L2Y Announcement

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily LOK📊

📌All indicators for LOK were stable yesterday
🥳📈The number of NFT trade increased significantly

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
@leagueofkingdoms #LOK #land #NFT https://t.co/ir2DD0jtAl

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Thetan Arena📊

📌All indicators for THG were stable
❣️The average price of heroes in the market yesterday was 160U

🔗Check more on L2Y.com
#L2Y #Gamefi #ThetanArena $THC
@ThetanArena @cfkhanh

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily MIR4📊

📉The number of Draco holding addresses declined
⏫The production of black steel returned to the previous high level

🔗Check more on L2Y.com
#L2Y #MIR4 #Draco  #Metaverse

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Axie Infinity📊

🔎Axies on sale exceeded 650k yesterday
📉The market trading volume continued to shrink

🔗Check more on L2Y.com
#L2Y #Axieinfinity #Gamefi $AXS
@AxieInfinity @Jihoz_Axie

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily LOK📊

⏬ LOK's game daily revenue and the number of NFT trade dropped significantly yesterday

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
@leagueofkingdoms #LOK #land #NFT https://t.co/ir2DD0jtAl

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Thetan Arena📊

❣️The THG market trade volume is stable, and transaction fee income continues to increase

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #Gamefi @ThetanArena $THC @cfkhanh https://t.co/0yzSmrOAKP

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily MIR4📊

🎄Draco price is stable during the Christmas period
📍The number of new Draco holding addresses is less, which is affected by Christmas

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #MIR4 #Draco  #Metaverse
@WemixNetwork https://t.co/Hl7b9hpVjV

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Axie Infinity📊

📉Axie's income continued to decrease, and the total income of the day was less than 1 million

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y @Axieinfinity $AXS #Axies #Gamefi https://t.co/ZawuIB36Mo

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily LOK📊

🔖The daily income of LOK games returned to 35K
⏬The average price of NFT trade dropped significantly

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#leagueofkingdoms #LOK #land #NFT https://t.co/ir2DD0jtAl

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Thetan Arena📊

⏫THG heroes are increasing steadily, and the total number exceeded 200k

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #Gamefi #ThetanArena $THC @cfkhanh https://t.co/0yzSmrOAKP

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily MIR4📊

👉 Wemix and Draco prices ushered in a 10% drop callback

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #MIR4 #Draco #Metaverse https://t.co/Hl7b9hpVjV

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Axie Infinity📊

📌 Axie’s entry cost continued to drop
📍Take the combination of Pisces (2 aquatic + 1 plant) as an example, it only costs $250 to enter the market

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #Axieinfinity $AXS #Axies #Gamefi https://t.co/ZawuIB36Mo

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily LOK📊

🙀The revenues of LOK game fluctuated greatly recently
🥳The number of NFT holding addresses continued to rise

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#leagueofkingdoms #LOK #land #NFT https://t.co/ir2DD0jtAl

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Thetan Arena📊

⏬THG secondary market transaction fee income continued to decrease, dropping to 22k yesterday

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #Gamefi #ThetanArena $THC @cfkhanh https://t.co/0yzSmrOAKP

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily MIR4📊

👉 For 2 consecutive days between Dec 21-22, Wemix price grew by 10%, while Draco price fell by more than 10%

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #MIR4 #Draco #Metaverse https://t.co/Hl7b9hpVjV

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Axie Infinity📊

📌 The daily increase in the number of addresses held by Axie falls below 5k, indicating a slow growth rate

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #Axieinfinity $AXS #Axies #Gamefi https://t.co/ZawuIB36Mo

L2Y Announcement

L2Y X WonderHero Xmas🎄 5 mystery boxes giveaway is online now🚀🚀
you can have a chance to win a #wonderhero mystery box as your Xmas present🎁
Follow our gleam🔗⏬
Wish you will be the lucky one😊
about the boxes wonderhero.medium.com/3-reasons-why-

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily LOK📊

📌The daily income of LOK game returned to the level of USD 20k yesterday
🥳The land NFT trade was active yesterday, with an average trade price of 1.6 ETH

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#leagueofkingdoms #LOK #land #NFT https://t.co/ir2DD0jtAl

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily Thetan Arena📊

📍The average trade price of THG heroes declined slightly

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #Gamefi #ThetanArena $THC @cfkhanh https://t.co/0yzSmrOAKP

L2Y Announcement

L2Y Daily MIR4📊

👉 The prices of Wemix and Draco fluctuated violently between Dec 20-21

🔗Check more on https://t.co/gA4BDSAwvG
#L2Y #MIR4 #Draco #Metaverse https://t.co/Hl7b9hpVjV
