Ecosystem and tap into the most passionate and hardcore community in the space.

Metabonding rewards are now exclusive to energized xExchange users and already include the SFIT token.

Their mobile application has seen an impressive growth in just 1 month since launch, already gathering 50,000 users.

It leverages Maiar app and token economies to blend our lifestyle objectives with ownership and income generation.

Get fit and earn 👇


Maiar Exchange Announcements

Maximize Your xExchange Rewards

When talking xExchange, every one of us is looking to maximize their gains.

Waiting for your rewards to accumulate for a few weeks before claiming them may be the easiest solution, but is it the most efficient?

Find a deeper dive into this question in the thread 👇

Maiar Exchange Announcements

There is still time to get energized!

The 🔋 Energy Challenge is LIVE for 3 more weeks.

Competition summary:

🏆 4 available promotions
🤑 150,000 USD in EGLD & XMEX
💳 150 xPortal card exclusive spots

Read all about it 👇


Maiar Exchange Announcements

xExchange & MEX 2.0 are LIVE, together with new frontiers to be explored!

The reinforced economics model brings a new foundation upon which MEX can sustainably power swaps at internet-scale, and capture value from all the xExchange processes.

Here's a simple and fun way to explain MEX 2.0 and the new xExchange features to friends.

Great job, as usual, by Carpathian Stake!



Maiar Exchange Announcements

Trading for the EGLD / SFIT pair is now live!

Start trading here 👉


Maiar Exchange Announcements

The SFIT token driving the Sense4FIT fitness revolution is joining xExchange

🗓 Swaps will be enabled today at 16:00 UTC

The SFIT/EGLD pool is already available in the Ecosystem category and liquidity deposits are open.



Maiar Exchange Announcements

xExchange brings the power of the Metabonding projects to all Energy holders.

Community-driven. Forward-looking. Long-term engagement.

The first Energy-based Metabonding rewards have become claimable.


Maiar Exchange Announcements

The xExchange Energy Competition is here 🔥

Secure your spot in the xPortal card waiting list (1st wave), and share in the $150,000 USD prize pool.

Let the challenge begin!

Full details:


Maiar Exchange Announcements

Progressing through feedback 🔋

xExchange will receive an important update today.

Starting with 14:00 UTC and for approximately 30 minutes, several DEX contracts will be upgraded.

During that time frame users might experience degraded performance.

Alongside a whole bunch of UI improvements, here are the most important fixes coming:

🛠 Metastaking unstake & reinvest transactions
🛠 Conversion issues w/ some LKMEX versions
🛠 Removing old LKMEX LP farm positions
⌛️ Smart swaps router

Rewards will continue uninterrupted.


Maiar Exchange Announcements

xExchange & MEX 2.0 are now live, with revamped economics and real revenue based on usage 🔋

To help with the transition to the new model and make sure you’re not missing out on the new rewards, we’ve put together a series of video guides to help you navigate the processes.


📝 Written guide


Maiar Exchange Announcements

⚡️ Battle of Yields: "xExchange Speedrun" rewards distribution complete.

900+ users were available on short notice to help us give a final testrun on the new features before going live.

Their rewards were sent in the same address used during the event.

Thank you all for joining 🙏

Maiar Exchange Announcements

xExchange farm rewards & boost bonus are LIVE!

It’s time to convert LKMEX to xMEX 🔥

Convert all your lkmex in the first month & unlock max transition bonus:

(a) one winning launchpad ticket
(b) 2x metabonding rewards for 3 months


Maiar Exchange Announcements

Get Ready, xExchange Farm Rewards Start At 17:30 UTC ⚡️

Despite complexities, the Maiar Exchange transition to the new economics model was very smooth.

More than half of LKMEX total supply has already been converted to XMEX.

Next step: resuming farm rewards at 17:30 UTC with an updated issuance distribution + a *special transition bonus.

MEX 2.0 brings incremental improvements, w/ immediate effect, becoming 65% less inflationary than MEX 1.0.

The emission rate decrease will happen over the next 5 weeks, reaching 350,000 XMEX/block in the 5th week and keeping this rate for the rest of the 1st MEX 2.0 year.

What will be distributed on top of the 350,00 XMEX during the mentioned period will be split between farmers and XMEX holders.

Higher the energy, higher the rewards.

*The bonus transition reward will come from the MEX Ecosystem fund.

Similar to the previous processes, first we distribute via XMEX emission, then burn from the MEX Ecosystem fund.*


Maiar Exchange Announcements

xExchange Migration Guide

Good morning team!

Here’s a handy guide to help you navigate the new xExchange & XMEX migration.


We’ll keep updating it as things develop and relevant questions arise.


Maiar Exchange Announcements

Big moment for the MultiversX Ecosystem

Designed and worked on for months. Voted by the community. Now finally brought to life.

xExchange & MEX 2.0 launch has begun 🔥


Maiar Exchange Announcements

xExchange Transition Update

The greatest and most significant breakthroughs require a great deal of energy, work and dedication.

In order to make sure every component works as intended, the phased launch will begin tomorrow around noon.

Why the updated timeline? As always, the security and safety of the funds comes first.

This is why we want to make sure that our full focus and energy is on monitoring the newly deployed algorithms.

Progress report:

✅ Energy contract verification
✅ New Farm contracts deployment
✅ Fees collector contract deployment
🛠 Upgrade Liquidity Pool & Router contracts

Next steps: complete transition, internal testing & monitoring, and final checks.

Maiar Exchange Announcements

The xExchange is COMING.

Energy charging…

Tentative phased launch: 18:00 UTC

Here’s a short breakdown and status of the transition process:

✅ Maintenance mode enabled
✅ Energy snapshot, computing and writing in SC for each account
🛠 Energy contract verification
⏳ New Farm contracts deployment

⏳ Fees collector contract deployment
⏳ Upgrade Liquidity Pool & Router contracts
⏳ Reinstate MEX buy and burn
⏳ New swap fees distribution mechanism setup

⏳ Enable farm rewards and boosted setup
⏳ Liquidity gathering waiting window
⏳ Activate all liquidity pools & farms
⏳ Wrapped LKMEX contract deployment

High energy day inside the #MultiversX ecosystem.

Pushing through this remarkable milestone.

Let’s get it done and kick off a new DeFi era.

Maiar Exchange Announcements

After a successful Governance vote, Maiar DEX and MEX are evolving.

The Scheduled Maintenance for the migration process begins today, December 8th 15:00 UTC and will end on December 10th.

Relentless efforts by the team, community and partners🛠

Stay tuned for the next updates!


Maiar Exchange Announcements

⚡️ Battle of Yields: xExchange Speedrun - $2,500 USD to be won!

Alright, team!

The latest version of the xExchange smart contracts are deployed on devnet.

This means we will be testing the mainnet release candidate, so we’d like to get your feedback on.

👉 Please do:

Step 1️⃣- Add liquidity! We add liquidity and stake LP tokens on the new xExchange farms

• Go to:
• Buy some MEX (at least 10 xEGLD worth)

• Under the 🔋 menu, go to "My ELKMEX" section - Use the slider to select a MEX quantity, and lock it as follows:
¤ Convert 50% MEX into LKMEX v2 with 1y lock
¤ Convert 50% from the remaining MEX into LKMEX v2 with 2y lock
¤ Convert 50% from the remaining MEX into LKMEX v2 with 4y lock

• Add “EGLDMEX” liquidity with 1 xEGLD and the equivalent in MEX, LKMEX v2 (all timelock variants), respectively
• Stake all LP tokens into the EGLDMEX farm

♦️ When finished, you need to broadcast your new energy levels, by clicking the "Update Energy" button, either on the floating prompt or under the 🔋 menu in the “My Energy” section.

Step .2️⃣ - LKMEX v1 to LKMEX v2 and playing with energy

• Under the 🔋 menu, go to "My LKMEX v1" (scroll all the way down)

• Convert LKMEX v1 positions into LKMEX v2: tick the box to the right of each position and click "Convert"

ℹ️ "Must have energy updated for old tokens first" -> your transaction will fail with this error if you did not claim LKMEX v1 from the faucet before December 7th, 22:30 UTC.

• Now harvest LKMEX v2 rewards from farms

ℹ️ All farm rewards will be issued as LKMEX v2 with maximum energy & 4y lock, regardless of the timelock component of the staked LP.

👨‍🎓 Example: for EGLDMEX LP with LKMEX v2 with 1y lock, the rewards are issued as LKMEX v2 with 4y lock.

• Go to or just click the xExchange Logo on the top left corner to get to the dashboard
• Scroll down to “Locked Tokens” and expand the category:
¤ Click on ELKMEX, press "Energy -" on any ELKMEX position and click either 1x or 2x
¤ For any ELKMEX position, now press "Unlock" and confirm the unlock

⏳ Wait 1 epoch (up to 4 hours)

• Go to or just click the xExchange Logo on the top left to get to the dashboard
• Under “Locked Tokens” -> “Unlocking ELKMEX”
¤ Claim your now unlocked tokens by clicking "Claim All" or cancel the unlocking by clicking "Cancel all" - either action will qualify

ℹ️ It is possible to Unlock without powering down first, this order of actions is just for testing purposes.

• Under the 🔋 menu, go to "My Energy Multiplier"
¤ Click "Increase my Multiplier"
¤ Tick the corresponding boxes, but leave at least one box unchecked! (for the next task)
¤ Click "Increase my Multiplier" again

• Go to or just click the xExchange Logo on the top left to get to the dashboard
• Under “Locked Tokens” -> “ELKMEX”
¤ Click “Merge”, select 2 or more relevant positions and proceed to consolidate (merge) them

ℹ️ The resulting ELKMEX tokens will have a new lock period that is the weighted average of the combined positions

💰 Rewards for eligible participants will be delivered on the Mainnet, to the same address you use for testing on the Devnet.

🐞 Please post feedback, questions and bugs as replies to this message.

🌐 DEX 2.0

Maiar Exchange Announcements

⚡️ Battle of Yields: xExchange Speedrun - $2,500 USD to be won!

We're close! We need a few brave volunteers to help us test the latest changes.

This one is against the clock, LET'S GO!

⏱ 20:20 UTC - 22:30 UTC: claim EGLD & LKMEX v1 from the devnet faucet

The next steps will be similar to the previous ones, and will be posted as we progress through the schedule.

💰 Eligible participants have to claim from faucet asap and before 22:30.

⌛️ The Devnet xExchange smart contracts are currently paused for last minute updates. After claiming funds, please wait for the next instructions.

🌐 Devnet Faucet | DEX 2.0

Maiar Exchange Announcements

💡 Short update on the transition to xExchange

EGLD debuts on Coinbase, the largest US-based 🇺🇸 crypto exchange by trading volume.

In light of this new listing, to ensure that liquidity is in sync across markets, we have decided to postpone the xExchange scheduled maintenance.

🛠 Updated timeline:

- December 8, ~ 15:00 UTC - Maiar DEX will enter maintenance mode

- December 9, ~ 15:00 UTC - xExchange phased launch begins

- December 10 - Farms open, rewards start accumulating


Maiar Exchange Announcements

The first Maiar DEX referendum has seen high interest & participation.

- 60% of the total LKMEX was used as voting power
- 88.2% voted Yes
- 6.7% Abstained & 5.1% voted No

As a result, we're moving forward with the transition to xExchange and the new MEX 2.0 Economic Model🔥

The transition will unfold as follows:

- 6 Dec: Maiar DEX maintenance & energy computation for each account
- 7 Dec: Energy SC deployment
- 8 Dec: xExchange will go through a phased launch
- 9 Dec: Farms re-open, including boosted setup



Maiar Exchange Announcements

Another successful Battle of Yields completed. What's next?

Spanning over 3 days, the High Energy 🔋 event has been the perfect playground for everyone interested in experimenting with the new UX, features, and energy mechanism.

As helpful as we think it was for anyone involved in testing, the same goes for us as well.

Thanks to the 200k+ actions executed by participants, we collected important data for certain edge cases, further improving connectivity, overall performance & UI.

3041 participants that interacted with the devnet DEX (and followed the instructions) have received their EGLD rewards on the same address (on mainnet) as the one used during the event. Thank you for your continuous support 🙌

🚧🛠 Transition timeline

• 6 Dec - Maiar DEX enters maintenance mode & LKMEX snapshot is taken
• 7 Dec - Energy contract deployment
• 8 Dec - xExchange phased launch
• 9 Dec - Farms start


Maiar Exchange Announcements

🔋 Battle of Yields: High Energy ends today at 18:00 UTC

Great work, everyone! Thank you all for participating, we found a lot of improvements - especially on the connectivity side and infrastructure performance.

Many of them were already implemented, so you can now enjoy a smoother experience while experimenting with the new features.

Full focus on bringing the best version of xExchange on mainnet.

⏱ Event continues until 18:00 UTC

💰 EGLD rewards will be delivered on the mainnet to all participating wallets who complete the tasks before the deadline

🌐 Devnet Faucet | DEX 2.0

Maiar Exchange Announcements

🔋 Battle of Yields: High Energy advances to Phase Two: LKMEX upgrade, Energy, Unlocks, Multipliers

We convert our LKMEX v1 into LKMEX v2 (Energized LKMEX). We then play with Energy.

• Go to:
• Under the 🔋 menu, go to "My LKMEX v1" (scroll all the way down)

• Convert LKMEX v1 positions into LKMEX v2: tick the box to the right of each position and click "Convert"

ℹ️  "Must have energy updated for old tokens first" -> your transaction will fail with this error if you did not claim LKMEX v1 from the faucet before December 1st, 12:10 UTC.

• Harvest LKMEX v2 rewards from farms

ℹ️ All farm rewards will be issued as LKMEX v2 with maximum energy & 4y lock, regardless of the timelock component of the staked LP.

👨‍🎓 Example: for EGLDMEX LP with LKMEX v2 with 1y lock, the rewards are issued as LKMEX v2 with 4y lock.

• Under the  "My Account" menu go to "Locked Tokens"
    ¤ For ELKMEX first press "Reduce" and click either 1x or 2x
    ¤ For ELKMEX now press "Unlock" and click “Unlock”

⏳ Wait 1 epoch (up to 4 hours)

• Go to "My Account" > "Unlocking ELKMEX"
    ¤ Claim your Unlocked tokens "Claim All" or cancel the unbonding "Cancel all" - either action will qualify

ℹ️ It is possible to Unlock without powering down first, this order of actions is just for testing purposes.

• Under the 🔋 menu, go to "My Energy Multiplier"
    ¤ Click "Increase my Multiplier"
    ¤ Tick the corresponding boxes
    ¤ Click "Increase my Multiplier" again

💰 Rewards for eligible participants will be delivered on the Mainnet, to the same address you use for testing on the Devnet.

🐞  Please post feedback, questions and bugs as replies to this message.

🌐 Devnet Faucet | DEX 2.0

Maiar Exchange Announcements

Phase 1 of the Battle of Yields “HIGH ENERGY 🔋” testing event ends at 12:00 UTC

💰 Participants will share a $10,000 prize pool

💡 Valid entries need to be part of phase 1 before it ends

Participation instructions can be found here:


Maiar Exchange Announcements

🔋 Battle of Yields: High Energy - Phase 1: 10,000 USD to be won, test the new features!

xExchange is here.

Join the public testing event and be the first to experiment with MEX 2.0 economics, LKMEX v1 & v2, energy, multipliers and the outstanding new UX!

Let's get started.

Step 1️⃣ - Get some funds!

• Go to
• Get 30 xEGLD and 5,000,000 LKMEX v1 from the faucet. This is only available once every 24 hours, for each account

ℹ️ LKMEX v1 should NOT be used at this stage. Please do not perform any action with them

Step 2️⃣ - Add liquidity! We add liquidity and stake LP tokens on the new xExchange farms

• Go to:
• Buy some MEX (at least 10 xEGLD worth)
•  Under the 🔋 menu, go to "My LKMEX"
    ¤  Convert 50% MEX into LKMEX v2 with 1y lock
    ¤  Convert 50% MEX into LKMEX v2 with 2y lock
    ¤  Convert 50% MEX into LKMEX v2 with 4y lock
• Add “EGLDMEX” liquidity with 1 xEGLD and the equivalent in MEX, LKMEX v2 (all timelock variants), respectively
• Stake all LP tokens into the EGLDMEX farm

ℹ️ LKMEX v2 will be displayed as "ELKMEX" (Energized LKMEX)

♦️ When finished, you need broadcast your new energy levels, by clicking the "Update Energy" button, either on the floating prompt or in the "My Energy" section

💡 Further instructions on PHASE TWO will follow later on

🐞  Please post feedback, questions and bugs as replies to this message

🌐 Devnet Faucet  | DEX 2.0

Maiar Exchange Announcements

Your LKMEX. Your voice. Your decision.

Be part of the change. Make your voice heard in the Maiar DEX Governance Referendum.

Voting is now OPEN 🔥


Maiar Exchange Announcements

The first Governance Referendum: Transition to xExchange and MEX 2.0. Cast your vote between November 28th and December 5th

Major step forward for the Maiar DEX as the first referendum vote goes live today, giving a voice to all LKMEX holders.

Voting will be open on starting with November 28, 18:00 UTC until December 5, 18:00 UTC.

The November 16 snapshot is being used to allocate voting power to LKMEX holders.

👉 Read all about the process:


Maiar Exchange Announcements

The Maiar DEX transition to the new economics model is advancing: LKMEX becomes non-transferable.

🔶 For this upgrade, we will need to undergo a 60-minute maintenance starting with 17:30 UTC

✅ Rewards will continue uninterrupted
