Dexioprotocol Announcements

All things DEXIO!
Dexioprotocol Announcements

Hey friends!
Guess what?
Remember all of the times we had to delay launches? Well... It seems we learned our lesson.

DEXI for DEXI staking is live now at


DEXI for DEXI terms-

30 Day lock = 5% APR
60 Day lock = 6% APR
90 Day lock = 7.5% APR
180 Day lock = 10% APR

Dexioprotocol Announcements

We have begun the process of closing all international TG chats and other group chats on Telegram. Please join our Discord Server where we will be conducting all community interactions moving forward.
The main TG chat for Dexioprotocol will remain open for a few more days until we close interactions there and only use if for announcements.
Thanks for your understanding.
Join us here!

Dexioprotocol Announcements

WE are going to announce the live token launch on our new DEX either tomorrow or Sunday. We have an awesome partner and we are prepping everything for the launch next week.
I promise to have everyone completely informed by Sunday at 23:00 UTC at the latest.
Thanks for your patience.
But we are absolutely launching the live token next week.

And I am excepting OTC presale purchases until Tuesday night, end of day for me.
So if you want in on that, shoot me a DM.

@dexilady and I are going to personally review every google form application for migration and let each person know via email the result of our investigations and next steps.
We should have those completed no later than Thursday night.
Please be patient as we sort through all of that.

Updates from #TheRealGreg

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Who wants to up the ante? Presale is a bitch. I know that. You know that.

So let’s reward people participating.

•This offer applies anyone already contributing. I can see it on the blockchain.
•This offer applies to anyone using @dexilady to facilitate trading.
•This offer applies to anyone using multiple wallets. How would I know if we entered more than once?!

Presale Bonus Opportunities!

1000 CRO
(Roughly $150)
Anyone who has or does contribute 1000 CRO or more will receive a DexiKnights NFT weapon!

(Roughly $1500)
Anyone who has or does contribute 10K CRO or more will receive an additional 10% DEXI v2 through the airdrop as well as a DexiKnights NFT weapon AND a DexiKnights BattlePass.

(Roughly $3000)
Anyone who has or does contribute the maximum amount of 20K CRO will receive a 15% DEXI v2 bonus , a DexiKnights NFT weapon & a DexiKnights Battlepass AND a limited edition DexiBadge NFT which gives them early access and special attributes in DexiHunter!

Dexioprotocol Announcements

📣 Dexioprotocol is migrating to CRONOS! Join the presale and grab it at a discount! 📣

Launchpad : DxSale
Start Date : 11 August 2022
Start Time : NOW LIVE
Max Input : 20,000 CRO
Min Input : 150 CRO
Presale Price : $0.075
Hard Cap : 2 million CRO

👇Presale Link👇

👇Company Website👇

DexiHunter is bringing Augmented Reality Gaming and Marketing to Cronos. Catch bounties and discounts to your favorite businesses.

Grab your tokens for a discount now to buy your favorite NFT weapons for DexiKnights and download the game now through

Participate in the presale today and secure your position on the Cronos Gaming Ecosystem!

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Our Public Presale goes live tomorrow! ⏳

Join our community at a reduced price and prepare for the imminent release of DexiHunter, DexiDragons, and DexiWallet with Swap. Learn more at or join our Telegram chat to ask questions related to the Presale

💰Token Price: $0.075
Max Contribution: 20k CRO
Min Contribution: 150 CRO
Hard Cap: 2m CRO
Soft Cap: 1m CRO

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Have we mentioned we are developing a whole bunch of AR assets for Hunter that showcase what we can do for businesses in Hunter?

Dexioprotocol Announcements

That’s an AR latte getting made

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Hey everyone! Let's rock the hell out of the presale! Go here and vote! Make it known that DEXI is coming to Cronos!

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Well my friends-

The time has finally come.
After nearly two months of auditing and re-auditing our contracts and BE/FE logic as well as getting all of our products ready to make the migration, we are finally going to be launching the DxSale Public Presale!!

Presale will begin on Thursday, August 11 @ 11am UTC.
3M CRO Hardcap / 1.5M CRO Softcap
20K CRO Max Contribution
150 CRO Min Contribution
$0.075 per DEXI v2

More information will be made available as we get closer to presale launch including the DxSale Presale Public Link.

Once we are through the DxSale Public Presale, all early migrators and private sale people will be airdropped their v2 tokens to the address I sent you on your Promissory Note.

After the token goes officially live on VVS Finance (more info on this once we get closer to it) a link to our migration swap will be provided and you will be able to swap your DEXI v1 & DXG for DEXI v2 directly on the swap. Again, more information will be provided once we get closer to that,


We will never DM you first, never ask you for your private keys or seedphrases, don't need your passwords, and have no interest in any of your private information AT ALL.

Stay SAFU people.

Exciting times ahead!!!!!!!!!

Please, PROMOTE THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA and help us make this presale a major success!!

Thanks DexiFamily 🥰

Dexioprotocol Announcements

hey guys, check out this new article on Dexioprotocol’s Medium page! don’t forget to share & clap 👏🏽 after reading 😉

Dexioprotocol Announcements

I have had about 35 people DM me and ask if there is still room in the Private Sale of DEXI v2.
As most of you know, I closed the Private Sale about 2 weeks ago. However, we did not hit the allocated distribution of 5m DEXI v2 in the amount of time allotted. So, in light of that and many requests to fill more orders, I am reopening the Private Sale for DEXI v1/DXG holders. This will only be for the next 5 days as we button up the v2 contract and prepare for the Public Presale.
If you are interested in the Private Sale ($0.04 per DEXI v2) please DM with screenshots of your current DEXI v1 and/or DXG holdings to determine your eligibility.
From #TheRealGreg :)

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Good morning friends-
I wanted to drop an update on a number of things-

1- We continue the process of auditing our new smart contracts and all of the logic for our Front-End and Back-End systems. This is no small task and though it is taking longer than we had initially expected or wanted, we are extremely confident that a conservative and ultra-secure approach is the best for the project, all of our holders, and our products. The truth is, there have been multiple attacks on projects in recent weeks that have alerted us to more issues we need to make sure we address within our code. Furthermore, there was a minor exploit of the logic on our marketplace which we have corrected but we are working through all of that code and logic with a fine-toothed comb and having multiple auditors provide feedback as well as 2 outside companies try to compromise the new contracts and logic to stress test their security.
We will continue to keep everyone as informed as we can throughout this process but we will not be running the DxSale Presale (or the Live Migration that follows that) until we are 100% satisfied with the outcome of our audits and security stress tests.

2- Their will absolutely be a sell tax on DEXI v2 on the DEXs we list on. This has been stated multiple times on multiple platforms. We have not decided what that initial tax will be nor have we decided what the time period for drawing it down will be. But rest assured, there will be a relatively high tax on DEX sells to start with that will decrease over time. This is being put in place to protect the project from snipers and day-traders dumping on us. This is not open for discussion and we are not going to commit to a percentage for that sell tax until we get closer to the live token. There will be no taxes on buys or transfers. This should not concern you at all if you are looking to bag up or HODL. If you are trying to scalp profits, good luck.

3- We are currently deciding between several CRO DEXs and will let everyone know once we have confirmed where we will be listing DEXI v2. DexiSwap will be used IN ADDITION to another DEX.

4- We are also still in talks/negotiations with the CEXs about the process of on-exchange migration. We will continue to inform the community as we have more information. But please remember - "Not your keys, not your crypto." In light of the recent events surrounding Celsius, Voyager, and other CeFi companies, as well as the remarks recently made by SBF and the verbiage of the current lawsuit filed by the SEC against a former Coinbase employee, we strongly recommend that everyone consider the security of their assets (crypto) on custodial wallets (on exchanges) and think about what that could mean for you. You know that we believe in transparency. I am being transparent without being overly negative.... "Not your keys, not your crypto." Remember that.

I know everyone is anxious for us to move to the public presale on DxSale and into the live migration and v2. But this is not a process we should rush and we are not going to. We are always working to ensure the long-term success of the project and the token. Everything we do is an effort to make sure we have a bright future.

As always, thanks for your patience and understanding.
From #TheRealGreg :)

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Another CurseWordsandCrypto tomorrow (July 12 at 1pm utc :)

don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned guys! 🔥🔥

Dexioprotocol Announcements

I have updated some of this language so as not to be confusing about the private sale that remains.
The Early Migration is CLOSED, The quota is full. The Private Sale continues for current holders. You can only contribute based on current DEXI v1 and DXG holdings.
Please also keep in mind that this is entirely done at my discretion. I can choose to allow or not allow things based on individual circumstances. Keep that in mind and if you want to participate in the private sale still but are not sure you qualify, shoot me a DM and we will work it out.
Thanks everyone for your patience and understanding.

From #TheRealGreg :)

Dexioprotocol Announcements

We have officially moved the Public Presale to July 14 - July 28 and the Live token (and Open Migration) to July 28. Please keep in mind that these are tentative dates. We are working very hard to ensure this process is timely but we are also making sure that all of our smart contracts are audited, functioning exactly as they should, and we have ample time to test everything on the testnet.
Furthermore, the DxSale rules apply to the presale and we are at the mercy of those rules once we begin the presale. So we are reluctant to start it without having everything in place and being 100% confident of that.
We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. Everything we do is in the best interest of the project, our holders, and our community.

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Good morning friends-
We continue to work on the migration to CRONOS chain. I am finishing up the last of the early migrations and private sales and getting all of the documentation out to people. That process did take a bit longer than I expected but I should be completely done by the end of this week (July 10). I am still accepting Private Sale purchases but I am not accepting any NEW Early Migrations. We are going to be slightly over quota as it is and I will have to draw from the allocated tokens for private and presale to cover that.

That brings me to my next announcement-
We are in the process of completing all of the smart contracts for the CRONOS migration (there are tons of them, not just the token on CRONOS but the marketplace/emporium, the swap, farming, and the migration contracts themsleves) as well as making a huge number of updates to all of our products to make the jump seamless.
In light of that, we have postponed the public presale by at least a week to make sure we have everything in place and in final testing before we put that DxSale process in motion. Remember, once we start it, we have to abide by their rules and we could hit hardcap in 24 hours and that would make us have to go live within 24 hours of that. So we need to make sure everything is ready to go and without bugs and FULLY AUDITED (which is coming along nicely.)
We will keep everyone posted as we progress. Things look very good right now and we have a whole bunch of really smart and talented people working on things around the clock. We want to make sure that this launch on CRONOS is as successful as it can be.

Thanks for your patience.
From #TheRealGreg :)

Dexioprotocol Announcements

By the looks of it, the market is going to continue to be challenging for the foreseeable future. What does that mean? That means that based on the analytics I personally track, and the smart and informed people that I follow, things have not reached their bottom yet, in terms of BTC and the other influential large caps.
What does that mean for us? It means that we should stay focused on the delivery of our products and ecosystem and weather this storm by setting ourselves apart from all of the trash that is in this space. Yes, there is a ton of trash in the space. We all know that. And for those of you that have listened to any of my recent livestreams of interviews, you will remember that I have likened this whole process to a forest fire. Yes, they are destructive and terrible. But sometimes they are necessary to clear out the dead wood and underbrush to allow the choked forest to grow once again...
This is the way of all things. Everything works in cycles, in seasons. People have called this "crypto winter" and I think that is an apt analogy. This is going to require those that wish to survive it to get very serious about consolidating their resources, developing strategic alliances to form a system of support, and having the fortitude to do the very hard work of pushing through the coldest and darkest days.
Because, as I have said, and as all of you already know, after winter comes spring! And we have made the necessary moves to ensure that we will survive to the next harvest.
We have alway been different than the vast majority of small caps. We are fully doxxed, ultra-transparent, product focused, and extremely hardworking. These are the hallmarks of a project and a business that can survive the coldest of winters.
So stay strong friends. And keep your heads up. We are all in the right place with the right people. It is going to take a lot of hard work, patience, perseverance, and determination. But we will get through all of this together and be stronger for it.

#FromTheRealGreg :)

Dexioprotocol Announcements

The early migration of DEXI v1 and DXG has been CLOSED. I will not be accepting anyone else for early migration. If we have already started the process (which means you have received directions from me) then we will finish that up. But no new people will be added to the queue and no new people will begin the process. For those of you that missed it, you have nothing to worry about. Open Migration will begin the moment the new token goes LIVE on DexiSwap after the DxSale Presale has ended. We are also working directly with the exchanges (MEXC, LBank, and Digifinex) to get on-exchange tokens auto-migrated. We will have more information about that as we get closer to it. You can always transfer your tokens off the exchange into a non-custodial multi-chain wallet that supports Cronos Chain (Trust Wallet, Metamask, and DexiWallet 2.0) and do your migration through DexiSwap ( on your own without the exchange. There are no taxes (tokenomics) on transfers of DEXI v1 or DXG from CEX hot wallets, only the small fee that the CEX charges.
If you want to participate in the private sale but were unable to participate in the early migration, please send me a DM and we will verify your DEXI v1/DXG holdings and then determine your eligibility for the private sale.

ALSO, we have been trying to be very clear that July 14th is a target date for the open migration and live DEXI v2 but that it is NOT A HARD DATE. There are several factors at play here:
1- We need to get all of our audits back from BrewLabs to make sure that all of our smart contracts are clean and secure.
2- We need to make sure that all of our products are ready to make the switch to DEXI v2 on Cronos chain.
3- There are rules that we must abide by with DxSale for the presale and that will, in part, dictate the date we go live.
4- The market is extremely turbulent and we need to time things as best as we can for the most optimal outcome.

And that last point, number 4, brings me to my next announcement....

Dexioprotocol Announcements

If you did Early Migration and/or Private Sale with me you need to make sure that the info on your ‘promissory note’ is correct! I can make mistakes and I’m doing hundreds of them so it’s definitely going to happen.
Verify the amounts you sent and the wallet address I have listed as your airdrop address.
This is really important!!!

ALSO - the address I have listed for you came from bsc scan from wherever you sent your DEXI/DXG from. This is how it HAS to be. That is the only way I can verify you are who you say you are on my DMs.
You can import any wallet you have to Trust Wallet or Metamask or DexiWallet 2.0 to have it on a cronos chain compatible wallet. So just do that.
And there will be a lot more information in the days to come.
But for now, please make sure the info is correct when I send it to you!!
#FromTheRealGreg ( @Dexonian_G ) :)

Dexioprotocol Announcements


1- Only DM me (@Dexonian_G) and make absolutely certain you are talking to me!!
2- You don't need to consolidate wallets if you don't want to... The 5% taxes are still on and you will pay that to transfer between non-custodial (non-CEX) wallets.
3- There is no "tax" to send from the CEXs, their hot wallets are exempt. There is only whatever fee they take to send which varies between the 3 exchanges but is not much.
4- Once I respond to your DM and we get things moving, I will send you a list of "items" I need you to confirm for me.
5- After you provide the information I require we will make sure that the terms are clear.
6- Then, and only then will I ask you to send your DEXI V1 or DXG to a project controlled wallet.
The only wallet I will have anyone send their tokens to is this one-


8- If anyone is asking you to send tokens anywhere else, they are a scammer. Report them immediately.
9- At no point will I ask you to connect your wallet anywhere nor will I ask you for your seedphrase or private key. I don't need any of that and NEITHER does anyone else!!
10- Once you have sent your tokens (and it can be from multiple wallets if you choose to but CANNOT be from a CEX hot wallet since I have no way to specifically verify that txn) I will provide a document that clearly describes your OWED DEXI V2.
11- That DEXI V2 will be sent to you from a deployer wallet the moment the token goes live (on or around July 14th)
12- Please do not try to do multiple txns with me at different times... If you must, I understand but that will get really cumbersome.
13- All txns are final! We will not be sending your DEXI V1 or DXG tokens back to you for any reason. We will periodically be sending large chunks to the dead wallet as we go along.
14- This entire process is being done this way to protect people from scammers and allow for us to make the migration open early to holders. There is no other way.
15- STOP DMing me questions about the reasons or other ways or whatever. This is the way we are doing it and the chat is here for you to get the answers you need. I am only available to process txns.

Thanks friends!
I am going to start a day early do to the wild demand here.

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Dexioprotocol Announcements

This is a comprehensive document describing what the migration process is going to look like, the different stages we will work through to get there, and the opportunities provided to those that wish to participate.
Please feel free to ask any questions you like here in the chat so that others who may have the same questions see the answers.
We have thought very carefully though this and we hope that all of you here take advantage of the early access we are giving our existing holders.

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Dexioprotocol Announcements

Well, we’ve just created a new section on our website specifically addressing what we’ve done over the past 9 months. Make sure to check it out ✅
