Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

Hey there, everyone!

We are getting closer to migration daily and are so excited for it to come. First, we will change the TG channel to organize and secure the server.

Some of these changes will include new TG "Topics," which allow for a more organized flow and engagement. Along with this, we will be adding a portal system to protect against unwanted bots and spam. You will begin to see these changes starting today and over the next few days, so please bear with us while the channel is under mini-construction.

By making these changes, we can ensure an informative and secure environment for all of you, and we are very excited to see how you all like it.

Thanks a ton!

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Everyone!

As we said earlier last week, we have a bunch of AMAs coming out, and we have another one today! In just about 20 minutes (2 PM UTC); we will be live with Caesars Calls to discuss Titano/Swych!

Please join the team at Caesars Calls and David to hear more about the migration, our journey, and what’s next. Also, share the link around the crypto space and get hyped!

TG Link: https://t.me/Caesars_Calls

Thanks, everyone, and see you there!

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Titans!

As many of you know, we are supposed to have an AMA with Caesars Calls today. However, due to scheduling conflicts and wanting to generate more hype, we will postpone the AMA until early next week.

In the meantime, the Caesars Calls team will create some posts and excitement around Swych/Titano! The AMA will be happening, and as soon as we have a confirmed new date on both sides, we will let you all know. Check out some of the already recorded AMAs we have had thus far in the previous announcements, share those around, and give them a like!

Thank you all so much for your understanding, and we are excited to talk with them and you again very soon.

Titano.finance Channel

Hey everyone!

The AMAs keep rolling in, and we actually have a surprise live AMA with Root Zones going live in 15 minutes. Stop by and join the AMA using the link below, and support both Swych/Titano and Root Zones!


Stay tuned, as we have plenty more information and AMAs on the way!

Thanks ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Everyone!

We have another AMA for you all to check out! This time, it's with CryptoRock and our one and only David! The video has three parts so that you can check them out at leisure. In these videos, David and CryptoRock discuss Crypto as a whole and Swych/Titano!

Give the videos a view, show your support, and share them with your friends!

Part One:

Part Two (Change): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y6YvvlLcJA

Part Three (New Technology, New Opportunities): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbmh3TrJnso

Thanks, everyone ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

Hello Titans,

We have an update on the migration date.

Our brand new Swych token contracts are currently being audited by Fairyproof (https://www.fairyproof.com/). They are one of the best and most respected audit firms in the business.

Unfortunately the results are taking a little longer than expected due to some requested security updates and it seems we may miss our original deadline. The earliest that Fairyproof can deliver the audit is the 13th March. There are no issues with the contract; it’s simply a case of the audit taking longer than estimated.

Sadly this does mean we will have to push back our migration date and we apologise for any inconveniece. We are hopeful, however, that it will be only a few days more.

We will make an announcement as soon as we have a confirmed date/time for migration/launch.

Titano.finance Channel

Hello Everyone! 🚀

Are you ready for some exciting news? We have a bunch of upcoming AMAs (Ask Me Anything) events that we can't wait to share with you! Starting tomorrow, we'll discuss the future of Titano/Swych with some amazing communities.

We want to thank each of these communities for having us and inviting us to speak. And of course, we want to invite all of you to come join us, ask us anything, and spread the word about these events!

Here's the current list of our upcoming AMAs (subject to change, so please keep an eye on the calendar!):

Wednesday 03/08 || 5 PM UTC || Cardinal House (General Discusssion)

Join David and the team at Cardinal House as they talk about all things Crypto and the future of of the space. Although the main topics may not be centered around Swych/Titano, we would still love to see your support for an amazing community and our one and only David.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/cardinalhouse

Thursday 03/09 || 3 PM UTC || The Pillars

The Pillars is an exciting group of DeFi members, project owners, content creators, wallet educators, and so much more! We are excited to get some time to speak with their community and all of you as we showcase the next steps of our evolution, the Swych Token! So join us this Thursday as we answer questions and share the future.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/the-pillars-1015234776371826689

Friday 03/10 || 3 PM UTC || Gollums Gems

Gollums Gems is a hub for crypto content. Their community is filled with crypto enthusiasts, from newbies to seasoned investors, all aiming to seek more info on projects/investments. We are excited to speak to such a fantastic group of people and showcase Swych to them all!

TG Link: https://t.me/gollumsgems

Friday 03/10 || 5 PM UTC || Dylans Dirty Diary

Dylan is a passionate investor and trader within the Crypto space. He and his group pride themselves on finding exciting projects with huge potential. Dylan shares his crypto journey through his TG and Twitter, and now we get to speak to his incredible audience about Swych. Make sure to be there for the event!

TG Link: Coming soon

Saturday 03/11 || 5 PM UTC || CaesarsCalls

Caesers Calls is an influential crypto community group on Telegram that showcases new and existing projects to thousands of crypto enthusiasts worldwide. Their group has a very successful call rate, a track record for showing leading projects, and a fantastic group of individuals. We are excited to take the stage and share what Swych will be with its audience.

TG Link: https://t.me/Caesars_Calls

As we get closer to each specific AMA, we will send out reminder announcements for you all to join! These announcements will also have invite links to each community. Along with these AMAs, stay on the lookout for even more coming in the future. We know you are just as excited as we are, so make sure to come to join, spread the excitement, and get hyped for Swych!

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Everyone! 👋

As we get closer to migration, we are excited to showcase one of the first AMAs we will have! This Thursday, you can Join David and the team at The Pillars!

The Pillars is an exciting group of DeFi Members, project owners, content creators, wallet educators, and so much more! We are excited to get some time to speak with their community and all of you as we showcase the next steps of our evolution, the Swych Token!

Make sure to join us at the AMA using the links below:

Direct Event Link: https://discord.com/events/1015234776371826689/1081889951030984765

Pillars Discord: https://discord.gg/the-pillars-1015234776371826689

AMA Time: Thursday March 9th at 3 PM UTC

Thanks, everyone, and see you there! ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Everyone! 👋🏻

We are excited to announce that you can now Trade $BETS (BetSwirl) on Swych. As many of you know, BetSwirl continues to be an incredible partner, offering exciting games to play, such as Roulette and Coin Toss. With Titano, BetSwirl helped considerably with deflation and bringing additional use to the token.

Fast forward, BetSwirl has created a token to bolster its ecosystem and funding for the exciting tools and games they make. The team at BetSwirl had an amazing token launch, and now we want to bring this token to all of you!

You can start trading $BETS on the Swych website using the link below, and remember that any native tokens earned through trading fees are burned!

🔗 Link: https://app.swych.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c&outputCurrency=0x3e0a7c7db7bb21bda290a80c9811de6d47781671

Thanks, everyone! ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

It's burn time! 🔥

We know that Titano is evolving into Swych, but we also have an exciting burn just before that migration happens! Thanks to a culmination of our utilities (such as P.L.A.Y., SuperLotto, Swych Trading fees, and BetSwirl), we are burning some tokens before migration!

🔥Tokens Burned: 10 Billion +

🧾 TXN: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x055cf08381608f885e139874d625a160a662bfbcbd588e1398944cc1b6a80b88

- Keep in mind that these types of burns help combat inflation and reduce total supply; they may not directly impact price.

We love seeing a good token burn, and it's all thanks to the community for utilizing our features and trading on the Swych platform.

With the Swych token quickly approaching launch in early March, stay tuned for the latest update and news. Many A.M.A.s are lined up to showcase this evolution to the crypto world. Also, remember that leading up to the Swych launch, Buy Tax has been removed, and Rebases have been turned off!

Thanks all! ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

Final P.L.A.Y. Drawing

We had our weekly P.L.A.Y. drawing earlier today, but it was special; it marked the last one for Titano as we are now moving to Swych. With Titano P.L.A.Y., we have seen thousands of Titans enter to win a prize each week, with winners of all wallet sizes randomly selected. We think of P.L.A.Y. as a tool to help combat inflation, an exciting event of chance, and thank you to Titano investors worldwide.

As many of you know, Titano is evolving into Swych in March. As we prepare for migration, we have disabled buy tax and rebases on Titano tokens. That said, with the end of rebases (how the prize is funded), it means P.L.A.Y. must close its doors. We hope to reintroduce P.L.A.Y. with new mechanics to continue these exciting weekly drawings for the Swych Token.

🥳 Now, let's look at the recap of the final winners!

💸 Total Jackpot = 878,913,925 TITANO
🏆 Prize value for each winner = 35,156,557 TITANO
🔥 Burn Token = 142,823,513 TITANO

🥇 Winner Addresses tx hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x482806ea839b2ca784529e4197b9c1e4aceaa5b8bfd88be40104e83a9a1acba4

With today being the last P.L.A.Y. drawing, you can remove all tokens from P.L.A.Y. without any exit fee. If you don't withdraw your tokens, do not fear; the migration snapshot will include any tokens entered in P.L.A.Y. As we approach the coming month of March, make sure to stay tuned for news on Swych and the migration process. As a final note for Titano P.L.A.Y., we thank you, Titans, for taking part in P.L.A.Y. and know we have many more exciting things coming. To those that won this last drawing, congratulations!

Thanks, everyone ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

P.L.A.Y. Winners 🏆

We are happy to announce the weekly winners of the P.L.A.Y. 🥳

💸 Total Jackpot = 878,913,925 TITANO

🏆 Prize value for each winner = 35,156,557 TITANO

🔥 Burn Token = 142,823,513 TITANO

💰 Next prize (estimated) = $46 343.99+

Winner Addresses
tx hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x482806ea839b2ca784529e4197b9c1e4aceaa5b8bfd88be40104e83a9a1acba4

Titano.finance Channel

As you can see, the devs have been working hard, and they have a very clear vision for the future. This is a bold and ambitious vision that will reinvigorate the project, and reignite the journey for our existing holders as well as attract a whole new world of investors. Thanks, everyone, and we are very excited about these next steps together ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

🚀 Hey Titans/Swychlings

We recently hosted a Titan Talk regarding the tokenomics of Swych and the protocol's future. For those unable to attend, this summary is for you (or, if you prefer, text)! Along with this announcement, you can find the Swych Token whitepaper using the link below and the link to the Titan Talk.

Swych Token Whitepaper: https://docs.swych.finance/swych-token/swych-token
Titan Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_5ei5p7JNk

Now let's dive into it! Firstly, we want to thank all of you for the suggestions and feedback that have led to what the Swych Token is today. Swych Token was created by a culmination of the latest Token logic and fantastic ideas from all of you. We have taken the ideas you brought to us and incorporated them within the Swych Token. With Swych, the Token will be divided into two phases. The first is the distribution phase, and the second is the growing/trading phase.

1️⃣ Phase One

Phase one, or the distribution phase, is the initial phase of the Swych Token, designed to be inflationary and get more tokens into the hands of holders. This is the best time to accumulate Swych tokens for the future of the Swych ecosystem.


- Buy Tax of 0% and sales tax of 10%. Fees will go to the Treasury for continued development, and the goal is to build a self-sustaining Protocol-owned asset that grows thanks to a cyclical flow of fees.

Available Trading Balance

- The Available Trading Balance (ATB) is a mechanism to prevent "dumping" and encourage Token accumulation.

- You are limited to selling 20%-2% of your tokens every ten days, depending on your holdings compared to the LP.

- A transfer fee of 35% to other wallets and 0% to wallets with no tokens. You must wait ten days after the transfer to sell.

Swych Staking

- Swych Staking will have a fixed 500% APY rewarded in Swych tokens. These tokens will auto-compound. A small exit fee of 3% when you withdraw tokens to your wallet is sent to the Treasury.

Token Supply

- The Token will not have a Max supply during the distribution phase. There is no rebasing, but a mint function exists to create new tokens in this phase.

- Only the staking contract can mint new tokens; the project developers cannot create any new tokens.

Buy Back Burns

- Back Burns will be done every 24-72 hours to ensure a consistent positive increase.

2️⃣ Phase Two

The next phase of Swych is the Trading/Growing phase. This phase removes any limitations, taxes, and transfer fees. The idea is to expand the ecosystem, create new partnerships and seek CEX listings. Along with this, we can bring extraordinary new value to each holder.


- The Token will go into a "deflationary" stage, meaning no more Token minting or inflationary elements. We will gather funds to sustain the ecosystem from utilities, DEX fees, etc.


- The taxes and fees on the Swych Token will be removed (aside from staking fees). This means no transfer fee, no sales tax, and no ATB.

Swych Staking

- Staking will then be variable and reward in Real Yield. This will still have an exit fee/locking period on the Token. Real yield will be rewarded in tokens such as BUSD, ETH, BTC, USDC, etc.

CEX and Crosschain

- Since we are removing fees, taxes, limits, etc., we can now look to getting listed on Centralized Exchanges (CEX). This will allow substantial price benefits. Along with this, we aim to become cross-chain in the future.


- Supply will be fixed; this will be calculated after the distribution phase of the Token. This means only a certain amount of tokens can come into circulation.

Along with the changes to tokenomics, we also have some exciting news leading up to the migration to the Swych token based on the feedback from the community. Buy Tax and Rebasing on TITANO, and PLAY withdrawal fees have now been removed!

Titano.finance Channel

You can now buy Titano Tokens without any buy tax! Along with this, we have received feedback to stop rebasing and reduce the inflation, and effective now, rebasing has been stopped. These two elements will provide more positive price action leading to the launch of the Swych token.

Since PLAY uses rebasing to generate prizes, there will only be one last PLAY drawing based on the accumulated tokens we have entered in PLAY now. Therefore, you can exit PLAY now with a 0% exit fee. Finally, TSP and PLAY will still be included in the snapshot.

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Titans/Swychers!

As promised in the last Titan Talk, we will have another to discuss the tokenomics of the Swych token. The main topic of this Titan Talk will be centered around how Swych will work, fees, features, value, and so on.

As we also said, there will be different phases of the Swych token, and we are excited to share Swych's token phases more in-depth with you all during the Talk.

Titan Talk time: Thursday, February 23rd at 2 PM UTC (9 AM EST)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_5ei5p7JNk

Each day we are getting closer to the launch of the Swych token and the vision of our ecosystem, so make sure to join us for more info in the Titan Talk! We will also release the Swych token's whitepaper after the Titan Talk.

Thanks, and see you all there!
The Titano/Swych Team ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

P.L.A.Y. Winners 🏆

We are happy to announce the weekly winners of the P.L.A.Y. 🥳

💸 Total Jackpot = 1,027,489,999 TITANO

🏆 Prize value for each winner = 41,099,578 TITANO

🔥 Burn Token = 166,967,037 TITANO

💰 Next prize (estimated) = $10 235.95+

Winner Addresses
tx hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x840b0c63233ea5659a8932383464bd6fc8acb67783add4d7764fd43e9f560e9b

Titano.finance Channel

Titan Talk - Swych Token and Migration Information

Hello, and thank you all for attending the latest Titan Talk; we know a lot of information, so we want to break it down into an easily readable document as well (this also helps people unable to attend). So let's dive into it!

🔁 Titano -> Swych

Titano is evolving and migrating into the Swych token; we have existed for over one year and have learned many valuable lessons. In short, this means that Titano is coming to an end, but the evolution to Swych is just starting.

🪙 Swych Token and Launch

- Swych Token will launch between March 6th and March 13th. Doing so allows us time to complete the audit for the protocol.

- The Starting price for Swych Token will be set at $0.01 per coin.

- Staking will be available and have an APY of 300%-500%. There is NO staking period and only a small exit fee.

- Swych Token will go through a "Distribution Phase," lasting roughly 40-60 days (time can change). After which, the goal is to become a token able to launch on CEX and remove any inflationary elements.

🔥 There will be BuyBackBurns at launch and throughout the distribution phase every 24-72 hours.

- The entire marketing agenda is occurring and will help bring the Swych to light.

- Full tokenomics will be released soon, with another Titan Talk to discuss it.

✈️ Titano Migration

🪄 The migration will be automatic; nothing will need to be done on your end except add the new contract.

- All Titano Holders will be migrated to Swych Token; this will be done at USD Value. So, for example, if you have $100 in Titano, you will receive $100 in Swych tokens.

- Any tokens that have been entered into PLAY or TSP are included in the migration; there is nothing you will need to do.

- The process follows: Trading on Titano will stop -> Snapshot taken -> Tokens AirDropped -> Trading on Swych Token opens. We estimate the process to take 3-6 hours.

🗺️ Swych Future

- We have begun working on our Q2 roadmap and have many exciting new things coming. Stay tuned for a LOT more exciting things coming.

💵 Swych will have a "Real Yield" shortly after the launch of the Swych token, meaning the addition of a Perpetual DEX.

- Within Q1, we still have plans to list projects and work with exciting new partners.

We will host another Titan Talk to discuss tokenomics further, so stay tuned for this information! Thank you, everyone, and we are very excited to trailblaze this future together.

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Titans/Swychers!

We recently had some huge news: the Swych token launch and the Titano holders' migration to it. With this announcement, there have been a lot of questions about how the process will work, when it happens, and so on.

🎤 We will host a Titan Talk to help clarify this process and answer any questions.

Titan Talk time: Monday, February 20th at 11 AM UTC (6 AM EST)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGFOICu4Sz0

We are very excited to take these next steps into the future together! Please post any questions before the Titan Talk so we can ensure it gets answered.

Thanks, and see you all there!
The Titano/Swych Team ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

We are sure that you all have lots of questions about the process and features of the new Swych token. We will do a Titan Talk within the next 72 hours (the team will post the time). Please get all of your questions to " Summit " or any moderator in advance.

By the way, the Swych token is only the first element in a list of new elements and developments we will present over the next 60 days that will fully reveal the work that has been undertaken to accomplish our goals for this project and the community. We look forward to sharing all with you as it gets rolled out. In conclusion, we're excited about the future of Swych, and we hope that our community shares our enthusiasm. We're committed to creating an ecosystem that provides stable, sustainable, and attractive investment opportunities for our community, and we believe that these changes are necessary to achieve our goals.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to this new chapter in our project's evolution.

Titano.finance Channel

Dear all,

We're excited to announce some major changes happening at Titano that will benefit our community, both now and in the long term. In the last year our team has been closely monitoring the project, the market, other DeFi projects, and innovations, to develop strategies and tools that align with our community's goals. Our end goal is to build a DeFi ecosystem that is stable, sustainable, and offers attractive investment opportunities.

To achieve this, we've identified six crucial areas that we'll be focusing on:

1. Build a DeFi ecosystem based on proven DeFi principles.
2. Create immediate price stability for the project.
3. Introduce elements that cause consistent upward price pressure.
4. Focus on long-term stable passive income for holders.
5. Offer a variety of attractive ways for holders to participate in our
6. Position the project so that it will constantly attract new holders.
These changes will require a significant transformation of our project, but
we believe that change is essential for growth. Therefore, we'd like to
start by announcing some significant updates:
• The Titano project will evolve into Swych, a new and complete DeFi
ecosystem that aligns with our community's goals.
• The Titano token will become the new SWYCH token and this will sit at
the heart of the new ecosystem.
• Rebasing will come to an end.

We're making these changes because we're dedicated to creating a stable, sustainable, and attractive investment opportunity for our community.

The rebasing token and TAP was a revolution in DeFi that started an entire trend in the space. But in the last 8-10 months, the rebasing mechanics have been a significant challenge for us, as they create a constant downward price pressure that is difficult to overcome. While we've tried to develop revenue-generating use cases, they are not enough to keep up with the perceived inflation. Compounded by difficult macro-economic conditions we have struggled to attract new buyers and investors.

Furthermore, our current token mechanics make it difficult to utilize the full potential of our ecosystem. For example, we can't offer staking and farming, and reputable centralized exchanges won't list our rebasing token.

The new Swych token, on the other hand, will provide greater potential benefits to our community. It will allow us to offer staking, farming, and many other use cases. Additionally, and this is a big one, we would be able to list the SWYCH token on a centralized exchange, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

We understand that these changes may come as a surprise to some of you, and you may wonder why we launched Titano with a rebasing token in the first place. We believe that rebasing was an excellent mechanism for token distribution in the early stages of our project. In that respect it was a massive success. Even today we have over 75000 wallets holding Titano and we have one of the biggest, most active communities in DeFi. However, times and conditions change, and the rebasing mechanism is no
longer the right product for us to achieve our current goals. We're confident that the new products we're developing will take us where we want to go.

Titano.finance Channel

Titano.finance Channel

P.L.A.Y. Winners 🏆

We are happy to announce the weekly winners of the P.L.A.Y. 🥳

💸 Total Jackpot = 900,183,875 TITANO

🏆 Prize value for each winner = 36,007,355 TITANO

🔥 Burn Token = 146,279,881 TITANO

💰 Next prize (estimated) = $11 006.53+

Winner Addresses
tx hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x8b33c9196de3b5c4c2341ac1d2f19b4687895682d500136aa220027ac9d12278

Titano.finance Channel

Hey Titans!

⚡️ Weekly Summary ⚡️

As always, a new weekly summary comes at the start of the week. We are currently mid-way through the month and still have plenty of exciting releases. One of which is coming up is the Swych token announcement! Thank you for your continued support, trust, and faith. Now, let's dive into the summary!

Last week's recap!

🎱 SuperLotto:

SuperLotto continues to draw daily, and there has yet to be a jackpot winner! With SuperLotto, there are already over 15k ticket purchases! However, remember that each ticket gives you a lifetime of rewards. The prize increases every day, and you have a chance at winning over $200k!

You can start playing today here: https://app.swych.finance/superlotto

🕹️Play Drawing:

A PLAY drawing occurred this week! With a total prize of over 551,873,675 Titano! Each winner received 22,074,941 Titano, and 89,679,449 was burned! Another drawing tomorrow!

Looking into the future

🪙 Swych Token:

We are getting near completion of the Swych token, with an announcement on how the token will work, what benefits it will have, etc s. We plan to have this announcement out this week, with the actual token launch happening after.

🏦Farming and Staking:

With the upcoming launch of the Swych token, we are also gearing up for the launch of farming and staking, both with fixed APYs! We expect to launch staking this month, with farming following in the next month. Some final testing is still undergoing, and we will keep you all in the loop!

📢 Marketing:

We know these launches will be massive, so we are currently in contact with many crypto groups arranging AMAs, getting ads on prominent social media websites, and expanding our articles to create strong backlinks.

That concludes this week's summary, and we have lots more coming! We could not be more grateful to have such a fantastic community behind us and excited for the future together. Stay tuned for some great news on the development of all these features.

Thank you all!
The Titano Team ❤️

Titano.finance Channel

P.L.A.Y. Winners 🏆

We are happy to announce the weekly winners of the P.L.A.Y. 🥳

💸 Total Jackpot = 783,250,950 TITANO

🏆 Prize value for each winner = 31,330,038 TITANO

🔥 Burn Token = 127,278,280 TITANO

💰 Next prize (estimated) = $14 305.99+

Winner Addresses
tx hash: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x6592ceb87141ff2d1c33b6c8c46916b2f077263d99dea3745a0ac36b95ad1e97
