HOPR Announcements

The HOPR protocol provides network-level and metadata privacy for every type of data exchange, while introducing the first-ever open incentivized mixnet, where users earn tokens for running nodes. https://hoprnet.org/ Telegram Group: https://t.me/hoprnet
HOPR Announcements

Dear node runners,

Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce the release of Dufour version 2.1.0.

What's new?

🟑 Automated strategies:

Efficient node management is crucial for maintaining well-managed payment channels and effectively allocating and collecting funds. With HOPR node strategies, users can perform these tasks seamlessly without needing to manually access the node admin for each action.

🟑 Configuration file:

Our new configuration file gives advanced users granular control over their nodes. This includes configuring strategies, network behavior, RPC providers, chains, inbox settings, and determining which ports and metrics your node exposes.

🟑 Improved UI & UX:

We've made enhancements to the Admin UI, including support for WalletConnect V2 and a new node inbox to cache incoming messages. Numerous small improvements provide more insightful information on your rewards and node status.

For more information on the 2.1.0 release, please visit our https://medium.com/hoprnet/dufour-2-1-0-public-release-4dafff2527f5.

Before upgrading your nodes, please ensure:

- You're using a custom RPC provider. Refer to the docs https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/start-here#understanding-rpc-importance-and-setting-up-your-own-custom-rpc-provider
- Your safe configuration is up to date. Check https://hub.hoprnet.org/staking/dashboard#safe
- Your ISP is providing a public IP.
- If you have a dynamic IP, follow this guide https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/start-here#using-dynamic-dns-ddns
- Upgrade the Admin UI to the latest version: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-hopr-admin-v2

Once you've verified all the above, follow these upgrade steps:

🟑 DappNode users: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-dappnode#update-the-hopr-node

🟑 VPS / Mac / PC users: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-docker#update-the-hopr-node

Thank you for your continued support!

HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate πŸ› οΈπŸŸ‘

Our developers have been working intensively over the past three weeks. Let's check out the updates

🟑 We have closed HOPRd release 2.1.0-rc.4

🟑 We've focused on addressing several bugs in the indexer behaviour, including issues with metrics updates. Notably, we replaced hopr_boost topics with hopr_token in the chain and updated checksum printouts to ensure accurate block id values.


🟑 We also fixed instances where the RPC provider fails, leading to miscalculations in on-chain data checksums. In the event of a failure to load block numbers, the node will robustly restart syncing from the point it left off


🟑 Our pathfinding capabilities have been enhanced to prioritize nodes with proven reliability


🟑 Under the API endpoints, we've implemented restrictions to enforce unique aliases per peer ID. Moreover, we've rectified an issue with empty announced multiaddresses in /node/peers/


🟑 We've addressed subtraction operations on Durations to ensure accurate computations


🟑 To improve connectivity, we've expanded the Peer database connection pool size from 30 to 300


🟑 In addition to bug fixes, we've performed code maintenance by enhancing hopli read identities to display Peer IDs alongside addresses. Furthermore, we've introduced logging of full RPC request and response JSON for improved debugging


HOPR Announcements

As development work begins in earnest on GnosisVPN, we wanted to share some more details about the timeline, and why this is a huge deal for HOPR node runners

First of all: the HOPR token isn’t going anywhere. While it’s likely that GnosisVPN will be a service paid in GNO, xDAO or even fiat (thanks Gnosis Pay!), it will run on top of the HOPR network which is and always will be incentivized in HOPR tokens

The HOPR mixnet is the secret sauce which will make GnosisVPN different from other VPNs. Because every packet takes a different route through the mixnet, there’s no centralized source which can track and link all your trafficPerhaps even more importantly, websites will see the IP address of the last node in the route, which can i) always be changing and ii) come from any type of IP address, even the Holy Grail of residential IPs. This means that standard geoblocking techniques won’t work on GnosisVPN

Since geolocation is one of the primary reasons people use VPNs, this be a major selling point for the service

It’s early days yet: building for generic HTTP relaying is much harder than for RPC calls like we did for RPCh. There are also challenges with balancing throughput and latency, which is why the initial proof of concept will be limited to whitelisted sites in the Gnosis ecosystem like CowSwap

But we’re confident that we can build this, which should mean a lot more organic traffic for the HOPR network and rewards for node runners. As always you follow development on GitHub (https://github.com/hoprnet). We’re planning to have the prototype ready in late 2024.

HOPR Announcements

HOPR’s proposal at Gnosis DAO to receive $1.5m in investment in exchange for building Gnosis VPN (GIP-98) has passed!

Huge thanks to everyone who participated in the Gnosis forum and voted on Snapshot. This is a major milestone for both HOPR and web3 privacy πŸ”₯

You can view the full proposal here: https://forum.gnosis.io/t/gip-98-should-gnosisdao-invest-in-hopr-to-kickstart-development-of-gnosisvpn/8348

What does this mean for HOPR and token holders? First, and most importantly, the HOPR team will receive $1.5m in investment for Gnosis DAO which will greatly extend the development runway.

HOPR node runners will also be eligible to receive 1 GNO to run a Gnosis validator. More details on how to claim and set up your validator will be published soon.

As part of this proposal, HOPR will build a proof of concept VPN called GnosisVPN. This is a natural extension to our work on RPCh, expanding the types of data sent over the HOPR mixnet from RPC calls to more general data transfer protocols. HOPR node runners will be rewarded in $HOPR for relaying GnosisVPN traffic, just like for RPCh and any other service running on top of HOPR.

GnosisVPN will start as a browser extension focused on providing private access to sites and services in the Gnosis ecosystem (e.g., Cowswap, Safe, HOPR staking, etc.). The goal is for this first version to be built by the end of 2024, so we’ll be relying on the community for testing and input as we develop, and of course to keep running your nodes to support all the extra traffic this will bring πŸš€

For web3 to scale, we need to generate sustainable revenue from real users. This is the cornerstone of the Gnosis 3.0 roadmap, and where better to focus than the $45bn yearly VPN market, which 41% of internet users already participate in. Bringing full-stack privacy while onboarding the masses? Win-win

As always, if you have any questions one of our ambassadors will be happy to answer.

HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate πŸ› οΈπŸŸ‘

Our developers have been hard at work over the past three weeks. Let's dive into the updates

🟑 We have opened HOPRd version 2.1.0-rc.4

🟑 We fixed ticket aggregation between different versions of HOPRd by correcting the incorrect VRF signer


🟑 We fixed an arithmetic overflow issue with time subtractions, which caused the node to crash due to incorrect time arithmetic assumptions


🟑 We also made minor fixes to alias URL decoding, added error codes to certain API endpoints, and deprecated CLI configuration of strategies

https://github.com/hoprnet/hoprnet/pull/6190 https://github.com/hoprnet/hoprnet/pull/6165 https://github.com/hoprnet/hoprnet/pull/6162

🟑 We fixed the issue by updating the node info table with proper upserts, which populate node safe info when a node is pre-registered


🟑 We implemented a workaround for the version matching issue in the Promiscuous strategy


🟑 We enhanced the indexer with a multi-counter metric for contracts seen and a transaction checksum to detect potential missing index logs. Additionally, we fixed the display of sync metric in restarts when no block was produced


🟑 Updated RPC providers to fetch past blocks, waiting until RPC "upsyncs" with the database, and panicking if a chain re-org occurs. Additionally, we added log information when a node gets registered


🟑 Added a PeerID <-> Public key converter to hopli, allowing conversion between PeerID in Base58 and the hex representation of an off-chain public key


HOPR Announcements

πŸ””Join us for an AMA with Gnosis DAO where we will talk about our proposal to Gnosis DAO to build Gnosis VPN - a product on top of the HOPR mixnet


Post your questions below, using [AMA] before your question.

πŸ“Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvqQ6X4YmmU
πŸ—“ April 4th
πŸ•› 6pm CEST

HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate πŸ› οΈπŸŸ‘

Our developers have been hard at work over the past three weeks. Let's dive into the updates

🟑 Main tasks were focused on database optimization and enhancements. We added caching to reduce database call frequency


🟑 Improved chain event processing from the logs and fixed several indexer behavior issues to recognize any on-chain log or event


🟑 Enhanced integration and unit tests and removed unused features and dependencies


🟑 Additionally, we migrated the chain-actions, core-strategy, and chain-indexer crates to the new database


🟑 In terms of API updates, we added a node configuration endpoint, fixed descriptions in API endpoints, added more info to the payload in swagger of messages, and fixed the return code for set alias API call.


🟑 Additionally, we introduced a hopli command to update an identity password


🟑 On the infrastructure side, we fixed commit hash labeling for docker images, updated flake.lock file for nix and migrated hoprd nodes to GCP


HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate πŸ› οΈπŸŸ‘

Our developers have been hard at work over the past three weeks. Let's dive into the updates

🟑 We have migrated HOPRd's data storage from LevelDB to Sqlite as part of which the internal data storage API was able to use ORM. This resolved database locking issues and we improved logging and debugging


🟑 We fixed bugs concerning the auto-redemption for single tickets upon payment channel closure initiation and the use of the exact amount of hops as requested via the API


🟑 We optimized In general HOPRd’s network peer storage for better peer quality calculation and performance


🟑 We added more logging and tracing to help debug code hot-paths, as part of which a bug concerning dual submission of on-chain transactions was fixed


🟑 We have enforced strict configuration file parsing in HOPRd which leads to less runtime issues due to misconfiguration. Moreover general user documentation for the configuration file was improved, errors in unit tests addressed and developer documentation across different crates created


HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate πŸ› οΈπŸŸ‘

🟑 Internal testing of HOPRd v2.1.0-rc.1 began!

🟑 We improved documentation, added configuration file examples, integrated the readme file into the Rust generated documentation.


🟑 We improved the strategy configuration and increasing the aggregation threshold.


🟑 The HOPRd-internal HTTP client switched from async-h1 to isahc


🟑 We fixed docker-compose setup to comply HOPRd 2.1.0, improved metrics, also we allowed checks from the API before indexing.


🟑 We improved the HTTP API


🟑 We updated the Nix environment configuration.


🟑 We improved tests and made lots more bug fixes on v2.1.0


🟑 We fixed duplicate ticket redemption transactions, also we replaced custom finality tracking.


🟑 We added a HOPRd debug image for debugging.


🟑 We created a pipeline to automatically generate the python SDK


HOPR Announcements

Dear node runners!

Exciting news before our upcoming major releaseβ€”version 2.0.8 is out now! Check out the key changes:

- We've lowered the ticket price from 0.1 to 0.03. Consequently, adjustments have been made to the HOPRd aggregation to optimize your profits: aggregation is triggered when 300 unredeemed tickets are waiting in a channel (instead of 100)

- We fixed the API endpoint, so Dappnode users will now be able to monitor their node's health with Grafana.
Without having 2.0.8 release, you will pay more tx fees for tickets redemption. We recommend to update your nodes!

IMPORTANT: Before upgrading the node, if you were not using a custom RPC provider, please follow these instructions: https://t.me/HOPRannouncements/647

If you were using a custom RPC provider, please follow these steps:

🟑 Dappnode users:

1. Go to Dappstore at http://my.dappnode/installer/dnp.
2. Search for HOPR and click on "Update."

🟑 VPS / Mac / PC users:

1. Execute the command: docker ps. Next to the container image name europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/hoprassociation/docker-images/hoprd:stable, please write down the container ID.
2. Execute the command: docker rm -f CONTAINER_ID, where CONTAINER_ID is replaced with the one you wrote down.
3. Execute the HOPRd docker command to start the node.

Thank you for your support!

HOPR Announcements

Dear Community,

We're thrilled to share some exciting news with you – our staking hub just got even better with two major features! πŸ₯³

Multisig Feature: Your HOPR Safe now offers enhanced security with the ability to add multiple owners to the same Safe. What does this mean for you? With multiple owners, the risk of wallet vulnerabilities is significantly reduced. Every on-chain action requires approval from the specified owners, ensuring added peace of mind. Learn more about this feature here: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-staking-hub#how-to-setup-multisig

Multiple Nodes Feature: Managing multiple nodes has never been easier! Gone are the days of needing separate addresses for each node. Now, you can conveniently oversee multiple nodes under a single Safe account. Discover more about this feature here: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-staking-hub#how-to-add-multiple-nodes

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your valuable feedback. Your insights have played a pivotal role in shaping these improvements and making our products even better!

Together, let's continue to innovate and grow as a community. Thank you for being part of this journey with us! πŸ™

Warm regards,
HOPR team

HOPR Announcements

Let's see what our devs have been up to these last three weeks πŸ› οΈ

🟑 We have launched the most stable HOPRd release, version 2.0.7

🟑 We completed a huge milestone by migrating the HOPR node to Rust! Additionally, we updated dependencies and cleaned up the codebase


🟑 We replaced RustyLevelDB with Sqlite as the primary database backend and made some optimizations


🟑 We implemented websocket support for sending messages


🟑 Under libp2p, we have doubled the number of concurrent connections


🟑 We did small bug fixes in the path selection algorithm, fixed timestamp issues for end-to-end testing, Python SDK, and generating OpenAPI spec


🟑 We also added the utility to generate a default hoprd configuration YAML file and validate any passed-in configuration files


🟑 We improved hoprd-api by adding a timestamp parameter to "peel-all" endpoints and fixed stress tests to run with the refactored hoprd-api


🟑 We have also added nix derivation for hoprd. Additionally, test packages will run the unit tests while the docker packages will build the docker images


HOPR Announcements

Dear node runners,

On January 29th, Cover traffic nodes will stop relaying data through nodes that have not been updated to the latest version 2.0.7. Consequently, those who haven't updated their nodes will not receive tickets, impacting potential rewards.

This measure is aimed at ensuring the health of the HOPR network, with the majority of nodes capable of efficiently relaying data, thereby contributing to a more private and secure network performance.

We appreciate your understanding and tremendous support πŸ™

HOPR Announcements

What did you miss in our first full work week of 2024?

🟑 First of all we're happy to see the HOPR network starting strong into the year

🟑 And other people acknowledging our hard work in the privacy space

🟑 If you missed us in Istanbul for DevConnect, you can watch our Safe Staking talk from Multichain Day now

🟑 This reads a bit like an obituary but it's still great to see what you can build with Sismo - and we hope that others will pick up this important work!

🟑 And finally this is how you can use HOPR today to prevent data harvesting when using your favorite Ethereum wallet

HOPR Announcements

Dear node runners,

We are delighted to announce that today marks the completion of (hopefully!) the last airdrop distribution for node operators. This signals the resolution of the majority of issues related to tickets aggregation, redemption, and rejected tickets.

❗️ For nodes still encountering rejected tickets, here are the steps you need to take:

🟑 Dappnode users:

1. Go to: http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/file-manager
2. Under the "Download file" section, enter: /app/hoprd-db/.hopr-identity and click Download.
3. Unarchive the hopr-identity.tar file, ensuring the view of hidden files is turned on to see the .hopr-identity file.
4. Go to the Config page: http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/config. Under RPC Provider URL, replace https://provider-proxy.hoprnet.workers.dev/xdai_mainnet with https://rpc.ankr.com/gnosis and click Update.
5. Go to: http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/info. Next to All containers, click on the Pause icon to stop the HOPRd node.
6. Next to All volumes, click on the trash can to remove all volumes.
7. Restore the identity file:

a) Go to: http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/file-manager
b) Find the section Upload file and copy the path: /app/hoprd-db
c) Click on Choose file and select your identity file you unarchived before .hopr-identity. Try selecting the file several times until you see the file name instead of Choose file in the field title.
d) Paste the previously copied path into the second field and click Upload.

8. Go to: http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/info. Next to All containers click on the play icon to start the node.

Wait for up to 1 - 1.5 hours until it syncs with the network!

🟑 VPS / Mac / PC users:

1. Stop the Docker container:

a) Execute the command: docker ps. Next to the container image name europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/hoprassociation/docker-images/hoprd:stable please write down the container ID.
b) Execute the command: docker rm -f CONTAINER_ID, where CONTAINER_ID is replaced with the one you wrote down.

2. Find the .hoprd-db-dufour folder and delete only the DB folder and the tbf file inside.
3. Next to the latest Docker command (Check the docs page), add the custom RPC provider: --provider https://rpc.ankr.com/gnosis and start a node. You can use any RPC provider you like. More info here: https://t.me/hoprnet/276667

Wait for up to 1 - 1.5 hours until it syncs with the network!

Please update your nodes to the latest version (**2.0.7**) as soon as possible❗️Failure to do so will result in the loss of rewards. Only those operating the most recent version will receive rewards seamlessly, avoiding issues such as ticket aggregation, redemption, and rejection problems.

Thank you for your support! πŸ™

HOPR Announcements

Dear node runners,

We have recently launched version 2.0.7. Please update your nodes as soon as possible to be able to receive rewards!

Changelog: Mainly, we have prepared a fix for the rejected tickets issue that a few users experienced.

πŸ‘‰ To update to the latest version, 2.0.7, please follow the steps outlined below:

🟑 Dappnode users

1. Log in to the DAppNode dashboard.
2. Before updating the HOPR package, you need to make a backup. Visit http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/backup and click on "Backup now". In case this will not workout, please follow this guide: https://t.me/hoprnet/273752
3. Go to the DAppStore, enter HOPR to find the HOPR package.
4. Then click on "Update".

🟑 VPS / Mac / PC users

There are some changes for Docker command users:

- We have increased the memory limit from 2GB to 3GB.
- From now on, you will not need to use tmux or screen apps on your servers. The hoprd Docker container will run in the background, and in case the Docker daemon is restarted, the hoprd container will start automatically.

Guidance on how to update your hoprd nodes:

1. For Docker users, the identity file is automatically created and stored on your OS at the path specified: $HOME/<computer username>/.hoprd-db-dufour/.hopr-id-dufour. Make a backup of this file.
2. If you are using the tmux app, kill all the tmux sessions by using the command: tmux kill-server. If you are using the screen app, kill all the sessions by using the command: killall screen.
3. Please copy a new Docker command from the docs page: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-docker#2-configure-command. Fill in the required fields and start a node!

🚨 We urge you to stay vigilant against potential scammers. The HOPR airdrop will be automatically distributed to all your secure addresses, eliminating the need for any additional actions on your part.

🚨 IMPORTANT: If your node doesn't have the latest version 2.0.7, you are likely losing the rewards you might receive. Please follow the guidance above to upgrade your hoprd node!

HOPR Announcements


As we enter the new year, let's make a resolution to prioritize our privacy and protect our personal information! Let's be mindful of the data we share & metadata we leak! 🟑

HOPR Announcements

Merry Christmas from all of us at HOPR! May your holiday season be filled with love, joy, and privacy 🟑

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season πŸŽ„

HOPR Announcements

Here’s the last RPCh DepUpdate of 2024! πŸ› οΈ

Let’s see what our devs have been up to the past couple of weeks

🟑 We have implemented an optional allowance in the SDK to determine good relay nodes for 1-hop requests and responses, to improve reliability for upcoming 1-hop connections


🟑 We have resolved a bug related to receiving the info response from the exit node and bumped the version to V1, reflecting feature stability of the RPCh application


🟑 We've made improvements and bug fixes for environment variable handling, aiding in debugging 1-hop messages. Also, we excluded offline exit nodes from 1-hop pairs and enabled logging of failed requests to a file


🟑 We also made timing improvements. Now, the SDK updates its routes through the network every 11 minutes, facilitating the reselection of available routes. Furthermore, we enhanced the latency of large requests


HOPR Announcements

Last time this year: what did you miss at HOPR this week?

🟑 We were looking back at the major topics of the year, such as the RPCh Alpha release: https://twitter.com/hoprnet/status/1736053689683505190

🟑 RPCh network stats looking healthy! https://twitter.com/RPC_h_/status/1735646652625477685

🟑 Our Q was giving more insights into payment channels https://twitter.com/QYuQianchen/status/1735460341252038714

🟑 The year is coming to an end but our devs are still busy shipping, e.g. a new hoprd release https://x.com/hoprnet/status/1734966476434473361?s=20

🟑 And finally something forward looking: Epicenterbtc celebrates their 10y anniversary with Sebastian, tune in:

HOPR Announcements

Dear node runners,

The last airdrop has been distributed to all our dedicated node runners! πŸ₯³

We are pleased to inform you that the rejected ticket issue has been successfully resolved! Therefore, we are ending the airdrop. From now on, your node will receive rewards solely from cover traffic.

We urgently request that you update your nodes to version 2.0.6, If you do not upgrade your nodes, you will stop receiving rewards‼️

To ensure your node receives rewards, please make sure:

- You have installed the latest version, 2.0.6.
- You have opened a payment channel with at least one random node.
- Your node is visible on https://network.hoprnet.org/dashboard, maintaining at least >80% availability.

πŸ‘‰ To update to the latest version, 2.0.6, please follow the steps outlined below:

🟑 Dappnode users

1. Log in to the DAppNode dashboard.
2. Before updating the HOPR package, you need to make a backup. Visit http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/backup and click on "Backup now". In case this will not workout, please follow this guide: https://t.me/hoprnet/273752
3. Get the latest hash from the docs website: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-dappnode
4. Go to the DAppStore, enter hash to find the HOPR package.
5. Then, toggle the β€œBypass only signed safe restriction” on the left, and click on "Update”.

🟑 VPS / Mac / PC users

1. For Docker users, the identity file is automatically created and stored on your OS at the path specified: /<computer username>/.hoprd-db-dufour/.hopr-id-dufour. Make a backup of this file.
2. Go to a tmux or screen session, stop the current node by using the CTRL + C keys.
3. Ensure you are using the latest Docker command with the "stable" tag: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-docker#2-configure-command. Fill in the required fields and start a node!

🚨 We urge you to stay vigilant against potential scammers. The HOPR airdrop will be automatically distributed to all your secure addresses, eliminating the need for any additional actions on your part.

Thank you for being a part of the HOPR community!

HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate!

Let's see what our devs have been up to these past three weeks

🟑 We have publicly released a stable version 2.0.5 of the hoprd node Dufour

🟑 We made improvements to ticket handling by disabling the redemption of outdated tickets, fixing the off-chain ticket indexer, and calculating the unrealized balance for valid tickets.


🟑 We have stabilized the calculation of network quality


🟑 We migrated the JSON-RPC to Rust. Additionally, we migrated the indexer functionality from TypeScript to Rust and improved the architecture of low-level operations


🟑 We completely removed Tokio runtime and introduced a new HTTP backend client. With this change, you are able the collection of low-level metrics of your hoprd node’s RPC usage


🟑 We adjusted the mplex configuration on libp2p to prevent messages from getting dropped when sent all at once


🟑 And finally we fixed the string formatting in HOPR balance


HOPR Announcements

What did you miss last week?

πŸ‘ We rolled out a major update of our hoprd node, many users already upgraded

🌍 Very lovely to see our nodes being used across the world

πŸ“ˆ HOPR network and $HOPR protocol revenue keeps growing

πŸ” Our @HatsFinance audit competitions is concluded, with fantastic input from the community

πŸ’‘ Alpha leak of developments at @RPC_h_

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Your weekly nerd education was again proudly presented by our @QYuQianchen

⏳ We looked at the major events of the year, our Monte Rosa release was a big one

HOPR Announcements

Dear Node Runners,

The long-awaited HOPRd release, version 2.0.5, is finally here! We've been hard at work, and here's what we've recently accomplished:

1. Automated Ticket Aggregation and Redemption:
- Received tickets will now be automatically aggregated and redeemed. This means that nodes will combine multiple tickets into one, using only a single transaction during the redemption process. This not only streamlines the process but also helps node runners save on gas fees.

2. Resolved Pending Balance Issues:
- We've fixed issues related to pending balances that were preventing the continuous sending of traffic to community nodes.

3. Temporary Disabling of Manual Ticket Redeeming:
- Due to the automation of ticket aggregation and redemption, we have temporarily disabled the manual ticket redeeming function to prevent any potential issues.

While these updates may seem straightforward, the complexity arises from managing multiple components within the network, requiring thorough testing, fixing, and improvement.

Updating to this version is crucial for optimizing your node's performance and ensuring you receive the rewards you deserve.

Node runners, here are the actions you need to take on your end:

🟑 Dappnode users

1. Log in to the DAppNode dashboard.
2. Before updating the HOPR package, you need to make a backup. Visit http://my.dappnode/packages/my/hopr.public.dappnode.eth/backup and click on "Backup now"
3. Go to the DAppStore, search for the HOPR package, and click on "Update"

🟑 VPS / Mac / PC users

1. For Docker users, the identity file is automatically created and stored on your OS at the path specified: /<computer username>/.hoprd-db-dufour/.hopr-id-dufour. Make a backup of this file.
2. Go to a tmux or screen session, stop the current node by using the CTRL + C keys.
3. Ensure you are using the latest Docker command with the "stable" tag: https://docs.hoprnet.org/node/using-docker#2-configure-command. Fill in the required fields and start a node!

🚨 Regarding Cover traffic, to ensure the proper routing of all traffic to community nodes, we are providing a window for node upgrades to the latest version 2.0.5 until December 13th. Subsequently, we plan to discontinue the airdrop and exclusively distribute traffic through cover traffic. Please take the necessary steps to upgrade your nodes by the specified deadline.

HOPR Announcements

What did you miss last week at HOPR & @RPC_h_?

πŸ”₯ HOPR got listed on DefiLlama

πŸ€“ RPCh keeps showing high levels of reliability for private RPC calls

πŸ“Ί Sebasitan’s talk on why web3 data harvesting is worse than you think is a must-watch

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Our first community call with Shutter highlighted the need for encryption and privacy on all layers of the web3 stack

🧠 Our QYuQianchen shared another trick of hers for debugging transactions

HOPR Announcements

Here’s a quick RPCh DepUpdate! πŸ› οΈ

Let’s see what our devs have been up to the past couple of weeks

🟑 We submitted a Metamask Snap Improvement Proposal to enable RPCh in handling requests

🟑  We introduced reliable message association and clock-agnostic requests, which will help avoid response failures due to message counter issues, and we fixed compression errors

🟑  We have implemented a monthly quota determination that aggregates the quota of subsequent months for users

🟑  We fixed a bug which prevents of replay attacks through universally unique identifier tampering

HOPR Announcements

What did you miss last week at HOPR?!

🟑 Firstly of course lots of technical developments to improve both RPCh and HOPR

🟑 An interview with @graphprotocol on data science and HOPR's cover traffic

🟑 The HOPR @DAppNode is on sale!

🟑 Our @QYuQianchen explains how we use @OpenZeppelin at HOPR:

🟑 And finally some pretty impressive stats on HOPR nodes, Safes and protocol revenue:

HOPR Announcements

It's time for your tri-weekly DevUpdate!

Let's see what our devs have been up to these past three weeks

🟑 We have migrated the remaining core functionality to Rust and reorganized the package structure to allow a more ergonomic build of the application.


🟑 We performed a Rust migration of RPC API and chain calls.


🟑 We improved database sync and cache management, which enhances data fetching time and cleans up the database in some necessary parts.


🟑 We fixed some minor issues with the aggregated ticket index and resolved a deadlock on ticket rejection.


🟑 We removed the pending balance, which will allow the ticket issuer to issue more tickets than the current channel balance allows.


HOPR Announcements

Here's what happened last week at HOPR & RPCh:

🟑 The week was dominated by EFDevconnect - our @SCBuergel & @rikzrh were busy as never before Istanbul with a total of 4 talks, 4 panels and 2 round table moderations

🟑 We supported our Gnosischain ecosystem partners Genome (you can still fill out the form to be among the first Genome .GNO domain holders!) https://twitter.com/hoprnet/status/1725151739425247389

🟑 Our Q TLDR-ed the latest Open Zeppelin release:

🟑 And finally our HOPR Core and RPCh product teams are busy building as always, you can follow their progress transparently on GitHub at all times:

HOPR Announcements

What news did you miss from HOPR & @RPC_h_ last week?

🟑 We started with a recap of Rik's privacy talk in Milano earlier this year


🟑 Q shared more insights for Safe nerds & hackers (more alpha coming up on her account)


🟑 If you want to understand the economics of Cover Traffic in depth, check out this explainer video:


🟑 The RPCh team dropped the RPCh server docker container version 0.10.0 with a ton of improvements


🟑 All numbers up and to the right on the HOPR network


🟑 HOPR is at EFDevconnect in Istanbul right now, many talks, panels & demos coming up, stay tuned!

