Ambire Announcements Channel

News, updates and Important information about all Ambire products
Ambire Announcements Channel

GM people ☕️ Starting today, we’re moving Ambire Wallet announcement communications to a new Telegram channel ➡️

This announcement channel ( will be archived due to the inability to change the channel handle (adexannchannel).

The handle created confusion among new users hence we decided to open a completely new channel. We’ll issue reminders about this matter in the upcoming days/weeks.

Thank you & subscribe to the new channel ☀️

Ambire Announcements Channel

Prepping up for a stylish return, the Web3 on 🔥 Podcast is set to launch Season 2 soon. But first …

1️⃣ To commemorate the finale of Season 1, we hardcoded it on-chain at PodsMedia.

Free minting of Season I episodes is exclusive to Ambire Guild members, while the episode featuring Ambire Wallet with Ivo Georgiev is free for all to mint. Get yours here ➡️

2️⃣ What's the result of blending W3OF x Rehash x JokeRace? A contest to select nominated guests for Season 2 of Web3 on Fire!

🗳 Eligible voters: Ambire & Rehash community
⏳ Deadline to vote: 7 days & 7 hours from now

Vote here:

Get the full scoop on the mission below ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

⚠️ Warning: $WALLET (Ambire Wallet token) is not traded on MEXC!


Ambire Announcements Channel

GM! Bulletin:

⛓ Great progress is being made in internal extension testing. This is a final call for filling out the survey to increase the chance of being an early tester

New sneak peek:

👀 What would you like to see added or refined in the Ambire wallet next? Add a request and vote at

💧 DeFi Bull Camp is now wrapped! Episode III: Liquid staking ft Lido rewards have been distributed and winners announced

🎙 Web3 on Fire Podcast Season 2 is right around the corner.

🕹 Ambire Trivia is coming to Discord and Telegram channels - Earn Gas tank top-ups while having fun learning account abstraction.

✅🗳 Reminder: Governance vote: Extend xWALLET staking for a third year has passed and staking rewards have resumed

🤩 Ivo (Ambire CEO) will demystify Account Abstraction EIPs at Ethereum Zurich on (April 5-7,2024)

Have an amazing end to the week!

Ambire Announcements Channel

Web3 on Fire Newsletter 🗞

🥥 What do SBF, Tether and a Caribbean bank have in common?
⏺️ Arthur Hayes vs Cardano
🐒 Reddit delves deep into the world of crypto
⚖️ SEC’s hopeless battles

Ambire Announcements Channel

Supercharge your DeFi experience with Ambire Wallet 💜

In this three-step blog post, we'll guide you through setting up a Web3 wallet, exploring various strategies including:

- Borrowing and lending
- Yield farming
- Liquidity mining
- Traditional staking
- Investing in indexеs

and sharing tips and tricks for making the most out of Ambire:

- Unique Gas Tank feature for gas abstraction
- Transaction batching for efficiency and cost savings
- Transaction simulation for informed decisions
- Batched limited token approvals
- Built-in dApp Catalog with direct access to DeFi protocols
- Integrated swapping and bridging functionality

✅ These features and more are already available on the web & mobile wallet today.

🧪 Get ready to explore the wonders of the Ambire extension.


Ambire Announcements Channel

We’re so back! Web3 on Fire Newsletter 🗞️

📈  Spot ETFs are thriving!
🪙  What are the new "404" tokens?
⛓️  Investor interest in ETH staking is peaking
🥷  PlayDapp hacked for $290m


Ambire Announcements Channel

✅ Governance proposal: Extend xWALLET staking for a third year successfully passed. Staking is projected to continue tomorrow (Friday).

🎙 Join Arbitrum x Ambire X Spaces tomorrow at 12PM ET as Ivo will share alpha on Account Abstraction in the EVM space

💰 Bull Camp Episode II: Perpetual swaps with GMX has concluded. Rewards have been distributed and winners announced.

💧Bull Camp Episode III: Liquid staking with Lido is live until end of Sunday. Stake ETH or MATIC on Lido and get a chance to win from a $1000 reward pool.

🏛 Ambire Forum has been refreshed. Vote on features you want to see implemented next in Ambire or suggest new feature requests.

💙 Socket ARB Rush program is live. Bridge assets to Arbitrum network with Ambire and receive rewards in ARB tokens worth 80% of your onboarding fees. Program is live until March 31.

Ambire Announcements Channel

The third week of Ambire Bull Camp is all about liquid staking 💦

Join us on a journey with Lido Finance and learn what makes ETH staking awesome.

Explore liquid staking in our blog post and take part in a quest for the opportunity to win a share of the $1,000 reward pool 🔥

Make sure to read the rules of this competition ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

Before we wrap things for this week …

🗳️ The future of WALLET staking will be decided in the Governance proposal: Extend xWALLET staking for a third year. xWALLET holders, cast your votes until Feb 14, 2024, 1:31 PM at

🧪 The opportunity to boost your odds of becoming an early extension tester is still available via this form

💰 Bull Camp Episode I: Swap rewards have been distributed and winners announced at

🫐 Bull Camp Episode II: Perpetual swaps with GMX ends on Sunday - there’s a little more than 48 hours to compete for a $1000 reward pool. Learn how

💦 Bull Camp Episode III: Liquid staking with Lido starts on Monday

💙 Socket ARB Rush program starts on Monday 1 PM UTC. Every time you bridge to Arbitrum via Ambire, you receive rewards worth 80% of your onboarding fees. Here are the optimal ways to 🌉 to Arbitrum with Ambire:

🔲 Mint the special edition Web3 on Fire episode x GMX frame on Farcaster. The first 100 frames are free

💜 Transitioning to Farcaster? Give some love and follow Ambire & Web3 on Fire there &

Weekend homework → Tell people about Ambire. Have a great one!

Ambire Announcements Channel

Web3 on Fire Newsletter 🗞️

🧙  Farcaster - the new Crypto Twitter?
🔥  New special Web3 on Fire Podcast with Jonezee from GMX
⛓️  ENS and GoDaddy collab to bring crypto domains to main web
🥷  Crypto crimes can get you a life sentence in Korea
🪙  Monero gets delisted from Binance


Ambire Announcements Channel

We're excited to bring $ARB rewards to Ambire Wallet users, thanks to Socket 🌉🔥

Here's how you can take advantage of this:

1️⃣ Bridge to Arbitrum via our built-in cross-chain swap on

2️⃣ Bridge to Arbitrum via Bungee Exchange using our dApps section on Ambire Mobile

Following either of these steps will get you ARB rewards worth 80% of your onboarding fees. This campaign starts on February 12.

All about the program ⬇️

X announcement ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

Web3 on Fire Podcast 🎙🫐 GMX Redefining DeFi with Decentralized Perpetual Exchanges

In this special edition of Web3 on Fire, Rob and Jonezee delve deep into the heart of GMX's ecosystem, exploring its unique offerings, community-driven ethos, and its transformative impact on the DeFi space ⛓️

Tune in ⬇️


Ambire Announcements Channel

📣 Governance vote: Extend xWALLET staking for a third year

The first two years of xWALLET staking were additionally incentivized (on top of fee buybacks) with a 4% of the total WALLET supply - this period ended in February 2024.

We propose that we extend the staking incentive with an additional 4% (of the total supply) for the next year, due to the success of the staking initiative so far - more than 64% of the circulating WALLET supply is currently staked.

🗳️ Voting ends on Feb 14, 2024, 1:31 PM CET.

Read the full proposal and vote here ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

Hola amigos 👋

🏆 Episode I: Swap rewards are now distributed and winners have been disclosed at

🔁 Episode II: Perpetual swaps with GMX is live until end of Sunday


Ambire Announcements Channel

The next stage of Ambire Bull Camp is here 🐂🚨

Enter the world of perpetual swaps with GMX and engage in a quest for the opportunity to win a share of the $1000 💰

Learn all the details about this campaign and rules in our blog post ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

⏳ Just a bit over 24 hours remain until the conclusion of ➡️ Episode I: Swap – there's still time to swap and compete for the $1000 reward pool.

📣️️️️️️ We're launching Episode II: Perpetual swaps with GMX on Monday morning!

Ambire Announcements Channel

Web3 is, as usual, on fire:

🤖  Vitalik: Crypto and AI can and should coexist
📜  New DeFi law proposal from Polygon
🪙  Tether sales break records
✉️  ETH ETFs are coming: a new deadline


Ambire Announcements Channel

Ambire Announcements Channel

The Ambire Bull Camp starts now 🔥
Swap on Ambire Wallet and compete for a $1,000 reward pool 💰

Immerse yourself in the 360-degree world of token swaps with our blog post.
The rules of the campaign are outlined at the top of the article.

Learn more ⬇️

What is Ambire Bull Camp? ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

Web3 on Fire Newsletter 🗞️

🐂  Ambire's new DeFi campaign
🇺🇸  US elections: Can Trump change government attitude towards crypto?
⛪️ “God told me to pull the rug”
✖️  New official X payments account kickstarts crypto integration rumors
🆚  Nexo vs Bulgaria case


Ambire Announcements Channel

Step into the Ambire Bull Camp arena 🐂
Join our 3-week long adventure with $3,000 up for grabs 🔥

Episode I: Swap in Ambire
Episode II: Perpetual swaps ft. GMX
Episode III: Liquid staking ft. Lido

Get to know some of the leaders in DeFi, experience their dApps with Ambire, and enter the battle for a weekly reward pool of $1,000 delivered in DAI and WALLET with each episode.

Warm up your horns, we’re starting on Monday ⬇️

Ambire Announcements Channel

There are 3 types of money bros on this planet 😁

Imagine TradFi as a traditional bank, CeFi as an online banking service with cryptocurrency features, and DeFi as a completely peer-to-peer version of financial services.

Dive into the details of these three financial ecosystems and discover how Ambire links them.


Ambire Announcements Channel

Friday = Web3 on Fire Newsletter 🗞️

🪙  New ETH upgrade goes live on testnet
🤦‍♂️  SEC apologized for false statements in the crypto case
✉️  Argentina registers first contract settled in crypto
👨‍⚖️  EU Banking Authority aims to tackle crypto risks with new guidelines


NEW: For those who prefer listening to an audio summary instead of reading, we've got you covered!

Ambire Announcements Channel

Ambire identified and demystified 9 myths about ERC-4337 and Account Abstraction.

Got some more myths up your sleeve? Share them with us! 🤓


Ambire Announcements Channel


Ambire Announcements Channel

Safe to say - this indeed was a BIG week!

🪙 “Practicing safe SEC” and ETF approvals
💵 Circle (USDC) files for IPO
🥚 Logan Paul offers to buy back his scam NFTs
🖼. Twitter ditches support for NFT PFPs


Ambire Announcements Channel

A wise man once said: ‘’Bridge some assets from Ethereum to L2 networks to avoid paying high gas fees - especially during bull run!’’

Discover the steps to bridge assets from Ethereum to Polygon in this guide.


Ambire Announcements Channel

GM, wen BTC ETF? 🔥 
The premiere 2024 episode of Web3 on Fire is in ⬇️

- Crypto exchange volume hits $1T for first time since 2022
- How BTC ETF could become the rug pull of the decade
- Early Mickey Mouse version becomes top trending NFT after copyright expires
- Crypto takes over Formula 1
- South Korea tightens restrictions on credit cards for crypto purchases


Ambire Announcements Channel

Who wants to … ?

▫️ Preview balance changes before signing a transaction
▫️ Avoid getting drained by seeing what you sign
▫️ Use tokens that are officially not yet in your account (1. What?)
▫️Pay gas in (almost) any token and save over 20% on gas

You can do all of that in Ambire today and more - thanks to the power of transaction simulation, account abstraction, and transaction batching.

Check out this homework on transaction simulation for better user experience and security ➡️
