Regen Network Dev Updates

Regen Network Dev Updates

⏰ REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1830 UTC today! 🚀

Happening in less than 1 hour!

Regen Network Dev Updates

Important bug patch upgrade your binary to regen ledger 2.1 to fix the IBC bug:

Regen Network Dev Updates

🚀 @Validators Prop 5 has passed!!

The upgrade height is 3003343 which is only about 25,643 blocks from now and means the time calculated may not be correct! If you have not done so yet, please make sure you have prepared your nodes no later than today using the instructions below!!

Please note the message below! 👇

As you may have noticed, the upgrade proposal has been submitted and is in the voting period. This means it is time to start preparing your machines for the upgrade, happening roughly 16:00 UTC on Nov 17th at block height 3003343! Let's make this upgrade as smooth as the original Genesis launch was!!! 🚀

We recommend that you use Cosmovisor for this upgrade using the instructions below. Very Important to note that we will use Cosmovisor v1.0 with the auto-download option _DISABLED_

Please tag me in #🧮validator on Discord or here when you have finished setting up.

Regen Network Dev Updates

⏰ REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC today! ⏰

Happening in less than 1 Hour!! 💪

Regen Network Dev Updates

⏰ REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC today! 🚀

Happening in One Hour!!

Regen Network Dev Updates

⏰ REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC today! :flyingrocket:

Happening now!!

Regen Network Dev Updates

REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC today! 🚀

Happening now!!

Regen Network Dev Updates

Starting now on discord ☝️

Regen Network Dev Updates


Come Join us for the Validator Check-In this coming Monday, August 2 2021 at 1800 UTC in the Validator Round Table Channel! We will be discussing the upcoming parameter update proposed in proposal #3, which is currently passing, and helping any inactive validators and new validators get set up. 🚀

We would love to have all active and inactive validators show up to at least check-in with us and support any validators needing help to get setup. Lets go!!

Any @Validator, @Lead Validator and @Testnet Validator are recommended to join!


***Validator Round Table Channel***

***Proposal #3 Link***

***Validator Resources***

Regen Network Dev Updates

Proposal #3 is very close to reaching quorum and is currently passing. If your validator is in the inactive list on aneka I would highly recommend preparing yourself for being added to the active list of validators. Only 0.47 % left until quorum. Those who have waited to become an active validator will now have a chance to be included in the active set.

Regen Network Dev Updates

Please start reading this update pertaining to Validators and the Community at large!

Regen Network Dev Updates

REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC! 🚀

⏰ Starting in 30 minutes ⏰

Regen Network Dev Updates

REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC!

⏰ Starting in less than 45 minutes ⏰

Regen Network Dev Updates

REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC! This the final one before mainnet launch!!! 🚀

⏰ Starting in less than 2 hours ⏰

Regen Network Dev Updates

The final PR has been merged and we are ready for launch. The last thing that has to be done is updating your nodes with the latest genesis, peers and seeds details. Please go ahead and do so now, this should be completed before we launch! 🚀

Regen Network Dev Updates

Sorry for the time crunch but as part of the registry for validators that I am currently working on I am asking that you fill out this google form. I will publish this tomorrow evening and add validators as I receive them. If you have completed your mainnet genTx it would be beneficial to fill this out ASAP so I can get it it published. Thank you!!

Mainnet launch is in two days! :rocket:

Regen Network Dev Updates

REMINDER: Come Join us for the Community Dev Call at 1730 UTC!

alarm_clock Starting in 1.5 hours alarm_clock

Regen Network Dev Updates

Due to some confusion about dates (there was a google doc used for planning with the wrong date for gentx deadline) we are extending the deadline for genTX submission for MAINNET until Wed April 7th at 1200 UTC.

Regen Network Dev Updates

An issue was identified when using a ledger device to create genTx but has now been fixed. Please use the following instructions.

Regen Network Dev Updates


Dear Validators!

The GenTx submission for mainnet is now open, please follow the instructions below to submit your gentx:

👉 Note: There is a MAX_BOND_TOKENS limitation for gentx and its 50000000000uregen. This is to ensure we have a smooth network launch. So, don't bond more than 50k REGEN for gentxs (You are free to stake all your tokens post genesis). 👈

👇 You can check your balances here: 👇
- Keplr:
- Explorer:
- RPC:
