Bloom Announcements

Your news source for everything Bloom!
Bloom Announcements

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Bloom Announcements

The latest in our new series:
How To Protect Administration Panels and Dashboards with Bloom

Bloom Announcements

Just got a chance to catch up with Bloom's CTO this morning. 🙂

We're moving towards the announced integration with Chainlink, but first we have to get all of the foundational changes I've mentioned previously complete. By the end of Q3 (end of September), we are hoping to be in a place where we have fully implemented the did:elem standard started by Transmute, which is the Ethereum version of the ION Sidetree that Microsoft is building on Bitcoin. This will lead to Bloom, Microsoft, and many other identity platforms being interoperable so that you can take your data from one platform to another, and also incorporate data from one platform with another.

That will then make it possible for the Chainlink integration to occur, and move us towards being able to work with DeFi protocols either directly or through third-parties like Chainlink. Integrating with Bloom should be very self-service by then, allowing just about any use case to be developed or incorporated by DeFi (and other) teams so that you can link wallets, bring in your data, share it elsewhere, qualify for better credit terms, and so on.

It was nice to see everything laid out. I can't share the screenshots I saw because it contains some proprietary stuff, but we're working as quickly as possible on standardizing a lot of previously proprietary tech and terminology so that we can work with other platforms, and make all of the awesome use cases people are bringing our way possible!

Bloom Announcements

Bloom Update: July 2020

Hey folks! Thanks for sticking with us during this focus transition. I committed to continue producing updates for the community even as we begin to put more effort into communicating with and attracting developers, so here is your update on what Bloom got up to during the month of July!

Bloom Apps

- Fixed a variety of bugs across both Android and iOS apps
- Introduced multiple changes to credit monitoring in order to improve error messages, the onboarding process, and more
- Design work for adding a new credit-related feature has been completed


- More work has continued for migrating to standard, interoperable self-sovereign identity (SSI) terms and technology
- Work has also begun on a long-term partnership

Community & Developer Relations

- We have a whole new strategy that we have begun rolling out!
- One part of that strategy, a new How To series, began Monday (
- We also have a new outreach campaign beginning now aimed solely at developers that can benefit from integrating Bloom's technology

I know that isn't much to make public, but a lot of what's happening right now is still under wraps for a bit longer. 😄

Thanks for reading!

Bloom Announcements

Bloom's new How To series has begun! We will be highlighting various use cases for BloomID and BloomIQ bi-weekly, starting with how to add trust to dating platforms.

Bloom Announcements

This Week in Data Breaches: The Great Twitter Hack

Bloom Announcements

This Week in Data Breaches: Two Cryptocurrency Exchanges Hit by Data Breaches

Bloom Announcements

Videoguide di Bloom 004 - Verifica la proprietà dei tuoi account di social network

(Another Bloom Guide video in Italian! 🇮🇹)

Bloom Announcements

Thanks for reading Bloom's latest update! It's May 29, and we skipped our weekly meeting this week. We'll be back on next week, though. Here's what the Bloomers got up to over the past two weeks.

Bloom Mobile Apps 📱

- The design team has continued iterating on credit-related accounting for various scenarios.
- The SDK team has been working on a variety of changes and enhancements.
- We have switched design software and so the design team is working on building new components to ensure re-usability and quick design interations in the future.
- The mobile apps went through another round of penetration tests and we got great results!

Community & Developer Relations ⛓

- Lots of calls, meetings, and other correspondence with teams/projects/companies building DeFi platforms, payment processors, staking platforms, data clouds, and others!
- Our LBRY channel has been growing by leaps and bounds both in followers and video views. So cool to be getting noticed a decentralized video hosting platform!
- We received an Italian translation of Bloom Guide 004, which will likely be uploaded next week.
- We are working on appearing in several new speaking engagements and virtual meetups.
- Our Bloom 101 course is coming along nicely. New videos will be recorded next week.

That's all that's fit to share right now. Thanks for reading!

Bloom Announcements

This Week in Data Breaches: Data of 9 Million People Stolen in EasyJet Data Breach

Bloom Announcements

Hi, here is your latest update on what Bloom has been up to over the past few weeks!

Bloom Apps
- The product team shipped multiple bug fixes, and enhancements to passcode security settings.
- The design team continues to iterate on making the app onboarding experience better and easier.
- The design team has also continued working on enhancements to the new credit monitoring feature launched in April.

Content and Community & Developer Relations
- We published a new Bloom Guide video on enrolling in credit monitoring!
- YouTube
- The Verifiable Immunity Credentials draft specification was updated to be compatible with Electronic Health Record software using the HL7 FHIR data format.
- Another set of data breaches has been rounded up.

There is a lot more going on behind the scenes with Issuer Kit, hiring, and discussions with various parties. We hope to bring you many more announcements in the near future!

Thanks for reading.

Bloom Announcements

Hi folks!

We haven't produced any weekly updates recently for a few reasons. One of those being that we wanted to focus attention on Bloom 2 and the Chainlink integration announcements. Now that we're past those, we'll get back to keeping you in the loop on the regular. We may switch to bi-weekly since most of our efforts are focused on a couple of particular areas at the moment, but we do still have lots of things we can share with you.

Bloom Apps
- We wrapped up Iteration 4(!!) of Bloom 2
- Shipped a new version of the Android app with support for new dynamic cards
- A new version of the iOS app has been held up in app review
- We fixed some bugs, wrapped up on design, and started implementation on the open source libraries attribution settings screen

Community & Developer Relations
- Meetings, correspondence and outreach with teams focused on DeFi, payments, crowdfunding, transportation, and lending
- Our Discord server is growing steadily
- Producing content and new incentives for Bloom Collective to enable a focus on virtual events

Thanks for reading!

Bloom Announcements

Bloom Integrates with Chainlink to Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Decentralized Finance

Bloom Announcements

Bloom Guide 009 is now out! Find out how easy it is for you to take control of your credit today using Bloom‘a new mobile app.

• LBRY --
• YouTube --

Bloom Announcements

Say hello to Bloom 2. Say hello to free credit monitoring and smart identity, together.

Bloom Announcements

This Week in Data Breaches: Marriott hit by major data breach for the second time in under two years, Zoom vulnerabilities could give attackers access to users’ microphones and webcams, and a data breach at Princess Cruises.

Bloom Announcements

Helping Fight COVID-19 with Verifiable Immunity Credentials

This is a call to potential partners like diagnostic labs and other test providers to serve as trusted authorities for issuing credentials! Please reach out to [email protected].

Bloom Announcements

Hello! Thanks for reading this week's Bloom update. Here is what the team was up to last week, even in the midst of this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Bloom 2📱

- We are in the final stages of QA and internal testing of a major app update which includes a redesign of the interface and live financial data VCs.
- We are wrapping up new website landing pages and app testing ahead of a launch in April.

Open Source Libraries 💻

- We continued implementing a standards overhaul to the public libraries.
- We researched standard signature suites that can be used by the SDK to improve interoperability. We deployed a new site where all public facing docs will be kept going forward.
- We updated JSON-LD compliance with context generators.

Information Security 🔒

- We are wrapping up our latest penetration test of all network infrastructure, mobile apps and APIs.

Integrations 🔗

- We finalized new press and blog posts and prepared them to go out surrounding some new integrations in DeFi!

Developer Relations ⌨️

- Meetings, correspondence and outreach with teams building security/privacy, travel, education, search, trading, collaboration and lending solutions!

That's it! We're really looking forward to launching Bloom 2. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments. For now, see you next week!

Bloom Announcements

Bloom Weekly Update for March 24, 2020

Bloom 2

- We are in the final stages of QA and internal testing of a major app update which includes a redesign of the interface and live financial data VCs.
- The team is wrapping up new website landing pages and final changes to the app.

Open Source Libraries

- We continued implementing a standards overhaul to the public libraries. We researched standard signature suites that can be used by the SDK to improve interoperability.
- The team continued developing a new selective disclosure spec and reference implementation that works with arbitrary credentialSubject schemas.
- We continued developing a new query interface to upgrade how Share Kit request credentials.
- We continued transitioning to a new documentation platform.

Information Security

- We continued with our latest penetration test of all network infrastructure, mobile apps and APIs.

Community & Developer Relations

- Edited and published a French version of Bloom Guide 002.
- Moved to a new podcast host and updated the podcast cover image.
- Working on creating a Season 2 of Fireside featuring interviews with integrators and demonstrations.
- Meetings and correspondence with teams building remittance apps, marketplaces, and other solutions.

Thanks for reading!

Bloom Announcements

Bloom has its first Bloom Guide in French! Bloom a son premier Guide Bloom en français!

Guide Bloom 002 - Créer une invitation
YouTube -

Bloom Announcements

Hey there, thanks for reading. I will just say briefly that Bloom has always been a remote-first work environment, and at this point the whole core team is healthy and continues to do its thing at their respective home offices.

Bloom 2 📱

- We are in the final stages of QA and internal testing of a major app update which includes a redesign of the interface and live financial data Verifiable Credentials (VCs).

Open Source Libraries 💻

- We continued implementing a standards overhaul to the public libraries.
- The team developed a new selective disclosure spec and reference implementation that works with arbitrary credentialSubject schemas.
- We got started developing a new query interface to upgrade how Share Kit request credentials.
- Also began transitioning to a new documentation platform.

Information Security 🔒

- We kicked off our latest penetration test of all network infrastructure, mobile apps and APIs.

Community Relations 🔊

- Lots of effort put in to shutting down fake Bloom groups offering giveaways/airdrops, which led to an increase in official Telegram group membership
- French, Korean and German Bloom Guide translations in progress
- We're in the midst of booking a set of interviews to record Season 2 of Bloom Fireside

Developer Relations ⌨️

- Still engaging in plenty of outreach with DeFi protocols/projects guest management system providers, and others.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let us know in @bloomprotocol.
