Vox Finance Announcements

Let your voice shape the future of decentralized finance.
Vox Finance Announcements

🔉 VOX2.0 Private Sale 🔉

Dear VOX supporters! As mentioned in our previous two articles, we have also opened a small seed sale for VOX2.0. If anyone would like to bootstrap the new protocol on Arbitrum, you can contact our great community manager @eric_bsc and they will forward you to a team member to share additional information with you and manage your contribution.

Seed sale participants receive a small discount on the launch price with no vesting of tokens. We are only looking to raise a small amount, therefore limited space is available, and will be sold in an FCFS fashion.

Seed funds will be used for initial liquidity and marketing to ensure we have a successful launch on Arbitrum.

Check it detailed tokenomics here 👇

Vox Finance Announcements

🔉 VOX2.0 Tokenomics 🔉

We've some exciting news...

Additional details about the new VOX2.0 tokenomics are now available in the article below!

No more minting, several new farming features to safeguard long-term sustainability, and a unique tax mechanism!

Check it out here 👇

The token will have a 4% buy tax / 4% sell tax to incentivize holders and grow the liquidity pool. A withdrawal fee of 0.75% on staking your VOX2.0 tokens and a 5.0% withdrawal fee for liquidity pools. Auto-compound your rewards!

Like & RT!

Vox Finance Announcements

The contribution window is now closed.

We are pleased to announce that we have collected over $15,000 worth of VOX tokens that will be eligible for the migration.

In the next few days we will release another article detailing the new token economy and next steps.

For now, you do not need to do anything else than wait. Token launch is planned for the 28th February. Exact time will be communicated later.

Vox Finance Announcements

Dear VOX community!

We are pleased to announce that we have made the necessary plans to shape the next steps in the Vox Populi journey. After consideration and several iterations, we have decided to announce VOX2.0 by migrating to the Arbitrum network!

We will be terminating the services we offer on Ethereum currently by collecting tokens from users that would like to join us in our next steps.

We will open a dedicated deposit address to collect VOX tokens from community members. We will use these funds to migrate as much liquidity as possible to the new deployment on the Arbitrum network. All users participating in this process will be granted an airdrop once the new token launches, and we will try to make your contributions worth the same amount in USD on the new chain.

We are also looking for interested members that would like to help us fund the liquidity pool with additional contributions via an OTC token sale deal. If anyone would be willing to participate in this sort of "private" sale, don't hesitate to get in touch with the team, and we can work out the specific details once we get closer to the migration period.


⚠️ this is the only official address for the contribution process ⚠️

The launch date on the new chain is TBA, but it will happen before the end of February 2023. We're looking forward to having you on board with us!


Vox Finance Announcements

🔈 Dear VOX community,

our project started with humble beginnings, with a presale that barely amounted to $10,000 at the time, and experienced immense growth that we, the team, could not have predicted even in our wildest dreams. Our distribution was extremely fair to the community and even when we reached our highest price, we remained from selling tokens, because we did not want to negatively impact the project, which in hindsight did not help the further development.

As prices declined and our treasury grew even thinner, we were unable to provide updates as regularly as we would have liked and currently we operate with basically no income. As the founding team, we have barely made any significant profits from our endeavors and have instead continuously tried to seek for partnerships and marketing specialists to help us renew VOX. Our last attempt was to revive the project with our partners Wanchain, but it proved to be ineffective, partly due to the fact that trust from the community had already diminished and we couldn't invest into the mutual activities as we would have liked.

Instead, we have decided, for the time being, to focus solely on providing the base features that Vox Finance has always provided, which are staking & yield-farming services. We have never experienced any kind of hacks, significant downtime or other issues which would have prevented the project from working normally. We have unfortunately suffered the same fate than most projects from the era when "DeFi" platforms started to emerge and with our current treasury it is extremely hard to offer new, innovative services.

Some marketing efforts did not work out, other influencers took advantage of significant price impacts on a project with a small market capitalization and our roadmap goals were never reached due to the reasons already described.

The platform will continue functioning as it is now and we intend to support it going forward. Everyone who is already a member and anyone who will join the project in the future can be sure of this. We will continue to try to look for new partnerships and ideas to revive the project, and under no circumstance do we intend to abandon it. Perhaps there is a way to bring forth a new vision for VOX, through a contract upgrade and complete redesign, however, before disclosing more information about it, we must first discuss internally what is even possible and what is not possible.

Our holders will always come first and any decisions will be discussed as a community as the slogan of the project states "vox populi". We hope that everyone is doing fine, despite current market conditions and we hope to be able to bring you more positive news soon.

Your Vox Finance team

Vox Finance Announcements

🥳Congratulations to the contest winners!🥳


Vox Finance Announcements

📣MEXC Will List Vox.Finance (VOX) in Innovation Zone - Trade to Share 600 VOX Giveaway!

✨Deposit & Withdrawal: Activated
⏰VOX/USDT Trading: 2021-10-05 09:00 (UTC)

🎁Trade VOX to share 600 VOX Giveaway!
⏰Event Duration: 2021-10-05 09:00 to 2021-10-08 16:00 (UTC)

1️⃣Win a Share of the 300 VOX Prize Pool!
🌟Users that trade VOX with a minimum trading volume of 8,000 USDT can stand a chance to win 300 VOX rewards

2️⃣Participation Prize
🌟All VOX traders with a minimum trading volume of 500 USDT are eligible to share a 350 VOX prize pool


Vox Finance Announcements

📣MEXC Will List Vox.Finance (VOX) in Innovation Zone - Trade to Share 600 VOX Giveaway!

✨Deposit & Withdrawal: Activated
⏰VOX/USDT Trading: 2021-10-05 09:00 (UTC)

🎁Trade VOX to share 600 VOX Giveaway!
⏰Event Duration: 2021-10-05 09:00 to 2021-10-08 16:00 (UTC)

1️⃣Win a Share of the 300 VOX Prize Pool!
🌟Users that trade VOX with a minimum trading volume of 8,000 USDT can stand a chance to win 300 VOX rewards

2️⃣Participation Prize
🌟All VOX traders with a minimum trading volume of 500 USDT are eligible to share a 350 VOX prize pool

